diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml index b26332668..d892b1a13 100644 --- a/pom.xml +++ b/pom.xml @@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ yudao-module-member yudao-module-system yudao-module-infra - yudao-module-pay + - yudao-module-mall + yudao-example diff --git a/sql/mysql/ruoyi-vue-pro.sql b/sql/mysql/ruoyi-vue-pro.sql index 07c34cba9..4b8999050 100644 --- a/sql/mysql/ruoyi-vue-pro.sql +++ b/sql/mysql/ruoyi-vue-pro.sql @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ Source Server : MySQL Source Server Type : MySQL - Source Server Version : 80026 + Source Server Version : 80034 Source Host : localhost:3306 Source Schema : ruoyi-vue-pro Target Server Type : MySQL - Target Server Version : 80026 + Target Server Version : 80034 File Encoding : 65001 - Date: 24/07/2023 08:51:31 + Date: 20/08/2023 19:42:16 */ SET NAMES utf8mb4; @@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `infra_api_error_log` ( `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', `tenant_id` bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '租户编号', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1391 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '系统异常日志'; +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1453 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '系统异常日志'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of infra_api_error_log @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `infra_codegen_column` ( `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1715 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '代码生成表字段定义'; +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1756 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '代码生成表字段定义'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of infra_codegen_column @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `infra_codegen_table` ( `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 132 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '代码生成表定义'; +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 134 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '代码生成表定义'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of infra_codegen_table @@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `infra_file` ( `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 953 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '文件表'; +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 975 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '文件表'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of infra_file @@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `infra_file_content` ( `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 44 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '文件表'; +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 66 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '文件表'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of infra_file_content @@ -663,20 +663,196 @@ CREATE TABLE `infra_test_demo` ( BEGIN; COMMIT; +-- ---------------------------- +-- Table structure for member_address +-- ---------------------------- +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `member_address`; +CREATE TABLE `member_address` ( + `id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '收件地址编号', + `user_id` bigint NOT NULL COMMENT '用户编号', + `name` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL COMMENT '收件人名称', + `mobile` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL COMMENT '手机号', + `area_id` bigint NOT NULL COMMENT '地区编码', + `detail_address` varchar(250) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL COMMENT '收件详细地址', + `default_status` bit(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '是否默认', + `creator` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '创建者', + `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', + `updater` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '更新者', + `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', + `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', + `tenant_id` bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '租户编号', + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, + INDEX `idx_userId`(`user_id` ASC) USING BTREE +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 24 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_bin COMMENT = '用户收件地址'; + +-- ---------------------------- +-- Records of member_address +-- ---------------------------- +BEGIN; +INSERT INTO `member_address` (`id`, `user_id`, `name`, `mobile`, `area_id`, `detail_address`, `default_status`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (21, 247, 'yunai', '15601691300', 140302, '芋道源码 233 号 666 室', b'1', '1', '2022-08-01 22:46:35', '247', '2023-06-26 19:47:46', b'0', 1); +INSERT INTO `member_address` (`id`, `user_id`, `name`, `mobile`, `area_id`, `detail_address`, `default_status`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (23, 247, '测试', '15601691300', 120103, '13232312', b'0', '247', '2023-06-26 19:47:40', '247', '2023-06-26 19:47:46', b'0', 1); +COMMIT; + +-- ---------------------------- +-- Table structure for member_point_config +-- ---------------------------- +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `member_point_config`; +CREATE TABLE `member_point_config` ( + `id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增主键', + `trade_deduct_enable` bit(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '是否开启积分抵扣', + `trade_deduct_unit_price` int NOT NULL COMMENT '积分抵扣(单位:分)', + `trade_deduct_max_price` int NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '积分抵扣最大值', + `trade_give_point` bigint NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '1 