import json import datetime import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from xml.dom import minidom def create_wxr_element(): root = ET.Element("rss", version="2.0", attrib={ "xmlns:excerpt": "", "xmlns:content": "", "xmlns:wfw": "", "xmlns:dc": "", "xmlns:wp": "" }) channel = ET.SubElement(root, "channel") title = ET.SubElement(channel, "title") title.text = "Hexo to WordPress" link = ET.SubElement(channel, "link") link.text = "" description = ET.SubElement(channel, "description") description.text = "" pubDate = ET.SubElement(channel, "pubDate") pubDate.text ='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000') language = ET.SubElement(channel, "language") language.text = "en" wxr_version = ET.SubElement(channel, "wp:wxr_version") wxr_version.text = "1.2" return root, channel def add_post_to_channel(channel, post): item = ET.SubElement(channel, "item") title = ET.SubElement(item, "title") title.text = post['title'] link = ET.SubElement(item, "link") link.text = post['link'] pubDate = ET.SubElement(item, "pubDate") pubDate.text = post['date'] dc_creator = ET.SubElement(item, "dc:creator") dc_creator.text = 'admin' guid = ET.SubElement(item, "guid", isPermaLink="false") guid.text = post['link'] description = ET.SubElement(item, "description") description.text = "" content_encoded = ET.SubElement(item, "content:encoded") content_encoded.text = post['content'] excerpt_encoded = ET.SubElement(item, "excerpt:encoded") excerpt_encoded.text = "" post_id = ET.SubElement(item, "wp:post_id") post_id.text = post['path'] post_date = ET.SubElement(item, "wp:post_date") post_date.text = post['date'] post_date_gmt = ET.SubElement(item, "wp:post_date_gmt") post_date_gmt.text = post['date'] comment_status = ET.SubElement(item, "wp:comment_status") comment_status.text = "open" ping_status = ET.SubElement(item, "wp:ping_status") ping_status.text = "open" post_name = ET.SubElement(item, "wp:post_name") post_name.text = post['slug'] status = ET.SubElement(item, "wp:status") status.text = "publish" post_parent = ET.SubElement(item, "wp:post_parent") post_parent.text = "0" menu_order = ET.SubElement(item, "wp:menu_order") menu_order.text = "0" post_type = ET.SubElement(item, "wp:post_type") post_type.text = "post" post_password = ET.SubElement(item, "wp:post_password") post_password.text = "" is_sticky = ET.SubElement(item, "wp:is_sticky") is_sticky.text = "0" # 添加分类和标签 for category in post.get('categories', []): cat = ET.SubElement(item, "category", domain="category", nicename=category['name']) cat.text = category['name'] for tag in post.get('tags', []): tg = ET.SubElement(item, "category", domain="post_tag", nicename=tag['name']) tg.text = tag['name'] def prettify(element): """Return a pretty-printed XML string for the Element.""" rough_string = ET.tostring(element, 'utf-8') reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string) return reparsed.toprettyxml(indent=" ") def save_wxr_file(root, filename): pretty_xml = prettify(root) with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(pretty_xml) def main(): with open('content.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: hexo_data = json.load(f) root, channel = create_wxr_element() for post in hexo_data['posts']: add_post_to_channel(channel, post) save_wxr_file(root, 'hexo_to_wp.xml') if __name__ == "__main__": main()