mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 15:20:33 +08:00
5089 lines
404 KiB
5089 lines
404 KiB
Navicat Premium Data Transfer
Source Server : PostgreSQL
Source Server Type : PostgreSQL
Source Server Version : 140002
Source Host :
Source Catalog : ruoyi-vue-pro
Source Schema : public
Target Server Type : PostgreSQL
Target Server Version : 140002
File Encoding : 65001
Date: 28/07/2022 23:48:10
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for bpm_form_seq
-- ----------------------------
CREATE SEQUENCE "bpm_form_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for bpm_oa_leave_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "bpm_oa_leave_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "bpm_oa_leave_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for bpm_process_definition_ext_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "bpm_process_definition_ext_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "bpm_process_definition_ext_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for bpm_process_instance_ext_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "bpm_process_instance_ext_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "bpm_process_instance_ext_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for bpm_task_assign_rule_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "bpm_task_assign_rule_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "bpm_task_assign_rule_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for bpm_task_ext_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "bpm_task_ext_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "bpm_task_ext_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for bpm_user_group_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "bpm_user_group_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "bpm_user_group_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for infra_api_access_log_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "infra_api_access_log_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "infra_api_access_log_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for infra_api_error_log_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "infra_api_error_log_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "infra_api_error_log_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "infra_codegen_column_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "infra_codegen_column_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "infra_codegen_table_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "infra_codegen_table_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
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CREATE SEQUENCE "infra_config_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "infra_data_source_config_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "infra_data_source_config_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for infra_file_config_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "infra_file_config_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "infra_file_config_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for infra_file_content_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "infra_file_content_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "infra_file_content_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for infra_file_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "infra_file_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "infra_file_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for infra_job_log_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "infra_job_log_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "infra_job_log_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for infra_job_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "infra_job_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "infra_job_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for infra_test_demo_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "infra_test_demo_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "infra_test_demo_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for member_user_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "member_user_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "member_user_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for pay_app_seq
-- ----------------------------
CREATE SEQUENCE "pay_app_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for pay_channel_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "pay_channel_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "pay_channel_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for pay_merchant_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "pay_merchant_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "pay_merchant_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for pay_notify_log_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "pay_notify_log_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "pay_notify_log_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for pay_notify_task_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "pay_notify_task_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "pay_notify_task_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for pay_order_extension_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "pay_order_extension_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "pay_order_extension_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for pay_order_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "pay_order_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "pay_order_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for pay_refund_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "pay_refund_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "pay_refund_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_dept_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_dept_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_dept_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_dict_data_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_dict_data_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_dict_data_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_dict_type_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_dict_type_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_dict_type_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_error_code_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_error_code_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_error_code_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_login_log_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_login_log_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_login_log_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_menu_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_menu_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_menu_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_notice_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_notice_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_notice_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_oauth2_access_token_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_oauth2_access_token_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_oauth2_access_token_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_oauth2_approve_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_oauth2_approve_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_oauth2_approve_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_oauth2_client_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_oauth2_client_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_oauth2_client_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_oauth2_code_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_oauth2_code_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_oauth2_code_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_oauth2_refresh_token_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_oauth2_refresh_token_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_oauth2_refresh_token_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_operate_log_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_operate_log_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_operate_log_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_post_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_post_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_post_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_role_menu_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_role_menu_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_role_menu_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_role_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_role_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_role_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_sensitive_word_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_sensitive_word_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_sensitive_word_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_sms_channel_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_sms_channel_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_sms_channel_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_sms_code_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_sms_code_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_sms_code_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_sms_log_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_sms_log_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_sms_log_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_sms_template_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_sms_template_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_sms_template_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_social_user_bind_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_social_user_bind_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_social_user_bind_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_social_user_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_social_user_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_social_user_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_tenant_package_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_tenant_package_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_tenant_package_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_tenant_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_tenant_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_tenant_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_user_post_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_user_post_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_user_post_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_user_role_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_user_role_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_user_role_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_user_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_user_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_user_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_mail_account_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_mail_account_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_mail_account_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_mail_log_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_mail_log_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_mail_log_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_mail_template_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_mail_template_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_mail_template_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_notify_message_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_notify_message_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_notify_message_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_notify_template_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_notify_template_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_notify_template_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Sequence structure for system_user_session_seq
-- ----------------------------
DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS "system_user_session_seq";
CREATE SEQUENCE "system_user_session_seq"
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for bpm_form
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE "bpm_form" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"conf" varchar(1000) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"fields" varchar(5000) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"remark" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_form"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_form"."name" IS '表单名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_form"."status" IS '开启状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_form"."conf" IS '表单的配置';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_form"."fields" IS '表单项的数组';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_form"."remark" IS '备注';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_form"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_form"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_form"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_form"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_form"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_form"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "bpm_form" IS '工作流的表单定义';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of bpm_form
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for bpm_oa_leave
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "bpm_oa_leave";
CREATE TABLE "bpm_oa_leave" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"user_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"type" int2 NOT NULL,
"reason" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"start_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"end_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"day" int2 NOT NULL,
"result" int2 NOT NULL,
"process_instance_id" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" DEFAULT ''::character varying,
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" DEFAULT ''::character varying,
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_oa_leave"."id" IS '请假表单主键';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_oa_leave"."user_id" IS '申请人的用户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_oa_leave"."type" IS '请假类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_oa_leave"."reason" IS '请假原因';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_oa_leave"."start_time" IS '开始时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_oa_leave"."end_time" IS '结束时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_oa_leave"."day" IS '请假天数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_oa_leave"."result" IS '请假结果';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_oa_leave"."process_instance_id" IS '流程实例的编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_oa_leave"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_oa_leave"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_oa_leave"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_oa_leave"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_oa_leave"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_oa_leave"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "bpm_oa_leave" IS 'OA 请假申请表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of bpm_oa_leave
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for bpm_process_definition_ext
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "bpm_process_definition_ext";
CREATE TABLE "bpm_process_definition_ext" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"process_definition_id" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"model_id" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"description" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"form_type" int2 NOT NULL,
"form_id" int8,
"form_conf" varchar(1000) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"form_fields" varchar(5000) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"form_custom_create_path" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"form_custom_view_path" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_definition_ext"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_definition_ext"."process_definition_id" IS '流程定义的编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_definition_ext"."model_id" IS '流程模型的编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_definition_ext"."description" IS '描述';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_definition_ext"."form_type" IS '表单类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_definition_ext"."form_id" IS '表单编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_definition_ext"."form_conf" IS '表单的配置';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_definition_ext"."form_fields" IS '表单项的数组';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_definition_ext"."form_custom_create_path" IS '自定义表单的提交路径';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_definition_ext"."form_custom_view_path" IS '自定义表单的查看路径';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_definition_ext"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_definition_ext"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_definition_ext"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_definition_ext"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_definition_ext"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_definition_ext"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "bpm_process_definition_ext" IS 'Bpm 流程定义的拓展表
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of bpm_process_definition_ext
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for bpm_process_instance_ext
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "bpm_process_instance_ext";
CREATE TABLE "bpm_process_instance_ext" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"start_user_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"process_instance_id" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"process_definition_id" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"category" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"result" int2 NOT NULL,
"end_time" timestamp(6),
"form_variables" varchar(5000) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_instance_ext"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_instance_ext"."start_user_id" IS '发起流程的用户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_instance_ext"."name" IS '流程实例的名字';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_instance_ext"."process_instance_id" IS '流程实例的编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_instance_ext"."process_definition_id" IS '流程定义的编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_instance_ext"."category" IS '流程分类';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_instance_ext"."status" IS '流程实例的状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_instance_ext"."result" IS '流程实例的结果';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_instance_ext"."end_time" IS '结束时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_instance_ext"."form_variables" IS '表单值';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_instance_ext"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_instance_ext"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_instance_ext"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_instance_ext"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_instance_ext"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_process_instance_ext"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "bpm_process_instance_ext" IS '工作流的流程实例的拓展';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of bpm_process_instance_ext
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for bpm_task_assign_rule
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "bpm_task_assign_rule";
CREATE TABLE "bpm_task_assign_rule" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"model_id" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"process_definition_id" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"task_definition_key" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"type" int2 NOT NULL,
"options" varchar(1024) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_assign_rule"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_assign_rule"."model_id" IS '流程模型的编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_assign_rule"."process_definition_id" IS '流程定义的编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_assign_rule"."task_definition_key" IS '流程任务定义的 key';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_assign_rule"."type" IS '规则类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_assign_rule"."options" IS '规则值,JSON 数组';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_assign_rule"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_assign_rule"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_assign_rule"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_assign_rule"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_assign_rule"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_assign_rule"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "bpm_task_assign_rule" IS 'Bpm 任务规则表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of bpm_task_assign_rule
