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轩辕龙儿 2022-05-24 16:01:52 +08:00
parent 92c32d7679
commit e59e1bd74c
2 changed files with 126 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
//<p>给你两个字符串 <code>word1</code> <code>word2</code> 请你从 <code>word1</code> 开始通过交替添加字母来合并字符串如果一个字符串比另一个字符串长就将多出来的字母追加到合并后字符串的末尾</p>
//<p>返回 <strong>合并后的字符串</strong> </p>
//<p> </p>
//<p><strong>示例 1</strong></p>
//<strong>输入</strong>word1 = "abc", word2 = "pqr"
//word1 a b c
//word2 p q r
//合并后 a p b q c r
//<p><strong>示例 2</strong></p>
//<strong>输入</strong>word1 = "ab", word2 = "pqrs"
//<strong>解释</strong>注意word2 word1 "rs" 需要追加到合并后字符串的末尾
//word1 a b
//word2 p q r s
//合并后 a p b q r s
//<p><strong>示例 3</strong></p>
//<strong>输入</strong>word1 = "abcd", word2 = "pq"
//<strong>解释</strong>注意word1 word2 "cd" 需要追加到合并后字符串的末尾
//word1 a b c d
//word2 p q
//合并后 a p b q c d
//<p> </p>
// <li><code>1 <= word1.length, word2.length <= 100</code></li>
// <li><code>word1</code> <code>word2</code> 由小写英文字母组成</li>
//<div><div>Related Topics</div><div><li>双指针</li><li>字符串</li></div></div><br><div><li>👍 23</li><li>👎 0</li></div>
package leetcode.editor.cn;
// 1768:交替合并字符串
public class MergeStringsAlternately {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Solution solution = new MergeStringsAlternately().new Solution();
//leetcode submit region begin(Prohibit modification and deletion)
class Solution {
public String mergeAlternately(String word1, String word2) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int index = 0;
while (index < word1.length() && index < word2.length()) {
if (index < word1.length()) {
if (index < word2.length()) {
return sb.toString();
//leetcode submit region end(Prohibit modification and deletion)

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
<p>给你两个字符串 <code>word1</code><code>word2</code> 。请你从 <code>word1</code> 开始,通过交替添加字母来合并字符串。如果一个字符串比另一个字符串长,就将多出来的字母追加到合并后字符串的末尾。</p>
<p>返回 <strong>合并后的字符串</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>示例 1</strong></p>
<strong>输入:</strong>word1 = "abc", word2 = "pqr"
word1 a b c
word2 p q r
合并后: a p b q c r
<p><strong>示例 2</strong></p>
<strong>输入:</strong>word1 = "ab", word2 = "pqrs"
<strong>解释:</strong>注意word2 比 word1 长,"rs" 需要追加到合并后字符串的末尾。
word1 a b
word2 p q r s
合并后: a p b q r s
<p><strong>示例 3</strong></p>
<strong>输入:</strong>word1 = "abcd", word2 = "pq"
<strong>解释:</strong>注意word1 比 word2 长,"cd" 需要追加到合并后字符串的末尾。
word1 a b c d
word2 p q
合并后: a p b q c d
<p> </p>
<li><code>1 <= word1.length, word2.length <= 100</code></li>
<li><code>word1</code><code>word2</code> 由小写英文字母组成</li>
<div><div>Related Topics</div><div><li>双指针</li><li>字符串</li></div></div><br><div><li>👍 23</li><li>👎 0</li></div>