diff --git a/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/application-unit-test.yaml b/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/application-unit-test.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index d360045b9..000000000 --- a/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/application-unit-test.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -spring: - main: - lazy-initialization: true # 开启懒加载,加快速度 - banner-mode: off # 单元测试,禁用 Banner - ---- #################### 数据库相关配置 #################### - -spring: -# sql: -# init: -# schema-locations: classpath:sql/create_tables.sql -# username: sa -# password: -# enabled: true - # 数据源配置项 - datasource: - name: ruoyi-vue-pro - url: jdbc:h2:mem:testdb;MODE=MYSQL;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false; # MODE 使用 MySQL 模式;DATABASE_TO_UPPER 配置表和字段使用小写 - driver-class-name: org.h2.Driver - username: sa - password: - schema: classpath:sql/create_tables.sql # MySQL 转 H2 的语句,使用 https://www.jooq.org/translate/ 工具 - druid: - async-init: true # 单元测试,异步初始化 Druid 连接池,提升启动速度 - initial-size: 1 # 单元测试,配置为 1,提升启动速度 - - # Redis 配置。Redisson 默认的配置足够使用,一般不需要进行调优 - redis: - host: # 地址 - port: 16379 # 端口(单元测试,使用 16379 端口) - database: 0 # 数据库索引 - integration: - jdbc: - initialize-schema: - -mybatis: - lazy-initialization: true # 单元测试,设置 MyBatis Mapper 延迟加载,加速每个单元测试 - ---- #################### 定时任务相关配置 #################### - ---- #################### 配置中心相关配置 #################### - ---- #################### 服务保障相关配置 #################### - -# Lock4j 配置项(单元测试,禁用 Lock4j) - -# Resilience4j 配置项 - ---- #################### 监控相关配置 #################### - ---- #################### 芋道相关配置 #################### - -# 芋道配置项,设置当前项目所有自定义的配置 diff --git a/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/application.yaml b/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/application.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 4db8b273c..000000000 --- a/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/application.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -spring: - application: - name: yudao-core-service - - # Jackson 配置项 - jackson: - serialization: - write-dates-as-timestamps: true # 设置 Date 的格式,使用时间戳 - write-date-timestamps-as-nanoseconds: false # 设置不使用 nanoseconds 的格式。例如说 1611460870.401,而是直接 1611460870401 - write-durations-as-timestamps: true # 设置 Duration 的格式,使用时间戳 - fail-on-empty-beans: false # 允许序列化无属性的 Bean - -# MyBatis Plus 的配置项 -mybatis-plus: - configuration: - map-underscore-to-camel-case: true # 虽然默认为 true ,但是还是显示去指定下。 - log-impl: org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl # 打印日志 - global-config: - db-config: - id-type: AUTO # 自增 ID - logic-delete-value: 1 # 逻辑已删除值(默认为 1) - logic-not-delete-value: 0 # 逻辑未删除值(默认为 0) - mapper-locations: classpath*:mapper/*.xml - type-aliases-package: ${yudao.core-service.base-package}.modules.*.dal.dataobject - ---- #################### 芋道相关配置 #################### - -yudao: - info: - version: 1.0.0 - base-package: cn.iocoder.yudao.coreservice - core-service: - base-package: cn.iocoder.yudao.coreservice - -debug: false diff --git a/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/file/erweima.jpg b/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/file/erweima.jpg deleted file mode 100644 index 1447283cd..000000000 Binary files a/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/file/erweima.jpg and /dev/null differ diff --git a/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/logback-spring.xml b/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/logback-spring.xml deleted file mode 100644 index daf756bff..000000000 --- a/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/logback-spring.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -<configuration> - <!-- 引用 Spring Boot 的 logback 基础配置 --> - <include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/defaults.xml" /> -</configuration> diff --git a/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/sql/clean.sql b/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/sql/clean.sql deleted file mode 100644 index b11f374ef..000000000 --- a/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/sql/clean.sql +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ --- inf 开头的 DB -DELETE FROM "inf_api_access_log"; -DELETE FROM "inf_file"; -DELETE FROM "inf_api_error_log"; - --- sys 开头的 DB -DELETE FROM "sys_user_session"; -DELETE FROM "sys_dict_data"; -DELETE FROM "sys_sms_template"; -DELETE FROM "sys_sms_log"; -DELETE FROM "sys_social_user"; diff --git a/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/sql/create_tables.sql b/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/sql/create_tables.sql deleted file mode 100644 index 633c0d936..000000000 --- a/yudao-core-service/src/test/resources/sql/create_tables.sql +++ /dev/null @@ -1,199 +0,0 @@ --- inf 开头的 DB - -CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "inf_file" ( - "id" varchar(188) NOT NULL, - "type" varchar(63) DEFAULT NULL, - "content" blob NOT NULL, - "creator" varchar(64) DEFAULT '', - "create_time" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - "updater" varchar(64) DEFAULT '', - "update_time" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - "deleted" bit NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, - "tenant_id" bigint not null default '0', - PRIMARY KEY ("id") -) COMMENT '文件表'; - --- sys 开头的 DB - -CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sys_user_session` ( - `id` varchar(32) NOT NULL, - `user_id` bigint DEFAULT NULL, - "user_type" tinyint NOT NULL, - `username` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', - `user_ip` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, - `user_agent` varchar(512) DEFAULT NULL, - `session_timeout` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - "creator" varchar(64) DEFAULT '', - "create_time" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - `updater` varchar(64) DEFAULT '' , - "update_time" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - "deleted" bit NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, - "tenant_id" bigint not null default '0', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) -) COMMENT '用户在线 Session'; - -CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sys_dict_data" ( - "id" bigint NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, - "sort" int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', - "label" varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', - "value" varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', - "dict_type" varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', - "status" tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', - "remark" varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL, - "creator" varchar(64) DEFAULT '', - "create_time" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - "updater" varchar(64) DEFAULT '', - "update_time" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - "deleted" bit NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, - PRIMARY KEY ("id") -) COMMENT '字典数据表'; - -CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "inf_api_access_log" ( - "id" bigint not null GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, - "trace_id" varchar(64) not null default '', - "user_id" bigint not null default '0', - "user_type" tinyint not null default '0', - "application_name" varchar(50) not null, - "request_method" varchar(16) not null default '', - "request_url" varchar(255) not null default '', - "request_params" varchar(8000) not null default '', - "user_ip" varchar(50) not null, - "user_agent" varchar(512) not null, - "begin_time" timestamp not null, - "end_time" timestamp not null, - "duration" integer not null, - "result_code" integer not null default '0', - "result_msg" varchar(512) default '', - "creator" varchar(64) default '', - "create_time" timestamp not null default current_timestamp, - "updater" varchar(64) default '', - "update_time" timestamp not null default current_timestamp, - "deleted" bit not null default false, - "tenant_id" bigint not null default '0', - primary key ("id") -) COMMENT 'API 访问日志表'; - -CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "inf_api_error_log" ( - "id" integer not null GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, - "trace_id" varchar(64) not null, - "user_id" bigint not null default '0', - "user_type" tinyint not null default '0', - "application_name" varchar(50) not null, - "request_method" varchar(16) not null, - "request_url" varchar(255) not null, - "request_params" varchar(8000) not null, - "user_ip" varchar(50) not null, - "user_agent" varchar(512) not null, - "exception_time" timestamp not null, - "exception_name" varchar(128) not null default '', - "exception_message" clob not null, - "exception_root_cause_message" clob not null, - "exception_stack_trace" clob not null, - "exception_class_name" varchar(512) not null, - "exception_file_name" varchar(512) not null, - "exception_method_name" varchar(512) not null, - "exception_line_number" integer not null, - "process_status" tinyint not null, - "process_time" timestamp default null, - "process_user_id" bigint default '0', - "creator" varchar(64) default '', - "create_time" timestamp not null default current_timestamp, - "updater" varchar(64) default '', - "update_time" timestamp not null default current_timestamp, - "deleted" bit not null default false, - "tenant_id" bigint not null default '0', - primary key ("id") -) COMMENT '系统异常日志'; - -CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sys_sms_template" ( - "id" bigint NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, - "type" tinyint NOT NULL, - "status" tinyint NOT NULL, - "code" varchar(63) NOT NULL, - "name" varchar(63) NOT NULL, - "content" varchar(255) NOT NULL, - "params" varchar(255) NOT NULL, - "remark" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, - "api_template_id" varchar(63) NOT NULL, - "channel_id" bigint NOT NULL, - "channel_code" varchar(63) NOT NULL, - "creator" varchar(64) DEFAULT '', - "create_time" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - "updater" varchar(64) DEFAULT '', - "update_time" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - "deleted" bit NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, - PRIMARY KEY ("id") -) COMMENT '短信模板'; - -CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sys_sms_log" ( - "id" bigint NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, - "channel_id" bigint NOT NULL, - "channel_code" varchar(63) NOT NULL, - "template_id" bigint NOT NULL, - "template_code" varchar(63) NOT NULL, - "template_type" tinyint NOT NULL, - "template_content" varchar(255) NOT NULL, - "template_params" varchar(255) NOT NULL, - "api_template_id" varchar(63) NOT NULL, - "mobile" varchar(11) NOT NULL, - "user_id" bigint DEFAULT '0', - "user_type" tinyint DEFAULT '0', - "send_status" tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', - "send_time" timestamp DEFAULT NULL, - "send_code" int DEFAULT NULL, - "send_msg" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, - "api_send_code" varchar(63) DEFAULT NULL, - "api_send_msg" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, - "api_request_id" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, - "api_serial_no" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, - "receive_status" tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', - "receive_time" timestamp DEFAULT NULL, - "api_receive_code" varchar(63) DEFAULT NULL, - "api_receive_msg" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, - "creator" varchar(64) DEFAULT '', - "create_time" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - "updater" varchar(64) DEFAULT '', - "update_time" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - "deleted" bit NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, - "tenant_id" bigint not null default '0', - PRIMARY KEY ("id") -) COMMENT '短信日志'; - -CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sys_login_log` ( - `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, - `log_type` bigint(4) NOT NULL, - "user_id" bigint not null default '0', - "user_type" tinyint NOT NULL, - `trace_id` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', - `username` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', - `result` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, - `user_ip` varchar(50) NOT NULL, - `user_agent` varchar(512) NOT NULL, - `creator` varchar(64) DEFAULT '', - `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - `updater` varchar(64) DEFAULT '', - `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', - "tenant_id" bigint not null default '0', - PRIMARY KEY (`id`) -) COMMENT ='系统访问记录'; - -CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "sys_social_user" ( - "id" number NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, - "user_id" bigint NOT NULL, - "user_type" tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', - "type" tinyint NOT NULL, - "openid" varchar(32) NOT NULL, - "token" varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL, - "union_id" varchar(32) NOT NULL, - "raw_token_info" varchar(1024) NOT NULL, - "nickname" varchar(32) NOT NULL, - "avatar" varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, - "raw_user_info" varchar(1024) NOT NULL, - "creator" varchar(64) DEFAULT '', - "create_time" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - "updater" varchar(64) DEFAULT '', - "update_time" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, - "deleted" bit NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, - PRIMARY KEY ("id") -) COMMENT '社交用户'; diff --git a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/job/JobExportReqVO.java b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/job/JobExportReqVO.java index 1155311d1..ec393a604 100644 --- a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/job/JobExportReqVO.java +++ b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/job/JobExportReqVO.java @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; import lombok.Data; -@ApiModel(value = "管理后台 - 定时任务 Excel 导出 Request VO", description = "参数和 InfJobPageReqVO 是一致的") +@ApiModel(value = "管理后台 - 定时任务 Excel 导出 Request VO", description = "参数和 JobPageReqVO 是一致的") @Data public class JobExportReqVO { diff --git a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/job/JobPageReqVO.java b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/job/JobPageReqVO.java index 0d8dd53e3..02d3a7e2b 100644 --- a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/job/JobPageReqVO.java +++ b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/job/JobPageReqVO.java @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ public class JobPageReqVO extends PageParam { @ApiModelProperty(value = "任务名称", example = "测试任务", notes = "模糊匹配") private String name; - @ApiModelProperty(value = "任务状态", example = "1", notes = "参见 InfJobStatusEnum 枚举") + @ApiModelProperty(value = "任务状态", example = "1", notes = "参见 JobStatusEnum 枚举") private Integer status; @ApiModelProperty(value = "处理器的名字", example = "sysUserSessionTimeoutJob", notes = "模糊匹配") diff --git a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/log/JobLogBaseVO.java b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/log/JobLogBaseVO.java index 496969d73..761921349 100644 --- a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/log/JobLogBaseVO.java +++ b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/log/JobLogBaseVO.java @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public class JobLogBaseVO { @ApiModelProperty(value = "执行时长", example = "123") private Integer duration; - @ApiModelProperty(value = "任务状态", required = true, example = "1", notes = "参见 InfJobLogStatusEnum 枚举") + @ApiModelProperty(value = "任务状态", required = true, example = "1", notes = "参见 JobLogStatusEnum 枚举") @NotNull(message = "任务状态不能为空") private Integer status; diff --git a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/log/JobLogExportReqVO.java b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/log/JobLogExportReqVO.java index 32aa9619b..df482c9d2 100644 --- a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/log/JobLogExportReqVO.java +++ b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/log/JobLogExportReqVO.java @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import java.util.Date; import static cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.util.date.DateUtils.FORMAT_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR_MINUTE_SECOND; -@ApiModel(value = "管理后台 - 定时任务 Excel 导出 Request VO", description = "参数和 InfJobLogPageReqVO 是一致的") +@ApiModel(value = "管理后台 - 定时任务 Excel 导出 Request VO", description = "参数和 JobLogPageReqVO 是一致的") @Data public class JobLogExportReqVO { @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public class JobLogExportReqVO { @ApiModelProperty(value = "结束执行时间") private Date endTime; - @ApiModelProperty(value = "任务状态", notes = "参见 InfJobLogStatusEnum 枚举") + @ApiModelProperty(value = "任务状态", notes = "参见 JobLogStatusEnum 枚举") private Integer status; } diff --git a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/log/JobLogPageReqVO.java b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/log/JobLogPageReqVO.java index f17f35886..055cfc56c 100644 --- a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/log/JobLogPageReqVO.java +++ b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/job/vo/log/JobLogPageReqVO.java @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class JobLogPageReqVO extends PageParam { @ApiModelProperty(value = "结束执行时间") private Date endTime; - @ApiModelProperty(value = "任务状态", notes = "参见 InfJobLogStatusEnum 枚举") + @ApiModelProperty(value = "任务状态", notes = "参见 JobLogStatusEnum 枚举") private Integer status; } diff --git a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/logger/vo/apiaccesslog/ApiAccessLogExportReqVO.java b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/logger/vo/apiaccesslog/ApiAccessLogExportReqVO.java index 8c6ac4879..83eefabd6 100644 --- a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/logger/vo/apiaccesslog/ApiAccessLogExportReqVO.java +++ b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/logger/vo/apiaccesslog/ApiAccessLogExportReqVO.java @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import java.util.Date; import static cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.util.date.DateUtils.FORMAT_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR_MINUTE_SECOND; -@ApiModel(value = "管理后台 - API 访问日志 Excel 导出 Request VO", description = "参数和 InfApiAccessLogPageReqVO 是一致的") +@ApiModel(value = "管理后台 - API 访问日志 Excel 导出 Request VO", description = "参数和 ApiAccessLogPageReqVO 是一致的") @Data public class ApiAccessLogExportReqVO { diff --git a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/logger/vo/apierrorlog/ApiErrorLogExportReqVO.java b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/logger/vo/apierrorlog/ApiErrorLogExportReqVO.java index dd66ff6f3..b799a3238 100644 --- a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/logger/vo/apierrorlog/ApiErrorLogExportReqVO.java +++ b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/controller/admin/logger/vo/apierrorlog/ApiErrorLogExportReqVO.java @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import java.util.Date; import static cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.util.date.DateUtils.FORMAT_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR_MINUTE_SECOND; -@ApiModel(value = "管理后台 - API 错误日志 Excel 导出 Request VO", description = "参数和 InfApiErrorLogPageReqVO 是一致的") +@ApiModel(value = "管理后台 - API 错误日志 Excel 导出 Request VO", description = "参数和 ApiErrorLogPageReqVO 是一致的") @Data public class ApiErrorLogExportReqVO { diff --git a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/dal/dataobject/config/ConfigDO.java b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/dal/dataobject/config/ConfigDO.java index dbcdfed56..4542c2a3a 100644 --- a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/dal/dataobject/config/ConfigDO.java +++ b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/dal/dataobject/config/ConfigDO.java @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ package cn.iocoder.yudao.module.infra.dal.dataobject.config; import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.mybatis.core.dataobject.BaseDO; +import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.infra.enums.config.ConfigTypeEnum; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName; @@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ public class ConfigDO extends BaseDO { /** * 参数类型 * - * 枚举 {@link InfConfigTypeEnum} + * 枚举 {@link ConfigTypeEnum} */ @TableField("`type`") private Integer type; diff --git a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/dal/dataobject/logger/ApiErrorLogDO.java b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/dal/dataobject/logger/ApiErrorLogDO.java index fa5b162a5..1ed7df412 100644 --- a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/dal/dataobject/logger/ApiErrorLogDO.java +++ b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/dal/dataobject/logger/ApiErrorLogDO.java @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package cn.iocoder.yudao.module.infra.dal.dataobject.logger; import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.common.enums.UserTypeEnum; import cn.iocoder.yudao.framework.tenant.core.db.TenantBaseDO; +import cn.iocoder.yudao.module.infra.enums.logger.ApiErrorLogProcessStatusEnum; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId; import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName; import lombok.*; @@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ public class ApiErrorLogDO extends TenantBaseDO { /** * 处理状态 * - * 枚举 {@link InfApiErrorLogProcessStatusEnum} + * 枚举 {@link ApiErrorLogProcessStatusEnum} */ private Integer processStatus; /** diff --git a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/dal/mysql/config/ConfigCoreDAOImpl.java b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/dal/mysql/config/ConfigDAOImpl.java similarity index 86% rename from yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/dal/mysql/config/ConfigCoreDAOImpl.java rename to yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/dal/mysql/config/ConfigDAOImpl.java index fe531b402..e16b59e95 100644 --- a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/dal/mysql/config/ConfigCoreDAOImpl.java +++ b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/dal/mysql/config/ConfigDAOImpl.java @@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** - * ConfigFrameworkDAO Core 实现类 + * ConfigDAOImpl 实现类 * * @author 芋道源码 */ -public class ConfigCoreDAOImpl implements ConfigFrameworkDAO { +public class ConfigDAOImpl implements ConfigFrameworkDAO { private final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; - public ConfigCoreDAOImpl(String jdbcUrl, String username, String password) { + public ConfigDAOImpl(String jdbcUrl, String username, String password) { DataSource dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource(jdbcUrl, username, password); this.jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); } diff --git a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/framework/file/config/FileProperties.java b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/framework/file/config/FileProperties.java index 7d76a3baf..c112802b0 100644 --- a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/framework/file/config/FileProperties.java +++ b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/main/java/cn/iocoder/yudao/module/infra/framework/file/config/FileProperties.java @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; public class FileProperties { /** - * 对应 InfFileController 的 getFile 方法 + * 对应 FileController 的 getFile 方法 */ @NotNull(message = "基础文件路径不能为空") private String basePath; diff --git a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/test/resources/application-unit-test.yaml b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/test/resources/application-unit-test.yaml index 6f83b473a..42e5e356d 100644 --- a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/test/resources/application-unit-test.yaml +++ b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/test/resources/application-unit-test.yaml @@ -48,7 +48,3 @@ yudao: base-package2: cn.iocoder.yudao.module core-service: base-package: cn.iocoder.yudao.module.member.dal.mysql # TODO 芋艿:要清理掉 - captcha: - timeout: 5m - width: 160 - height: 60 diff --git a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/test/resources/sql/clean.sql b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/test/resources/sql/clean.sql index edf0e8ddf..b416d4d81 100644 --- a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/test/resources/sql/clean.sql +++ b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/test/resources/sql/clean.sql @@ -4,3 +4,6 @@ DELETE FROM "infra_job"; DELETE FROM "infra_job_log"; DELETE FROM "infra_api_access_log"; DELETE FROM "infra_api_error_log"; +DELETE FROM "infra_api_access_log"; +DELETE FROM "infra_file"; +DELETE FROM "infra_api_error_log"; diff --git a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/test/resources/sql/create_tables.sql b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/test/resources/sql/create_tables.sql index 2ec26d220..a47cc30b3 100644 --- a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/test/resources/sql/create_tables.sql +++ b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-impl/src/test/resources/sql/create_tables.sql @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "infra_config" ( "update_time" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "deleted" bit NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, PRIMARY KEY ("id") - ) COMMENT '参数配置表'; +) COMMENT '参数配置表'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "infra_file" ( "id" varchar(188) NOT NULL, @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "infra_file" ( "deleted" bit NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, "tenant_id" bigint not null default '0', PRIMARY KEY ("id") - ) COMMENT '文件表'; +) COMMENT '文件表'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "infra_job" ( "id" bigint(20) NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY COMMENT '任务编号', @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "infra_job" ( "update_time" datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', "deleted" bit NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE COMMENT '是否删除', PRIMARY KEY ("id") - ) COMMENT='定时任务表'; +) COMMENT='定时任务表'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "infra_job_log" ( "id" bigint(20) NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY COMMENT '日志编号', @@ -64,4 +64,74 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "infra_job_log" ( "update_time" datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', "deleted" bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE COMMENT '是否删除', PRIMARY KEY ("id") - )COMMENT='定时任务日志表'; +)COMMENT='定时任务日志表'; + +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "inf_file" ( + "id" varchar(188) NOT NULL, + "type" varchar(63) DEFAULT NULL, + "content" blob NOT NULL, + "creator" varchar(64) DEFAULT '', + "create_time" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, + "updater" varchar(64) DEFAULT '', + "update_time" timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, + "deleted" bit NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, + "tenant_id" bigint not null default '0', + PRIMARY KEY ("id") + ) COMMENT '文件表'; + +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "infra_api_access_log" ( + "id" bigint not null GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, + "trace_id" varchar(64) not null default '', + "user_id" bigint not null default '0', + "user_type" tinyint not null default '0', + "application_name" varchar(50) not null, + "request_method" varchar(16) not null default '', + "request_url" varchar(255) not null default '', + "request_params" varchar(8000) not null default '', + "user_ip" varchar(50) not null, + "user_agent" varchar(512) not null, + "begin_time" timestamp not null, + "end_time" timestamp not null, + "duration" integer not null, + "result_code" integer not null default '0', + "result_msg" varchar(512) default '', + "creator" varchar(64) default '', + "create_time" timestamp not null default current_timestamp, + "updater" varchar(64) default '', + "update_time" timestamp not null default current_timestamp, + "deleted" bit not null default false, + "tenant_id" bigint not null default '0', + primary key ("id") + ) COMMENT 'API 访问日志表'; + +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "infra_api_error_log" ( + "id" integer not null GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, + "trace_id" varchar(64) not null, + "user_id" bigint not null default '0', + "user_type" tinyint not null default '0', + "application_name" varchar(50) not null, + "request_method" varchar(16) not null, + "request_url" varchar(255) not null, + "request_params" varchar(8000) not null, + "user_ip" varchar(50) not null, + "user_agent" varchar(512) not null, + "exception_time" timestamp not null, + "exception_name" varchar(128) not null default '', + "exception_message" clob not null, + "exception_root_cause_message" clob not null, + "exception_stack_trace" clob not null, + "exception_class_name" varchar(512) not null, + "exception_file_name" varchar(512) not null, + "exception_method_name" varchar(512) not null, + "exception_line_number" integer not null, + "process_status" tinyint not null, + "process_time" timestamp default null, + "process_user_id" bigint default '0', + "creator" varchar(64) default '', + "create_time" timestamp not null default current_timestamp, + "updater" varchar(64) default '', + "update_time" timestamp not null default current_timestamp, + "deleted" bit not null default false, + "tenant_id" bigint not null default '0', + primary key ("id") +) COMMENT '系统异常日志';