元赠送多少分', + `creator` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '创建者', + `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', + `updater` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '更新者', + `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', + `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', + `tenant_id` bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '租户编号', + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 6 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT = '会员积分配置表'; + +-- ---------------------------- +-- Records of member_point_config +-- ---------------------------- +BEGIN; +INSERT INTO `member_point_config` (`id`, `trade_deduct_enable`, `trade_deduct_unit_price`, `trade_deduct_max_price`, `trade_give_point`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (5, b'1', 100, 2, 3, '1', '2023-08-20 09:54:42', '1', '2023-08-20 09:54:42', b'0', 1); +COMMIT; + +-- ---------------------------- +-- Table structure for member_point_record +-- ---------------------------- +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `member_point_record`; +CREATE TABLE `member_point_record` ( + `id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增主键', + `user_id` bigint NOT NULL COMMENT '用户编号', + `biz_id` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '业务编码', + `biz_type` tinyint NOT NULL COMMENT '业务类型', + `title` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '积分标题', + `description` varchar(5000) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '积分描述', + `point` int NOT NULL COMMENT '积分', + `total_point` int NOT NULL COMMENT '变动后的积分', + `creator` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '创建者', + `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', + `updater` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '更新者', + `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', + `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', + `tenant_id` bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '租户编号', + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, + INDEX `index_userId`(`user_id` ASC) USING BTREE, + INDEX `index_title`(`title` ASC) USING BTREE +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 4 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT = '用户积分记录'; + +-- ---------------------------- +-- Records of member_point_record +-- ---------------------------- +BEGIN; +INSERT INTO `member_point_record` (`id`, `user_id`, `biz_id`, `biz_type`, `title`, `description`, `point`, `total_point`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (1, 247, '1', 1, '12', NULL, 33, 12, '', '2023-07-02 14:50:23', '', '2023-08-20 11:03:01', b'0', 1); +INSERT INTO `member_point_record` (`id`, `user_id`, `biz_id`, `biz_type`, `title`, `description`, `point`, `total_point`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (2, 247, '12', 1, '123', NULL, 22, 130, '', '2023-07-02 14:50:23', '', '2023-08-20 11:03:00', b'0', 1); +INSERT INTO `member_point_record` (`id`, `user_id`, `biz_id`, `biz_type`, `title`, `description`, `point`, `total_point`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (3, 247, '12', 1, '12', NULL, -12, 12, '', '2023-07-02 14:50:23', '', '2023-08-20 11:02:50', b'0', 1); +COMMIT; + +-- ---------------------------- +-- Table structure for member_sign_in_config +-- ---------------------------- +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `member_sign_in_config`; +CREATE TABLE `member_sign_in_config` ( + `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '编号', + `day` int NOT NULL COMMENT '第几天', + `point` int NOT NULL COMMENT '奖励积分', + `status` tinyint NOT NULL COMMENT '状态', + `creator` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '创建者', + `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', + `updater` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '更新者', + `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', + `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', + `tenant_id` bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '租户编号', + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 8 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT = '签到规则'; + +-- ---------------------------- +-- Records of member_sign_in_config +-- ---------------------------- +BEGIN; +INSERT INTO `member_sign_in_config` (`id`, `day`, `point`, `status`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (1, 1, 10, 0, '', '2023-08-20 01:38:56', '', '2023-08-20 01:38:56', b'0', 0); +INSERT INTO `member_sign_in_config` (`id`, `day`, `point`, `status`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (2, 2, 20, 0, '', '2023-08-20 01:38:56', '', '2023-08-20 01:38:56', b'0', 0); +INSERT INTO `member_sign_in_config` (`id`, `day`, `point`, `status`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (3, 7, 1001, 0, '', '2023-08-20 01:38:56', '', '2023-08-20 01:38:56', b'0', 0); +INSERT INTO `member_sign_in_config` (`id`, `day`, `point`, `status`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (4, 6, 12121, 0, '', '2023-08-20 01:38:56', '', '2023-08-20 01:38:56', b'0', 0); +INSERT INTO `member_sign_in_config` (`id`, `day`, `point`, `status`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (5, 2, 12, 0, '', '2023-08-20 01:38:56', '', '2023-08-20 01:38:56', b'0', 0); +INSERT INTO `member_sign_in_config` (`id`, `day`, `point`, `status`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (6, 1, 10, 0, '1', '2023-08-20 19:20:42', '1', '2023-08-20 19:20:56', b'0', 1); +INSERT INTO `member_sign_in_config` (`id`, `day`, `point`, `status`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (7, 7, 22, 0, '1', '2023-08-20 19:20:48', '1', '2023-08-20 19:20:48', b'0', 1); +COMMIT; + +-- ---------------------------- +-- Table structure for member_sign_in_record +-- ---------------------------- +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `member_sign_in_record`; +CREATE TABLE `member_sign_in_record` ( + `id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '签到自增id', + `user_id` int NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '签到用户', + `day` int NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '第几天签到', + `point` int NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '签到的分数', + `create_time` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '签到时间', + `update_time` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '变更时间', + `tenant_id` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '租户id', + `deleted` int NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '是否删除', + `creator` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人', + `updater` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新人', + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 5 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci COMMENT = '签到记录'; + +-- ---------------------------- +-- Records of member_sign_in_record +-- ---------------------------- +BEGIN; +INSERT INTO `member_sign_in_record` (`id`, `user_id`, `day`, `point`, `create_time`, `update_time`, `tenant_id`, `deleted`, `creator`, `updater`) VALUES (4, 247, 12, 1212, '2023-06-10 20:01:27', '2023-08-20 11:29:50', '1', 0, '1', '1'); +COMMIT; + +-- ---------------------------- +-- Table structure for member_tag +-- ---------------------------- +DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `member_tag`; +CREATE TABLE `member_tag` ( + `id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '编号', + `name` varchar(30) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '标签名称', + `creator` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '创建者', + `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', + `updater` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '更新者', + `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', + `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', + `tenant_id` bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '租户编号', + PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE +) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '会员标签'; + +-- ---------------------------- +-- Records of member_tag +-- ---------------------------- +BEGIN; +INSERT INTO `member_tag` (`id`, `name`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (1, '绿色', '1', '2023-08-20 09:21:12', '1', '2023-08-20 09:21:12', b'0', 1); +INSERT INTO `member_tag` (`id`, `name`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (2, '黄色', '1', '2023-08-20 09:21:27', '1', '2023-08-20 09:21:27', b'0', 1); +COMMIT; + -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for member_user -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `member_user`; CREATE TABLE `member_user` ( `id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '编号', - `nickname` varchar(30) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '用户昵称', - `avatar` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '头像', - `status` tinyint NOT NULL COMMENT '状态', `mobile` varchar(11) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '手机号', `password` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '密码', + `status` tinyint NOT NULL COMMENT '状态', `register_ip` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '注册 IP', `login_ip` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '最后登录IP', `login_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '最后登录时间', + `nickname` varchar(30) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '用户昵称', + `avatar` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '头像', + `name` varchar(30) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '真实名字', + `sex` tinyint NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '用户性别', + `area_id` bigint NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '所在地', + `birthday` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '出生日期', + `mark` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '会员备注', + `point` int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '积分', + `tag_ids` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户标签编号列表,以逗号分隔', `creator` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '创建者', `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', `updater` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '更新者', @@ -685,7 +861,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `member_user` ( `tenant_id` bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '租户编号', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, UNIQUE INDEX `uk_mobile`(`mobile` ASC) USING BTREE COMMENT '手机号' -) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 248 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT = '用户'; +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 248 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT = '会员用户'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of member_user @@ -753,7 +929,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `system_dict_data` ( `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1348 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '字典数据表'; +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1350 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '字典数据表'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of system_dict_data @@ -794,9 +970,6 @@ INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `st INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (44, 100, '未知异常', '100', 'system_login_result', 0, 'danger', '', '登陆结果 - 未知异常', '', '2021-01-18 06:17:54', '1', '2022-02-16 13:24:23', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (45, 1, '是', 'true', 'infra_boolean_string', 0, 'danger', '', 'Boolean 是否类型 - 是', '', '2021-01-19 03:20:55', '1', '2022-03-15 23:01:45', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (46, 1, '否', 'false', 'infra_boolean_string', 0, 'info', '', 'Boolean 是否类型 - 否', '', '2021-01-19 03:20:55', '1', '2022-03-15 