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for bpm_task_ext
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "bpm_task_ext";
CREATE TABLE "bpm_task_ext" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"assignee_user_id" int8,
"name" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"task_id" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"result" int2 NOT NULL,
"reason" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"end_time" timestamp(6),
"process_instance_id" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"process_definition_id" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_ext"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_ext"."assignee_user_id" IS '任务的审批人';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_ext"."name" IS '任务的名字';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_ext"."task_id" IS '任务的编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_ext"."result" IS '任务的结果';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_ext"."reason" IS '审批建议';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_ext"."end_time" IS '任务的结束时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_ext"."process_instance_id" IS '流程实例的编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_ext"."process_definition_id" IS '流程定义的编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_ext"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_ext"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_ext"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_ext"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_ext"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_task_ext"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "bpm_task_ext" IS '工作流的流程任务的拓展表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of bpm_task_ext
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for bpm_user_group
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "bpm_user_group";
CREATE TABLE "bpm_user_group" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(30) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"description" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"member_user_ids" varchar(1024) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_user_group"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_user_group"."name" IS '组名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_user_group"."description" IS '描述';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_user_group"."member_user_ids" IS '成员编号数组';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_user_group"."status" IS '状态(0正常 1停用)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_user_group"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_user_group"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_user_group"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_user_group"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_user_group"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "bpm_user_group"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "bpm_user_group" IS '用户组';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of bpm_user_group
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for dual
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of dual
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for infra_api_access_log
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "infra_api_access_log";
CREATE TABLE "infra_api_access_log" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"trace_id" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"user_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"user_type" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"application_name" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"request_method" varchar(16) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"request_url" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"request_params" varchar(8000) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"user_ip" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"user_agent" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"begin_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"end_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"duration" int4 NOT NULL,
"result_code" int4 NOT NULL,
"result_msg" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."id" IS '日志主键';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."trace_id" IS '链路追踪编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."user_id" IS '用户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."user_type" IS '用户类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."application_name" IS '应用名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."request_method" IS '请求方法名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."request_url" IS '请求地址';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."request_params" IS '请求参数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."user_ip" IS '用户 IP';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."user_agent" IS '浏览器 UA';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."begin_time" IS '开始请求时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."end_time" IS '结束请求时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."duration" IS '执行时长';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."result_code" IS '结果码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."result_msg" IS '结果提示';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_access_log"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "infra_api_access_log" IS 'API 访问日志表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of infra_api_access_log
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for infra_api_error_log
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "infra_api_error_log";
CREATE TABLE "infra_api_error_log" (
"id" int4 NOT NULL,
"trace_id" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"user_id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"user_type" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"application_name" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"request_method" varchar(16) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"request_url" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"request_params" varchar(8000) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"user_ip" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"user_agent" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"exception_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"exception_name" varchar(128) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"exception_message" text COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"exception_root_cause_message" text COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"exception_stack_trace" text COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"exception_class_name" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"exception_file_name" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"exception_method_name" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"exception_line_number" int4 NOT NULL,
"process_status" int2 NOT NULL,
"process_time" timestamp(6),
"process_user_id" int4,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."trace_id" IS '链路追踪编号
* 一般来说,通过链路追踪编号,可以将访问日志,错误日志,链路追踪日志,logger 打印日志等,结合在一起,从而进行排错。';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."user_id" IS '用户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."user_type" IS '用户类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."application_name" IS '应用名
* 目前读取 spring.application.name';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."request_method" IS '请求方法名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."request_url" IS '请求地址';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."request_params" IS '请求参数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."user_ip" IS '用户 IP';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."user_agent" IS '浏览器 UA';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."exception_time" IS '异常发生时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."exception_name" IS '异常名
* {@link Throwable#getClass()} 的类全名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."exception_message" IS '异常导致的消息
* {@link cn.iocoder.common.framework.util.ExceptionUtil#getMessage(Throwable)}';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."exception_root_cause_message" IS '异常导致的根消息
* {@link cn.iocoder.common.framework.util.ExceptionUtil#getRootCauseMessage(Throwable)}';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."exception_stack_trace" IS '异常的栈轨迹
* {@link cn.iocoder.common.framework.util.ExceptionUtil#getServiceException(Exception)}';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."exception_class_name" IS '异常发生的类全名
* {@link StackTraceElement#getClassName()}';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."exception_file_name" IS '异常发生的类文件
* {@link StackTraceElement#getFileName()}';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."exception_method_name" IS '异常发生的方法名
* {@link StackTraceElement#getMethodName()}';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."exception_line_number" IS '异常发生的方法所在行
* {@link StackTraceElement#getLineNumber()}';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."process_status" IS '处理状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."process_time" IS '处理时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."process_user_id" IS '处理用户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_api_error_log"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "infra_api_error_log" IS '系统异常日志';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of infra_api_error_log
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for infra_codegen_column
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "infra_codegen_column";
CREATE TABLE "infra_codegen_column" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"table_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"column_name" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"data_type" varchar(100) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"column_comment" varchar(500) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"nullable" bool NOT NULL,
"primary_key" bool NOT NULL,
"auto_increment" bool NOT NULL,
"ordinal_position" int4 NOT NULL,
"java_type" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"java_field" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"dict_type" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"example" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_operation" bool NOT NULL,
"update_operation" bool NOT NULL,
"list_operation" bool NOT NULL,
"list_operation_condition" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"list_operation_result" bool NOT NULL,
"html_type" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."table_id" IS '表编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."column_name" IS '字段名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."data_type" IS '字段类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."column_comment" IS '字段描述';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."nullable" IS '是否允许为空';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."primary_key" IS '是否主键';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."auto_increment" IS '是否自增';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."ordinal_position" IS '排序';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."java_type" IS 'Java 属性类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."java_field" IS 'Java 属性名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."dict_type" IS '字典类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."example" IS '数据示例';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."create_operation" IS '是否为 Create 创建操作的字段';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."update_operation" IS '是否为 Update 更新操作的字段';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."list_operation" IS '是否为 List 查询操作的字段';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."list_operation_condition" IS 'List 查询操作的条件类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."list_operation_result" IS '是否为 List 查询操作的返回字段';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."html_type" IS '显示类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_column"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON TABLE "infra_codegen_column" IS '代码生成表字段定义';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of infra_codegen_column
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for infra_codegen_table
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "infra_codegen_table";
CREATE TABLE "infra_codegen_table" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"data_source_config_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"scene" int2 NOT NULL,
"table_name" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"table_comment" varchar(500) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"remark" varchar(500) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"module_name" varchar(30) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"business_name" varchar(30) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"class_name" varchar(100) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"class_comment" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"author" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"template_type" int2 NOT NULL,
"parent_menu_id" int8,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."data_source_config_id" IS '数据源配置的编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."scene" IS '生成场景';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."table_name" IS '表名称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."table_comment" IS '表描述';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."remark" IS '备注';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."module_name" IS '模块名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."business_name" IS '业务名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."class_name" IS '类名称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."class_comment" IS '类描述';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."author" IS '作者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."template_type" IS '模板类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."parent_menu_id" IS '父菜单编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_codegen_table"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON TABLE "infra_codegen_table" IS '代码生成表定义';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of infra_codegen_table
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for infra_config
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "infra_config";
CREATE TABLE "infra_config" (
"id" int4 NOT NULL,
"category" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"type" int2 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(100) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"config_key" varchar(100) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"value" varchar(500) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"visible" varchar(5) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"remark" varchar(500) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_config"."id" IS '参数主键';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_config"."category" IS '参数分组';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_config"."type" IS '参数类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_config"."name" IS '参数名称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_config"."config_key" IS '参数键名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_config"."value" IS '参数键值';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_config"."visible" IS '是否可见';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_config"."remark" IS '备注';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_config"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_config"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_config"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_config"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_config"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON TABLE "infra_config" IS '参数配置表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of infra_config
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "infra_config" ("id", "category", "type", "name", "config_key", "value", "visible", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1, 'ui', 1, '主框架页-默认皮肤样式名称', 'sys.index.skinName', 'skin-blue', '0', '蓝色 skin-blue、绿色 skin-green、紫色 skin-purple、红色 skin-red、黄色 skin-yellow', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-03-26 23:10:31', 0);
INSERT INTO "infra_config" ("id", "category", "type", "name", "config_key", "value", "visible", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (2, 'biz', 1, '用户管理-账号初始密码', 'sys.user.init-password', '123456', '0', '初始化密码 123456', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-03-20 02:25:51', 0);
INSERT INTO "infra_config" ("id", "category", "type", "name", "config_key", "value", "visible", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (3, 'ui', 1, '主框架页-侧边栏主题', 'sys.index.sideTheme', 'theme-dark', '0', '深色主题theme-dark,浅色主题theme-light', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2021-01-19 03:05:21', 0);
INSERT INTO "infra_config" ("id", "category", "type", "name", "config_key", "value", "visible", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (4, '1', 2, 'xxx', 'demo.test', '10', '0', '5', '', '2021-01-19 03:10:26', '', '2021-01-20 09:25:55', 0);
INSERT INTO "infra_config" ("id", "category", "type", "name", "config_key", "value", "visible", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (5, 'xxx', 2, 'xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx', '1', 'xxx', '', '2021-02-09 20:06:47', '', '2021-02-09 20:06:47', 0);
INSERT INTO "infra_config" ("id", "category", "type", "name", "config_key", "value", "visible", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (6, 'biz', 2, '登陆验证码的开关', 'yudao.captcha.enable', 'true', '1', NULL, '1', '2022-02-17 00:03:11', '1', '2022-04-04 12:51:40', 0);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for infra_data_source_config
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "infra_data_source_config";
CREATE TABLE "infra_data_source_config" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(100) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"url" varchar(1024) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"username" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"password" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_data_source_config"."id" IS '主键编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_data_source_config"."name" IS '参数名称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_data_source_config"."url" IS '数据源连接';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_data_source_config"."username" IS '用户名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_data_source_config"."password" IS '密码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_data_source_config"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_data_source_config"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_data_source_config"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_data_source_config"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_data_source_config"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON TABLE "infra_data_source_config" IS '数据源配置表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of infra_data_source_config
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for infra_file
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "infra_file";
CREATE TABLE "infra_file" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"config_id" int8,
"path" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"url" varchar(1024) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"type" varchar(127) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"size" int4 NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"name" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default"
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file"."id" IS '文件编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file"."config_id" IS '配置编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file"."path" IS '文件路径';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file"."url" IS '文件 URL';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file"."type" IS '文件类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file"."size" IS '文件大小';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file"."name" IS '文件名';
COMMENT ON TABLE "infra_file" IS '文件表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of infra_file
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for infra_file_config
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "infra_file_config";
CREATE TABLE "infra_file_config" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(63) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"storage" int2 NOT NULL,
"remark" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"master" bool NOT NULL,
