#if ( $subTable.subJoinMany )## 情况一:一对多,table + form
-#foreach($column in $subColumns)
- #if ($column.createOperation || $column.updateOperation)
- #set ($dictType = $column.dictType)
- #set ($javaField = $column.javaField)
- #set ($javaType = $column.javaType)
- #set ($AttrName = $column.javaField.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + ${column.javaField.substring(1)})
- #set ($comment = $column.columnComment)
- #set ($dictMethod = "getDictOptions")## 计算使用哪个 dict 字典方法
- #if ($javaType == "Integer" || $javaType == "Long" || $javaType == "Byte" || $javaType == "Short")
- #set ($dictMethod = "getIntDictOptions")
- #elseif ($javaType == "String")
- #set ($dictMethod = "getStrDictOptions")
- #elseif ($javaType == "Boolean")
- #set ($dictMethod = "getBoolDictOptions")
- #end
- #if ( $column.id == $subJoinColumn.id) ## 特殊:忽略主子表的 join 字段,不用填写
- #elseif ($column.htmlType == "input" && !$column.primaryKey)## 忽略主键,不用在表单里
- #elseif($column.htmlType == "imageUpload")## 图片上传
- #elseif($column.htmlType == "fileUpload")## 文件上传
- #elseif($column.htmlType == "editor")## 文本编辑器
- #elseif($column.htmlType == "select")## 下拉框
- #if ("" != $dictType)## 有数据字典
- #else##没数据字典
- #end
- #elseif($column.htmlType == "checkbox")## 多选框
- #if ("" != $dictType)## 有数据字典
- {{ dict.label }}
- #else##没数据字典
- 请选择字典生成
- #end
- #elseif($column.htmlType == "radio")## 单选框
- #if ("" != $dictType)## 有数据字典
- {{ dict.label }}
- #else##没数据字典
- 请选择字典生成
- #end
- #elseif($column.htmlType == "datetime")## 时间框
- #elseif($column.htmlType == "textarea")## 文本框
- #end
- #end
- —
+## // TODO puhui999: 看看样式是否需要调整
+ #foreach($column in $subColumns)
+ #if ($column.createOperation || $column.updateOperation)
+ #set ($dictType = $column.dictType)
+ #set ($javaField = $column.javaField)
+ #set ($javaType = $column.javaType)
+ #set ($AttrName = $column.javaField.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + ${column.javaField.substring(1)})
+ #set ($comment = $column.columnComment)
+ #if ( $column.id == $subJoinColumn.id) ## 特殊:忽略主子表的 join 字段,不用填写
+ #elseif ($column.htmlType == "input" && !$column.primaryKey)## 忽略主键,不用在表单里
+ #elseif($column.htmlType == "imageUpload")## 图片上传
+ #set ($hasImageUploadColumn = true)
+ #elseif($column.htmlType == "fileUpload")## 文件上传
+ #set ($hasFileUploadColumn = true)
+ #elseif($column.htmlType == "editor")## 文本编辑器
+ #set ($hasEditorColumn = true)
+ #elseif($column.htmlType == "select")## 下拉框
+ #if ("" != $dictType)## 有数据字典
+ #else##没数据字典
+ #end
+ #elseif($column.htmlType == "checkbox")## 多选框
+ #if ("" != $dictType)## 有数据字典
+ {{dict.label}}
+ #else##没数据字典
+ 请选择字典生成
+ #end
+ #elseif($column.htmlType == "radio")## 单选框
+ #if ("" != $dictType)## 有数据字典
+ {{dict.label}}
+ #else##没数据字典
+ 请选择字典生成
+ #end
+ #elseif($column.htmlType == "datetime")## 时间框
+ #elseif($column.htmlType == "textarea")## 文本框
+ #end
+ #end
+ #end
+ —
+ 添加${subTable.classComment}
-#else## 情况二:一对一,form
-#foreach($column in $subColumns)
- #if ($column.createOperation || $column.updateOperation)
- #set ($dictType = $column.dictType)
- #set ($javaField = $column.javaField)
- #set ($javaType = $column.javaType)
- #set ($AttrName = $column.javaField.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + ${column.javaField.substring(1)})
- #set ($comment = $column.columnComment)
- #set ($dictMethod = "getDictOptions")## 计算使用哪个 dict 字典方法
- #if ($javaType == "Integer" || $javaType == "Long" || $javaType == "Byte" || $javaType == "Short")
- #set ($dictMethod = "getIntDictOptions")
- #elseif ($javaType == "String")
- #set ($dictMethod = "getStrDictOptions")
- #elseif ($javaType == "Boolean")
- #set ($dictMethod = "getBoolDictOptions")
- #end
- #if ( $column.id == $subJoinColumn.id) ## 特殊:忽略主子表的 join 字段,不用填写
- #elseif ($column.htmlType == "input" && !$column.primaryKey)## 忽略主键,不用在表单里
- #elseif($column.htmlType == "imageUpload")## 图片上传
- #elseif($column.htmlType == "fileUpload")## 文件上传
- #elseif($column.htmlType == "editor")## 文本编辑器
- #elseif($column.htmlType == "select")## 下拉框
- #if ("" != $dictType)## 有数据字典
- #else##没数据字典
- #end
- #elseif($column.htmlType == "checkbox")## 多选框
- #if ("" != $dictType)## 有数据字典
- {{ dict.label }}
- #else##没数据字典
- 请选择字典生成
- #end
- #elseif($column.htmlType == "radio")## 单选框
- #if ("" != $dictType)## 有数据字典
- {{ dict.label }}
- #else##没数据字典
- 请选择字典生成
- #end
- #elseif($column.htmlType == "datetime")## 时间框
- #elseif($column.htmlType == "textarea")## 文本框
- #end
- #end
\ No newline at end of file
+ };
diff --git a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-biz/src/main/resources/codegen/vue/views/components/list_sub_inner.vue.vm b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-biz/src/main/resources/codegen/vue/views/components/list_sub_inner.vue.vm
index 3fe648892..90b8e4153 100644
--- a/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-biz/src/main/resources/codegen/vue/views/components/list_sub_inner.vue.vm
+++ b/yudao-module-infra/yudao-module-infra-biz/src/main/resources/codegen/vue/views/components/list_sub_inner.vue.vm
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## 子表的 erp 和 inner 使用相似的 list 列表,差异主要两点:
## 1)inner 使用 list 不分页,erp 使用 page 分页
## 2)erp 支持单个子表的新增、修改、删除,inner 不支持
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\ No newline at end of file