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2021-08-02 12:57:11 +08:00
//有 n 个网络节点,标记为 1 到 n。
// 给你一个列表 times表示信号经过 有向 边的传递时间。 times[i] = (ui, vi, wi),其中 ui 是源节点vi 是目标节点, w
//i 是一个信号从源节点传递到目标节点的时间。
// 现在,从某个节点 K 发出一个信号。需要多久才能使所有节点都收到信号?如果不能使所有节点收到信号,返回 -1 。
// 示例 1
//输入times = [[2,1,1],[2,3,1],[3,4,1]], n = 4, k = 2
// 示例 2
//输入times = [[1,2,1]], n = 2, k = 1
// 示例 3
//输入times = [[1,2,1]], n = 2, k = 2
// 提示:
// 1 <= k <= n <= 100
// 1 <= times.length <= 6000
// times[i].length == 3
// 1 <= ui, vi <= n
// ui != vi
// 0 <= wi <= 100
// 所有 (ui, vi) 对都 互不相同(即,不含重复边)
// Related Topics 深度优先搜索 广度优先搜索 图 最短路 堆(优先队列)
// 👍 312 👎 0
package leetcode.editor.cn;
import com.code.leet.entiy.TwoArray;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class NetworkDelayTime {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Solution solution = new NetworkDelayTime().new Solution();
2021-08-02 13:35:13 +08:00
TwoArray twoArray = new TwoArray("[[2,1,1],[2,3,1],[3,4,1]]",true);
2021-08-02 12:57:11 +08:00
System.out.println(solution.networkDelayTime(twoArray.getArr(), 4, 2));
//leetcode submit region begin(Prohibit modification and deletion)
class Solution {
public int networkDelayTime(int[][] times, int n, int k) {
final int INF = Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2;
int[][] g = new int[n][n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Arrays.fill(g[i], INF);
for (int[] t : times) {
int x = t[0] - 1, y = t[1] - 1;
g[x][y] = t[2];
int[] dist = new int[n];
Arrays.fill(dist, INF);
dist[k - 1] = 0;
boolean[] used = new boolean[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int x = -1;
for (int y = 0; y < n; ++y) {
if (!used[y] && (x == -1 || dist[y] < dist[x])) {
x = y;
used[x] = true;
for (int y = 0; y < n; ++y) {
dist[y] = Math.min(dist[y], dist[x] + g[x][y]);
int ans = Arrays.stream(dist).max().getAsInt();
return ans == INF ? -1 : ans;
//leetcode submit region end(Prohibit modification and deletion)