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// 实现 TwoSum 类:
// TwoSum() 使用空数组初始化 TwoSum 对象
// void add(int number) 向数据结构添加一个数 number
// boolean find(int value) 寻找数据结构中是否存在一对整数,使得两数之和与给定的值相等。如果存在,返回 true ;否则,返回
//false 。
// 示例:
//["TwoSum", "add", "add", "add", "find", "find"]
//[[], [1], [3], [5], [4], [7]]
//[null, null, null, null, true, false]
//TwoSum twoSum = new TwoSum();
//twoSum.add(1); // [] --> [1]
//twoSum.add(3); // [1] --> [1,3]
//twoSum.add(5); // [1,3] --> [1,3,5]
//twoSum.find(4); // 1 + 3 = 4返回 true
//twoSum.find(7); // 没有两个整数加起来等于 7 ,返回 false
// 提示:
// -10⁵ <= number <= 10⁵
// -2³¹ <= value <= 2³¹ - 1
// 最多调用 5 * 10⁴ 次 add 和 find
// Related Topics 设计 数组 哈希表 双指针 数据流 👍 53 👎 0
package leetcode.editor.cn;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
//170:两数之和 III - 数据结构设计
class TwoSumIiiDataStructureDesign {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Solution solution = new TwoSumIiiDataStructureDesign().new Solution();
//leetcode submit region begin(Prohibit modification and deletion)
class TwoSum {
List<Integer> list;
* Initialize your data structure here.
public TwoSum() {
list = new ArrayList<>();
* Add the number to an internal data structure..
public void add(int number) {
* Find if there exists any pair of numbers which sum is equal to the value.
public boolean find(int value) {
int start = 0;
int end = list.size() - 1;
while (start < end) {
if (list.get(start) + list.get(end) == value) {
return true;
if (list.get(start) + list.get(end) > value) {
} else {
return false;
* Your TwoSum object will be instantiated and called as such:
* TwoSum obj = new TwoSum();
* obj.add(number);
* boolean param_2 = obj.find(value);
//leetcode submit region end(Prohibit modification and deletion)