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轩辕龙儿 2022-03-15 23:08:06 +08:00
parent 12cd4221c6
commit b857139d79
2 changed files with 126 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
//给定一个字符串 s 和一些 长度相同 的单词 words 找出 s 中恰好可以由 words 中所有单词串联形成的子串的起始位置
// 注意子串要与 words 中的单词完全匹配中间不能有其他字符 但不需要考虑 words 中单词串联的顺序
// 示例 1
//输入s = "barfoothefoobarman", words = ["foo","bar"]
//从索引 0 9 开始的子串分别是 "barfoo" "foobar"
//输出的顺序不重要, [9,0] 也是有效答案
// 示例 2
//输入s = "wordgoodgoodgoodbestword", words = ["word","good","best","word"]
// 示例 3
//输入s = "barfoofoobarthefoobarman", words = ["bar","foo","the"]
// 提示
// 1 <= s.length <= 10
// s 由小写英文字母组成
// 1 <= words.length <= 5000
// 1 <= words[i].length <= 30
// words[i] 由小写英文字母组成
// Related Topics 哈希表 字符串 滑动窗口 👍 615 👎 0
package leetcode.editor.cn;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class SubstringWithConcatenationOfAllWords {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Solution solution = new SubstringWithConcatenationOfAllWords().new Solution();
//leetcode submit region begin(Prohibit modification and deletion)
class Solution {
public List<Integer> findSubstring(String s, String[] words) {
Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
int count = words.length;
for (String word : words) {
map.put(word, map.getOrDefault(word, 0) + 1);
int size = words[0].length();
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length() - count * size + 1; i++) {
String tmp = s.substring(i, i + count * size);
Map<String, Integer> tmpMap = new HashMap<>();
for (int j = 0; j < count * size; j += size) {
String word = tmp.substring(j, j + size);
tmpMap.put(word, tmpMap.getOrDefault(word, 0) + 1);
if (map.equals(tmpMap)){
return list;
//leetcode submit region end(Prohibit modification and deletion)

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
<p>给定一个字符串 <code>s</code><strong> </strong>和一些 <strong>长度相同</strong> 的单词 <code>words</code><strong></strong>找出 <code>s</code><strong> </strong>中恰好可以由 <code>words</code><strong> </strong>中所有单词串联形成的子串的起始位置。</p>
<p>注意子串要与 <code>words</code><strong> </strong>中的单词完全匹配,<strong>中间不能有其他字符 </strong>,但不需要考虑 <code>words</code><strong> </strong>中单词串联的顺序。</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>示例 1</strong></p>
<strong>输入:</strong>s = "barfoothefoobarman", words = ["foo","bar"]
从索引 0 和 9 开始的子串分别是 "barfoo" 和 "foobar" 。
输出的顺序不重要, [9,0] 也是有效答案。
<p><strong>示例 2</strong></p>
<strong>输入:</strong>s = "wordgoodgoodgoodbestword", words = ["word","good","best","word"]
<p><strong>示例 3</strong></p>
<strong>输入:</strong>s = "barfoofoobarthefoobarman", words = ["bar","foo","the"]
<p> </p>
<li><code>1 <= s.length <= 10<sup>4</sup></code></li>
<li><code>s</code> 由小写英文字母组成</li>
<li><code>1 <= words.length <= 5000</code></li>
<li><code>1 <= words[i].length <= 30</code></li>
<li><code>words[i]</code> 由小写英文字母组成</li>
<div><div>Related Topics</div><div><li>哈希表</li><li>字符串</li><li>滑动窗口</li></div></div><br><div><li>👍 615</li><li>👎 0</li></div>