"config" varchar(4096) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_config"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_config"."name" IS '配置名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_config"."storage" IS '存储器';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_config"."remark" IS '备注';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_config"."master" IS '是否为主配置';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_config"."config" IS '存储配置';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_config"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_config"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_config"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_config"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_config"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON TABLE "infra_file_config" IS '文件配置表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of infra_file_config
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "infra_file_config" ("id", "name", "storage", "remark", "master", "config", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (4, '数据库', 1, '我是数据库', 'f', '{"@class":"cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.file.core.client.db.DBFileClientConfig","domain":""}', '1', '2022-03-15 23:56:24', '1', '2022-03-26 21:39:26', 0);
INSERT INTO "infra_file_config" ("id", "name", "storage", "remark", "master", "config", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (5, '本地磁盘', 10, '测试下本地存储', 'f', '{"@class":"cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.file.core.client.local.LocalFileClientConfig","basePath":"/Users/yunai/file_test","domain":""}', '1', '2022-03-15 23:57:00', '1', '2022-03-26 21:39:26', 0);
INSERT INTO "infra_file_config" ("id", "name", "storage", "remark", "master", "config", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (11, 'S3 - 七牛云', 20, NULL, 't', '{"@class":"cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.file.core.client.s3.S3FileClientConfig","endpoint":"s3-cn-south-1.qiniucs.com","domain":"http://test.yudao.iocoder.cn","bucket":"ruoyi-vue-pro","accessKey":"b7yvuhBSAGjmtPhMFcn9iMOxUOY_I06cA_p0ZUx8","accessSecret":"kXM1l5ia1RvSX3QaOEcwI3RLz3Y2rmNszWonKZtP"}', '1', '2022-03-19 18:00:03', '1', '2022-05-26 00:03:47.17', 0);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for infra_file_content
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "infra_file_content";
CREATE TABLE "infra_file_content" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"config_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"path" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"content" bytea NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_content"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_content"."config_id" IS '配置编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_content"."path" IS '文件路径';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_content"."content" IS '文件内容';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_content"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_content"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_content"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_content"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_file_content"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON TABLE "infra_file_content" IS '文件表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of infra_file_content
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for infra_job
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE "infra_job" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"handler_name" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"handler_param" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"cron_expression" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"retry_count" int4 NOT NULL,
"retry_interval" int4 NOT NULL,
"monitor_timeout" int4 NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job"."id" IS '任务编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job"."name" IS '任务名称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job"."status" IS '任务状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job"."handler_name" IS '处理器的名字';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job"."handler_param" IS '处理器的参数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job"."cron_expression" IS 'CRON 表达式';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job"."retry_count" IS '重试次数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job"."retry_interval" IS '重试间隔';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job"."monitor_timeout" IS '监控超时时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON TABLE "infra_job" IS '定时任务表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of infra_job
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "infra_job" ("id", "name", "status", "handler_name", "handler_param", "cron_expression", "retry_count", "retry_interval", "monitor_timeout", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (5, '支付通知 Job', 2, 'payNotifyJob', NULL, '* * * * * ?', 0, 0, 0, '1', '2021-10-27 08:34:42', '1', '2022-04-03 20:35:25', 0);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for infra_job_log
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "infra_job_log";
CREATE TABLE "infra_job_log" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"job_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"handler_name" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"handler_param" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"execute_index" int2 NOT NULL,
"begin_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"end_time" timestamp(6),
"duration" int4,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"result" varchar(4000) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job_log"."id" IS '日志编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job_log"."job_id" IS '任务编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job_log"."handler_name" IS '处理器的名字';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job_log"."handler_param" IS '处理器的参数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job_log"."execute_index" IS '第几次执行';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job_log"."begin_time" IS '开始执行时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job_log"."end_time" IS '结束执行时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job_log"."duration" IS '执行时长';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job_log"."status" IS '任务状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job_log"."result" IS '结果数据';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job_log"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job_log"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job_log"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job_log"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_job_log"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON TABLE "infra_job_log" IS '定时任务日志表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of infra_job_log
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for infra_test_demo
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "infra_test_demo";
CREATE TABLE "infra_test_demo" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(100) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"type" int2 NOT NULL,
"category" int2 NOT NULL,
"remark" varchar(500) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_test_demo"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_test_demo"."name" IS '名字';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_test_demo"."status" IS '状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_test_demo"."type" IS '类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_test_demo"."category" IS '分类';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_test_demo"."remark" IS '备注';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_test_demo"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_test_demo"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_test_demo"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_test_demo"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "infra_test_demo"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON TABLE "infra_test_demo" IS '字典类型表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of infra_test_demo
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for member_user
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "member_user";
CREATE TABLE "member_user" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"nickname" varchar(30) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"avatar" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"mobile" varchar(11) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"password" varchar(100) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"register_ip" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"login_ip" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"login_date" timestamp(6),
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "member_user"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "member_user"."nickname" IS '用户昵称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "member_user"."avatar" IS '头像';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "member_user"."status" IS '状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "member_user"."mobile" IS '手机号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "member_user"."password" IS '密码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "member_user"."register_ip" IS '注册 IP';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "member_user"."login_ip" IS '最后登录IP';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "member_user"."login_date" IS '最后登录时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "member_user"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "member_user"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "member_user"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "member_user"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "member_user"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "member_user"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "member_user" IS '用户';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of member_user
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for pay_app
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE "pay_app" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"remark" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"pay_notify_url" varchar(1024) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"refund_notify_url" varchar(1024) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"merchant_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_app"."id" IS '应用编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_app"."name" IS '应用名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_app"."status" IS '开启状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_app"."remark" IS '备注';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_app"."pay_notify_url" IS '支付结果的回调地址';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_app"."refund_notify_url" IS '退款结果的回调地址';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_app"."merchant_id" IS '商户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_app"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_app"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_app"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_app"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_app"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_app"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "pay_app" IS '支付应用信息';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of pay_app
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for pay_channel
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "pay_channel";
CREATE TABLE "pay_channel" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"code" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"remark" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"fee_rate" float8 NOT NULL,
"merchant_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"app_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"config" varchar(4096) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_channel"."id" IS '商户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_channel"."code" IS '渠道编码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_channel"."status" IS '开启状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_channel"."remark" IS '备注';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_channel"."fee_rate" IS '渠道费率,单位:百分比';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_channel"."merchant_id" IS '商户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_channel"."app_id" IS '应用编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_channel"."config" IS '支付渠道配置';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_channel"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_channel"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_channel"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_channel"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_channel"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_channel"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "pay_channel" IS '支付渠道
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of pay_channel
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for pay_merchant
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "pay_merchant";
CREATE TABLE "pay_merchant" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"no" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"short_name" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"remark" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_merchant"."id" IS '商户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_merchant"."no" IS '商户号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_merchant"."name" IS '商户全称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_merchant"."short_name" IS '商户简称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_merchant"."status" IS '开启状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_merchant"."remark" IS '备注';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_merchant"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_merchant"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_merchant"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_merchant"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_merchant"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_merchant"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "pay_merchant" IS '支付商户信息';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of pay_merchant
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for pay_notify_log
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "pay_notify_log";
CREATE TABLE "pay_notify_log" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"task_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"notify_times" int2 NOT NULL,
"response" varchar(2048) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_log"."id" IS '日志编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_log"."task_id" IS '通知任务编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_log"."notify_times" IS '第几次被通知';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_log"."response" IS '请求参数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_log"."status" IS '通知状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_log"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_log"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_log"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_log"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_log"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_log"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "pay_notify_log" IS '支付通知 App 的日志';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of pay_notify_log
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for pay_notify_task
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "pay_notify_task";
CREATE TABLE "pay_notify_task" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"merchant_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"app_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"type" int2 NOT NULL,
"data_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"merchant_order_id" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"next_notify_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"last_execute_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"notify_times" int2 NOT NULL,
"max_notify_times" int2 NOT NULL,
"notify_url" varchar(1024) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."id" IS '任务编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."merchant_id" IS '商户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."app_id" IS '应用编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."type" IS '通知类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."data_id" IS '数据编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."status" IS '通知状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."merchant_order_id" IS '商户订单编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."next_notify_time" IS '下一次通知时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."last_execute_time" IS '最后一次执行时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."notify_times" IS '当前通知次数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."max_notify_times" IS '最大可通知次数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."notify_url" IS '异步通知地址';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_notify_task"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "pay_notify_task" IS '商户支付、退款等的通知
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of pay_notify_task
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for pay_order
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE "pay_order" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"merchant_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"app_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"channel_id" int8,
"channel_code" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"merchant_order_id" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"subject" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"body" varchar(128) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"notify_url" varchar(1024) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"notify_status" int2 NOT NULL,
"amount" int8 NOT NULL,
"channel_fee_rate" float8,
"channel_fee_amount" int8,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"user_ip" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"expire_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"success_time" timestamp(6),
"notify_time" timestamp(6),
"success_extension_id" int8,
"refund_status" int2 NOT NULL,
"refund_times" int2 NOT NULL,
"refund_amount" int8 NOT NULL,
"channel_user_id" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"channel_order_no" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."id" IS '支付订单编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."merchant_id" IS '商户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."app_id" IS '应用编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."channel_id" IS '渠道编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."channel_code" IS '渠道编码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."merchant_order_id" IS '商户订单编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."subject" IS '商品标题';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."body" IS '商品描述';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."notify_url" IS '异步通知地址';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."notify_status" IS '通知商户支付结果的回调状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."amount" IS '支付金额,单位:分';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."channel_fee_rate" IS '渠道手续费,单位:百分比';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."channel_fee_amount" IS '渠道手续金额,单位:分';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."status" IS '支付状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."user_ip" IS '用户 IP';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."expire_time" IS '订单失效时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."success_time" IS '订单支付成功时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."notify_time" IS '订单支付通知时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."success_extension_id" IS '支付成功的订单拓展单编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."refund_status" IS '退款状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."refund_times" IS '退款次数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."refund_amount" IS '退款总金额,单位:分';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."channel_user_id" IS '渠道用户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."channel_order_no" IS '渠道订单号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "pay_order" IS '支付订单
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of pay_order
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for pay_order_extension
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "pay_order_extension";
CREATE TABLE "pay_order_extension" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"no" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"order_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"channel_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"channel_code" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"user_ip" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"channel_extras" varchar(256) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"channel_notify_data" varchar(1024) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order_extension"."id" IS '支付订单编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order_extension"."no" IS '支付订单号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order_extension"."order_id" IS '支付订单编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order_extension"."channel_id" IS '渠道编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order_extension"."channel_code" IS '渠道编码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order_extension"."user_ip" IS '用户 IP';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order_extension"."status" IS '支付状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order_extension"."channel_extras" IS '支付渠道的额外参数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order_extension"."channel_notify_data" IS '支付渠道异步通知的内容';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order_extension"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order_extension"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order_extension"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order_extension"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order_extension"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_order_extension"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "pay_order_extension" IS '支付订单