23:09:45', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (47, 1, '永不超时', '1', 'infra_redis_timeout_type', 0, 'primary', '', 'Redis 未设置超时的情况', '', '2021-01-26 00:53:17', '1', '2022-02-16 19:03:35', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (48, 1, '动态超时', '2', 'infra_redis_timeout_type', 0, 'info', '', '程序里动态传入超时时间,无法固定', '', '2021-01-26 00:55:00', '1', '2022-02-16 19:03:41', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (49, 3, '固定超时', '3', 'infra_redis_timeout_type', 0, 'success', '', 'Redis 设置了过期时间', '', '2021-01-26 00:55:26', '1', '2022-02-16 19:03:45', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (50, 1, '单表(增删改查)', '1', 'infra_codegen_template_type', 0, '', '', NULL, '', '2021-02-05 07:09:06', '', '2022-03-10 16:33:15', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (51, 2, '树表(增删改查)', '2', 'infra_codegen_template_type', 0, '', '', NULL, '', '2021-02-05 07:14:46', '', '2022-03-10 16:33:19', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (53, 0, '初始化中', '0', 'infra_job_status', 0, 'primary', '', NULL, '', '2021-02-07 07:46:49', '1', '2022-02-16 19:33:29', b'0'); @@ -945,7 +1118,6 @@ INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `st INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1226, 30, '不发送', '30', 'system_mail_send_status', 0, 'info', '', '邮件发送状态 - 不发送', '1', '2023-01-26 09:55:06', '1', '2023-01-26 16:36:36', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1227, 1, '通知公告', '1', 'system_notify_template_type', 0, 'primary', '', '站内信模版的类型 - 通知公告', '1', '2023-01-28 10:35:59', '1', '2023-01-28 10:35:59', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1228, 2, '系统消息', '2', 'system_notify_template_type', 0, 'success', '', '站内信模版的类型 - 系统消息', '1', '2023-01-28 10:36:20', '1', '2023-01-28 10:36:25', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1229, 0, '模拟支付', 'mock', 'pay_channel_code', 0, 'default', '', '模拟支付', '1', '2023-02-12 21:50:22', '1', '2023-07-10 10:11:02', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1230, 13, '支付宝条码支付', 'alipay_bar', 'pay_channel_code', 0, 'primary', '', '支付宝条码支付', '1', '2023-02-18 23:32:24', '1', '2023-07-19 20:09:23', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1231, 10, 'Vue2 Element UI 标准模版', '10', 'infra_codegen_front_type', 0, '', '', '', '1', '2023-04-13 00:03:55', '1', '2023-04-13 00:03:55', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1232, 20, 'Vue3 Element Plus 标准模版', '20', 'infra_codegen_front_type', 0, '', '', '', '1', '2023-04-13 00:04:08', '1', '2023-04-13 00:04:08', b'0'); @@ -963,12 +1135,8 @@ INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `st INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1244, 0, '按件', '1', 'trade_delivery_express_charge_mode', 0, '', '', '', '1', '2023-05-21 22:46:40', '1', '2023-05-21 22:46:40', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1245, 1, '按重量', '2', 'trade_delivery_express_charge_mode', 0, '', '', '', '1', '2023-05-21 22:46:58', '1', '2023-05-21 22:46:58', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1246, 2, '按体积', '3', 'trade_delivery_express_charge_mode', 0, '', '', '', '1', '2023-05-21 22:47:18', '1', '2023-05-21 22:47:18', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1335, 1, '购物', '1', 'member_point_biz_type', 0, '', '', '', '1', '2023-06-10 12:15:27', '1', '2023-06-28 13:48:28', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1336, 2, '签到', '2', 'member_point_biz_type', 0, '', '', '', '1', '2023-06-10 12:15:48', '1', '2023-06-28 13:48:31', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1337, 1, '订单创建', '1', 'member_point_status', 0, '', '', '', '1', '2023-06-10 12:16:42', '1', '2023-06-28 13:48:34', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1338, 2, '冻结期', '2', 'member_point_status', 0, '', '', '', '1', '2023-06-10 12:16:58', '1', '2023-06-28 13:48:36', b'0'); 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INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1341, 20, '已退款', '20', 'pay_order_status', 0, 'danger', '', '已退款', '1', '2023-07-19 18:05:37', '1', '2023-07-19 18:05:37', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1342, 21, '请求成功,但是结果失败', '21', 'pay_notify_status', 0, 'warning', '', '请求成功,但是结果失败', '1', '2023-07-19 18:10:47', '1', '2023-07-19 18:11:38', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1343, 22, '请求失败', '22', 'pay_notify_status', 0, 'warning', '', NULL, '1', '2023-07-19 18:11:05', '1', '2023-07-19 18:11:27', b'0'); @@ -976,6 +1144,8 @@ INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `st INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1345, 5, '微信条码支付', 'wx_bar', 'pay_channel_code', 0, 'success', '', '微信条码支付\n', '1', '2023-07-19 20:08:06', '1', '2023-07-19 20:09:08', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1346, 1, '支付单', '1', 'pay_notify_type', 0, 'primary', '', '支付单', '1', '2023-07-20 12:23:17', '1', '2023-07-20 12:23:17', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1347, 2, '退款单', '2', 'pay_notify_type', 0, 'danger', '', NULL, '1', '2023-07-20 12:23:26', '1', '2023-07-20 12:23:26', b'0'); +INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1348, 20, '模拟支付', 'mock', 'pay_channel_code', 0, 'default', '', '模拟支付', '1', '2023-07-29 11:10:51', '1', '2023-07-29 03:14:10', b'0'); +INSERT INTO `system_dict_data` (`id`, `sort`, `label`, `value`, `dict_type`, `status`, `color_type`, `css_class`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1349, 12, '订单取消', '12', 'member_point_biz_type', 0, '', '', '', '1', '2023-08-20 12:00:03', '1', '2023-08-20 12:00:03', b'0'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- @@ -1009,7 +1179,6 @@ INSERT INTO `system_dict_type` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `status`, `remark`, `creat INSERT INTO `system_dict_type` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `status`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `deleted_time`) VALUES (10, '系统状态', 'common_status', 0, NULL, 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-02-01 16:21:28', b'0', NULL); INSERT INTO `system_dict_type` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `status`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `deleted_time`) VALUES (11, 'Boolean 是否类型', 'infra_boolean_string', 0, 'boolean 转是否', '', '2021-01-19 03:20:08', '', '2022-02-01 16:37:10', b'0', NULL); INSERT INTO `system_dict_type` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `status`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `deleted_time`) VALUES (104, '登陆结果', 'system_login_result', 0, '登陆结果', '', '2021-01-18 06:17:11', '', '2022-02-01 16:36:00', b'0', NULL); -INSERT INTO `system_dict_type` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `status`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `deleted_time`) VALUES (105, 'Redis 超时类型', 'infra_redis_timeout_type', 0, 'RedisKeyDefine.TimeoutTypeEnum', '', '2021-01-26 00:52:50', '', '2022-02-01 16:50:29', b'0', NULL); INSERT INTO `system_dict_type` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `status`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `deleted_time`) VALUES (106, '代码生成模板类型', 'infra_codegen_template_type', 0, NULL, '', '2021-02-05 07:08:06', '1', '2022-05-16 20:26:50', b'0', NULL); INSERT INTO `system_dict_type` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `status`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `deleted_time`) VALUES (107, '定时任务状态', 'infra_job_status', 0, NULL, '', '2021-02-07 07:44:16', '', '2022-02-01 16:51:11', b'0', NULL); INSERT INTO `system_dict_type` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `status`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `deleted_time`) VALUES (108, '定时任务日志状态', 'infra_job_log_status', 0, NULL, '', '2021-02-08 10:03:51', '', '2022-02-01 16:50:43', b'0', NULL); @@ -1059,7 +1228,6 @@ INSERT INTO `system_dict_type` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `status`, `remark`, `creat INSERT INTO `system_dict_type` (`id`, `name`, `type`, `status`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `deleted_time`) VALUES (169, '商品的单位', 'product_unit', 0, '商品的单位', '1', '2023-05-24 21:23:59', '1', '2023-05-24 21:23:59', b'0', '1970-01-01 00:00:00'); 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COMMIT; @@ -1080,7 +1248,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `system_error_code` ( `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 5833 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '错误码表'; +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 5933 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '错误码表'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of system_error_code @@ -1109,7 +1277,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `system_login_log` ( `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', `tenant_id` bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '租户编号', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 2243 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '系统访问记录'; +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 2303 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '系统访问记录'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of system_login_log @@ -1239,7 +1407,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `system_menu` ( `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 2303 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '菜单权限表'; +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 2325 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '菜单权限表'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of system_menu @@ -1497,7 +1665,7 @@ INSERT INTO `system_menu` (`id`, `name`, `permission`, `type`, `sort`, `parent_i INSERT INTO `system_menu` (`id`, `name`, `permission`, `type`, `sort`, `parent_id`, `path`, `icon`, `component`, `component_name`, `status`, `visible`, `keep_alive`, `always_show`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (2028, 'Banner更新', 'market:banner:update', 3, 3, 2025, '', '', '', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', b'1', '', '2022-08-01 14:56:14', '', '2022-08-01 14:56:14', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_menu` (`id`, `name`, `permission`, `type`, `sort`, `parent_id`, `path`, `icon`, `component`, `component_name`, `status`, `visible`, `keep_alive`, `always_show`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (2029, 'Banner删除', 'market:banner:delete', 3, 4, 2025, '', '', '', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', b'1', '', '2022-08-01 14:56:14', '', '2022-08-01 14:56:14', b'0'); 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@@ -1522,7 +1690,6 @@ INSERT INTO `system_menu` (`id`, `name`, `permission`, `type`, `sort`, `parent_i INSERT INTO `system_menu` (`id`, `name`, `permission`, `type`, `sort`, `parent_id`, `path`, `icon`, `component`, `component_name`, `status`, `visible`, `keep_alive`, `always_show`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (2061, '秒杀活动创建', 'promotion:seckill-activity:create', 3, 2, 2059, '', '', '', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', b'1', '', '2022-11-06 22:24:49', '', '2022-11-06 22:24:49', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_menu` (`id`, `name`, `permission`, `type`, `sort`, `parent_id`, `path`, `icon`, `component`, `component_name`, `status`, `visible`, `keep_alive`, `always_show`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (2062, '秒杀活动更新', 'promotion:seckill-activity:update', 3, 3, 2059, '', '', '', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', b'1', '', '2022-11-06 22:24:49', '', '2022-11-06 22:24:49', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_menu` (`id`, `name`, `permission`, `type`, `sort`, `parent_id`, `path`, `icon`, `component`, `component_name`, `status`, `visible`, `keep_alive`, `always_show`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (2063, '秒杀活动删除', 'promotion:seckill-activity:delete', 3, 4, 2059, '', '', '', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', b'1', '', '2022-11-06 22:24:49', '', '2022-11-06 22:24:49', b'0'); 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@@ -1635,24 +1802,46 @@ INSERT INTO `system_menu` (`id`, `name`, `permission`, `type`, `sort`, `parent_i INSERT INTO `system_menu` (`id`, `name`, `permission`, `type`, `sort`, `parent_id`, `path`, `icon`, `component`, `component_name`, `status`, `visible`, `keep_alive`, `always_show`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (2183, '自提门店删除', 'trade:delivery:pick-up-store:delete', 3, 4, 2179, '', '', '', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', b'1', '', '2023-05-25 10:53:29', '', '2023-05-25 10:53:29', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_menu` (`id`, `name`, `permission`, `type`, `sort`, `parent_id`, `path`, `icon`, `component`, `component_name`, `status`, `visible`, `keep_alive`, `always_show`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (2184, '自提门店导出', 'trade:delivery:pick-up-store:export', 3, 5, 2179, '', '', '', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', b'1', '', '2023-05-25 10:53:29', '', '2023-05-25 10:53:29', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_menu` (`id`, `name`, `permission`, `type`, `sort`, `parent_id`, `path`, `icon`, `component`, `component_name`, `status`, `visible`, `keep_alive`, `always_show`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (2209, '秒杀活动', '', 2, 3, 2030, 'seckill', 'ep:place', '', '', 0, b'1', b'1', b'1', '1', '2023-06-24 17:39:13', '1', '2023-06-24 18:55:15', b'0'); 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+INSERT INTO `system_menu` (`id`, `name`, `permission`, `type`, `sort`, `parent_id`, `path`, `icon`, `component`, `component_name`, `status`, `visible`, `keep_alive`, `always_show`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (2282, '积分签到规则查询', 'point:sign-in-config:query', 3, 1, 2281, '', '', '', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', b'1', '', '2023-06-10 03:26:12', '', '2023-06-10 03:26:12', b'0'); +INSERT INTO `system_menu` (`id`, `name`, `permission`, `type`, `sort`, `parent_id`, `path`, `icon`, `component`, `component_name`, `status`, `visible`, `keep_alive`, `always_show`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (2283, '积分签到规则创建', 'point:sign-in-config:create', 3, 2, 2281, '', '', '', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', b'1', '', '2023-06-10 03:26:12', '', '2023-06-10 03:26:12', b'0'); +INSERT INTO `system_menu` (`id`, `name`, `permission`, `type`, `sort`, `parent_id`, `path`, `icon`, `component`, `component_name`, `status`, `visible`, `keep_alive`, `always_show`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (2284, '积分签到规则更新', 'point:sign-in-config:update', 3, 3, 2281, '', '', '', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', b'1', '', '2023-06-10 03:26:12', '', '2023-06-10 03:26:12', b'0'); +INSERT INTO `system_menu` (`id`, `name`, `permission`, `type`, `sort`, `parent_id`, `path`, `icon`, `component`, `component_name`, `status`, `visible`, `keep_alive`, `always_show`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (2285, '积分签到规则删除', 'point:sign-in-config:delete', 3, 4, 2281, '', '', '', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', b'1', '', '2023-06-10 03:26:12', '', '2023-06-10 03:26:12', b'0'); +INSERT INTO `system_menu` (`id`, `name`, `permission`, `type`, `sort`, `parent_id`, `path`, `icon`, `component`, `component_name`, `status`, `visible`, `keep_alive`, `always_show`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (2287, '积分记录', '', 2, 1, 2299, 'record', 'fa:asterisk', 'member/point/record/index', 'PointRecord', 0, b'1', b'1', b'1', '', '2023-06-10 04:18:50', '1', '2023-08-20 12:01:42', b'0'); +INSERT INTO `system_menu` (`id`, `name`, `permission`, `type`, `sort`, `parent_id`, `path`, `icon`, `component`, `component_name`, `status`, `visible`, `keep_alive`, `always_show`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (2288, '用户积分记录查询', 'point:record:query', 3, 1, 2287, '', '', '', NULL, 0, b'1', b'1', b'1', '', '2023-06-10 04:18:50', '', '2023-06-10 04:18:50', b'0'); 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+) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 2453 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = 'OAuth2 访问令牌'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of system_oauth2_access_token @@ -1891,7 +2080,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `system_oauth2_refresh_token` ( `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', `tenant_id` bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '租户编号', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 804 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = 'OAuth2 刷新令牌'; +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 850 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = 'OAuth2 刷新令牌'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of system_oauth2_refresh_token @@ -1931,7 +2120,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `system_operate_log` ( `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', `tenant_id` bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '租户编号', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 7134 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '操作日志记录'; +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 8043 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '操作日志记录'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of system_operate_log @@ -1989,7 +2178,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `system_role` ( `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', `tenant_id` bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '租户编号', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 139 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '角色信息表'; +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 140 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '角色信息表'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of system_role @@ -1997,7 +2186,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `system_role` ( BEGIN; INSERT INTO `system_role` (`id`, `name`, `code`, `sort`, `data_scope`, `data_scope_dept_ids`, `status`, `type`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (1, '超级管理员', 'super_admin', 1, 1, '', 0, 1, '超级管理员', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-02-22 05:08:21', b'0', 1); INSERT INTO `system_role` (`id`, `name`, `code`, `sort`, `data_scope`, `data_scope_dept_ids`, `status`, `type`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (2, '普通角色', 'common', 2, 2, '', 0, 1, '普通角色', 'admin', '2021-01-05 17:03:48', '', '2022-02-22 05:08:20', b'0', 1); -INSERT INTO `system_role` (`id`, `name`, `code`, `sort`, `data_scope`, `data_scope_dept_ids`, `status`, `type`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (101, '测试账号', 'test', 0, 1, '[]', 0, 2, '132', '', '2021-01-06 13:49:35', '1', '2022-09-25 12:09:38', b'0', 1); +INSERT INTO `system_role` (`id`, `name`, `code`, `sort`, `data_scope`, `data_scope_dept_ids`, `status`, `type`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (101, '测试账号', 'test', 0, 1, '[]', 0, 2, '132', '', '2021-01-06 13:49:35', '1', '2023-07-25 23:53:32', b'0', 1); INSERT INTO `system_role` (`id`, `name`, `code`, `sort`, `data_scope`, `data_scope_dept_ids`, `status`, `type`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (109, '租户管理员', 'tenant_admin', 0, 1, '', 0, 1, '系统自动生成', '1', '2022-02-22 00:56:14', '1', '2022-02-22 00:56:14', b'0', 121); INSERT INTO `system_role` (`id`, `name`, `code`, `sort`, `data_scope`, `data_scope_dept_ids`, `status`, `type`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (110, '测试角色', 'test', 0, 1, '[]', 0, 2, '嘿嘿', '110', '2022-02-23 00:14:34', '110', '2022-02-23 13:14:58', b'0', 121); INSERT INTO `system_role` (`id`, `name`, `code`, `sort`, `data_scope`, `data_scope_dept_ids`, `status`, `type`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (111, '租户管理员', 'tenant_admin', 0, 1, '', 0, 1, '系统自动生成', '1', '2022-03-07 21:37:58', '1', '2022-03-07 21:37:58', b'0', 122); @@ -2009,6 +2198,7 @@ INSERT INTO `system_role` (`id`, `name`, `code`, `sort`, `data_scope`, `data_sco INSERT INTO `system_role` (`id`, `name`, `code`, `sort`, `data_scope`, `data_scope_dept_ids`, `status`, `type`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (136, '租户管理员', 'tenant_admin', 0, 1, '', 0, 1, '系统自动生成', '1', '2023-03-05 21:23:32', '1', '2023-03-05 21:23:32', b'0', 147); INSERT INTO `system_role` (`id`, `name`, `code`, `sort`, `data_scope`, `data_scope_dept_ids`, `status`, `type`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (137, '租户管理员', 'tenant_admin', 0, 1, '', 0, 1, '系统自动生成', '1', '2023-03-05 21:42:27', '1', '2023-03-05 21:42:27', b'0', 148); INSERT INTO `system_role` (`id`, `name`, `code`, `sort`, `data_scope`, `data_scope_dept_ids`, `status`, `type`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (138, '租户管理员', 'tenant_admin', 0, 1, '', 0, 1, '系统自动生成', '1', '2023-03-05 21:59:02', '1', '2023-03-05 21:59:02', b'0', 149); +INSERT INTO `system_role` (`id`, `name`, `code`, `sort`, `data_scope`, `data_scope_dept_ids`, `status`, `type`, `remark`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (139, '租户管理员', 'tenant_admin', 0, 1, '', 0, 1, '系统自动生成', '1', '2023-07-25 23:06:04', '1', '2023-07-25 23:06:04', b'0', 150); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- @@ -2026,7 +2216,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `system_role_menu` ( `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', `tenant_id` bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '租户编号', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 2873 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '角色和菜单关联表'; +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 2901 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '角色和菜单关联表'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of system_role_menu @@ -2829,6 +3019,34 @@ INSERT INTO `system_role_menu` (`id`, `role_id`, `menu_id`, `creator`, `create_t INSERT INTO `system_role_menu` (`id`, `role_id`, `menu_id`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (2870, 138, 1018, '1', '2023-03-05 21:59:02', '1', '2023-03-05 21:59:02', b'0', 149); INSERT INTO `system_role_menu` (`id`, `role_id`, `menu_id`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (2871, 138, 1019, '1', '2023-03-05 21:59:02', '1', '2023-03-05 21:59:02', b'0', 149); INSERT INTO `system_role_menu` (`id`, `role_id`, `menu_id`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (2872, 138, 1020, '1', '2023-03-05 21:59:02', '1', '2023-03-05 21:59:02', b'0', 149); +INSERT INTO `system_role_menu` (`id`, `role_id`, `menu_id`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (2873, 139, 1, '1', '2023-07-25 23:06:04', '1', '2023-07-25 23:06:04', b'0', 150); 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+INSERT INTO `system_role_menu` (`id`, `role_id`, `menu_id`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (2894, 139, 1010, '1', '2023-07-25 23:06:04', '1', '2023-07-25 23:06:04', b'0', 150); +INSERT INTO `system_role_menu` (`id`, `role_id`, `menu_id`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (2895, 139, 1011, '1', '2023-07-25 23:06:04', '1', '2023-07-25 23:06:04', b'0', 150); +INSERT INTO `system_role_menu` (`id`, `role_id`, `menu_id`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (2896, 139, 1012, '1', '2023-07-25 23:06:04', '1', '2023-07-25 23:06:04', b'0', 150); +INSERT INTO `system_role_menu` (`id`, `role_id`, `menu_id`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (2897, 139, 1017, '1', '2023-07-25 23:06:04', '1', '2023-07-25 23:06:04', b'0', 150); +INSERT INTO `system_role_menu` (`id`, `role_id`, `menu_id`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`, `tenant_id`) VALUES (2898, 139, 1018, '1', '2023-07-25 23:06:04', '1', '2023-07-25 23:06:04', b'0', 150); 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+) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 364 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '短信日志'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of system_sms_log @@ -2983,7 +3201,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `system_sms_template` ( `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 14 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '短信模板'; +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 17 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '短信模板'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of system_sms_template @@ -2998,6 +3216,9 @@ INSERT INTO `system_sms_template` (`id`, `type`, `status`, `code`, `name`, `cont INSERT INTO `system_sms_template` (`id`, `type`, `status`, `code`, `name`, `content`, `params`, `remark`, `api_template_id`, `channel_id`, `channel_code`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (10, 2, 0, 'bpm_process_instance_reject', '【工作流】流程被不通过', '您的流程被审批不通过:{processInstanceName},原因:{reason},查看链接:{detailUrl}', '[\"processInstanceName\",\"reason\",\"detailUrl\"]', NULL, 'suibian', 4, 'DEBUG_DING_TALK', '1', '2022-01-22 00:03:31', '1', '2022-05-01 12:33:14', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_sms_template` (`id`, `type`, `status`, `code`, `name`, `content`, `params`, `remark`, `api_template_id`, `channel_id`, `channel_code`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (11, 2, 0, 'bpm_process_instance_approve', '【工作流】流程被通过', '您的流程被审批通过:{processInstanceName},查看链接:{detailUrl}', '[\"processInstanceName\",\"detailUrl\"]', NULL, 'suibian', 4, 'DEBUG_DING_TALK', '1', '2022-01-22 00:04:31', '1', '2022-03-27 20:32:21', b'0'); INSERT INTO `system_sms_template` (`id`, `type`, `status`, `code`, `name`, `content`, `params`, `remark`, `api_template_id`, `channel_id`, `channel_code`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (12, 2, 0, 'demo', '演示模板', '我就是测试一下下', '[]', NULL, 'biubiubiu', 6, 'DEBUG_DING_TALK', '1', '2022-04-10 23:22:49', '1', '2023-03-24 23:45:07', b'0'); +INSERT INTO `system_sms_template` (`id`, `type`, `status`, `code`, `name`, `content`, `params`, `remark`, `api_template_id`, `channel_id`, `channel_code`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (14, 1, 0, 'user-update-mobile', '会员用户 - 修改手机', '您的验证码{code},该验证码 5 分钟内有效,请勿泄漏于他人!', '[\"code\"]', '', 'null', 4, 'DEBUG_DING_TALK', '1', '2023-08-19 18:58:01', '1', '2023-08-19 11:34:04', b'0'); +INSERT INTO `system_sms_template` (`id`, `type`, `status`, `code`, `name`, `content`, `params`, `remark`, `api_template_id`, `channel_id`, `channel_code`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (15, 1, 0, 'user-update-password', '会员用户 - 修改密码', '您的验证码{code},该验证码 5 分钟内有效,请勿泄漏于他人!', '[\"code\"]', '', 'null', 4, 'DEBUG_DING_TALK', '1', '2023-08-19 18:58:01', '1', '2023-08-19 11:34:18', b'0'); +INSERT INTO `system_sms_template` (`id`, `type`, `status`, `code`, `name`, `content`, `params`, `remark`, `api_template_id`, `channel_id`, `channel_code`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (16, 1, 0, 'user-reset-password', '会员用户 - 重置密码', '您的验证码{code},该验证码 5 分钟内有效,请勿泄漏于他人!', '[\"code\"]', '', 'null', 4, 'DEBUG_DING_TALK', '1', '2023-08-19 18:58:01', '1', '2023-08-19 11:34:18', b'0'); COMMIT; -- ---------------------------- @@ -3076,15 +3297,15 @@ CREATE TABLE `system_tenant` ( `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间', `deleted` bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT b'0' COMMENT '是否删除', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE -) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 150 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '租户表'; +) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 151 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT = '租户表'; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of system_tenant -- ---------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `system_tenant` (`id`, `name`, `contact_user_id`, `contact_name`, `contact_mobile`, `status`, `domain`, `package_id`, `expire_time`, `account_count`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (1, '芋道源码', NULL, '芋艿', '17321315478', 0, 'https://www.iocoder.cn', 0, '2099-02-19 17:14:16', 9999, '1', '2021-01-05 17:03:47', '1', '2022-02-23 12:15:11', b'0'); -INSERT INTO `system_tenant` (`id`, `name`, `contact_user_id`, `contact_name`, `contact_mobile`, `status`, `domain`, `package_id`, `expire_time`, `account_count`, `creator`, `create_time`, `updater`, `update_time`, `deleted`) VALUES (121, '小租户', 110, '小王2', '15601691300', 0, 'http://www.iocoder.cn', 111, '2024-03-11 00:00:00', 20, '1', '2022-02-22 00:56:14', '1', '2022-05-17 10:03:59', b'0'); 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COMMIT; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; diff --git a/yudao-server/pom.xml b/yudao-server/pom.xml index e6296ceab..cc383236c 100644 --- a/yudao-server/pom.xml +++ b/yudao-server/pom.xml @@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ - - cn.iocoder.boot - yudao-module-pay-biz - ${revision} - + + + + + @@ -68,21 +68,21 @@ - - cn.iocoder.boot - yudao-module-promotion-biz - ${revision} - - - cn.iocoder.boot - yudao-module-product-biz - ${revision} - - - cn.iocoder.boot - yudao-module-trade-biz - ${revision} - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +