
89 lines
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// 实现 MovingAverage 类:
// MovingAverage(int size) 用窗口大小 size 初始化对象。
// double next(int val) 计算并返回数据流中最后 size 个值的移动平均值。
// 示例:
//["MovingAverage", "next", "next", "next", "next"]
//[[3], [1], [10], [3], [5]]
//[null, 1.0, 5.5, 4.66667, 6.0]
//MovingAverage movingAverage = new MovingAverage(3);
//movingAverage.next(1); // 返回 1.0 = 1 / 1
//movingAverage.next(10); // 返回 5.5 = (1 + 10) / 2
//movingAverage.next(3); // 返回 4.66667 = (1 + 10 + 3) / 3
//movingAverage.next(5); // 返回 6.0 = (10 + 3 + 5) / 3
// 提示:
// 1 <= size <= 1000
// -10⁵ <= val <= 10⁵
// 最多调用 next 方法 10⁴ 次
// Related Topics 设计 队列 数组 数据流 👍 66 👎 0
package leetcode.editor.cn;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
class MovingAverageFromDataStream {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Solution solution = new MovingAverageFromDataStream().new Solution();
//leetcode submit region begin(Prohibit modification and deletion)
class MovingAverage {
Queue<Integer> queue;
int size;
double sum = 0.0;
* Initialize your data structure here.
public MovingAverage(int size) {
queue = new LinkedList<>();
this.size = size;
public double next(int val) {
if (queue.size() >= size) {
sum += 1.0 * (val - queue.poll()) / size;
} else {
if (queue.isEmpty()) {
sum += val;
} else {
sum = (sum * queue.size() + val) / (queue.size() + 1);
return sum;
* Your MovingAverage object will be instantiated and called as such:
* MovingAverage obj = new MovingAverage(size);
* double param_1 = obj.next(val);
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