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of pay_order_extension
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for pay_refund
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "pay_refund";
CREATE TABLE "pay_refund" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"merchant_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"app_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"channel_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"channel_code" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"order_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"trade_no" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"merchant_order_id" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"merchant_refund_no" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"notify_url" varchar(1024) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"notify_status" int2 NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"type" int2 NOT NULL,
"pay_amount" int8 NOT NULL,
"refund_amount" int8 NOT NULL,
"reason" varchar(256) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"user_ip" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"channel_order_no" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"channel_refund_no" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"channel_error_code" varchar(128) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"channel_error_msg" varchar(256) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"channel_extras" varchar(1024) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"expire_time" timestamp(6),
"success_time" timestamp(6),
"notify_time" timestamp(6),
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."id" IS '支付退款编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."merchant_id" IS '商户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."app_id" IS '应用编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."channel_id" IS '渠道编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."channel_code" IS '渠道编码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."order_id" IS '支付订单编号 pay_order 表id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."trade_no" IS '交易订单号 pay_extension 表no 字段';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."merchant_order_id" IS '商户订单编号(商户系统生成)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."merchant_refund_no" IS '商户退款订单号(商户系统生成)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."notify_url" IS '异步通知商户地址';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."notify_status" IS '通知商户退款结果的回调状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."status" IS '退款状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."type" IS '退款类型(部分退款,全部退款)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."pay_amount" IS '支付金额,单位分';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."refund_amount" IS '退款金额,单位分';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."reason" IS '退款原因';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."user_ip" IS '用户 IP';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."channel_order_no" IS '渠道订单号,pay_order 中的channel_order_no 对应';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."channel_refund_no" IS '渠道退款单号,渠道返回';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."channel_error_code" IS '渠道调用报错时,错误码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."channel_error_msg" IS '渠道调用报错时,错误信息';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."channel_extras" IS '支付渠道的额外参数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."expire_time" IS '退款失效时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."success_time" IS '退款成功时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."notify_time" IS '退款通知时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "pay_refund"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "pay_refund" IS '退款订单';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of pay_refund
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for qrtz_blob_triggers
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "qrtz_blob_triggers";
CREATE TABLE "qrtz_blob_triggers" (
"sched_name" varchar(120) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"trigger_name" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"trigger_group" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"blob_data" bytea
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of qrtz_blob_triggers
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for qrtz_calendars
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "qrtz_calendars";
CREATE TABLE "qrtz_calendars" (
"sched_name" varchar(120) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"calendar_name" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"calendar" bytea NOT NULL
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of qrtz_calendars
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for qrtz_cron_triggers
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "qrtz_cron_triggers";
CREATE TABLE "qrtz_cron_triggers" (
"sched_name" varchar(120) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"trigger_name" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"trigger_group" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"cron_expression" varchar(120) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"time_zone_id" varchar(80) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default"
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of qrtz_cron_triggers
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for qrtz_fired_triggers
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "qrtz_fired_triggers";
CREATE TABLE "qrtz_fired_triggers" (
"sched_name" varchar(120) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"entry_id" varchar(95) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"trigger_name" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"trigger_group" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"instance_name" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"fired_time" int8 NOT NULL,
"sched_time" int8 NOT NULL,
"priority" int4 NOT NULL,
"state" varchar(16) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"job_name" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"job_group" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"is_nonconcurrent" bool,
"requests_recovery" bool
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of qrtz_fired_triggers
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for qrtz_job_details
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "qrtz_job_details";
CREATE TABLE "qrtz_job_details" (
"sched_name" varchar(120) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"job_name" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"job_group" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"description" varchar(250) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"job_class_name" varchar(250) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"is_durable" bool NOT NULL,
"is_nonconcurrent" bool NOT NULL,
"is_update_data" bool NOT NULL,
"requests_recovery" bool NOT NULL,
"job_data" bytea
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of qrtz_job_details
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "qrtz_job_details" ("sched_name", "job_name", "job_group", "description", "job_class_name", "is_durable", "is_nonconcurrent", "is_update_data", "requests_recovery", "job_data") VALUES ('schedulerName', 'userSessionTimeoutJob', 'DEFAULT', NULL, 'cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.quartz.core.handler.JobHandlerInvoker', 'f', 't', 't', 'f', E'\\254\\355\\000\\005sr\\000\\025org.quartz.JobDataMap\\237\\260\\203\\350\\277\\251\\260\\313\\002\\000\\000xr\\000&org.quartz.utils.StringKeyDirtyFlagMap\\202\\010\\350\\303\\373\\305](\\002\\000\\001Z\\000\\023allowsTransientDataxr\\000\\035org.quartz.utils.DirtyFlagMap\\023\\346.\\255(v\\012\\316\\002\\000\\002Z\\000\\005dirtyL\\000\\003mapt\\000\\017Ljava/util/Map;xp\\001sr\\000\\021java.util.HashMap\\005\\007\\332\\301\\303\\026`\\321\\003\\000\\002F\\000\\012loadFactorI\\000\\011thresholdxp?@\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\014w\\010\\000\\000\\000\\020\\000\\000\\000\\002t\\000\\006JOB_IDsr\\000\\016java.lang.Long;\\213\\344\\220\\314\\217#\\337\\002\\000\\001J\\000\\005valuexr\\000\\020java.lang.Number\\206\\254\\225\\035\\013\\224\\340\\213\\002\\000\\000xp\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\002t\\000\\020JOB_HANDLER_NAMEt\\000\\025userSessionTimeoutJobx\\000');
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for qrtz_locks
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "qrtz_locks";
CREATE TABLE "qrtz_locks" (
"sched_name" varchar(120) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"lock_name" varchar(40) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of qrtz_locks
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "qrtz_locks" ("sched_name", "lock_name") VALUES ('schedulerName', 'TRIGGER_ACCESS');
INSERT INTO "qrtz_locks" ("sched_name", "lock_name") VALUES ('schedulerName', 'STATE_ACCESS');
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for qrtz_paused_trigger_grps
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "qrtz_paused_trigger_grps";
CREATE TABLE "qrtz_paused_trigger_grps" (
"sched_name" varchar(120) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"trigger_group" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of qrtz_paused_trigger_grps
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for qrtz_scheduler_state
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "qrtz_scheduler_state";
CREATE TABLE "qrtz_scheduler_state" (
"sched_name" varchar(120) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"instance_name" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"last_checkin_time" int8 NOT NULL,
"checkin_interval" int8 NOT NULL
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of qrtz_scheduler_state
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "qrtz_scheduler_state" ("sched_name", "instance_name", "last_checkin_time", "checkin_interval") VALUES ('schedulerName', 'Yunai.local1651328569660', 1651328650075, 15000);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for qrtz_simple_triggers
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "qrtz_simple_triggers";
CREATE TABLE "qrtz_simple_triggers" (
"sched_name" varchar(120) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"trigger_name" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"trigger_group" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"repeat_count" int8 NOT NULL,
"repeat_interval" int8 NOT NULL,
"times_triggered" int8 NOT NULL
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of qrtz_simple_triggers
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for qrtz_simprop_triggers
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "qrtz_simprop_triggers";
CREATE TABLE "qrtz_simprop_triggers" (
"sched_name" varchar(120) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"trigger_name" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"trigger_group" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"str_prop_1" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"str_prop_2" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"str_prop_3" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"int_prop_1" int4,
"int_prop_2" int4,
"long_prop_1" int8,
"long_prop_2" int8,
"dec_prop_1" numeric(13,4),
"dec_prop_2" numeric(13,4),
"bool_prop_1" bool,
"bool_prop_2" bool
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of qrtz_simprop_triggers
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for qrtz_triggers
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "qrtz_triggers";
CREATE TABLE "qrtz_triggers" (
"sched_name" varchar(120) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"trigger_name" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"trigger_group" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"job_name" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"job_group" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"description" varchar(250) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"next_fire_time" int8,
"prev_fire_time" int8,
"priority" int4,
"trigger_state" varchar(16) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"trigger_type" varchar(8) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"start_time" int8 NOT NULL,
"end_time" int8,
"calendar_name" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"misfire_instr" int2,
"job_data" bytea
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of qrtz_triggers
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "qrtz_triggers" ("sched_name", "trigger_name", "trigger_group", "job_name", "job_group", "description", "next_fire_time", "prev_fire_time", "priority", "trigger_state", "trigger_type", "start_time", "end_time", "calendar_name", "misfire_instr", "job_data") VALUES ('schedulerName', 'userSessionTimeoutJob', 'DEFAULT', 'userSessionTimeoutJob', 'DEFAULT', NULL, 1651328700000, 1651328640000, 5, 'WAITING', 'CRON', 1651328526000, 0, NULL, 0, E'\\254\\355\\000\\005sr\\000\\025org.quartz.JobDataMap\\237\\260\\203\\350\\277\\251\\260\\313\\002\\000\\000xr\\000&org.quartz.utils.StringKeyDirtyFlagMap\\202\\010\\350\\303\\373\\305](\\002\\000\\001Z\\000\\023allowsTransientDataxr\\000\\035org.quartz.utils.DirtyFlagMap\\023\\346.\\255(v\\012\\316\\002\\000\\002Z\\000\\005dirtyL\\000\\003mapt\\000\\017Ljava/util/Map;xp\\001sr\\000\\021java.util.HashMap\\005\\007\\332\\301\\303\\026`\\321\\003\\000\\002F\\000\\012loadFactorI\\000\\011thresholdxp?@\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\014w\\010\\000\\000\\000\\020\\000\\000\\000\\003t\\000\\021JOB_HANDLER_PARAMpt\\000\\022JOB_RETRY_INTERVALsr\\000\\021java.lang.Integer\\022\\342\\240\\244\\367\\201\\2078\\002\\000\\001I\\000\\005valuexr\\000\\020java.lang.Number\\206\\254\\225\\035\\013\\224\\340\\213\\002\\000\\000xp\\000\\000\\007\\320t\\000\\017JOB_RETRY_COUNTsq\\000~\\000\\011\\000\\000\\000\\003x\\000');
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_dept
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_dept";
CREATE TABLE "system_dept" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(30) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"parent_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"sort" int4 NOT NULL,
"leader_user_id" int8,
"phone" varchar(11) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"email" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_dept"."id" IS '部门id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_dept"."name" IS '部门名称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_dept"."parent_id" IS '父部门id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_dept"."sort" IS '显示顺序';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_dept"."leader_user_id" IS '负责人';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_dept"."phone" IS '联系电话';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_dept"."email" IS '邮箱';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_dept"."status" IS '部门状态(0正常 1停用)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_dept"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_dept"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_dept"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_dept"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_dept"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_dept"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_dept" IS '部门表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_dept
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "system_dept" ("id", "name", "parent_id", "sort", "leader_user_id", "phone", "email", "status", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (100, '芋道源码', 0, 0, 1, '15888888888', 'ry@qq.com', 0, 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:47', '103', '2022-01-14 01:04:05', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_dept" ("id", "name", "parent_id", "sort", "leader_user_id", "phone", "email", "status", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (101, '深圳总公司', 100, 1, 104, '15888888888', 'ry@qq.com', 0, 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:47', '1', '2022-02-22 19:47:48', 0, 1);
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-- Table structure for system_dict_data
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INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1126, 0, 'OA', '2', 'bpm_model_category', 0, 'success', '', '流程分类 - OA', '1', '2022-01-02 08:41:22', '1', '2022-02-16 20:01:50', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1127, 0, '进行中', '1', 'bpm_process_instance_status', 0, 'primary', '', '流程实例的状态 - 进行中', '1', '2022-01-07 23:47:22', '1', '2022-02-16 20:07:49', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1128, 2, '已完成', '2', 'bpm_process_instance_status', 0, 'success', '', '流程实例的状态 - 已完成', '1', '2022-01-07 23:47:49', '1', '2022-02-16 20:07:54', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1129, 1, '处理中', '1', 'bpm_process_instance_result', 0, 'primary', '', '流程实例的结果 - 处理中', '1', '2022-01-07 23:48:32', '1', '2022-02-16 09:53:26', 0);
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INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1132, 4, '已取消', '4', 'bpm_process_instance_result', 0, 'info', '', '流程实例的结果 - 撤销', '1', '2022-01-07 23:49:06', '1', '2022-02-16 09:53:42', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1133, 10, '流程表单', '10', 'bpm_model_form_type', 0, '', '', '流程的表单类型 - 流程表单', '103', '2022-01-11 23:51:30', '103', '2022-01-11 23:51:30', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1134, 20, '业务表单', '20', 'bpm_model_form_type', 0, '', '', '流程的表单类型 - 业务表单', '103', '2022-01-11 23:51:47', '103', '2022-01-11 23:51:47', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1135, 10, '角色', '10', 'bpm_task_assign_rule_type', 0, 'info', '', '任务分配规则的类型 - 角色', '103', '2022-01-12 23:21:22', '1', '2022-02-16 20:06:14', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1136, 20, '部门的成员', '20', 'bpm_task_assign_rule_type', 0, 'primary', '', '任务分配规则的类型 - 部门的成员', '103', '2022-01-12 23:21:47', '1', '2022-02-16 20:05:28', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1137, 21, '部门的负责人', '21', 'bpm_task_assign_rule_type', 0, 'primary', '', '任务分配规则的类型 - 部门的负责人', '103', '2022-01-12 23:33:36', '1', '2022-02-16 20:05:31', 0);
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INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1139, 40, '用户组', '40', 'bpm_task_assign_rule_type', 0, 'warning', '', '任务分配规则的类型 - 用户组', '103', '2022-01-12 23:34:21', '1', '2022-02-16 20:05:57', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1140, 50, '自定义脚本', '50', 'bpm_task_assign_rule_type', 0, 'danger', '', '任务分配规则的类型 - 自定义脚本', '103', '2022-01-12 23:34:43', '1', '2022-02-16 20:06:01', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1141, 22, '岗位', '22', 'bpm_task_assign_rule_type', 0, 'success', '', '任务分配规则的类型 - 岗位', '103', '2022-01-14 18:41:55', '1', '2022-02-16 20:05:39', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1142, 10, '流程发起人', '10', 'bpm_task_assign_script', 0, '', '', '任务分配自定义脚本 - 流程发起人', '103', '2022-01-15 00:10:57', '103', '2022-01-15 21:24:10', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1143, 20, '流程发起人的一级领导', '20', 'bpm_task_assign_script', 0, '', '', '任务分配自定义脚本 - 流程发起人的一级领导', '103', '2022-01-15 21:24:31', '103', '2022-01-15 21:24:31', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1144, 21, '流程发起人的二级领导', '21', 'bpm_task_assign_script', 0, '', '', '任务分配自定义脚本 - 流程发起人的二级领导', '103', '2022-01-15 21:24:46', '103', '2022-01-15 21:24:57', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1145, 1, '管理后台', '1', 'infra_codegen_scene', 0, '', '', '代码生成的场景枚举 - 管理后台', '1', '2022-02-02 13:15:06', '1', '2022-03-10 16:32:59', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1146, 2, '用户 APP', '2', 'infra_codegen_scene', 0, '', '', '代码生成的场景枚举 - 用户 APP', '1', '2022-02-02 13:15:19', '1', '2022-03-10 16:33:03', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1147, 0, '未退款', '0', 'pay_refund_order_type', 0, 'info', '', '退款类型 - 未退款', '1', '2022-02-16 14:09:01', '1', '2022-02-16 14:09:01', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1148, 10, '部分退款', '10', 'pay_refund_order_type', 0, 'success', '', '退款类型 - 部分退款', '1', '2022-02-16 14:09:25', '1', '2022-02-16 14:11:38', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1149, 20, '全部退款', '20', 'pay_refund_order_type', 0, 'warning', '', '退款类型 - 全部退款', '1', '2022-02-16 14:11:33', '1', '2022-02-16 14:11:33', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1150, 1, '数据库', '1', 'infra_file_storage', 0, 'default', '', NULL, '1', '2022-03-15 00:25:28', '1', '2022-03-15 00:25:28', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1151, 10, '本地磁盘', '10', 'infra_file_storage', 0, 'default', '', NULL, '1', '2022-03-15 00:25:41', '1', '2022-03-15 00:25:56', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1152, 11, 'FTP 服务器', '11', 'infra_file_storage', 0, 'default', '', NULL, '1', '2022-03-15 00:26:06', '1', '2022-03-15 00:26:10', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1153, 12, 'SFTP 服务器', '12', 'infra_file_storage', 0, 'default', '', NULL, '1', '2022-03-15 00:26:22', '1', '2022-03-15 00:26:22', 0);
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INSERT INTO "system_dict_data" ("id", "sort", "label", "value", "dict_type", "status", "color_type", "css_class", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (1155, 103, '短信登录', '103', 'system_login_type', 0, 'default', '', NULL, '1', '2022-05-09 23:57:58', '1', '2022-05-09 23:58:09', 0);
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-- Table structure for system_dict_type
-- ----------------------------
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-- Records of system_dict_type
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"update_time", "deleted")
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INSERT INTO "system_dict_type" ("id", "name", "type", "status", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater",
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INSERT INTO "system_dict_type" ("id", "name", "type", "status", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater",
"update_time", "deleted")
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INSERT INTO "system_dict_type" ("id", "name", "type", "status", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (104, '登陆结果', 'system_login_result', 0, '登陆结果', '', '2021-01-18 06:17:11', '', '2022-02-01 16:36:00', 0);
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INSERT INTO "system_dict_type" ("id", "name", "type", "status", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (106, '代码生成模板类型', 'infra_codegen_template_type', 0, NULL, '', '2021-02-05 07:08:06', '', '2022-03-10 16:33:42', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_type" ("id", "name", "type", "status", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (107, '定时任务状态', 'infra_job_status', 0, NULL, '', '2021-02-07 07:44:16', '', '2022-02-01 16:51:11', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_type" ("id", "name", "type", "status", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (108, '定时任务日志状态', 'infra_job_log_status', 0, NULL, '', '2021-02-08 10:03:51', '', '2022-02-01 16:50:43', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_type" ("id", "name", "type", "status", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (109, '用户类型', 'user_type', 0, NULL, '', '2021-02-26 00:15:51', '', '2021-02-26 00:15:51', 0);
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INSERT INTO "system_dict_type" ("id", "name", "type", "status", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (111, '短信渠道编码', 'system_sms_channel_code', 0, NULL, '1', '2021-04-05 01:04:50', '1', '2022-02-16 02:09:08', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_type" ("id", "name", "type", "status", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (112, '短信模板的类型', 'system_sms_template_type', 0, NULL, '1', '2021-04-05 21:50:43', '1', '2022-02-01 16:35:06', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_dict_type" ("id", "name", "type", "status", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (113, '短信发送状态', 'system_sms_send_status', 0, NULL, '1', '2021-04-11 20:18:03', '1', '2022-02-01 16:35:09', 0);
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INSERT INTO "system_dict_type" ("id", "name", "type", "status", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (115, '错误码的类型', 'system_error_code_type', 0, NULL, '1', '2021-04-21 00:06:30', '1', '2022-02-01 16:36:49', 0);
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INSERT INTO "system_dict_type" ("id", "name", "type", "status", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (117, 'OA 请假类型', 'bpm_oa_leave_type', 0, NULL, '1', '2021-09-21 22:34:33', '1', '2022-01-22 10:41:37', 0);
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INSERT INTO "system_dict_type" ("id", "name", "type", "status", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (135, '退款订单类别', 'pay_refund_order_type', 0, '退款订单类别', '1', '2021-12-10 17:14:53', '1', '2021-12-10 17:14:53', 0);
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-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_error_code
-- ----------------------------
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CREATE TABLE "system_error_code" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"type" int2 NOT NULL,
"application_name" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"code" int4 NOT NULL,
"message" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"memo" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
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COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_error_code"."message" IS '错误码错误提示';
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COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_error_code"."creator" IS '创建者';
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-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_error_code
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_login_log
-- ----------------------------
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"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"log_type" int8 NOT NULL,
"trace_id" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"user_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"user_type" int2 NOT NULL,
"username" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"result" int2 NOT NULL,
"user_ip" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"user_agent" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
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COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_login_log"."result" IS '登陆结果';
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COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_login_log"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
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COMMENT ON TABLE "system_login_log" IS '系统访问记录';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_login_log
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_menu
-- ----------------------------
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"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"permission" varchar(100) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"type" int2 NOT NULL,
"sort" int4 NOT NULL,
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"path" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"icon" varchar(100) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"component" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"visible" bool NOT NULL,
"keep_alive" bool NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"component_name" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"always_show" char(1) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default"
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COMMENT ON TABLE "system_menu" IS '菜单权限表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_menu
-- ----------------------------
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INSERT INTO "system_menu" ("id", "name", "permission", "type", "sort", "parent_id", "path", "icon", "component", "status", "visible", "keep_alive", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "component_name", "always_show") VALUES (107, '通知公告', '', 2, 8, 1, 'notice', 'message', 'system/notice/index', 0, 't', 't', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', 0, NULL, '1');
INSERT INTO "system_menu" ("id", "name", "permission", "type", "sort", "parent_id", "path", "icon", "component", "status", "visible", "keep_alive", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "component_name", "always_show") VALUES (108, '审计日志', '', 1, 9, 1, 'log', 'log', '', 0, 't', 't', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', 0, NULL, '1');
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INSERT INTO "system_menu" ("id", "name", "permission", "type", "sort", "parent_id", "path", "icon", "component", "status", "visible", "keep_alive", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "component_name", "always_show") VALUES (110, '定时任务', '', 2, 12, 2, 'job', 'job', 'infra/job/index', 0, 't', 't', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', 0, NULL, '1');
INSERT INTO "system_menu" ("id", "name", "permission", "type", "sort", "parent_id", "path", "icon", "component", "status", "visible", "keep_alive", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "component_name", "always_show") VALUES (111, 'MySQL 监控', '', 2, 9, 2, 'druid', 'druid', 'infra/druid/index', 0, 't', 't', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', 0, NULL, '1');
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INSERT INTO "system_menu" ("id", "name", "permission", "type", "sort", "parent_id", "path", "icon", "component", "status", "visible", "keep_alive", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "component_name", "always_show") VALUES (1252, '敏感词导出', 'system:sensitive-word:export', 3, 5, 1247, '', '', '', 0, 't', 't', '', '2022-04-07 16:55:03', '', '2022-04-20 17:03:10', 0, NULL, '1');
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INSERT INTO "system_menu" ("id", "name", "permission", "type", "sort", "parent_id", "path", "icon", "component", "status", "visible", "keep_alive", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "component_name", "always_show") VALUES (1255, '数据源配置', '', 2, 1, 2, 'data-source-config', 'rate', 'infra/dataSourceConfig/index', 0, 't', 't', '', '2022-04-27 14:37:32', '1', '2022-04-27 22:42:06', 0, NULL, '1');
INSERT INTO "system_menu" ("id", "name", "permission", "type", "sort", "parent_id", "path", "icon", "component", "status", "visible", "keep_alive", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "component_name", "always_show") VALUES (1256, '数据源配置查询', 'infra:data-source-config:query', 3, 1, 1255, '', '', '', 0, 't', 't', '', '2022-04-27 14:37:32', '', '2022-04-27 14:37:32', 0, NULL, '1');
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-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_notice
-- ----------------------------
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COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notice"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notice"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notice"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notice"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notice"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notice"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_notice" IS '通知公告表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_notice
-- ----------------------------
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INSERT INTO "system_notice" ("id", "title", "content", "type", "status", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (4, '我是测试标题', '<p>哈哈哈哈123</p>', 1, 0, '110', '2022-02-22 01:01:25', '110', '2022-02-22 01:01:46', 0, 121);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_oauth2_access_token
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_oauth2_access_token";
CREATE TABLE "system_oauth2_access_token" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"user_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"access_token" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"refresh_token" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"user_type" int2 NOT NULL,
"client_id" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"expires_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"scopes" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" DEFAULT ''::character varying
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COMMENT ON TABLE "system_oauth2_access_token" IS '刷新令牌';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_oauth2_access_token
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_oauth2_approve
-- ----------------------------
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CREATE TABLE "system_oauth2_approve" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"user_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"user_type" int2 NOT NULL,
"client_id" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"scope" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"approved" bool NOT NULL,
"expires_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
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COMMENT ON TABLE "system_oauth2_approve" IS 'OAuth2 批准表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_oauth2_approve
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_oauth2_client
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_oauth2_client";
CREATE TABLE "system_oauth2_client" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"client_id" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"secret" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"logo" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"description" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"access_token_validity_seconds" int4 NOT NULL,
"refresh_token_validity_seconds" int4 NOT NULL,
"redirect_uris" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"authorized_grant_types" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"scopes" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"authorities" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"resource_ids" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"additional_information" varchar(4096) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"auto_approve_scopes" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default"
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COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_client"."refresh_token_validity_seconds" IS '刷新令牌的有效期';
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COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_client"."scopes" IS '授权范围';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_client"."authorities" IS '权限';
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COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_client"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_client"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_client"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_client"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
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COMMENT ON TABLE "system_oauth2_client" IS 'OAuth2 客户端表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_oauth2_client
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "system_oauth2_client" ("id", "client_id", "secret", "name", "logo", "description", "status", "access_token_validity_seconds", "refresh_token_validity_seconds", "redirect_uris", "authorized_grant_types", "scopes", "authorities", "resource_ids", "additional_information", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "auto_approve_scopes") VALUES (1, 'default', 'admin123', '芋道源码', 'http://test.yudao.iocoder.cn/a5e2e244368878a366b516805a4aabf1.png', '我是描述', 0, 180, 8640, '["https://www.iocoder.cn","https://doc.iocoder.cn"]', '["password","authorization_code","implicit","refresh_token"]', '["user.read","user.write"]', '["system:user:query"]', '[]', '{}', '1', '2022-05-11 21:47:12', '1', '2022-05-12 01:00:20', 0, NULL);
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-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_oauth2_code
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_oauth2_code";
CREATE TABLE "system_oauth2_code" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"user_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"user_type" int2 NOT NULL,
"code" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"client_id" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"scopes" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"expires_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"redirect_uri" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"state" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_code"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_code"."user_id" IS '用户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_code"."user_type" IS '用户类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_code"."code" IS '授权码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_code"."client_id" IS '客户端编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_code"."scopes" IS '授权范围';
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COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_code"."state" IS '状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_code"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_code"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_code"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_code"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_code"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_code"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_oauth2_code" IS 'OAuth2 授权码表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_oauth2_code
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_oauth2_refresh_token
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_oauth2_refresh_token";
CREATE TABLE "system_oauth2_refresh_token" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"user_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"refresh_token" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"user_type" int2 NOT NULL,
"client_id" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"expires_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"scopes" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" DEFAULT ''::character varying
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COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_refresh_token"."user_id" IS '用户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_refresh_token"."refresh_token" IS '刷新令牌';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_refresh_token"."user_type" IS '用户类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_refresh_token"."client_id" IS '客户端编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_refresh_token"."expires_time" IS '过期时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_refresh_token"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_refresh_token"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_refresh_token"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_refresh_token"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_refresh_token"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_refresh_token"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_oauth2_refresh_token"."scopes" IS '授权范围';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_oauth2_refresh_token" IS '刷新令牌';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_oauth2_refresh_token
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_operate_log
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_operate_log";
CREATE TABLE "system_operate_log" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"trace_id" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"user_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"user_type" int2 NOT NULL,
"module" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"type" int8 NOT NULL,
"content" varchar(2000) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying,
"exts" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying,
"request_method" varchar(16) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"request_url" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"user_ip" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"user_agent" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"java_method" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"java_method_args" varchar(8000) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"start_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"duration" int4 NOT NULL,
"result_code" int4 NOT NULL,
"result_msg" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"result_data" varchar(4000) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."id" IS '日志主键';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."trace_id" IS '链路追踪编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."user_id" IS '用户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."user_type" IS '用户类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."module" IS '模块标题';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."name" IS '操作名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."type" IS '操作分类';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."content" IS '操作内容';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."exts" IS '拓展字段';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."request_method" IS '请求方法名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."request_url" IS '请求地址';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."user_ip" IS '用户 IP';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."user_agent" IS '浏览器 UA';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."java_method" IS 'Java 方法名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."java_method_args" IS 'Java 方法的参数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."start_time" IS '操作时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."duration" IS '执行时长';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."result_code" IS '结果码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."result_msg" IS '结果提示';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."result_data" IS '结果数据';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_operate_log"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_operate_log" IS '操作日志记录';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_operate_log
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_post
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_post";
CREATE TABLE "system_post" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"code" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"sort" int4 NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"remark" varchar(500) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_post"."id" IS '岗位ID';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_post"."code" IS '岗位编码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_post"."name" IS '岗位名称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_post"."sort" IS '显示顺序';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_post"."status" IS '状态(0正常 1停用)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_post"."remark" IS '备注';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_post"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_post"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_post"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_post"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_post"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_post"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_post" IS '岗位信息表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_post
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "system_post" ("id", "code", "name", "sort", "status", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (1, 'ceo', '董事长', 1, 0, '', 'admin', '2021-01-06 17:03:48', '1', '2022-04-19 16:53:39', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_post" ("id", "code", "name", "sort", "status", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (2, 'se', '项目经理', 2, 0, '', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2021-12-12 10:47:47', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_post" ("id", "code", "name", "sort", "status", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (4, 'user', '普通员工', 4, 0, '111', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '1', '2022-05-04 22:46:35', 0, 1);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_role
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_role";
CREATE TABLE "system_role" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(30) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"code" varchar(100) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"sort" int4 NOT NULL,
"data_scope" int2 NOT NULL,
"data_scope_dept_ids" varchar(500) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"type" int2 NOT NULL,
"remark" varchar(500) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role"."id" IS '角色ID';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role"."name" IS '角色名称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role"."code" IS '角色权限字符串';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role"."sort" IS '显示顺序';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role"."data_scope" IS '数据范围(1:全部数据权限 2:自定数据权限 3:本部门数据权限 4:本部门及以下数据权限)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role"."data_scope_dept_ids" IS '数据范围(指定部门数组)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role"."status" IS '角色状态(0正常 1停用)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role"."type" IS '角色类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role"."remark" IS '备注';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_role" IS '角色信息表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_role
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "system_role" ("id", "name", "code", "sort", "data_scope", "data_scope_dept_ids", "status", "type", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (1, '超级管理员', 'super_admin', 1, 1, '', 0, 1, '超级管理员', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-02-22 05:08:21', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role" ("id", "name", "code", "sort", "data_scope", "data_scope_dept_ids", "status", "type", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (2, '普通角色', 'common', 2, 2, '', 0, 1, '普通角色', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-02-22 05:08:20', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role" ("id", "name", "code", "sort", "data_scope", "data_scope_dept_ids", "status", "type", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (101, '测试账号', 'test', 0, 1, '[]', 0, 2, '132', '', '2021-01-06 13:49:35', '1', '2022-04-01 21:37:13', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role" ("id", "name", "code", "sort", "data_scope", "data_scope_dept_ids", "status", "type", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (109, '租户管理员', 'tenant_admin', 0, 1, '', 0, 1, '系统自动生成', '1', '2022-02-22 00:56:14', '1', '2022-02-22 00:56:14', 0, 121);
INSERT INTO "system_role" ("id", "name", "code", "sort", "data_scope", "data_scope_dept_ids", "status", "type", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (110, '测试角色', 'test', 0, 1, '[]', 0, 2, '嘿嘿', '110', '2022-02-23 00:14:34', '110', '2022-02-23 13:14:58', 0, 121);
INSERT INTO "system_role" ("id", "name", "code", "sort", "data_scope", "data_scope_dept_ids", "status", "type", "remark", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (111, '租户管理员', 'tenant_admin', 0, 1, '', 0, 1, '系统自动生成', '1', '2022-03-07 21:37:58', '1', '2022-03-07 21:37:58', 0, 122);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_role_menu
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_role_menu";
CREATE TABLE "system_role_menu" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"role_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"menu_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role_menu"."id" IS '自增编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role_menu"."role_id" IS '角色ID';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role_menu"."menu_id" IS '菜单ID';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role_menu"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role_menu"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role_menu"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role_menu"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role_menu"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_role_menu"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_role_menu" IS '角色和菜单关联表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_role_menu
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (263, 109, 1, '1', '2022-02-22 00:56:14', '1', '2022-02-22 00:56:14', 0, 121);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (434, 2, 1, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (454, 2, 1093, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (455, 2, 1094, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (460, 2, 1100, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (467, 2, 1107, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (470, 2, 1110, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (476, 2, 1117, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (477, 2, 100, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (478, 2, 101, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (479, 2, 102, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (480, 2, 1126, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (481, 2, 103, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (483, 2, 104, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (485, 2, 105, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (488, 2, 107, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (490, 2, 108, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (492, 2, 109, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (498, 2, 1138, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (523, 2, 1224, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (524, 2, 1225, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (541, 2, 500, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (543, 2, 501, '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', '1', '2022-02-22 13:09:12', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (675, 2, 2, '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (689, 2, 1077, '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (690, 2, 1078, '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (692, 2, 1083, '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (693, 2, 1084, '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (699, 2, 1090, '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (703, 2, 106, '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (704, 2, 110, '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (705, 2, 111, '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (706, 2, 112, '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO "system_role_menu" ("id", "role_id", "menu_id", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted", "tenant_id") VALUES (707, 2, 113, '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', '1', '2022-02-22 13:16:57', 0, 1);
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-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_sensitive_word
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_sensitive_word";
CREATE TABLE "system_sensitive_word" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"description" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"tags" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sensitive_word"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sensitive_word"."name" IS '敏感词';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sensitive_word"."description" IS '描述';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sensitive_word"."tags" IS '标签数组';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sensitive_word"."status" IS '状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sensitive_word"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sensitive_word"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sensitive_word"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sensitive_word"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sensitive_word"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_sensitive_word" IS '敏感词';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_sensitive_word
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "system_sensitive_word" ("id", "name", "description", "tags", "status", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (3, '土豆', '好呀', '蔬菜,短信', 0, '1', '2022-04-08 21:07:12', '1', '2022-04-09 10:28:14', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_sensitive_word" ("id", "name", "description", "tags", "status", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (4, 'XXX', NULL, '短信', 0, '1', '2022-04-08 21:27:49', '1', '2022-04-08 21:27:49', 0);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_sms_channel
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_sms_channel";
CREATE TABLE "system_sms_channel" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"signature" varchar(12) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"code" varchar(63) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"remark" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"api_key" varchar(128) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"api_secret" varchar(128) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"callback_url" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_channel"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_channel"."signature" IS '短信签名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_channel"."code" IS '渠道编码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_channel"."status" IS '开启状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_channel"."remark" IS '备注';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_channel"."api_key" IS '短信 API 的账号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_channel"."api_secret" IS '短信 API 的秘钥';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_channel"."callback_url" IS '短信发送回调 URL';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_channel"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_channel"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_channel"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_channel"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_channel"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_sms_channel" IS '短信渠道';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_sms_channel
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "system_sms_channel" ("id", "signature", "code", "status", "remark", "api_key", "api_secret", "callback_url", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (2, 'Ballcat', 'ALIYUN', 0, '啦啦啦', 'LTAI5tCnKso2uG3kJ5gRav88', 'fGJ5SNXL7P1NHNRmJ7DJaMJGPyE55C', NULL, '', '2021-03-31 11:53:10', '1', '2021-04-14 00:08:37', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_sms_channel" ("id", "signature", "code", "status", "remark", "api_key", "api_secret", "callback_url", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (4, '测试渠道', 'DEBUG_DING_TALK', 0, '123', '696b5d8ead48071237e4aa5861ff08dbadb2b4ded1c688a7b7c9afc615579859', 'SEC5c4e5ff888bc8a9923ae47f59e7ccd30af1f14d93c55b4e2c9cb094e35aeed67', NULL, '1', '2021-04-13 00:23:14', '1', '2022-03-27 20:29:49', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_sms_channel" ("id", "signature", "code", "status", "remark", "api_key", "api_secret", "callback_url", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (6, '测试演示', 'DEBUG_DING_TALK', 0, NULL, '696b5d8ead48071237e4aa5861ff08dbadb2b4ded1c688a7b7c9afc615579859', 'SEC5c4e5ff888bc8a9923ae47f59e7ccd30af1f14d93c55b4e2c9cb094e35aeed67', NULL, '1', '2022-04-10 23:07:59', '1', '2022-04-10 23:07:59', 0);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_sms_code
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_sms_code";
CREATE TABLE "system_sms_code" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"mobile" varchar(11) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"code" varchar(6) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"create_ip" varchar(15) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"scene" int2 NOT NULL,
"today_index" int2 NOT NULL,
"used" bool NOT NULL,
"used_time" timestamp(6),
"used_ip" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_code"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_code"."mobile" IS '手机号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_code"."code" IS '验证码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_code"."create_ip" IS '创建 IP';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_code"."scene" IS '发送场景';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_code"."today_index" IS '今日发送的第几条';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_code"."used" IS '是否使用';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_code"."used_time" IS '使用时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_code"."used_ip" IS '使用 IP';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_code"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_code"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_code"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_code"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_code"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_code"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_sms_code" IS '手机验证码';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_sms_code
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_sms_log
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_sms_log";
CREATE TABLE "system_sms_log" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"channel_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"channel_code" varchar(63) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"template_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"template_code" varchar(63) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"template_type" int2 NOT NULL,
"template_content" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"template_params" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"api_template_id" varchar(63) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"mobile" varchar(11) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"user_id" int8,
"user_type" int2,
"send_status" int2 NOT NULL,
"send_time" timestamp(6),
"send_code" int4,
"send_msg" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"api_send_code" varchar(63) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"api_send_msg" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"api_request_id" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"api_serial_no" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"receive_status" int2 NOT NULL,
"receive_time" timestamp(6),
"api_receive_code" varchar(63) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"api_receive_msg" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."channel_id" IS '短信渠道编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."channel_code" IS '短信渠道编码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."template_id" IS '模板编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."template_code" IS '模板编码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."template_type" IS '短信类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."template_content" IS '短信内容';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."template_params" IS '短信参数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."api_template_id" IS '短信 API 的模板编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."mobile" IS '手机号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."user_id" IS '用户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."user_type" IS '用户类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."send_status" IS '发送状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."send_time" IS '发送时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."send_code" IS '发送结果的编码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."send_msg" IS '发送结果的提示';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."api_send_code" IS '短信 API 发送结果的编码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."api_send_msg" IS '短信 API 发送失败的提示';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."api_request_id" IS '短信 API 发送返回的唯一请求 ID';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."api_serial_no" IS '短信 API 发送返回的序号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."receive_status" IS '接收状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."receive_time" IS '接收时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."api_receive_code" IS 'API 接收结果的编码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."api_receive_msg" IS 'API 接收结果的说明';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_log"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_sms_log" IS '短信日志';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_sms_log
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_sms_template
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_sms_template";
CREATE TABLE "system_sms_template" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"type" int2 NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"code" varchar(63) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(63) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"content" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"params" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"remark" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"api_template_id" varchar(63) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"channel_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"channel_code" varchar(63) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_template"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_template"."type" IS '短信签名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_template"."status" IS '开启状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_template"."code" IS '模板编码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_template"."name" IS '模板名称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_template"."content" IS '模板内容';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_template"."params" IS '参数数组';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_template"."remark" IS '备注';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_template"."api_template_id" IS '短信 API 的模板编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_template"."channel_id" IS '短信渠道编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_template"."channel_code" IS '短信渠道编码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_template"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_template"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_template"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_template"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_sms_template"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_sms_template" IS '短信模板';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_sms_template
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO "system_sms_template" ("id", "type", "status", "code", "name", "content", "params", "remark", "api_template_id", "channel_id", "channel_code", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (2, 1, 0, 'test_01', '测试验证码短信', '正在进行登录操作{operation},您的验证码是{code}', '["operation","code"]', NULL, '4383920', 1, 'YUN_PIAN', '', '2021-03-31 10:49:38', '1', '2021-04-10 01:22:00', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_sms_template" ("id", "type", "status", "code", "name", "content", "params", "remark", "api_template_id", "channel_id", "channel_code", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (3, 1, 0, 'test_02', '公告通知', '您的验证码{code},该验证码5分钟内有效,请勿泄漏于他人!', '["code"]', NULL, 'SMS_207945135', 2, 'ALIYUN', '', '2021-03-31 11:56:30', '1', '2021-04-10 01:22:02', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_sms_template" ("id", "type", "status", "code", "name", "content", "params", "remark", "api_template_id", "channel_id", "channel_code", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (6, 3, 0, 'test-01', '测试模板', '哈哈哈 {name}', '["name"]', 'f哈哈哈', '4383920', 1, 'YUN_PIAN', '1', '2021-04-10 01:07:21', '1', '2021-04-10 01:22:05', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_sms_template" ("id", "type", "status", "code", "name", "content", "params", "remark", "api_template_id", "channel_id", "channel_code", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (7, 3, 0, 'test-04', '测试下', '老鸡{name},牛逼{code}', '["name","code"]', NULL, 'suibian', 4, 'DEBUG_DING_TALK', '1', '2021-04-13 00:29:53', '1', '2021-04-14 00:30:38', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_sms_template" ("id", "type", "status", "code", "name", "content", "params", "remark", "api_template_id", "channel_id", "channel_code", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (8, 1, 0, 'user-sms-login', '前台用户短信登录', '您的验证码是{code}', '["code"]', NULL, '4372216', 1, 'YUN_PIAN', '1', '2021-10-11 08:10:00', '1', '2021-10-11 08:10:00', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_sms_template" ("id", "type", "status", "code", "name", "content", "params", "remark", "api_template_id", "channel_id", "channel_code", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (9, 2, 0, 'bpm_task_assigned', '【工作流】任务被分配', '您收到了一条新的待办任务:{processInstanceName}-{taskName},申请人:{startUserNickname},处理链接:{detailUrl}', '["processInstanceName","taskName","startUserNickname","detailUrl"]', NULL, 'suibian', 4, 'DEBUG_DING_TALK', '1', '2022-01-21 22:31:19', '1', '2022-01-22 00:03:36', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_sms_template" ("id", "type", "status", "code", "name", "content", "params", "remark", "api_template_id", "channel_id", "channel_code", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (10, 2, 0, 'bpm_process_instance_reject', '【工作流】流程被不通过', '您的流程被审批不通过:{processInstanceName},原因:{reason},查看链接:{detailUrl}', '["processInstanceName","reason","detailUrl"]', NULL, 'suibian', 4, 'DEBUG_DING_TALK', '1', '2022-01-22 00:03:31', '1', '2022-05-01 12:33:14', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_sms_template" ("id", "type", "status", "code", "name", "content", "params", "remark", "api_template_id", "channel_id", "channel_code", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (11, 2, 0, 'bpm_process_instance_approve', '【工作流】流程被通过', '您的流程被审批通过:{processInstanceName},查看链接:{detailUrl}', '["processInstanceName","detailUrl"]', NULL, 'suibian', 4, 'DEBUG_DING_TALK', '1', '2022-01-22 00:04:31', '1', '2022-03-27 20:32:21', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_sms_template" ("id", "type", "status", "code", "name", "content", "params", "remark", "api_template_id", "channel_id", "channel_code", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (12, 2, 0, 'demo', '演示模板', '我就是测试一下下', '[]', NULL, 'biubiubiu', 6, 'DEBUG_DING_TALK', '1', '2022-04-10 23:22:49', '1', '2022-04-10 23:22:49', 0);
INSERT INTO "system_sms_template" ("id", "type", "status", "code", "name", "content", "params", "remark", "api_template_id", "channel_id", "channel_code", "creator", "create_time", "updater", "update_time", "deleted") VALUES (13, 1, 0, 'admin-sms-login', '后台用户短信登录', '您的验证码是{code}', '["code"]', '', '4372216', 1, 'YUN_PIAN', '1', '2021-10-11 08:10:00', '1', '2021-10-11 08:10:00', 0);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_social_user
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_social_user";
CREATE TABLE "system_social_user" (
"id" numeric(20,0) NOT NULL,
"type" int2 NOT NULL,
"openid" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"token" varchar(256) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"raw_token_info" varchar(1024) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"nickname" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"avatar" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"raw_user_info" varchar(1024) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"code" varchar(256) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"state" varchar(256) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user"."id" IS '主键(自增策略)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user"."type" IS '社交平台的类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user"."openid" IS '社交 openid';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user"."token" IS '社交 token';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user"."raw_token_info" IS '原始 Token 数据,一般是 JSON 格式';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user"."nickname" IS '用户昵称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user"."avatar" IS '用户头像';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user"."raw_user_info" IS '原始用户数据,一般是 JSON 格式';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user"."code" IS '最后一次的认证 code';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user"."state" IS '最后一次的认证 state';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_social_user" IS '社交用户表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_social_user
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_social_user_bind
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_social_user_bind";
CREATE TABLE "system_social_user_bind" (
"id" numeric(20,0) NOT NULL,
"user_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"user_type" int2 NOT NULL,
"social_type" int2 NOT NULL,
"social_user_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user_bind"."id" IS '主键(自增策略)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user_bind"."user_id" IS '用户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user_bind"."user_type" IS '用户类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user_bind"."social_type" IS '社交平台的类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user_bind"."social_user_id" IS '社交用户的编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user_bind"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user_bind"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user_bind"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user_bind"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user_bind"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_social_user_bind"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_social_user_bind" IS '社交绑定表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_social_user_bind
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_tenant
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_tenant";
CREATE TABLE "system_tenant" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(30) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"contact_user_id" int8,
"contact_name" varchar(30) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"contact_mobile" varchar(500) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"domain" varchar(256) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"package_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"expire_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"account_count" int4 NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_tenant"."id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_tenant"."name" IS '租户名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_tenant"."contact_user_id" IS '联系人的用户编号';
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-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_tenant
-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_tenant_package
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_tenant_package";
CREATE TABLE "system_tenant_package" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(30) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"remark" varchar(256) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
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"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
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"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
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-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_tenant_package
-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_user_post
-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_user_post
-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_user_role
-- ----------------------------
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"user_id" int8 NOT NULL,
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"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6),
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-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_user_role
-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_users
-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
-- Records of system_users
-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_mail_account
-- ----------------------------
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"ssl_enable" varchar(1) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_account"."id" IS '主键';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_account"."mail" IS '邮箱';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_account"."username" IS '用户名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_account"."password" IS '密码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_account"."host" IS 'SMTP 服务器域名';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_account"."port" IS 'SMTP 服务器端口';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_account"."ssl_enable" IS '是否开启 SSL';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_account"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_account"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_account"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_account"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_account"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_mail_account" IS '邮箱账号表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_mail_log
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_mail_log";
CREATE TABLE "system_mail_log" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"user_id" int8,
"user_type" int2,
"to_mail" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"account_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"from_mail" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"template_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"template_code" varchar(63) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"template_nickname" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"template_title" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"template_content" varchar(10240) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"template_params" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"send_status" int2 NOT NULL,
"send_time" timestamp(6),
"send_message_id" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"send_exception" varchar(4096) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."user_id" IS '用户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."user_type" IS '用户类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."to_mail" IS '接收邮箱地址';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."account_id" IS '邮箱账号编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."from_mail" IS '发送邮箱地址';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."template_id" IS '模板编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."template_code" IS '模板编码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."template_nickname" IS '模版发送人名称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."template_title" IS '邮件标题';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."template_content" IS '邮件内容';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."template_params" IS '邮件参数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."send_status" IS '发送状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."send_time" IS '发送时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."send_message_id" IS '发送返回的消息 ID';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."send_exception" IS '发送异常';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_log"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_mail_log" IS '邮件日志表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_mail_template
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_mail_template";
CREATE TABLE "system_mail_template" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(63) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"code" varchar(63) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"account_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"nickname" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"title" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"content" varchar(10240) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"params" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"remark" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_template"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_template"."name" IS '模板名称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_template"."code" IS '模板编码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_template"."account_id" IS '发送的邮箱账号编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_template"."nickname" IS '发送人名称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_template"."title" IS '模板标题';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_template"."content" IS '模板内容';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_template"."params" IS '参数数组';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_template"."status" IS '开启状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_template"."remark" IS '备注';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_template"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_template"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_template"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_template"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_mail_template"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_mail_template" IS '邮件模版表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_notify_message
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_notify_message";
CREATE TABLE "system_notify_message" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"user_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"user_type" int2 NOT NULL,
"template_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"template_code" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"template_nickname" varchar(63) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"template_content" varchar(1024) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"template_type" int4 NOT NULL,
"template_params" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"read_status" varchar(1) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"read_time" timestamp(6),
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_message"."id" IS '用户ID';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_message"."user_id" IS '用户id';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_message"."user_type" IS '用户类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_message"."template_id" IS '模版编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_message"."template_code" IS '模板编码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_message"."template_nickname" IS '模版发送人名称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_message"."template_content" IS '模版内容';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_message"."template_type" IS '模版类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_message"."template_params" IS '模版参数';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_message"."read_status" IS '是否已读';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_message"."read_time" IS '阅读时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_message"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_message"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_message"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_message"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_message"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_message"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_notify_message" IS '站内信消息表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_notify_template
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_notify_template";
CREATE TABLE "system_notify_template" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(63) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"code" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"nickname" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"content" varchar(1024) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"type" int2 NOT NULL,
"params" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"status" int2 NOT NULL,
"remark" varchar(255) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_template"."id" IS '主键';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_template"."name" IS '模板名称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_template"."code" IS '模版编码';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_template"."nickname" IS '发送人名称';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_template"."content" IS '模版内容';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_template"."type" IS '类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_template"."params" IS '参数数组';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_template"."status" IS '状态';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_template"."remark" IS '备注';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_template"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_template"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_template"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_template"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_notify_template"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_notify_template" IS '站内信模板表';
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for system_user_session
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "system_user_session";
CREATE TABLE "system_user_session" (
"id" int8 NOT NULL,
"token" varchar(32) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"user_id" int8 NOT NULL,
"user_type" int2 NOT NULL,
"session_timeout" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"username" varchar(30) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"user_ip" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"user_agent" varchar(512) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
"creator" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"updater" varchar(64) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"update_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
"deleted" int2 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
"tenant_id" int8 NOT NULL
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_user_session"."id" IS '编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_user_session"."token" IS '会话编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_user_session"."user_id" IS '用户编号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_user_session"."user_type" IS '用户类型';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_user_session"."session_timeout" IS '会话超时时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_user_session"."username" IS '用户账号';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_user_session"."user_ip" IS '用户 IP';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_user_session"."user_agent" IS '浏览器 UA';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_user_session"."creator" IS '创建者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_user_session"."create_time" IS '创建时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_user_session"."updater" IS '更新者';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_user_session"."update_time" IS '更新时间';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_user_session"."deleted" IS '是否删除';
COMMENT ON COLUMN "system_user_session"."tenant_id" IS '租户编号';
COMMENT ON TABLE "system_user_session" IS '用户在线 Session';
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
SELECT setval('"bpm_oa_leave_seq"', 1, true);
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
SELECT setval('"bpm_task_assign_rule_seq"', 1, true);
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
SELECT setval('"infra_api_access_log_seq"', 537, true);
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
SELECT setval('"infra_api_error_log_seq"', 73, true);
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
SELECT setval('"infra_job_log_seq"', 1, true);
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
SELECT setval('"infra_job_seq"', 2, true);
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
SELECT setval('"system_error_code_seq"', 186, true);
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
SELECT setval('"system_login_log_seq"', 23, true);
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
SELECT setval('"system_oauth2_access_token_seq"', 11, true);
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
SELECT setval('"system_oauth2_approve_seq"', 4, true);
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
SELECT setval('"system_oauth2_client_seq"', 1, false);
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
SELECT setval('"system_oauth2_code_seq"', 4, true);
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
SELECT setval('"system_oauth2_refresh_token_seq"', 1, true);
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
SELECT setval('"system_operate_log_seq"', 44, true);
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
SELECT setval('"system_sms_log_seq"', 1, true);
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Alter sequences owned by
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table bpm_form
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "bpm_form" ADD CONSTRAINT "bpm_form_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table bpm_oa_leave
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "bpm_oa_leave" ADD CONSTRAINT "bpm_oa_leave_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table bpm_process_definition_ext
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "bpm_process_definition_ext" ADD CONSTRAINT "bpm_process_definition_ext_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table bpm_process_instance_ext
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "bpm_process_instance_ext" ADD CONSTRAINT "bpm_process_instance_ext_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table bpm_task_assign_rule
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "bpm_task_assign_rule" ADD CONSTRAINT "bpm_task_assign_rule_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table bpm_task_ext
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "bpm_task_ext" ADD CONSTRAINT "bpm_task_ext_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table bpm_user_group
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "bpm_user_group" ADD CONSTRAINT "bpm_user_group_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table infra_api_access_log
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "infra_api_access_log" ADD CONSTRAINT "infra_api_access_log_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table infra_api_error_log
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "infra_api_error_log" ADD CONSTRAINT "infra_api_error_log_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table infra_codegen_column
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "infra_codegen_column" ADD CONSTRAINT "infra_codegen_column_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table infra_codegen_table
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "infra_codegen_table" ADD CONSTRAINT "infra_codegen_table_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table infra_config
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "infra_config" ADD CONSTRAINT "infra_config_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table infra_data_source_config
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "infra_data_source_config" ADD CONSTRAINT "infra_data_source_config_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table infra_file
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "infra_file" ADD CONSTRAINT "infra_file_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table infra_file_config
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "infra_file_config" ADD CONSTRAINT "infra_file_config_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table infra_file_content
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "infra_file_content" ADD CONSTRAINT "infra_file_content_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table infra_job
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "infra_job" ADD CONSTRAINT "infra_job_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table infra_job_log
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "infra_job_log" ADD CONSTRAINT "infra_job_log_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table infra_test_demo
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "infra_test_demo" ADD CONSTRAINT "infra_test_demo_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table member_user
-- ----------------------------
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "uk_mobile" ON "member_user" USING btree (
"mobile" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
COMMENT ON INDEX "uk_mobile" IS '手机号';
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table member_user
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "member_user" ADD CONSTRAINT "member_user_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table pay_app
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "pay_app" ADD CONSTRAINT "pay_app_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table pay_channel
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "pay_channel" ADD CONSTRAINT "pay_channel_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table pay_merchant
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "pay_merchant" ADD CONSTRAINT "pay_merchant_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table pay_notify_log
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "pay_notify_log" ADD CONSTRAINT "pay_notify_log_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table pay_notify_task
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "pay_notify_task" ADD CONSTRAINT "pay_notify_task_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table pay_order
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "pay_order" ADD CONSTRAINT "pay_order_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table pay_order_extension
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "pay_order_extension" ADD CONSTRAINT "pay_order_extension_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table pay_refund
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "pay_refund" ADD CONSTRAINT "pay_refund_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table qrtz_blob_triggers
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "qrtz_blob_triggers" ADD CONSTRAINT "qrtz_blob_triggers_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("sched_name", "trigger_name", "trigger_group");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table qrtz_calendars
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "qrtz_calendars" ADD CONSTRAINT "qrtz_calendars_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("sched_name", "calendar_name");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table qrtz_cron_triggers
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "qrtz_cron_triggers" ADD CONSTRAINT "qrtz_cron_triggers_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("sched_name", "trigger_name", "trigger_group");
-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table qrtz_fired_triggers
-- ----------------------------
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_ft_inst_job_req_rcvry" ON "qrtz_fired_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"instance_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"requests_recovery" "pg_catalog"."bool_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_ft_j_g" ON "qrtz_fired_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"job_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"job_group" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_ft_jg" ON "qrtz_fired_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"job_group" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_ft_t_g" ON "qrtz_fired_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"trigger_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"trigger_group" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_ft_tg" ON "qrtz_fired_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"trigger_group" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_ft_trig_inst_name" ON "qrtz_fired_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"instance_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table qrtz_fired_triggers
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "qrtz_fired_triggers" ADD CONSTRAINT "qrtz_fired_triggers_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("sched_name", "entry_id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table qrtz_job_details
-- ----------------------------
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_j_grp" ON "qrtz_job_details" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"job_group" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_j_req_recovery" ON "qrtz_job_details" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"requests_recovery" "pg_catalog"."bool_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table qrtz_job_details
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "qrtz_job_details" ADD CONSTRAINT "qrtz_job_details_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("sched_name", "job_name", "job_group");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table qrtz_locks
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "qrtz_locks" ADD CONSTRAINT "qrtz_locks_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("sched_name", "lock_name");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table qrtz_paused_trigger_grps
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "qrtz_paused_trigger_grps" ADD CONSTRAINT "qrtz_paused_trigger_grps_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("sched_name", "trigger_group");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table qrtz_scheduler_state
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "qrtz_scheduler_state" ADD CONSTRAINT "qrtz_scheduler_state_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("sched_name", "instance_name");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table qrtz_simple_triggers
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "qrtz_simple_triggers" ADD CONSTRAINT "qrtz_simple_triggers_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("sched_name", "trigger_name", "trigger_group");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table qrtz_simprop_triggers
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "qrtz_simprop_triggers" ADD CONSTRAINT "qrtz_simprop_triggers_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("sched_name", "trigger_name", "trigger_group");
-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table qrtz_triggers
-- ----------------------------
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_t_c" ON "qrtz_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"calendar_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_t_g" ON "qrtz_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"trigger_group" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_t_j" ON "qrtz_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"job_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"job_group" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_t_jg" ON "qrtz_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"job_group" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_t_n_g_state" ON "qrtz_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"trigger_group" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"trigger_state" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_t_n_state" ON "qrtz_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"trigger_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"trigger_group" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"trigger_state" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_t_next_fire_time" ON "qrtz_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"next_fire_time" "pg_catalog"."int8_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_t_nft_misfire" ON "qrtz_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"misfire_instr" "pg_catalog"."int2_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"next_fire_time" "pg_catalog"."int8_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_t_nft_st" ON "qrtz_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"trigger_state" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"next_fire_time" "pg_catalog"."int8_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_t_nft_st_misfire" ON "qrtz_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"misfire_instr" "pg_catalog"."int2_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"next_fire_time" "pg_catalog"."int8_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"trigger_state" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_t_nft_st_misfire_grp" ON "qrtz_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"misfire_instr" "pg_catalog"."int2_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"next_fire_time" "pg_catalog"."int8_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"trigger_group" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"trigger_state" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
CREATE INDEX "idx_qrtz_t_state" ON "qrtz_triggers" USING btree (
"sched_name" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"trigger_state" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table qrtz_triggers
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "qrtz_triggers" ADD CONSTRAINT "qrtz_triggers_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("sched_name", "trigger_name", "trigger_group");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_dept
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_dept" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_dept_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_dict_data
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_dict_data" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_dict_data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table system_dict_type
-- ----------------------------
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "dict_type" ON "system_dict_type" USING btree (
"type" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_dict_type
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_dict_type" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_dict_type_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_error_code
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_error_code" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_error_code_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_login_log
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_login_log" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_login_log_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_menu
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_menu" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_menu_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_notice
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_notice" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_notice_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_oauth2_access_token
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_oauth2_access_token" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_oauth2_access_token_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_oauth2_approve
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_oauth2_approve" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_oauth2_approve_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_oauth2_client
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_oauth2_client" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_oauth2_client_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_oauth2_code
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_oauth2_code" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_oauth2_code_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_oauth2_refresh_token
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_oauth2_refresh_token" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_oauth2_refresh_token_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_operate_log
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_operate_log" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_operate_log_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_post
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_post" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_post_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_role
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_role" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_role_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_role_menu
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_role_menu" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_role_menu_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_sensitive_word
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_sensitive_word" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_sensitive_word_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_sms_channel
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_sms_channel" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_sms_channel_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table system_sms_code
-- ----------------------------
CREATE INDEX "idx_mobile" ON "system_sms_code" USING btree (
"mobile" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
COMMENT ON INDEX "idx_mobile" IS '手机号';
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_sms_code
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_sms_code" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_sms_code_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_sms_log
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_sms_log" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_sms_log_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_sms_template
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_sms_template" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_sms_template_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_social_user
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_social_user" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_social_user_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_social_user_bind
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_social_user_bind" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_social_user_bind_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_tenant
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_tenant" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_tenant_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_tenant_package
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_tenant_package" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_tenant_package_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_user_post
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_user_post" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_user_post_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_user_role
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_user_role" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_user_role_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Indexes structure for table system_users
-- ----------------------------
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "idx_username" ON "system_users" USING btree (
"username" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"update_time" "pg_catalog"."timestamp_ops" ASC NULLS LAST,
"tenant_id" "pg_catalog"."int8_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
-- ----------------------------
-- Primary Key structure for table system_users
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "system_users" ADD CONSTRAINT "system_user_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id");
-- ----------------------------
-- Foreign Keys structure for table qrtz_blob_triggers
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "qrtz_blob_triggers" ADD CONSTRAINT "qrtz_blob_triggers_sched_name_trigger_name_trigger_group_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("sched_name", "trigger_name", "trigger_group") REFERENCES "qrtz_triggers" ("sched_name", "trigger_name", "trigger_group") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION;
-- ----------------------------
-- Foreign Keys structure for table qrtz_cron_triggers
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "qrtz_cron_triggers" ADD CONSTRAINT "qrtz_cron_triggers_sched_name_trigger_name_trigger_group_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("sched_name", "trigger_name", "trigger_group") REFERENCES "qrtz_triggers" ("sched_name", "trigger_name", "trigger_group") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION;
-- ----------------------------
-- Foreign Keys structure for table qrtz_simple_triggers
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "qrtz_simple_triggers" ADD CONSTRAINT "qrtz_simple_triggers_sched_name_trigger_name_trigger_group_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("sched_name", "trigger_name", "trigger_group") REFERENCES "qrtz_triggers" ("sched_name", "trigger_name", "trigger_group") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION;
-- ----------------------------
-- Foreign Keys structure for table qrtz_simprop_triggers
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "qrtz_simprop_triggers" ADD CONSTRAINT "qrtz_simprop_triggers_sched_name_trigger_name_trigger_grou_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("sched_name", "trigger_name", "trigger_group") REFERENCES "qrtz_triggers" ("sched_name", "trigger_name", "trigger_group") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION;
-- ----------------------------
-- Foreign Keys structure for table qrtz_triggers
-- ----------------------------
ALTER TABLE "qrtz_triggers" ADD CONSTRAINT "qrtz_triggers_sched_name_job_name_job_group_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("sched_name", "job_name", "job_group") REFERENCES "qrtz_job_details" ("sched_name", "job_name", "job_group") ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION;