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ruoyiflex-elementplus-ts - -#### Description -ruoyiflex-elementplus-ts是Ruoyi-Flex的前端UI ,采用Vue3、Element-Plus、TypeScript、vite、Pinia等技术构建。 - -#### Software Architecture -Software architecture description - -#### Installation - -1. xxxx -2. xxxx -3. xxxx - -#### Instructions - -1. xxxx -2. xxxx -3. xxxx - -#### Contribution - -1. Fork the repository -2. Create Feat_xxx branch -3. Commit your code -4. Create Pull Request - - -#### Gitee Feature - -1. You can use Readme\_XXX.md to support different languages, such as Readme\_en.md, Readme\_zh.md -2. Gitee blog [blog.gitee.com](https://blog.gitee.com) -3. Explore open source project [https://gitee.com/explore](https://gitee.com/explore) -4. The most valuable open source project [GVP](https://gitee.com/gvp) -5. The manual of Gitee [https://gitee.com/help](https://gitee.com/help) -6. The most popular members [https://gitee.com/gitee-stars/](https://gitee.com/gitee-stars/) diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index a658afc..4dba2c2 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,37 +1,149 @@ -# ruoyiflex-elementplus-ts +

+ logo +


Ruoyi-Flex V5.0.0


Ruoyi-Flex是基于JDK21、Spring Boot V3.2.X+平台 前后端分离的未来8年更快的Java开发框架

-#### 介绍 + +## 1、项目介绍 ruoyiflex-elementplus-ts是Ruoyi-Flex的前端UI ,采用Vue3、Element-Plus、TypeScript、vite、Pinia等技术构建。 -#### 软件架构 -软件架构说明 +## 2、系统特色 +Ruoyi-Flex秉承“写的更少、性能更好、出错更低、交流通畅、快速入门” 的理念,为您带来全方位的赋能与提升: + +### (1)写的更少 +借助MyBatis-Flex,Ruoyi-Flex显著降低了代码输入工作量,最高降低了25.85%,参考“演示模块”中的同一功能演示程序源码对比分析(排除相同代码量的控制器、前端代码): +

+ 工作量 +

+除了那些复杂的遗留项目中的统计报表,在绝大部分情况下 Ruoyi-Flex 不需要手写 SQL 语句。 + +### (2)性能更好 +除了集成的JDK21、SpringBootV3.2、MyBatis-Flex的性能提升,系统“代码生成”模块生成的代码,凡是涉及到后台数据库的多表查询,没有采用数据库的LeftJoin、InnerJoin等SQL方式,而是使用WithRelation编程装配来取代数据库LeftJoin SQL关联查询,数据库不用维护表间外键关系,将多表关联SQL语句拆分为对各个单表的主键查询,关联无 SQL,性能提高10倍。 + +### (3)出错更低 +原来用mybatis开发需要手写SQL语句,开发后期需要增加字段,修改xml文件是一种灾难,一不留神就犯错了;而Ruoyi-Flex借助MyBatis-Flex则很好地规避了此问题,如果字段输入错误,开发环境IDEA就会自动标红报警,避免犯错。 + +### (4)交流通畅 +“非我族类,其心必异”。Ruoyi-Flex集成了一大波国产开源软件:MyBatis-Flex、Sa-Token、Hutool、PowerJob、Element-Plus等,同根同源,交流自然顺畅,开发中遇到问题可联系作者快速得到解决。例如,同一个领域的安全框架,一个中国人只需半天就可学会Sa-Token干活,如果是学Spring Security的话,七天也不一定能学会。 + +### (5)多端同步 +Ruoyi-Flex提供“1+3”端,1个后台端、3个前台端,熟悉js的可使用flex-elementplus-ui前端,熟悉ts的可使用ruoyiflex-elementplus-ts前端,既熟悉ts有熟悉antdesign的请使用ruoyiflex-antdesign-vben前端,总有一款适合您的前端供您选择! + +### (6)入门快速 +Ruoyi-Flex已集成各种开源开发框架,扫平了技术障碍,可直接上手干活。使用者只需要设计好数据库表结构,系统能可视化生成前后端本地代码,单表、树表、主子表任你选,10分钟就能开发一个模块,快速入门,开发高效。 + +## 3、后端项目 +Ruoyi-Flex实行前后端分离仓库,本项目是Element-Plus+TypeScript前端部分,java后端项目是Ruoyi-Flex,后端项目地址: [Ruoyi-Flex](https://gitee.com/dataprince/ruoyi-flex) + +## 4、内置功能 + +1. 租户管理:系统内租户的管理 如:租户套餐、过期时间、用户数量、企业信息等。 +2. 租户套餐管理:系统内租户所能使用的套餐管理 如:套餐内所包含的菜单等。 +3. 客户端管理:系统内对接的所有客户端管理 如: pc端、小程序端等支持动态授权登录方式 如: 短信登录、密码登录等 支持动态控制token时效。 +4. 用户管理:用户是系统操作者,该功能主要完成系统用户配置。 +5. 部门管理:配置系统组织机构(公司、部门、小组),树结构展现支持数据权限。 +6. 岗位管理:配置系统用户所属担任职务。 +7. 菜单管理:配置系统菜单,操作权限,按钮权限标识等。 +8. 角色管理:角色菜单权限分配、设置角色按机构进行数据范围权限划分。 +9. 字典管理:对系统中经常使用的一些较为固定的数据进行维护。 +10. 参数管理:对系统动态配置常用参数。 +11. 通知公告:系统通知公告信息发布维护。 +12. 操作日志:系统正常操作日志记录和查询;系统异常信息日志记录和查询。 +13. 登录日志:系统登录日志记录查询包含登录异常。 +14. 文件管理:引入云存储服务,将文件存储到MinIO、七牛、阿里、腾讯等OSS服务器上,支持上传、下载。 +15. 在线用户:当前系统中活跃用户状态监控。 +16. 调度中心:集成PowerJob全新一代分布式任务调度与计算框架。 +17. 代码生成:前后端代码的生成(java、html、vue、js),支持单表、树表、主子表,减少70%以上的开发工作量。 +18. 系统接口:集成springdoc,根据文档注释自动生成相关的api接口文档。 +19. 监控中心:集成Spring Boot Admin,监视集群系统CPU、内存、磁盘、堆栈、在线日志、Spring相关配置等。 +20. 缓存监控:对系统的缓存信息查询,命令统计等。 +21. 后台数据库:支持PostgreSQL、MySQL开源数据库及其衍生分布式数据库。 +22. 演示模块:mybatis、mybatis-flex两种格式代码的单表、树表、主子表三种类型的演示程序。 +23. 实现多租户功能。 +24. 实现乐观锁功能。 +25. 实现逻辑删除功能。 +26. 启用JAVA21虚拟线程、分代ZGC功能。 +27. 实现API接口加密功能,密码使用密文传输。 -#### 安装教程 +## 5、演示图 -1. xxxx -2. xxxx -3. xxxx + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-#### 使用说明 +## 6、安装教程 -1. xxxx -2. xxxx -3. xxxx +### 开发 -#### 参与贡献 + +#### 克隆项目 +git clone https://gitee.com/dataprince/flex-elementplus-ui.git + +#### 进入项目目录 +cd flex-elementplus-ui + +#### 安装依赖 +npm install --registry=https://registry.npmmirror.com + +#### 启动服务 +npm run dev + +前端浏览器访问 http://localhost:80 + +### 发布 + +#### 构建生产环境 +npm run build:prod + +## 7、Ruoyi-Flex交流群 + +本软件完全开源,作者很忙,如果您在使用过程中遇到问题,请付点小费(扫码微信支付99元)后申请加入微信群寻求帮助: + + + + + + + + + +
+ +## 8、开源协议 + +**为什么推荐使用本项目?** + +① 本项目采用比 Apache 2.0 更宽松的 [MIT License](https://gitee.com/dataprince/ruoyi-flex/blob/master/LICENSE) 开源协议,个人与企业可 100% 免费使用,不用保留类作者、Copyright 信息。 + +② 代码全部开源,不会像其它项目一样,只开源部分代码,让你无法了解整个项目的架构设计。 + +如果这个项目让您有所收获,记得 Star 关注哦,这对我是非常不错的鼓励与支持。 + + +## 9、参与贡献 1. Fork 本仓库 2. 新建 Feat_xxx 分支 3. 提交代码 -4. 新建 Pull Request - - -#### 特技 - -1. 使用 Readme\_XXX.md 来支持不同的语言,例如 Readme\_en.md, Readme\_zh.md -2. Gitee 官方博客 [blog.gitee.com](https://blog.gitee.com) -3. 你可以 [https://gitee.com/explore](https://gitee.com/explore) 这个地址来了解 Gitee 上的优秀开源项目 -4. [GVP](https://gitee.com/gvp) 全称是 Gitee 最有价值开源项目,是综合评定出的优秀开源项目 -5. Gitee 官方提供的使用手册 [https://gitee.com/help](https://gitee.com/help) -6. Gitee 封面人物是一档用来展示 Gitee 会员风采的栏目 [https://gitee.com/gitee-stars/](https://gitee.com/gitee-stars/) +4. 新建 Pull Request \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin/build.bat b/bin/build.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ecbb454 --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/build.bat @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +@echo off +echo. +echo [Ϣ] Weḅdistļ +echo. + +%~d0 +cd %~dp0 + +cd .. +yarn build:prod + +pause \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin/package.bat b/bin/package.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5b24e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/package.bat @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +@echo off +echo. +echo [Ϣ] װWeḅnode_modulesļ +echo. + +%~d0 +cd %~dp0 + +cd .. +yarn --registry=https://registry.npmmirror.com + +pause \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/bin/run-web.bat b/bin/run-web.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2fe397 --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/run-web.bat @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +@echo off +echo. +echo [Ϣ] ʹ Vite Web ̡ +echo. + +%~d0 +cd %~dp0 + +cd .. +yarn dev + +pause \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/commitlint.config.js b/commitlint.config.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b75ed5 --- /dev/null +++ b/commitlint.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +module.exports = { + extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional'], + rules: { + 'type-enum': [ + 2, + 'always', + [ + 'feat', // 新功能 feature + 'fix', // 修复 bug + 'docs', // 文档注释 + 'style', // 代码格式 + 'refactor', // 重构 + 'perf', // 性能优化 + 'test', // 增加测试 + 'chore', // 构建过程或辅助工具的变动 + 'revert', // 回退 + 'build' // 打包 + ] + ], + 'subject-case': [0] + } +}; diff --git a/html/ie.html b/html/ie.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d2773d --- /dev/null +++ b/html/ie.html @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ + + + + + 请升级您的浏览器 + + + + + + +



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+ +
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a/src/animate.ts b/src/animate.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a23df8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/animate.ts @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +// 前缀 +const animatePrefix = 'animate__animated '; +// 开启随机动画 随机动画值 +const animateList: string[] = [ + animatePrefix + 'animate__pulse', + animatePrefix + 'animate__rubberBand', + animatePrefix + 'animate__bounceIn', + animatePrefix + 'animate__bounceInLeft', + animatePrefix + 'animate__fadeIn', + animatePrefix + 'animate__fadeInLeft', + animatePrefix + 'animate__fadeInDown', + animatePrefix + 'animate__fadeInUp', + animatePrefix + 'animate__flipInX', + animatePrefix + 'animate__lightSpeedInLeft', + animatePrefix + 'animate__rotateInDownLeft', + animatePrefix + 'animate__rollIn', + animatePrefix + 'animate__rotateInDownLeft', + animatePrefix + 'animate__zoomIn', + animatePrefix + 'animate__zoomInDown', + animatePrefix + 'animate__slideInLeft', + animatePrefix + 'animate__lightSpeedIn' +]; +// 关闭随机动画后的默认效果 +const defaultAnimate = animatePrefix + 'animate__fadeIn'; +// 搜索隐藏显示动画 +const searchAnimate = { + enter: '', + leave: '' +}; + +// 菜单搜索动画 +const menuSearchAnimate = { + enter: animatePrefix + 'animate__fadeIn', + leave: animatePrefix + 'animate__fadeOut' +}; +// logo动画 +const logoAnimate = { + enter: animatePrefix + 'animate__fadeIn', + leave: animatePrefix + 'animate__fadeOut' +}; + +export default { + animateList, + defaultAnimate, + searchAnimate, + menuSearchAnimate, + logoAnimate +}; diff --git a/src/api/demo/demo/index.ts b/src/api/demo/demo/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7441720 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/demo/demo/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; +import { DemoVO, DemoForm, DemoQuery } from '@/api/demo/demo/types'; + +/** + * 查询测试单列表 + * @param query + * @returns {*} + */ +export const listDemo = (query?: DemoQuery): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/demo/demo/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +}; + +/** + * 查询测试单详细 + * @param id + */ +export const getDemo = (id: string | number): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/demo/demo/' + id, + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +/** + * 新增测试单 + * @param data + */ +export const addDemo = (data: DemoForm) => { + return request({ + url: '/demo/demo', + method: 'post', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 修改测试单 + * @param data + */ +export const updateDemo = (data: DemoForm) => { + return request({ + url: '/demo/demo', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 删除测试单 + * @param id + */ +export const delDemo = (id: string | number | Array) => { + return request({ + url: '/demo/demo/' + id, + method: 'delete' + }); +}; diff --git a/src/api/demo/demo/types.ts b/src/api/demo/demo/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea51d32 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/demo/demo/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +export interface DemoVO { + /** + * 主键 + */ + id: string | number; + + /** + * 部门id + */ + deptId: string | number; + + /** + * 用户id + */ + userId: string | number; + + /** + * 排序号 + */ + orderNum: number; + + /** + * key键 + */ + testKey: string; + + /** + * 值 + */ + value: string; +} + +export interface DemoForm extends BaseEntity { + /** + * 主键 + */ + id?: string | number; + + /** + * 部门id + */ + deptId?: string | number; + + /** + * 用户id + */ + userId?: string | number; + + /** + * 排序号 + */ + orderNum?: number; + + /** + * key键 + */ + testKey?: string; + + /** + * 值 + */ + value?: string; +} + +export interface DemoQuery extends PageQuery { + /** + * 部门id + */ + deptId?: string | number; + + /** + * 用户id + */ + userId?: string | number; + + /** + * 排序号 + */ + orderNum?: number; + + /** + * key键 + */ + testKey?: string; + + /** + * 值 + */ + value?: string; +} diff --git a/src/api/demo/tree/index.ts b/src/api/demo/tree/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..562deb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/demo/tree/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; +import { TreeVO, TreeForm, TreeQuery } from '@/api/demo/tree/types'; + +/** + * 查询测试树列表 + * @param query + * @returns {*} + */ +export const listTree = (query?: TreeQuery): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/demo/tree/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +}; + +/** + * 查询测试树详细 + * @param id + */ +export const getTree = (id: string | number): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/demo/tree/' + id, + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +/** + * 新增测试树 + * @param data + */ +export const addTree = (data: TreeForm) => { + return request({ + url: '/demo/tree', + method: 'post', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 修改测试树 + * @param data + */ +export const updateTree = (data: TreeForm) => { + return request({ + url: '/demo/tree', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 删除测试树 + * @param id + */ +export const delTree = (id: string | number | Array) => { + return request({ + url: '/demo/tree/' + id, + method: 'delete' + }); +}; diff --git a/src/api/demo/tree/types.ts b/src/api/demo/tree/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e164d8b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/demo/tree/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +export interface TreeVO { + /** + * 主键 + */ + id: string | number; + + /** + * 父id + */ + parentId: string | number; + + /** + * 部门id + */ + deptId: string | number; + + /** + * 用户id + */ + userId: string | number; + + /** + * 值 + */ + treeName: string; + + /** + * 子对象 + */ + children: TreeVO[]; +} + +export interface TreeForm extends BaseEntity { + /** + * 主键 + */ + id?: string | number; + + /** + * 父id + */ + parentId?: string | number; + + /** + * 部门id + */ + deptId?: string | number; + + /** + * 用户id + */ + userId?: string | number; + + /** + * 值 + */ + treeName?: string; +} + +export interface TreeQuery { + /** + * 父id + */ + parentId?: string | number; + + /** + * 部门id + */ + deptId?: string | number; + + /** + * 用户id + */ + userId?: string | number; + + /** + * 值 + */ + treeName?: string; +} diff --git a/src/api/login.ts b/src/api/login.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..100a5e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/login.ts @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; +import { LoginData, LoginResult, VerifyCodeResult, TenantInfo } from './types'; +import { UserInfo } from '@/api/system/user/types'; + +// pc端固定客户端授权id +const clientId = import.meta.env.VITE_APP_CLIENT_ID; + +/** + * @param data {LoginData} + * @returns + */ +export function login(data: LoginData): AxiosPromise { + const params = { + ...data, + clientId: data.clientId || clientId, + grantType: data.grantType || 'password' + }; + return request({ + url: '/auth/login', + headers: { + isToken: false, + isEncrypt: true + }, + method: 'post', + data: params + }); +} + +// 注册方法 +export function register(data: any) { + const params = { + ...data, + clientId: clientId, + grantType: 'password' + }; + return request({ + url: '/auth/register', + headers: { + isToken: false, + isEncrypt: true + }, + method: 'post', + data: params + }); +} + +/** + * 注销 + */ +export function logout() { + return request({ + url: '/auth/logout', + method: 'post' + }); +} + +/** + * 获取验证码 + */ +export function getCodeImg(): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/auth/code', + headers: { + isToken: false + }, + method: 'get', + timeout: 20000 + }); +} + +/** + * 第三方登录 + */ +export function callback(data: LoginData): AxiosPromise { + const LoginData = { + ...data, + clientId: clientId, + grantType: 'social' + }; + return request({ + url: '/auth/social/callback', + method: 'post', + data: LoginData + }); +} + +// 获取用户详细信息 +export function getInfo(): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/getInfo', + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 获取租户列表 +export function getTenantList(): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/auth/tenant/list', + headers: { + isToken: false + }, + method: 'get' + }); +} diff --git a/src/api/menu.ts b/src/api/menu.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3ae80e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/menu.ts @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; +import { RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router'; + +// 获取路由 +export function getRouters(): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/menu/getRouters', + method: 'get' + }); +} diff --git a/src/api/mf/product/index.ts b/src/api/mf/product/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1ed97d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/mf/product/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; +import { ProductVO, ProductForm, ProductQuery } from '@/api/mf/product/types'; + +/** + * 查询产品树列表 + * @param query + * @returns {*} + */ + +export const listProduct = (query?: ProductQuery): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/mf/product/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +}; + +/** + * 查询产品树详细 + * @param productId + */ +export const getProduct = (productId: string | number): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/mf/product/' + productId, + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +/** + * 新增产品树 + * @param data + */ +export const addProduct = (data: ProductForm) => { + return request({ + url: '/mf/product', + method: 'post', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 修改产品树 + * @param data + */ +export const updateProduct = (data: ProductForm) => { + return request({ + url: '/mf/product', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 删除产品树 + * @param productId + */ +export const delProduct = (productId: string | number | Array) => { + return request({ + url: '/mf/product/' + productId, + method: 'delete' + }); +}; diff --git a/src/api/mf/product/types.ts b/src/api/mf/product/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..447fef6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/mf/product/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +export interface ProductVO extends BaseEntity { + /** + * 父产品id + */ + parentId: string | number; + + /** + * 产品名称 + */ + productName: string; + + /** + * 显示顺序 + */ + orderNum: number; + + /** + * 产品状态(0正常 1停用) + */ + status: string; + + /** + * 子对象 + */ + children: ProductVO[]; +} + +export interface ProductForm { + /** + * 产品id + */ + productId?: string | number; + + /** + * 父产品id + */ + parentId?: string | number; + + /** + * 产品名称 + */ + productName?: string; + + /** + * 显示顺序 + */ + orderNum?: number; + + /** + * 产品状态(0正常 1停用) + */ + status?: string; + + /** + * 乐观锁 + */ + version?: number; + +} + +export interface ProductQuery { + /** + * 产品名称 + */ + productName?: string; + + /** + * 产品状态(0正常 1停用) + */ + status?: string; + + /** + * 日期范围参数 + */ + params?: any; +} diff --git a/src/api/mf/student/index.ts b/src/api/mf/student/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9bfa7a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/mf/student/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; +import { StudentVO, StudentForm, StudentQuery } from '@/api/mf/student/types'; + +/** + * 查询学生信息表列表 + * @param query + * @returns {*} + */ + +export const listStudent = (query?: StudentQuery): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/mf/student/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +}; + +/** + * 查询学生信息表详细 + * @param studentId + */ +export const getStudent = (studentId: string | number): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/mf/student/' + studentId, + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +/** + * 新增学生信息表 + * @param data + */ +export const addStudent = (data: StudentForm) => { + return request({ + url: '/mf/student', + method: 'post', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 修改学生信息表 + * @param data + */ +export const updateStudent = (data: StudentForm) => { + return request({ + url: '/mf/student', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 删除学生信息表 + * @param studentId + */ +export const delStudent = (studentId: string | number | Array) => { + return request({ + url: '/mf/student/' + studentId, + method: 'delete' + }); +}; diff --git a/src/api/mf/student/types.ts b/src/api/mf/student/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..517af02 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/mf/student/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +export interface StudentVO extends BaseEntity { + /** + * 学生名称 + */ + studentName: string; + + /** + * 年龄 + */ + studentAge: number; + + /** + * 爱好(0代码 1音乐 2电影) + */ + studentHobby: string; + + /** + * 性别(1男 2女 3未知) + */ + studentGender: string; + + /** + * 状态(0正常 1停用) + */ + studentStatus: string; + + /** + * 生日 + */ + studentBirthday: string; + +} + +export interface StudentForm { + /** + * 编号 + */ + studentId?: string | number; + + /** + * 学生名称 + */ + studentName?: string; + + /** + * 年龄 + */ + studentAge?: number; + + /** + * 爱好(0代码 1音乐 2电影) + */ + studentHobby?: string; + + /** + * 性别(1男 2女 3未知) + */ + studentGender?: string; + + /** + * 状态(0正常 1停用) + */ + studentStatus?: string; + + /** + * 生日 + */ + studentBirthday?: string; + + /** + * 乐观锁 + */ + version?: number; + +} + +export interface StudentQuery extends PageQuery { + + /** + * 学生名称 + */ + studentName?: string; + + /** + * 状态(0正常 1停用) + */ + studentStatus?: string; + + /** + * 日期范围参数 + */ + params?: any; +} + + + diff --git a/src/api/monitor/cache/index.ts b/src/api/monitor/cache/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e45d6fb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/monitor/cache/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; +import { CacheVO } from './types'; + +// 查询缓存详细 +export function getCache(): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/cache', + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 查询缓存名称列表 +export function listCacheName() { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/cache/getNames', + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 查询缓存键名列表 +export function listCacheKey(cacheName: string) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/cache/getKeys/' + cacheName, + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 查询缓存内容 +export function getCacheValue(cacheName: string, cacheKey: string) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/cache/getValue/' + cacheName + '/' + cacheKey, + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 清理指定名称缓存 +export function clearCacheName(cacheName: string) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/cache/clearCacheName/' + cacheName, + method: 'delete' + }); +} + +// 清理指定键名缓存 +export function clearCacheKey(cacheName: string, cacheKey: string) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/cache/clearCacheKey/' + cacheName + '/' + cacheKey, + method: 'delete' + }); +} + +// 清理全部缓存 +export function clearCacheAll() { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/cache/clearCacheAll', + method: 'delete' + }); +} diff --git a/src/api/monitor/cache/types.ts b/src/api/monitor/cache/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4017b65 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/monitor/cache/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +export interface CacheVO { + commandStats: Array<{ name: string; value: string }>; + + dbSize: number; + + info: { [key: string]: string }; +} diff --git a/src/api/monitor/loginInfo/index.ts b/src/api/monitor/loginInfo/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8877c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/monitor/loginInfo/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { LoginInfoQuery, LoginInfoVO } from './types'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; + +// 查询登录日志列表 +export function list(query: LoginInfoQuery): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/logininfor/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +} + +// 删除登录日志 +export function delLoginInfo(infoId: string | number | Array) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/logininfor/' + infoId, + method: 'delete' + }); +} + +// 解锁用户登录状态 +export function unlockLoginInfo(userName: string | Array) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/logininfor/unlock/' + userName, + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 清空登录日志 +export function cleanLoginInfo() { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/logininfor/clean', + method: 'delete' + }); +} diff --git a/src/api/monitor/loginInfo/types.ts b/src/api/monitor/loginInfo/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..202c779 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/monitor/loginInfo/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +export interface LoginInfoVO { + infoId: string | number; + tenantId: string | number; + userName: string; + status: string; + ipaddr: string; + loginLocation: string; + browser: string; + os: string; + msg: string; + loginTime: string; +} + +export interface LoginInfoQuery extends PageQuery { + ipaddr: string; + userName: string; + status: string; + orderByColumn: string; + isAsc: string; +} diff --git a/src/api/monitor/online/index.ts b/src/api/monitor/online/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d9034a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/monitor/online/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { OnlineQuery, OnlineVO } from './types'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; + +// 查询在线用户列表 +export function list(query: OnlineQuery): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/online/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +} + +// 强退用户 +export function forceLogout(tokenId: string) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/online/' + tokenId, + method: 'delete' + }); +} diff --git a/src/api/monitor/online/types.ts b/src/api/monitor/online/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c0ec27 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/monitor/online/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +export interface OnlineQuery extends PageQuery { + ipaddr: string; + userName: string; +} + +export interface OnlineVO extends BaseEntity { + tokenId: string; + deptName: string; + userName: string; + ipaddr: string; + loginLocation: string; + browser: string; + os: string; + loginTime: number; +} diff --git a/src/api/monitor/operlog/index.ts b/src/api/monitor/operlog/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ac3453 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/monitor/operlog/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { OperLogQuery, OperLogVO } from './types'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; + +// 查询操作日志列表 +export function list(query: OperLogQuery): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/operlog/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +} + +// 删除操作日志 +export function delOperlog(operId: string | number | Array) { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/operlog/' + operId, + method: 'delete' + }); +} + +// 清空操作日志 +export function cleanOperlog() { + return request({ + url: '/monitor/operlog/clean', + method: 'delete' + }); +} diff --git a/src/api/monitor/operlog/types.ts b/src/api/monitor/operlog/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10f65c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/monitor/operlog/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +export interface OperLogQuery extends PageQuery { + operIp: string; + title: string; + operName: string; + businessType: string; + status: string; + orderByColumn: string; + isAsc: string; +} + +export interface OperLogVO extends BaseEntity { + operId: string | number; + tenantId: string; + title: string; + businessType: number; + businessTypes: number[] | undefined; + method: string; + requestMethod: string; + operatorType: number; + operName: string; + deptName: string; + operUrl: string; + operIp: string; + operLocation: string; + operParam: string; + jsonResult: string; + status: number; + errorMsg: string; + operTime: string; + costTime: number; +} + +export interface OperLogForm { + operId: number | string | undefined; + tenantId: string | number | undefined; + title: string; + businessType: number; + businessTypes: number[] | undefined; + method: string; + requestMethod: string; + operatorType: number; + operName: string; + deptName: string; + operUrl: string; + operIp: string; + operLocation: string; + operParam: string; + jsonResult: string; + status: number; + errorMsg: string; + operTime: string; + costTime: number; +} diff --git a/src/api/system/client/index.ts b/src/api/system/client/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23047a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/client/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; +import { ClientVO, ClientForm, ClientQuery } from '@/api/system/client/types'; + +/** + * 查询客户端管理列表 + * @param query + * @returns {*} + */ + +export const listClient = (query?: ClientQuery): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/client/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +}; + +/** + * 查询客户端管理详细 + * @param id + */ +export const getClient = (id: string | number): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/client/' + id, + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +/** + * 新增客户端管理 + * @param data + */ +export const addClient = (data: ClientForm) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/client', + method: 'post', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 修改客户端管理 + * @param data + */ +export const updateClient = (data: ClientForm) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/client', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 删除客户端管理 + * @param id + */ +export const delClient = (id: string | number | Array) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/client/' + id, + method: 'delete' + }); +}; + +/** + * 状态修改 + * @param id 客户端id + * @param version 版本号 + * @param status 状态 + */ +export function changeStatus(id: number, version: number, status: string) { + const data = { + id, + version, + status + }; + return request({ + url: '/system/client/changeStatus', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +} diff --git a/src/api/system/client/types.ts b/src/api/system/client/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89154af --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/client/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +export interface ClientVO { + /** + * id + */ + id: number; + + /** + * 客户端id + */ + clientId: string; + + /** + * 客户端key + */ + clientKey: string; + + /** + * 客户端秘钥 + */ + clientSecret: string; + + /** + * 授权类型 + */ + grantTypeList: string[]; + + /** + * 设备类型 + */ + deviceType: string; + + /** + * token活跃超时时间 + */ + activeTimeout: number; + + /** + * token固定超时 + */ + timeout: number; + + /** + * 状态(0正常 1停用) + */ + status: string; + + /** 乐观锁 */ + version: number; + + /** + * 删除标志(0就代表存在 1就代表删除) + */ + delFlag: number; +} + +export interface ClientForm extends BaseEntity { + /** + * id + */ + id?: number; + + /** + * 客户端id + */ + clientId?: string | number; + + /** + * 客户端key + */ + clientKey?: string; + + /** + * 客户端秘钥 + */ + clientSecret?: string; + + /** + * 授权类型 + */ + grantTypeList?: string[]; + + /** + * 设备类型 + */ + deviceType?: string; + + /** + * token活跃超时时间 + */ + activeTimeout?: number; + + /** + * token固定超时 + */ + timeout?: number; + + /** + * 状态(0正常 1停用) + */ + status?: string; + + /** + * 状态(0正常 1停用) + */ + delFlag?: number; +} + +export interface ClientQuery extends PageQuery { + /** + * 客户端id + */ + clientId?: number; + + /** + * 客户端key + */ + clientKey?: string; + + /** + * 客户端秘钥 + */ + clientSecret?: string; + + /** + * 授权类型 + */ + grantType?: string; + + /** + * 设备类型 + */ + deviceType?: string; + + /** + * token活跃超时时间 + */ + activeTimeout?: number; + + /** + * token固定超时 + */ + timeout?: number; + + /** + * 状态(0正常 1停用) + */ + status?: string; +} diff --git a/src/api/system/config/index.ts b/src/api/system/config/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50400e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/config/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { ConfigForm, ConfigQuery, ConfigVO } from './types'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; + +// 查询参数列表 +export function listConfig(query: ConfigQuery): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/config/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +} + +// 查询参数详细 +export function getConfig(configId: string | number): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/config/' + configId, + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 根据参数键名查询参数值 +export function getConfigKey(configKey: string): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/config/configKey/' + configKey, + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 新增参数配置 +export function addConfig(data: ConfigForm) { + return request({ + url: '/system/config', + method: 'post', + data: data + }); +} + +// 修改参数配置 +export function updateConfig(data: ConfigForm) { + return request({ + url: '/system/config', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +} + +// 修改参数配置 +export function updateConfigByKey(key: string, value: any, version: number) { + return request({ + url: '/system/config/updateByKey', + method: 'put', + data: { + configKey: key, + configValue: value, + version: version + } + }); +} + +// 删除参数配置 +export function delConfig(configId: string | number | Array) { + return request({ + url: '/system/config/' + configId, + method: 'delete' + }); +} + +// 刷新参数缓存 +export function refreshCache() { + return request({ + url: '/system/config/refreshCache', + method: 'delete' + }); +} diff --git a/src/api/system/config/types.ts b/src/api/system/config/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e0dc7d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/config/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +export interface ConfigVO extends BaseEntity { + configId: number | string; + configName: string; + configKey: string; + configValue: string; + configType: string; + remark: string; +} + +export interface ConfigForm { + configId: number | string | undefined; + configName: string; + configKey: string; + configValue: string; + configType: string; + version: number; + remark: string; +} + +export interface ConfigQuery extends PageQuery { + configName: string; + configKey: string; + configType: string; +} diff --git a/src/api/system/dept/index.ts b/src/api/system/dept/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e097fd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/dept/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; +import { DeptForm, DeptQuery, DeptVO } from './types'; + +// 查询部门列表 +export const listDept = (query?: DeptQuery) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/dept/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +}; + +// 查询部门列表(排除节点) +export const listDeptExcludeChild = (deptId: string | number): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/dept/list/exclude/' + deptId, + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +// 查询部门详细 +export const getDept = (deptId: string | number): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/dept/' + deptId, + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +// 查询部门下拉树结构 +export const treeselect = (): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/dept/treeselect', + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +// 新增部门 +export const addDept = (data: DeptForm) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/dept', + method: 'post', + data: data + }); +}; + +// 修改部门 +export const updateDept = (data: DeptForm) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/dept', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +}; + +// 删除部门 +export const delDept = (deptId: number | string) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/dept/' + deptId, + method: 'delete' + }); +}; diff --git a/src/api/system/dept/types.ts b/src/api/system/dept/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d4e215 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/dept/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/** + * 部门查询参数 + */ +export interface DeptQuery extends PageQuery { + deptName?: string; + status?: number; +} + +/** + * 部门类型 + */ +export interface DeptVO extends BaseEntity { + id: number | string; + parentName: string; + parentId: number | string; + children: DeptVO[]; + deptId: number | string; + deptName: string; + orderNum: number; + leader: string; + phone: string; + email: string; + status: string; + delFlag: string; + ancestors: string; + menuId: string | number; +} + +/** + * 部门表单类型 + */ +export interface DeptForm { + parentName?: string; + parentId?: number | string; + children?: DeptForm[]; + deptId?: number | string; + deptName?: string; + orderNum?: number; + leader?: string; + phone?: string; + email?: string; + status?: string; + version?: number; + delFlag?: string; + ancestors?: string; +} diff --git a/src/api/system/dict/data/index.ts b/src/api/system/dict/data/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7692abc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/dict/data/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; +import { DictDataForm, DictDataQuery, DictDataVO } from './types'; +// 根据字典类型查询字典数据信息 +export function getDicts(dictType: string): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/data/type/' + dictType, + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 查询字典数据列表 +export function listData(query: DictDataQuery): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/data/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +} + +// 查询字典数据详细 +export function getData(dictCode: string | number): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/data/' + dictCode, + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 新增字典数据 +export function addData(data: DictDataForm) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/data', + method: 'post', + data: data + }); +} + +// 修改字典数据 +export function updateData(data: DictDataForm) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/data', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +} + +// 删除字典数据 +export function delData(dictCode: string | number | Array) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/data/' + dictCode, + method: 'delete' + }); +} diff --git a/src/api/system/dict/data/types.ts b/src/api/system/dict/data/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b09976f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/dict/data/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +export interface DictDataQuery extends PageQuery { + dictName: string; + dictType: string; + dictLabel: string; +} + +export interface DictDataVO extends BaseEntity { + dictCode: string; + dictLabel: string; + dictValue: string; + cssClass: string; + listClass: ElTagType; + dictSort: number; + remark: string; +} + +export interface DictDataForm { + dictType?: string; + dictCode: string | undefined; + dictLabel: string; + dictValue: string; + cssClass: string; + listClass: ElTagType; + dictSort: number; + version: number; + remark: string; +} diff --git a/src/api/system/dict/type/index.ts b/src/api/system/dict/type/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7dc3d66 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/dict/type/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { DictTypeForm, DictTypeVO, DictTypeQuery } from './types'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; + +// 查询字典类型列表 +export function listType(query: DictTypeQuery): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/type/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +} + +// 查询字典类型详细 +export function getType(dictId: number | string): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/type/' + dictId, + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 新增字典类型 +export function addType(data: DictTypeForm) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/type', + method: 'post', + data: data + }); +} + +// 修改字典类型 +export function updateType(data: DictTypeForm) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/type', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +} + +// 删除字典类型 +export function delType(dictId: string | number | Array) { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/type/' + dictId, + method: 'delete' + }); +} + +// 刷新字典缓存 +export function refreshCache() { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/type/refreshCache', + method: 'delete' + }); +} + +// 获取字典选择框列表 +export function optionselect(): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/dict/type/optionselect', + method: 'get' + }); +} diff --git a/src/api/system/dict/type/types.ts b/src/api/system/dict/type/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b6097c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/dict/type/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +export interface DictTypeVO extends BaseEntity { + dictId: number | string; + dictName: string; + dictType: string; + remark: string; +} + +export interface DictTypeForm { + dictId: number | string | undefined; + dictName: string; + dictType: string; + version: number; + remark: string; +} + +export interface DictTypeQuery extends PageQuery { + dictName: string; + dictType: string; +} diff --git a/src/api/system/menu/index.ts b/src/api/system/menu/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a0cf74 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/menu/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; +import { MenuQuery, MenuVO, MenuForm, MenuTreeOption, RoleMenuTree } from './types'; + +// 查询菜单列表 +export const listMenu = (query?: MenuQuery): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/menu/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +}; + +// 查询菜单详细 +export const getMenu = (menuId: string | number): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/menu/' + menuId, + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +// 查询菜单下拉树结构 +export const treeselect = (): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/menu/treeselect', + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +// 根据角色ID查询菜单下拉树结构 +export const roleMenuTreeselect = (roleId: string | number): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/menu/roleMenuTreeselect/' + roleId, + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +// 根据角色ID查询菜单下拉树结构 +export const tenantPackageMenuTreeselect = (packageId: string | number): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/menu/tenantPackageMenuTreeselect/' + packageId, + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +// 新增菜单 +export const addMenu = (data: MenuForm) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/menu', + method: 'post', + data: data + }); +}; + +// 修改菜单 +export const updateMenu = (data: MenuForm) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/menu', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +}; + +// 删除菜单 +export const delMenu = (menuId: string | number) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/menu/' + menuId, + method: 'delete' + }); +}; diff --git a/src/api/system/menu/types.ts b/src/api/system/menu/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8818265 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/menu/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +import { MenuTypeEnum } from '@/enums/MenuTypeEnum'; + +/** + * 菜单树形结构类型 + */ +export interface MenuTreeOption { + id: string | number; + label: string; + parentId: string | number; + weight: number; + children?: MenuTreeOption[]; +} + +export interface RoleMenuTree { + menus: MenuTreeOption[]; + checkedKeys: string[]; +} + +/** + * 菜单查询参数类型 + */ +export interface MenuQuery { + keywords?: string; + menuName?: string; + status?: string; +} + +/** + * 菜单视图对象类型 + */ +export interface MenuVO extends BaseEntity { + parentName: string; + parentId: string | number; + children: MenuVO[]; + menuId: string | number; + menuName: string; + orderNum: number; + path: string; + component: string; + queryParam: string; + isFrame: string; + isCache: string; + menuType: MenuTypeEnum; + visible: string; + status: string; + icon: string; + remark: string; +} + +export interface MenuForm { + parentName?: string; + parentId?: string | number; + children?: MenuForm[]; + menuId?: string | number; + menuName: string; + orderNum: number; + path: string; + component?: string; + queryParam?: string; + isFrame?: string; + isCache?: string; + menuType?: MenuTypeEnum; + visible?: string; + status?: string; + icon?: string; + remark?: string; + query?: string; + perms?: string; + version?: number; +} diff --git a/src/api/system/notice/index.ts b/src/api/system/notice/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..285d1f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/notice/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { NoticeForm, NoticeQuery, NoticeVO } from './types'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; +// 查询公告列表 +export function listNotice(query: NoticeQuery): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/notice/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +} + +// 查询公告详细 +export function getNotice(noticeId: string | number): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/notice/' + noticeId, + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 新增公告 +export function addNotice(data: NoticeForm) { + return request({ + url: '/system/notice', + method: 'post', + data: data + }); +} + +// 修改公告 +export function updateNotice(data: NoticeForm) { + return request({ + url: '/system/notice', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +} + +// 删除公告 +export function delNotice(noticeId: string | number | Array) { + return request({ + url: '/system/notice/' + noticeId, + method: 'delete' + }); +} diff --git a/src/api/system/notice/types.ts b/src/api/system/notice/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d5feb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/notice/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +export interface NoticeVO extends BaseEntity { + noticeId: number; + noticeTitle: string; + noticeType: string; + noticeContent: string; + status: string; + remark: string; + createByName: string; +} + +export interface NoticeQuery extends PageQuery { + noticeTitle: string; + createByName: string; + status: string; + noticeType: string; +} + +export interface NoticeForm { + noticeId: number | string | undefined; + noticeTitle: string; + noticeType: string; + noticeContent: string; + status: string; + version: number; + remark: string; + createByName: string; +} diff --git a/src/api/system/oss/index.ts b/src/api/system/oss/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4472112 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/oss/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { OssQuery, OssVO } from './types'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; + +// 查询OSS对象存储列表 +export function listOss(query: OssQuery): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/resource/oss/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +} + +// 查询OSS对象基于id串 +export function listByIds(ossId: string | number): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/resource/oss/listByIds/' + ossId, + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 删除OSS对象存储 +export function delOss(ossId: string | number | Array) { + return request({ + url: '/resource/oss/' + ossId, + method: 'delete' + }); +} diff --git a/src/api/system/oss/types.ts b/src/api/system/oss/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc0bc1f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/oss/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +export interface OssVO extends BaseEntity { + ossId: string | number; + fileName: string; + originalName: string; + fileSuffix: string; + url: string; + createByName: string; + service: string; +} + +export interface OssQuery extends PageQuery { + fileName: string; + originalName: string; + fileSuffix: string; + createTime: string; + service: string; + orderByColumn: string; + isAsc: string; +} +export interface OssForm { + file: undefined | string; +} diff --git a/src/api/system/ossConfig/index.ts b/src/api/system/ossConfig/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc14416 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/ossConfig/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { OssConfigForm, OssConfigQuery, OssConfigVO } from './types'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; + +// 查询对象存储配置列表 +export function listOssConfig(query: OssConfigQuery): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/resource/oss/config/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +} + +// 查询对象存储配置详细 +export function getOssConfig(ossConfigId: string | number): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/resource/oss/config/' + ossConfigId, + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 新增对象存储配置 +export function addOssConfig(data: OssConfigForm) { + return request({ + url: '/resource/oss/config', + method: 'post', + data: data + }); +} + +// 修改对象存储配置 +export function updateOssConfig(data: OssConfigForm) { + return request({ + url: '/resource/oss/config', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +} + +// 删除对象存储配置 +export function delOssConfig(ossConfigId: string | number | Array) { + return request({ + url: '/resource/oss/config/' + ossConfigId, + method: 'delete' + }); +} + +// 对象存储状态修改 +export function changeOssConfigStatus(ossConfigId: string | number, version: number, status: string, configKey: string) { + const data = { + ossConfigId, + version, + status, + configKey + }; + return request({ + url: '/resource/oss/config/changeStatus', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +} diff --git a/src/api/system/ossConfig/types.ts b/src/api/system/ossConfig/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31ed3cb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/ossConfig/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +export interface OssConfigVO extends BaseEntity { + ossConfigId: number | string; + configKey: string; + accessKey: string; + secretKey: string; + bucketName: string; + prefix: string; + endpoint: string; + domain: string; + isHttps: string; + region: string; + status: string; + ext1: string; + remark: string; + accessPolicy: string; +} + +export interface OssConfigQuery extends PageQuery { + configKey: string; + bucketName: string; + status: string; +} + +export interface OssConfigForm { + ossConfigId: string | number | undefined; + configKey: string; + accessKey: string; + secretKey: string; + bucketName: string; + prefix: string; + endpoint: string; + domain: string; + isHttps: string; + accessPolicy: string; + region: string; + status: string; + version: number; + remark: string; +} diff --git a/src/api/system/post/index.ts b/src/api/system/post/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e523ab --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/post/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { PostForm, PostQuery, PostVO } from './types'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; + +// 查询岗位列表 +export function listPost(query: PostQuery): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/post/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +} + +// 查询岗位详细 +export function getPost(postId: string | number): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/post/' + postId, + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 新增岗位 +export function addPost(data: PostForm) { + return request({ + url: '/system/post', + method: 'post', + data: data + }); +} + +// 修改岗位 +export function updatePost(data: PostForm) { + return request({ + url: '/system/post', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +} + +// 删除岗位 +export function delPost(postId: string | number | (string | number)[]) { + return request({ + url: '/system/post/' + postId, + method: 'delete' + }); +} diff --git a/src/api/system/post/types.ts b/src/api/system/post/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8845e08 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/post/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +export interface PostVO extends BaseEntity { + postId: number | string; + postCode: string; + postName: string; + postSort: number; + status: string; + remark: string; +} + +export interface PostForm { + postId: number | string | undefined; + postCode: string; + postName: string; + postSort: number; + status: string; + version: number; + remark: string; +} + +export interface PostQuery extends PageQuery { + postCode: string; + postName: string; + status: string; +} diff --git a/src/api/system/role/index.ts b/src/api/system/role/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c679ca6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/role/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +import { UserVO } from '@/api/system/user/types'; +import { UserQuery } from '@/api/system/user/types'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; +import { RoleQuery, RoleVO, RoleDeptTree } from './types'; +import request from '@/utils/request'; + +export const listRole = (query: RoleQuery): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +}; + +/** + * 查询角色详细 + */ +export const getRole = (roleId: string | number): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/' + roleId, + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +/** + * 新增角色 + */ +export const addRole = (data: any) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/role', + method: 'post', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 修改角色 + * @param data + */ +export const updateRole = (data: any) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/role', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 角色数据权限 + */ +export const dataScope = (data: any) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/dataScope', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 角色状态修改 + */ +export const changeRoleStatus = (roleId: string | number, version: number, status: string) => { + const data = { + roleId, + version, + status + }; + return request({ + url: '/system/role/changeStatus', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 删除角色 + */ +export const delRole = (roleId: Array | string | number) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/' + roleId, + method: 'delete' + }); +}; + +/** + * 查询角色已授权用户列表 + */ +export const allocatedUserList = (query: UserQuery): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/authUser/allocatedList', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +}; + +/** + * 查询角色未授权用户列表 + */ +export const unallocatedUserList = (query: UserQuery): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/authUser/unallocatedList', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +}; + +/** + * 取消用户授权角色 + */ +export const authUserCancel = (data: any) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/authUser/cancel', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 批量取消用户授权角色 + */ +export const authUserCancelAll = (data: any) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/authUser/cancelAll', + method: 'put', + params: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 授权用户选择 + */ +export const authUserSelectAll = (data: any) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/authUser/selectAll', + method: 'put', + params: data + }); +}; +// 根据角色ID查询部门树结构 +export const deptTreeSelect = (roleId: string | number): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/role/deptTree/' + roleId, + method: 'get' + }); +}; diff --git a/src/api/system/role/types.ts b/src/api/system/role/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27e057a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/role/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +/** + * 菜单树形结构类型 + */ +export interface DeptTreeOption { + id: string; + label: string; + parentId: string; + weight: number; + children?: DeptTreeOption[]; +} + +export interface RoleDeptTree { + checkedKeys: string[]; + depts: DeptTreeOption[]; +} + +export interface RoleVO extends BaseEntity { + roleId: string | number; + roleName: string; + roleKey: string; + roleSort: number; + dataScope: string; + menuCheckStrictly: boolean; + deptCheckStrictly: boolean; + status: string; + delFlag: string; + remark?: any; + flag: boolean; + menuIds?: Array; + deptIds?: Array; + admin: boolean; +} + +export interface RoleQuery extends PageQuery { + roleName: string; + roleKey: string; + status: string; +} + +export interface RoleForm { + roleName: string; + roleKey: string; + roleSort: number; + status: string; + menuCheckStrictly: boolean; + deptCheckStrictly: boolean; + remark: string; + dataScope?: string; + roleId: string | undefined; + menuIds: Array; + deptIds: Array; + version?: number; +} diff --git a/src/api/system/social/auth.ts b/src/api/system/social/auth.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..17a46d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/social/auth.ts @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; + +// 绑定账号 +export function authBinding(source: string) { + return request({ + url: '/auth/binding/' + source, + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 解绑账号 +export function authUnlock(authId: string) { + return request({ + url: '/auth/unlock/' + authId, + method: 'delete' + }); +} +//获取授权列表 +export function getAuthList() { + return request({ + url: '/system/social/list', + method: 'get' + }); +} diff --git a/src/api/system/tenant/index.ts b/src/api/system/tenant/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8118d82 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/tenant/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { TenantForm, TenantQuery, TenantVO } from './types'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; + +// 查询租户列表 +export function listTenant(query: TenantQuery): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/tenant/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +} + +// 查询租户详细 +export function getTenant(tenantId: string | number): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/tenant/' + tenantId, + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 新增租户 +export function addTenant(data: TenantForm) { + return request({ + url: '/system/tenant', + method: 'post', + headers: { + isEncrypt: true + }, + data: data + }); +} + +// 修改租户 +export function updateTenant(data: TenantForm) { + return request({ + url: '/system/tenant', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +} + +// 租户状态修改 +export function changeTenantStatus(tenantId: string | number, version: number, status: string) { + const data = { + tenantId, + version, + status + }; + return request({ + url: '/system/tenant/changeStatus', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +} + +// 删除租户 +export function delTenant(tenantId: string | number | Array) { + return request({ + url: '/system/tenant/' + tenantId, + method: 'delete' + }); +} + +// 动态切换租户 +export function dynamicTenant(tenantId: string | number) { + return request({ + url: '/system/tenant/dynamic/' + tenantId, + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 清除动态租户 +export function dynamicClear() { + return request({ + url: '/system/tenant/dynamic/clear', + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 同步租户套餐 +export function syncTenantPackage(tenantId: string | number, packageId: string | number) { + const data = { + tenantId, + packageId + }; + return request({ + url: '/system/tenant/syncTenantPackage', + method: 'get', + params: data + }); +} diff --git a/src/api/system/tenant/types.ts b/src/api/system/tenant/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a310aa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/tenant/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +export interface TenantVO extends BaseEntity { + tenantId: number | string; + username: string; + contactUserName: string; + contactPhone: string; + companyName: string; + licenseNumber: string; + address: string; + domain: string; + intro: string; + remark: string; + packageId: string | number; + expireTime: string; + accountCount: number; + status: string; +} + +export interface TenantQuery extends PageQuery { + tenantId: string | number; + + contactUserName: string; + + contactPhone: string; + + companyName: string; +} + +export interface TenantForm { + tenantId: number | string | undefined; + username: string; + password: string; + contactUserName: string; + contactPhone: string; + companyName: string; + licenseNumber: string; + domain: string; + address: string; + intro: string; + remark: string; + packageId: string | number; + expireTime: string; + accountCount: number; + version?: number; + status: string; +} diff --git a/src/api/system/tenantPackage/index.ts b/src/api/system/tenantPackage/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5bc7e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/tenantPackage/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { TenantPkgForm, TenantPkgQuery, TenantPkgVO } from './types'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; + +// 查询租户套餐列表 +export function listTenantPackage(query?: TenantPkgQuery): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/tenant/package/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +} + +// 查询租户套餐下拉选列表 +export function selectTenantPackage(): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/tenant/package/selectList', + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 查询租户套餐详细 +export function getTenantPackage(packageId: string | number): AxiosPromise { + return request({ + url: '/system/tenant/package/' + packageId, + method: 'get' + }); +} + +// 新增租户套餐 +export function addTenantPackage(data: TenantPkgForm) { + return request({ + url: '/system/tenant/package', + method: 'post', + data: data + }); +} + +// 修改租户套餐 +export function updateTenantPackage(data: TenantPkgForm) { + return request({ + url: '/system/tenant/package', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +} + +// 租户套餐状态修改 +export function changePackageStatus(packageId: number | string, version: number, status: string) { + const data = { + packageId, + version, + status + }; + return request({ + url: '/system/tenant/package/changeStatus', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +} + +// 删除租户套餐 +export function delTenantPackage(packageId: string | number | Array) { + return request({ + url: '/system/tenant/package/' + packageId, + method: 'delete' + }); +} diff --git a/src/api/system/tenantPackage/types.ts b/src/api/system/tenantPackage/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9aaa07c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/tenantPackage/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +export interface TenantPkgVO extends BaseEntity { + packageId: string | number; + packageName: string; + menuIds: string; + remark: string; + menuCheckStrictly: boolean; + status: string; +} + +export interface TenantPkgQuery extends PageQuery { + packageName: string; +} + +export interface TenantPkgForm { + packageId: string | number | undefined; + packageName: string; + menuIds: string; + version?: number; + remark: string; + menuCheckStrictly: boolean; +} diff --git a/src/api/system/user/index.ts b/src/api/system/user/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6303b46 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/user/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +import { DeptVO } from './../dept/types'; +import { RoleVO } from '@/api/system/role/types'; +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; +import { UserForm, UserQuery, UserVO, UserInfoVO } from './types'; +import { parseStrEmpty } from '@/utils/ruoyi'; + +/** + * 查询用户列表 + * @param query + */ +export const listUser = (query: UserQuery): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +}; + +/** + * 获取用户详情 + * @param userId + */ +export const getUser = (userId?: string | number): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/' + parseStrEmpty(userId), + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +/** + * 新增用户 + */ +export const addUser = (data: UserForm) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/user', + method: 'post', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 修改用户 + */ +export const updateUser = (data: UserForm) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/user', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 删除用户 + * @param userId 用户ID + */ +export const delUser = (userId: Array | string | number) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/' + userId, + method: 'delete' + }); +}; + +/** + * 用户密码重置 + * @param userId 用户ID + * @param password 密码 + */ +export const resetUserPwd = (userId: string | number, version: number, password: string) => { + const data = { + userId, + version, + password + }; + return request({ + url: '/system/user/resetPwd', + method: 'put', + headers: { + isEncrypt: true + }, + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 用户状态修改 + * @param userId 用户ID + * @param status 用户状态 + */ +export const changeUserStatus = (userId: number | string, version: number, status: string) => { + const data = { + userId, + version, + status + }; + return request({ + url: '/system/user/changeStatus', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 查询用户个人信息 + */ +export const getUserProfile = (): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/profile', + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +/** + * 修改用户个人信息 + * @param data 用户信息 + */ +export const updateUserProfile = (data: UserForm) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/profile', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 用户密码重置 + * @param oldPassword 旧密码 + * @param newPassword 新密码 + */ +export const updateUserPwd = (oldPassword: string, newPassword: string) => { + const data = { + oldPassword, + newPassword + }; + return request({ + url: '/system/user/profile/updatePwd', + method: 'put', + headers: { + isEncrypt: true + }, + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 用户头像上传 + * @param data 头像文件 + */ +export const uploadAvatar = (data: FormData) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/profile/avatar', + method: 'post', + data: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 查询授权角色 + * @param userId 用户ID + */ +export const getAuthRole = (userId: string | number): AxiosPromise<{ user: UserVO; roles: RoleVO[] }> => { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/authRole/' + userId, + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +/** + * 保存授权角色 + * @param data 用户ID + */ +export const updateAuthRole = (data: { userId: string; roleIds: string }) => { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/authRole', + method: 'put', + params: data + }); +}; + +/** + * 查询当前部门的所有用户信息 + * @param deptId + */ +export const listUserByDeptId = (deptId: string | number): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/list/dept/' + deptId, + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +/** + * 查询部门下拉树结构 + */ +export const deptTreeSelect = (): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/system/user/deptTree', + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +export default { + listUser, + getUser, + addUser, + updateUser, + delUser, + resetUserPwd, + changeUserStatus, + getUserProfile, + updateUserProfile, + updateUserPwd, + uploadAvatar, + getAuthRole, + updateAuthRole, + deptTreeSelect, + listUserByDeptId +}; diff --git a/src/api/system/user/types.ts b/src/api/system/user/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..92f1066 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/system/user/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +import { RoleVO } from '@/api/system/role/types'; +import { PostVO } from '@/api/system/post/types'; + +/** + * 用户信息 + */ +export interface UserInfo { + user: UserVO; + roles: string[]; + permissions: string[]; +} + +/** + * 用户查询对象类型 + */ +export interface UserQuery extends PageQuery { + userName?: string; + phonenumber?: string; + status?: string; + deptId?: string | number; + roleId?: string | number; +} + +/** + * 用户返回对象 + */ +export interface UserVO extends BaseEntity { + userId: string | number; + deptId: number; + userName: string; + nickName: string; + userType: string; + email: string; + phonenumber: string; + gender: string; + avatar: string; + status: string; + delFlag: string; + loginIp: string; + loginDate: string; + remark: string; + deptName: string; + roles: RoleVO[]; + roleIds: any; + postIds: any; + roleId: any; + admin: boolean; +} + +/** + * 用户表单类型 + */ +export interface UserForm { + id?: string; + userId?: string; + deptId?: number; + userName: string; + nickName?: string; + password: string; + phonenumber?: string; + email?: string; + gender?: string; + status: string; + remark?: string; + postIds: string[]; + roleIds: string[]; + version?: number; +} + +export interface UserInfoVO { + user: UserVO; + roles: RoleVO[]; + roleIds: string[]; + posts: PostVO[]; + postIds: string[]; + roleGroup: string; + postGroup: string; +} + +export interface ResetPwdForm { + oldPassword: string; + newPassword: string; + confirmPassword: string; +} diff --git a/src/api/tool/gen/index.ts b/src/api/tool/gen/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57f6d86 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/tool/gen/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +import request from '@/utils/request'; +import { DbTableQuery, DbTableVO, TableQuery, TableVO, GenTableVO, DbTableForm } from './types'; +import { AxiosPromise } from 'axios'; + +// 查询生成表数据 +export const listTable = (query: TableQuery): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +}; +// 查询db数据库列表 +export const listDbTable = (query: DbTableQuery): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen/db/list', + method: 'get', + params: query + }); +}; + +// 查询表详细信息 +export const getGenTable = (tableId: string | number): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen/' + tableId, + method: 'get' + }); +}; + +// 修改代码生成信息 +export const updateGenTable = (data: DbTableForm): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen', + method: 'put', + data: data + }); +}; + +// 导入表 +export const importTable = (data: { tables: string }): AxiosPromise => { + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen/importTable', + method: 'post', + params: data + }); +}; + +// 预览生成代码 +export const previewTable = (tableId: string | number, frontType: number) => { + const data = { + tableId, + frontType + }; + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen/preview', + method: 'get', + params: data + }); +}; + +// 删除表数据 +export const delTable = (tableId: string | number | Array) => { + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen/' + tableId, + method: 'delete' + }); +}; + +// 生成代码(自定义路径) +export const genCode = (tableId: string | number, frontType: number) => { + const data = { + tableId, + frontType + }; + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen/genCode', + method: 'get', + params: data + }); +}; + +// 同步数据库 +export const synchDb = (tableId: string | number) => { + return request({ + url: '/tool/gen/synchDb/' + tableId, + method: 'get' + }); +}; diff --git a/src/api/tool/gen/types.ts b/src/api/tool/gen/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a4c41a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/tool/gen/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +export interface TableVO extends BaseEntity { + tableId: string | number; + tableName: string; + tableComment: string; + subTableName?: any; + subTableFkName?: any; + className: string; + tplCategory: string; + packageName: string; + moduleName: string; + businessName: string; + functionName: string; + functionAuthor: string; + genType: string; + genPath: string; + pkColumn?: any; + columns?: any; + options?: any; + remark?: any; + treeCode?: any; + treeParentCode?: any; + treeName?: any; + menuIds?: any; + parentMenuId?: any; + parentMenuName?: any; + tree: boolean; + crud: boolean; +} + +export interface TableQuery extends PageQuery { + tableName: string; + tableComment: string; +} + +export interface DbColumnVO extends BaseEntity { + columnId?: any; + tableId?: any; + columnName?: any; + columnComment?: any; + columnType?: any; + javaType?: any; + javaField?: any; + isPk?: any; + isIncrement?: any; + isRequired?: any; + isInsert?: any; + isEdit?: any; + isList?: any; + isQuery?: any; + queryType?: any; + htmlType?: any; + dictType?: any; + sort?: any; + increment: boolean; + capJavaField?: any; + usableColumn: boolean; + superColumn: boolean; + list: boolean; + pk: boolean; + insert: boolean; + edit: boolean; + query: boolean; + required: boolean; +} + +export interface DbTableVO { + tableId?: any; + tableName: string; + tableComment: string; + subTableName?: any; + subTableFkName?: any; + className?: any; + tplCategory?: any; + packageName?: any; + moduleName?: any; + businessName?: any; + functionName?: any; + functionAuthor?: any; + genType?: any; + genPath?: any; + pkColumn?: any; + columns: DbColumnVO[]; + options?: any; + remark?: any; + treeCode?: any; + treeParentCode?: any; + treeName?: any; + menuIds?: any; + parentMenuId?: any; + parentMenuName?: any; + tree: boolean; + crud: boolean; + version?: number; +} + +export interface DbTableQuery extends PageQuery { + tableName: string; + tableComment: string; +} + +export interface GenTableVO { + info: DbTableVO; + rows: DbColumnVO[]; + tables: DbTableVO[]; +} + +export interface DbColumnForm extends BaseEntity { + columnId: string; + tableId: string; + columnName: string; + columnComment: string; + columnType: string; + javaType: string; + javaField: string; + isPk: string; + isIncrement: string; + isRequired: string; + isInsert?: any; + isEdit: string; + isList: string; + isQuery?: any; + queryType: string; + htmlType: string; + dictType: string; + sort: number; + increment: boolean; + capJavaField: string; + usableColumn: boolean; + superColumn: boolean; + list: boolean; + pk: boolean; + insert: boolean; + edit: boolean; + query: boolean; + required: boolean; +} + +export interface DbParamForm { + treeCode?: any; + treeName?: any; + treeParentCode?: any; + parentMenuId: string; +} + +export interface DbTableForm extends BaseEntity { + tableId: string | string; + tableName: string; + tableComment: string; + subTableName?: any; + subTableFkName?: any; + className: string; + tplCategory: string; + packageName: string; + moduleName: string; + businessName: string; + functionName: string; + functionAuthor: string; + genType: string; + genPath: string; + pkColumn?: any; + columns: DbColumnForm[]; + options: string; + remark?: any; + treeCode?: any; + treeParentCode?: any; + treeName?: any; + menuIds?: any; + parentMenuId: string; + parentMenuName?: any; + tree: boolean; + crud: boolean; + params: DbParamForm; +} diff --git a/src/api/types.ts b/src/api/types.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9798f5a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/types.ts @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +/** + * 注册 + */ +export type RegisterForm = { + tenantId: number; + username: string; + password: string; + confirmPassword?: string; + code?: string; + uuid?: string; + userType?: string; +}; + +/** + * 登录请求 + */ +export interface LoginData { + tenantId?: number; + username?: string; + password?: string; + rememberMe?: boolean; + socialCode?: string; + socialState?: string; + source?: string; + code?: string; + uuid?: string; + clientId: string; + grantType: string; +} + +/** + * 登录响应 + */ +export interface LoginResult { + access_token: string; +} + +/** + * 验证码返回 + */ +export interface VerifyCodeResult { + captchaEnabled: boolean; + uuid?: string; + img?: string; +} + +/** + * 租户 + */ +export interface TenantVO { + companyName: string; + domain: any; + tenantId: string; +} + +export interface TenantInfo { + tenantEnabled: boolean; + voList: TenantVO[]; +} diff --git a/src/assets/401_images/401.gif b/src/assets/401_images/401.gif new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd6e0d9 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/401_images/401.gif differ diff --git a/src/assets/404_images/404.png b/src/assets/404_images/404.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d8e230 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/404_images/404.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/404_images/404_cloud.png b/src/assets/404_images/404_cloud.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6281d0 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/404_images/404_cloud.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/404.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/404.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6df5019 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/404.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/bug.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/bug.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05a150d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/bug.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/build.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/build.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97c4688 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/build.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/button.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/button.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..904fddc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/button.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/cascader.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/cascader.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e256024 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/cascader.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/chart.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/chart.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27728fb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/chart.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/checkbox.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/checkbox.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..013fd3a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/checkbox.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/clipboard.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/clipboard.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..90923ff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/clipboard.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/code.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/code.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f9c5ab --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/code.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/color.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/color.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44a81aa --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/color.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/company.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/company.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fcf1394 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/company.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/component.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/component.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29c3458 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/component.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/dashboard.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/dashboard.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5317d37 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/dashboard.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/date-range.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/date-range.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fda571e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/date-range.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/date.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/date.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52dc73e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/date.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/dict.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/dict.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4849377 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/dict.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/documentation.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/documentation.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7043122 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/documentation.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/download.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/download.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c896951 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/download.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/drag.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/drag.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4185d3c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/drag.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/druid.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/druid.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2b4b4e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/druid.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/edit.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/edit.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d26101f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/edit.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file 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mode 100644 index 0000000..0e3dc9d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/table.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/textarea.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/textarea.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2709f29 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/textarea.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/theme.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/theme.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5982a2f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/theme.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/time-range.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/time-range.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13c1202 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/time-range.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/time.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/time.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b376e32 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/time.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline 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new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bae49c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/upload.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/user.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/user.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ba0716 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/user.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/validCode.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/validCode.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfb1021 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/validCode.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/wechat.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/wechat.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c586e55 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/wechat.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/assets/icons/svg/zip.svg b/src/assets/icons/svg/zip.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f806fc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/icons/svg/zip.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at 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colorBtn($light-blue); +} + +.red-btn { + @include colorBtn($red); +} + +.pink-btn { + @include colorBtn($pink); +} + +.green-btn { + @include colorBtn($green); +} + +.tiffany-btn { + @include colorBtn($tiffany); +} + +.yellow-btn { + @include colorBtn($yellow); +} + +.pan-btn { + font-size: 14px; + color: #fff; + padding: 14px 36px; + border-radius: 8px; + border: none; + outline: none; + transition: 600ms ease all; + position: relative; + display: inline-block; + + &:hover { + background: #fff; + + &:before, + &:after { + width: 100%; + transition: 600ms ease all; + } + } + + &:before, + &:after { + content: ''; + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 0; + height: 2px; + width: 0; + transition: 400ms ease all; + } + + &::after { + right: inherit; + top: inherit; + left: 0; + bottom: 0; + } +} + +.custom-button { + display: inline-block; + line-height: 1; + white-space: nowrap; + cursor: pointer; + background: #fff; + color: #fff; + -webkit-appearance: none; + text-align: center; + box-sizing: border-box; + outline: 0; + margin: 0; + padding: 10px 15px; + font-size: 14px; + border-radius: 4px; +} diff --git a/src/assets/styles/element-ui.scss b/src/assets/styles/element-ui.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43c093c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/styles/element-ui.scss @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +// cover some element-ui styles + +.el-divider--horizontal { + margin-bottom: 10px; + margin-top: 10px; +} + +.el-breadcrumb__inner, +.el-breadcrumb__inner a { + font-weight: 400 !important; +} + +.el-upload { + input[type='file'] { + display: none !important; + } +} + +.el-upload__input { + display: none; +} + +.cell { + .el-tag { + margin-right: 0px; + } +} + +.small-padding { + .cell { + padding-left: 5px; + padding-right: 5px; + } +} + +.fixed-width { + .el-button--mini { + padding: 7px 10px; + width: 60px; + } +} + +.status-col { + .cell { + padding: 0 10px; + text-align: center; + + .el-tag { + margin-right: 0px; + } + } +} + +/*-------------Dialog-------------**/ +.el-overlay { + overflow: hidden; + + .el-overlay-dialog { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + + .el-dialog { + margin: 0 auto !important; + + .el-dialog__body { + padding: 15px !important; + } + } + } +} + +.el-dialog__body { + max-height: calc(90vh - 111px) !important; + overflow-y: auto; + overflow-x: hidden; +} + +// refine element ui upload +.upload-container { + .el-upload { + width: 100%; + + .el-upload-dragger { + width: 100%; + height: 200px; + } + } +} + +// dropdown +.el-dropdown-menu { + a { + display: block; + } +} + +// fix date-picker ui bug in filter-item +.el-range-editor.el-input__inner { + display: inline-flex !important; +} + +// to fix el-date-picker css style +.el-range-separator { + box-sizing: content-box; +} + +.el-menu--collapse > div > .el-submenu > .el-submenu__title .el-submenu__icon-arrow { + display: none; +} + +.el-dropdown .el-dropdown-link { + color: var(--el-color-primary) !important; +} diff --git a/src/assets/styles/index.scss b/src/assets/styles/index.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdf9b03 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/styles/index.scss @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +@import './variables.module.scss'; +@import './mixin.scss'; +@import './transition.scss'; +@import './element-ui.scss'; +@import './sidebar.scss'; +@import './btn.scss'; +@import './ruoyi.scss'; +@import 'animate.css'; +@import 'element-plus/dist/index.css'; + +body { + height: 100%; + margin: 0; + -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; + -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; + text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; + font-family: + Helvetica Neue, + Helvetica, + PingFang SC, + Hiragino Sans GB, + Microsoft YaHei, + Arial, + sans-serif; +} + +label { + font-weight: 700; +} + +html { + height: 100%; + box-sizing: border-box; +} + +html.dark .svg-icon, +html.dark svg { + fill: var(--el-text-color-regular); +} + +#app { + height: 100%; +} + +*, +*:before, +*:after { + box-sizing: inherit; +} + +.no-padding { + padding: 0px !important; +} + +.padding-content { + padding: 4px 0; +} + +a:focus, +a:active { + outline: none; +} + +a, +a:focus, +a:hover { + cursor: pointer; + color: inherit; + text-decoration: none; +} + +div:focus { + outline: none; +} + +.fr { + float: right; +} + +.fl { + float: left; +} + +.pr-5 { + padding-right: 5px; +} + +.pl-5 { + padding-left: 5px; +} + +.block { + display: block; +} + +.pointer { + cursor: pointer; +} + +.inlineBlock { + display: block; +} + +.clearfix { + &:after { + visibility: hidden; + display: block; + font-size: 0; + content: ' '; + clear: both; + height: 0; + } +} + +aside { + background: #eef1f6; + padding: 8px 24px; + margin-bottom: 20px; + border-radius: 2px; + display: block; + line-height: 32px; + font-size: 16px; + font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Fira Sans', 'Droid Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', + sans-serif; + color: #2c3e50; + -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; + -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; + + a { + color: #337ab7; + cursor: pointer; + + &:hover { + color: rgb(32, 160, 255); + } + } +} + +//main-container全局样式 +.app-container { + padding: 20px; +} + +// search面板样式 +.panel, +.search { + margin-bottom: 0.75rem; + border-radius: 0.25rem; + border: 1px solid var(--el-border-color-light); + background-color: var(--el-bg-color-overlay); + padding: 0.75rem; + transition: all ease 0.3s; + + &:hover { + box-shadow: 0 2px 12px #0000001a; + transition: all ease 0.3s; + } +} + +.components-container { + margin: 30px 50px; + position: relative; +} + +.pagination-container { + margin-top: 30px; +} + +.text-center { + text-align: center; +} + +.sub-navbar { + height: 50px; + line-height: 50px; + position: relative; + width: 100%; + text-align: right; + padding-right: 20px; + transition: 600ms ease position; + background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(32, 182, 249, 1) 0%, rgba(32, 182, 249, 1) 0%, rgba(33, 120, 241, 1) 100%, rgba(33, 120, 241, 1) 100%); + + .subtitle { + font-size: 20px; + color: #fff; + } + + &.draft { + background: #d0d0d0; + } + + &.deleted { + background: #d0d0d0; + } +} + +.link-type, +.link-type:focus { + color: #337ab7; + cursor: pointer; + + &:hover { + color: rgb(32, 160, 255); + } +} + +.filter-container { + padding-bottom: 10px; + + .filter-item { + display: inline-block; + vertical-align: middle; + margin-bottom: 10px; + } +} diff --git a/src/assets/styles/mixin.scss b/src/assets/styles/mixin.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5250e71 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/styles/mixin.scss @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +@mixin clearfix { + &:after { + content: ''; + display: table; + clear: both; + } +} + +@mixin scrollBar { + &::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece { + background: #d3dce6; + } + + &::-webkit-scrollbar { + width: 6px; + } + + &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { + background: #99a9bf; + border-radius: 20px; + } +} + +@mixin relative { + position: relative; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; +} + +@mixin pct($pct) { + width: #{$pct}; + position: relative; + margin: 0 auto; +} + +@mixin triangle($width, $height, $color, $direction) { + $width: $width/2; + $color-border-style: $height solid $color; + $transparent-border-style: $width solid transparent; + height: 0; + width: 0; + + @if $direction==up { + border-bottom: $color-border-style; + border-left: $transparent-border-style; + border-right: $transparent-border-style; + } @else if $direction==right { + border-left: $color-border-style; + border-top: $transparent-border-style; + border-bottom: $transparent-border-style; + } @else if $direction==down { + border-top: $color-border-style; + border-left: $transparent-border-style; + border-right: $transparent-border-style; + } @else if $direction==left { + border-right: $color-border-style; + border-top: $transparent-border-style; + border-bottom: $transparent-border-style; + } +} diff --git a/src/assets/styles/ruoyi.scss b/src/assets/styles/ruoyi.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2ecb24 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/styles/ruoyi.scss @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ +/** + * 通用css样式布局处理 + * Copyright (c) 2019 ruoyi + */ + +/** 基础通用 **/ +.pt5 { + padding-top: 5px; +} +.pr5 { + padding-right: 5px; +} +.pb5 { + padding-bottom: 5px; +} +.mt5 { + margin-top: 5px; +} +.mr5 { + margin-right: 5px; +} +.mb5 { + margin-bottom: 5px; +} +.mb8 { + margin-bottom: 8px; +} +.ml5 { + margin-left: 5px; +} +.mt10 { + margin-top: 10px; +} +.mr10 { + margin-right: 10px; +} +.mb10 { + margin-bottom: 10px; +} +.ml10 { + margin-left: 10px; +} +.mt20 { + margin-top: 20px; +} +.mr20 { + margin-right: 20px; +} +.mb20 { + margin-bottom: 20px; +} +.ml20 { + margin-left: 20px; +} + +.h1, +.h2, +.h3, +.h4, +.h5, +.h6, +h1, +h2, +h3, +h4, +h5, +h6 { + font-family: inherit; + font-weight: 500; + line-height: 1.1; + color: inherit; +} + +.el-form .el-form-item__label { + font-weight: 700; +} +.el-dialog:not(.is-fullscreen) { + margin-top: 6vh !important; +} + +.el-dialog.scrollbar .el-dialog__body { + overflow: auto; + overflow-x: hidden; + max-height: 70vh; + padding: 10px 20px 0; +} + +.el-table { + .el-table__header-wrapper, + .el-table__fixed-header-wrapper { + th { + word-break: break-word; + background-color: $table-header-bg !important; + color: $table-header-text-color; + height: 40px !important; + font-size: 13px; + } + } + .el-table__body-wrapper { + .el-button [class*='el-icon-'] + span { + margin-left: 1px; + } + } +} + +/** 表单布局 **/ +.form-header { + font-size: 15px; + color: #6379bb; + border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; + margin: 8px 10px 25px 10px; + padding-bottom: 5px; +} + +/** 表格布局 **/ +.pagination-container { + // position: relative; + height: 25px; + margin-bottom: 10px; + margin-top: 15px; + padding: 10px 20px !important; +} + +/* tree border */ +.tree-border { + margin-top: 5px; + border: 1px solid #e5e6e7; + background: #ffffff none; + border-radius: 4px; + width: 100%; +} + +.pagination-container .el-pagination { + //right: 0; + //position: absolute; +} + +@media (max-width: 768px) { + .pagination-container .el-pagination > .el-pagination__jump { + display: none !important; + } + .pagination-container .el-pagination > .el-pagination__sizes { + display: none !important; + } +} + +.el-table .fixed-width .el-button--small { + padding-left: 0; + padding-right: 0; + width: inherit; +} + +/** 表格更多操作下拉样式 */ +.el-table .el-dropdown-link { + cursor: pointer; + color: #409eff; + margin-left: 10px; +} + +.el-table .el-dropdown, +.el-icon-arrow-down { + font-size: 12px; +} + +.el-tree-node__content > .el-checkbox { + margin-right: 8px; +} + +.list-group-striped > .list-group-item { + border-left: 0; + border-right: 0; + border-radius: 0; + padding-left: 0; + padding-right: 0; +} + +.list-group { + padding-left: 0px; + list-style: none; +} + +.list-group-item { + border-bottom: 1px solid #e7eaec; + border-top: 1px solid #e7eaec; + margin-bottom: -1px; + padding: 11px 0px; + font-size: 13px; +} + +.pull-right { + float: right !important; +} + +.el-card__header { + padding: 14px 15px 7px !important; + min-height: 40px; +} + +.el-card__body { + padding: 15px 20px 20px 20px !important; +} + +.card-box { + padding-right: 15px; + padding-left: 15px; + margin-bottom: 10px; +} + +/* button color */ +.el-button--cyan.is-active, +.el-button--cyan:active { + background: #20b2aa; + border-color: #20b2aa; + color: #ffffff; +} + +.el-button--cyan:focus, +.el-button--cyan:hover { + background: #48d1cc; + border-color: #48d1cc; + color: #ffffff; +} + +.el-button--cyan { + background-color: #20b2aa; + border-color: #20b2aa; + color: #ffffff; +} + +/* text color */ +.text-navy { + color: #1ab394; +} + +.text-primary { + color: inherit; +} + +.text-success { + color: #1c84c6; +} + +.text-info { + color: #23c6c8; +} + +.text-warning { + color: #f8ac59; +} + +.text-danger { + color: #ed5565; +} + +.text-muted { + color: #888888; +} + +/* image */ +.img-circle { + border-radius: 50%; +} + +.img-lg { + width: 120px; + height: 120px; +} + +.avatar-upload-preview { + position: absolute; + top: 50%; + transform: translate(50%, -50%); + width: 200px; + height: 200px; + border-radius: 50%; + box-shadow: 0 0 4px #ccc; + overflow: hidden; +} + +/* 拖拽列样式 */ +.sortable-ghost { + opacity: 0.8; + color: #fff !important; + background: #42b983 !important; +} + +/* 表格右侧工具栏样式 */ +.top-right-btn { + margin-left: auto; +} diff --git a/src/assets/styles/sidebar.scss b/src/assets/styles/sidebar.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d85da55 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/styles/sidebar.scss @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +#app { + .main-container { + height: 100%; + transition: margin-left 0.28s; + margin-left: $base-sidebar-width; + position: relative; + } + + .sidebarHide { + margin-left: 0 !important; + } + + .sidebar-container { + -webkit-transition: width 0.28s; + transition: width 0.28s; + width: $base-sidebar-width !important; + background-color: $base-menu-background; + height: 100%; + position: fixed; + font-size: 0; + top: 0; + bottom: 0; + left: 0; + z-index: 1001; + overflow: hidden; + -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 0 6px rgba(0, 21, 41, 0.35); + box-shadow: 2px 0 6px rgba(0, 21, 41, 0.35); + + // reset element-ui css + .horizontal-collapse-transition { + transition: + 0s width ease-in-out, + 0s padding-left ease-in-out, + 0s padding-right ease-in-out; + } + + .scrollbar-wrapper { + overflow-x: hidden !important; + } + + .el-scrollbar__bar.is-vertical { + right: 0; + } + + .el-scrollbar { + height: 100%; + } + + &.has-logo { + .el-scrollbar { + height: calc(100% - 50px); + } + } + + .is-horizontal { + display: none; + } + + a { + display: inline-block; + width: 100%; + overflow: hidden; + } + + .svg-icon { + margin-right: 16px; + } + + .el-menu { + border: none; + height: 100%; + width: 100% !important; + } + + .el-menu-item, + .menu-title { + overflow: hidden !important; + text-overflow: ellipsis !important; + white-space: nowrap !important; + } + + .el-menu-item .el-menu-tooltip__trigger { + display: inline-block !important; + } + + // menu hover + .theme-dark .sub-menu-title-noDropdown, + .theme-dark .el-sub-menu__title { + &:hover { + background-color: $base-sub-menu-title-hover !important; + } + } + .sub-menu-title-noDropdown, + .el-sub-menu__title { + &:hover { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) !important; + } + } + + & .theme-dark .is-active > .el-sub-menu__title { + color: $base-menu-color-active !important; + } + + & .nest-menu .el-sub-menu > .el-sub-menu__title, + & .el-sub-menu .el-menu-item { + min-width: $base-sidebar-width !important; + &:hover { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) !important; + } + } + + & .theme-dark .nest-menu .el-sub-menu > .el-sub-menu__title, + & .theme-dark .el-sub-menu .el-menu-item { + background-color: $base-sub-menu-background !important; + + &:hover { + background-color: $base-sub-menu-hover !important; + } + } + + & .theme-dark .nest-menu .el-sub-menu > .el-sub-menu__title, + & .theme-dark .el-menu-item { + &:hover { + // you can use $sub-menuHover + background-color: $base-menu-hover !important; + } + } + & .nest-menu .el-sub-menu > .el-sub-menu__title, + & .el-menu-item { + &:hover { + // you can use $sub-menuHover + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04) !important; + } + } + } + + .hideSidebar { + .sidebar-container { + width: 54px !important; + } + + .main-container { + margin-left: 54px; + } + + .sub-menu-title-noDropdown { + padding: 0 !important; + position: relative; + + .el-tooltip { + padding: 0 !important; + + .svg-icon { + margin-left: 20px; + } + } + } + + .el-sub-menu { + overflow: hidden; + + & > .el-sub-menu__title { + padding: 0 !important; + + .svg-icon { + margin-left: 20px; + } + } + } + + .el-menu--collapse { + .el-sub-menu { + & > .el-sub-menu__title { + & > span { + height: 0; + width: 0; + overflow: hidden; + visibility: hidden; + display: inline-block; + } + & > i { + height: 0; + width: 0; + overflow: hidden; + visibility: hidden; + display: inline-block; + } + } + } + } + } + + .el-menu--collapse .el-menu .el-sub-menu { + min-width: $base-sidebar-width !important; + } + + // mobile responsive + .mobile { + .main-container { + margin-left: 0px; + } + + .sidebar-container { + transition: transform 0.28s; + width: $base-sidebar-width !important; + } + + &.hideSidebar { + .sidebar-container { + pointer-events: none; + transition-duration: 0.3s; + transform: translate3d(-$base-sidebar-width, 0, 0); + } + } + } + + .withoutAnimation { + .main-container, + .sidebar-container { + transition: none; + } + } +} + +// when menu collapsed +.el-menu--vertical { + & > .el-menu { + .svg-icon { + margin-right: 16px; + } + } +} diff --git a/src/assets/styles/transition.scss b/src/assets/styles/transition.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..468ad3c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/styles/transition.scss @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +// global transition css + +/* fade */ +.fade-enter-active, +.fade-leave-active { + transition: opacity 0.28s; +} + +.fade-enter, +.fade-leave-active { + opacity: 0; +} + +/* fade-transform */ +.fade-transform--move, +.fade-transform-leave-active, +.fade-transform-enter-active { + transition: all 0.5s; +} + +.fade-transform-enter { + opacity: 0; + transform: translateX(-30px); +} + +.fade-transform-leave-to { + opacity: 0; + transform: translateX(30px); +} + +/* breadcrumb transition */ +.breadcrumb-enter-active, +.breadcrumb-leave-active { + transition: all 0.5s; +} + +.breadcrumb-enter, +.breadcrumb-leave-active { + opacity: 0; + transform: translateX(20px); +} + +.breadcrumb-move { + transition: all 0.5s; +} + +.breadcrumb-leave-active { + position: absolute; +} diff --git a/src/assets/styles/variables.module.scss b/src/assets/styles/variables.module.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d07d3d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/styles/variables.module.scss @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +// 全局SCSS变量 +:root { + --menuBg: #304156; + --menuColor: #bfcbd9; + --menuActiveText: #f4f4f5; + --menuHover: #263445; + + --subMenuBg: #1f2d3d; + --subMenuActiveText: #f4f4f5; + --subMenuHover: #001528; + --subMenuTitleHover: #293444; + + --fixedHeaderBg: #ffffff; + --tableHeaderBg: #f8f8f9; + --tableHeaderTextColor: #515a6e; +} +html.dark { + --menuBg: #1d1e1f; + --menuColor: #bfcbd9; + --menuActiveText: #f4f4f5; + --menuHover: #171819; + + --subMenuBg: #1d1e1f; + --subMenuActiveText: #1d1e1f; + --subMenuHover: #171819; + --subMenuTitleHover: #171819; + + --fixedHeaderBg: #171819; + --tableHeaderBg: var(--el-bg-color); + --tableHeaderTextColor: var(--el-text-color); + + // 覆盖ele 高亮当前行的标准暗色 + .el-tree-node__content { + --el-color-primary-light-9: #262727; + } +} + +// base color +$blue: #324157; +$light-blue: #3a71a8; +$red: #c03639; +$pink: #e65d6e; +$green: #30b08f; +$tiffany: #4ab7bd; +$yellow: #fec171; +$panGreen: #30b08f; + +// 默认菜单主题风格 +$base-menu-color: var(--menuColor); +$base-menu-hover: var(--menuHover); +$base-menu-color-active: var(--menuActiveText); +$base-menu-background: var(--menuBg); +$base-logo-title-color: #ffffff; + +$base-menu-light-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); +$base-menu-light-background: #ffffff; +$base-logo-light-title-color: #001529; + +$base-sub-menu-background: var(--subMenuBg); +$base-sub-menu-hover: var(--subMenuHover); +$base-sub-menu-title-hover: var(--subMenuTitleHover); +// 表单头背景色和标题颜色 +$fixed-header-bg: var(--fixedHeaderBg); +$table-header-bg: var(--tableHeaderBg); +$table-header-text-color: var(--tableHeaderTextColor); + +$--color-primary: #409eff; +$--color-success: #67c23a; +$--color-warning: #e6a23c; +$--color-danger: #f56c6c; +$--color-info: #909399; + +$base-sidebar-width: 200px; + +// the :export directive is the magic sauce for webpack +// https://www.bluematador.com/blog/how-to-share-variables-between-js-and-sass +:export { + menuColor: $base-menu-color; + menuLightColor: $base-menu-light-color; + menuColorActive: $base-menu-color-active; + menuBackground: $base-menu-background; + menuLightBackground: $base-menu-light-background; + subMenuBackground: $base-sub-menu-background; + subMenuHover: $base-sub-menu-hover; + sideBarWidth: $base-sidebar-width; + logoTitleColor: $base-logo-title-color; + logoLightTitleColor: $base-logo-light-title-color; + primaryColor: $--color-primary; + successColor: $--color-success; + dangerColor: $--color-danger; + infoColor: $--color-info; + warningColor: $--color-warning; +} diff --git a/src/components/Breadcrumb/index.vue b/src/components/Breadcrumb/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9502e60 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Breadcrumb/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/BuildCode/index.vue b/src/components/BuildCode/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b8e3f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/BuildCode/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/BuildCode/render.vue b/src/components/BuildCode/render.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aeb9312 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/BuildCode/render.vue @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ + + + + diff --git a/src/components/DictTag/index.vue b/src/components/DictTag/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b355a42 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/DictTag/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/Editor/index.vue b/src/components/Editor/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc30c85 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Editor/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,244 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/FileUpload/index.vue b/src/components/FileUpload/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aaaa45c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/FileUpload/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/Hamburger/index.vue b/src/components/Hamburger/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9f5e62 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Hamburger/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/HeaderSearch/index.vue b/src/components/HeaderSearch/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a785958 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/HeaderSearch/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/IconSelect/index.vue b/src/components/IconSelect/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3bfde4d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/IconSelect/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/IconSelect/requireIcons.ts b/src/components/IconSelect/requireIcons.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f06d69 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/IconSelect/requireIcons.ts @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +const icons: string[] = []; +const modules = import.meta.glob('./../../assets/icons/svg/*.svg'); +for (const path in modules) { + const p = path.split('assets/icons/svg/')[1].split('.svg')[0]; + icons.push(p); +} +export default icons; diff --git a/src/components/ImagePreview/index.vue b/src/components/ImagePreview/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5543923 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/ImagePreview/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/ImageUpload/index.vue b/src/components/ImageUpload/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae5cd45 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/ImageUpload/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/LangSelect/index.vue b/src/components/LangSelect/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5fafd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/LangSelect/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/Pagination/index.vue b/src/components/Pagination/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac02193 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Pagination/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/ParentView/index.vue b/src/components/ParentView/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98240ae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/ParentView/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + diff --git a/src/components/RightToolbar/index.vue b/src/components/RightToolbar/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8c9d65 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/RightToolbar/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/RuoYiDoc/index.vue b/src/components/RuoYiDoc/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08c47b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/RuoYiDoc/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/components/RuoYiGit/index.vue b/src/components/RuoYiGit/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3762358 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/RuoYiGit/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/components/Screenfull/index.vue b/src/components/Screenfull/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce0b373 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/Screenfull/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/components/SizeSelect/index.vue b/src/components/SizeSelect/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abf72cc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/SizeSelect/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/SvgIcon/index.vue b/src/components/SvgIcon/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05dfe87 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/SvgIcon/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/TopNav/index.vue b/src/components/TopNav/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c41177e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/TopNav/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/TreeSelect/index.vue b/src/components/TreeSelect/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7accd6b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/TreeSelect/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/iFrame/index.vue b/src/components/iFrame/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98f2224 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/iFrame/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/Navbar.vue b/src/layout/components/Navbar.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aec0566 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/Navbar.vue @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/Settings/index.vue b/src/layout/components/Settings/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3082beb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/Settings/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Link.vue b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Link.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd75f35 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Link.vue @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Logo.vue b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Logo.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49cfdf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/Logo.vue @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/Sidebar/SidebarItem.vue b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/SidebarItem.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3720062 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/SidebarItem.vue @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/Sidebar/index.vue b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4f20d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/Sidebar/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/SocialCallback/index.vue b/src/layout/components/SocialCallback/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eac66bc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/SocialCallback/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/TagsView/ScrollPane.vue b/src/layout/components/TagsView/ScrollPane.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b30043 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/TagsView/ScrollPane.vue @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/TagsView/index.vue b/src/layout/components/TagsView/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e12ca4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/TagsView/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,341 @@ + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/TopBar/search.vue b/src/layout/components/TopBar/search.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..440b88d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/TopBar/search.vue @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/layout/components/index.ts b/src/layout/components/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47c83e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +export { default as AppMain } from './AppMain.vue'; +export { default as Navbar } from './Navbar.vue'; +export { default as Settings } from './Settings/index.vue'; +export { default as TagsView } from './TagsView/index.vue'; diff --git a/src/layout/components/notice/index.vue b/src/layout/components/notice/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e12d33f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/components/notice/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/layout/index.vue b/src/layout/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fe5554 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/layout/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/main.ts b/src/main.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..439d82c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main.ts @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +import { createApp } from 'vue'; +// global css +import 'virtual:uno.css'; +import '@/assets/styles/index.scss'; +import 'element-plus/theme-chalk/dark/css-vars.css'; + +// App、router、store +import App from './App.vue'; +import store from './store'; +import router from './router'; + +// 自定义指令 +import directive from './directive'; + +// 注册插件 +import plugins from './plugins/index'; // plugins + +// svg图标 +import 'virtual:svg-icons-register'; +import ElementIcons from '@/plugins/svgicon'; + +// permission control +import './permission'; + +// 国际化 +import i18n from '@/lang/index'; + +const app = createApp(App); + +app.use(ElementIcons); +app.use(router); +app.use(store); +app.use(i18n); +app.use(plugins); +// 自定义指令 +directive(app); + +app.mount('#app'); diff --git a/src/permission.ts b/src/permission.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef9976a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/permission.ts @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +import { to as tos } from 'await-to-js'; +import router from './router'; +import NProgress from 'nprogress'; +import 'nprogress/nprogress.css'; +import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth'; +import { isHttp } from '@/utils/validate'; +import { isRelogin } from '@/utils/request'; +import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'; +import useSettingsStore from '@/store/modules/settings'; +import usePermissionStore from '@/store/modules/permission'; + +NProgress.configure({ showSpinner: false }); +const whiteList = ['/login', '/register', '/social-callback']; + +router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => { + NProgress.start(); + if (getToken()) { + to.meta.title && useSettingsStore().setTitle(to.meta.title); + /* has token*/ + if (to.path === '/login') { + next({ path: '/' }); + NProgress.done(); + } else if (whiteList.indexOf(to.path as string) !== -1) { + next(); + } else { + if (useUserStore().roles.length === 0) { + isRelogin.show = true; + // 判断当前用户是否已拉取完user_info信息 + const [err] = await tos(useUserStore().getInfo()); + if (err) { + await useUserStore().logout(); + ElMessage.error(err); + next({ path: '/' }); + } else { + isRelogin.show = false; + const accessRoutes = await usePermissionStore().generateRoutes(); + // 根据roles权限生成可访问的路由表 + accessRoutes.forEach((route) => { + if (!isHttp(route.path)) { + router.addRoute(route); // 动态添加可访问路由表 + } + }); + next({ path: to.path, replace: true, params: to.params, query: to.query, hash: to.hash, name: to.name as string }); // hack方法 确保addRoutes已完成 + } + } else { + next(); + } + } + } else { + // 没有token + if (whiteList.indexOf(to.path as string) !== -1) { + // 在免登录白名单,直接进入 + next(); + } else { + next(`/login?redirect=${to.fullPath}`); // 否则全部重定向到登录页 + NProgress.done(); + } + } +}); + +router.afterEach(() => { + NProgress.done(); +}); diff --git a/src/plugins/auth.ts b/src/plugins/auth.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..74c91ee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/auth.ts @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'; + +const authPermission = (permission: string): boolean => { + const all_permission = '*:*:*'; + const permissions: string[] = useUserStore().permissions; + if (permission && permission.length > 0) { + return permissions.some((v) => { + return all_permission === v || v === permission; + }); + } else { + return false; + } +}; + +const authRole = (role: string): boolean => { + const super_admin = 'admin'; + const roles = useUserStore().roles; + if (role && role.length > 0) { + return roles.some((v) => { + return super_admin === v || v === role; + }); + } else { + return false; + } +}; + +export default { + // 验证用户是否具备某权限 + hasPermi(permission: string): boolean { + return authPermission(permission); + }, + // 验证用户是否含有指定权限,只需包含其中一个 + hasPermiOr(permissions: string[]): boolean { + return permissions.some((item) => { + return authPermission(item); + }); + }, + // 验证用户是否含有指定权限,必须全部拥有 + hasPermiAnd(permissions: string[]): boolean { + return permissions.every((item) => { + return authPermission(item); + }); + }, + // 验证用户是否具备某角色 + hasRole(role: string): boolean { + return authRole(role); + }, + // 验证用户是否含有指定角色,只需包含其中一个 + hasRoleOr(roles: string[]): boolean { + return roles.some((item) => { + return authRole(item); + }); + }, + // 验证用户是否含有指定角色,必须全部拥有 + hasRoleAnd(roles: string[]): boolean { + return roles.every((item) => { + return authRole(item); + }); + } +}; diff --git a/src/plugins/cache.ts b/src/plugins/cache.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf43680 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/cache.ts @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +const sessionCache = { + set(key: string, value: any) { + if (!sessionStorage) { + return; + } + if (key != null && value != null) { + sessionStorage.setItem(key, value); + } + }, + get(key: string) { + if (!sessionStorage) { + return null; + } + if (key == null) { + return null; + } + return sessionStorage.getItem(key); + }, + setJSON(key: string, jsonValue: any) { + if (jsonValue != null) { + this.set(key, JSON.stringify(jsonValue)); + } + }, + getJSON(key: string) { + const value = this.get(key); + if (value != null) { + return JSON.parse(value); + } + }, + remove(key: string) { + sessionStorage.removeItem(key); + } +}; +const localCache = { + set(key: string, value: any) { + if (!localStorage) { + return; + } + if (key != null && value != null) { + localStorage.setItem(key, value); + } + }, + get(key: string) { + if (!localStorage) { + return null; + } + if (key == null) { + return null; + } + return localStorage.getItem(key); + }, + setJSON(key: string, jsonValue: any) { + if (jsonValue != null) { + this.set(key, JSON.stringify(jsonValue)); + } + }, + getJSON(key: string) { + const value = this.get(key); + if (value != null) { + return JSON.parse(value); + } + }, + remove(key: string) { + localStorage.removeItem(key); + } +}; + +export default { + /** + * 会话级缓存 + */ + session: sessionCache, + /** + * 本地缓存 + */ + local: localCache +}; diff --git a/src/plugins/download.ts b/src/plugins/download.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef66b3a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/download.ts @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +import axios from 'axios'; +import FileSaver from 'file-saver'; +import errorCode from '@/utils/errorCode'; +import { blobValidate } from '@/utils/ruoyi'; +import { LoadingInstance } from 'element-plus/es/components/loading/src/loading'; +import { globalHeaders } from '@/utils/request'; + +const baseURL = import.meta.env.VITE_APP_BASE_API; +let downloadLoadingInstance: LoadingInstance; +export default { + async oss(ossId: string | number) { + const url = baseURL + '/resource/oss/download/' + ossId; + downloadLoadingInstance = ElLoading.service({ text: '正在下载数据,请稍候', background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)' }); + try { + const res = await axios({ + method: 'get', + url: url, + responseType: 'blob', + headers: globalHeaders() + }); + const isBlob = blobValidate(res.data); + if (isBlob) { + const blob = new Blob([res.data], { type: 'application/octet-stream' }); + FileSaver.saveAs(blob, decodeURIComponent(res.headers['download-filename'] as string)); + } else { + this.printErrMsg(res.data); + } + downloadLoadingInstance.close(); + } catch (r) { + console.error(r); + ElMessage.error('下载文件出现错误,请联系管理员!'); + downloadLoadingInstance.close(); + } + }, + async zip(url: string, name: string) { + url = baseURL + url; + downloadLoadingInstance = ElLoading.service({ text: '正在下载数据,请稍候', background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)' }); + try { + const res = await axios({ + method: 'get', + url: url, + responseType: 'blob', + headers: globalHeaders() + }); + const isBlob = blobValidate(res.data); + if (isBlob) { + const blob = new Blob([res.data], { type: 'application/zip' }); + FileSaver.saveAs(blob, name); + } else { + this.printErrMsg(res.data); + } + downloadLoadingInstance.close(); + } catch (r) { + console.error(r); + ElMessage.error('下载文件出现错误,请联系管理员!'); + downloadLoadingInstance.close(); + } + }, + async printErrMsg(data: any) { + const resText = await data.text(); + const rspObj = JSON.parse(resText); + const errMsg = errorCode[rspObj.code] || rspObj.msg || errorCode['default']; + ElMessage.error(errMsg); + } +}; diff --git a/src/plugins/index.ts b/src/plugins/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c5e0c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +import modal from './modal'; +import tab from './tab'; +import download from './download'; +import cache from './cache'; +import auth from './auth'; +// 预设动画 +import animate from '@/animate'; + +import { download as dl } from '@/utils/request'; +import { useDict } from '@/utils/dict'; +import { getConfigKey, updateConfigByKey } from '@/api/system/config'; +import { parseTime, addDateRange, handleTree, selectDictLabel, selectDictLabels } from '@/utils/ruoyi'; + +import { App } from 'vue'; + +export default function installPlugin(app: App) { + // 页签操作 + app.config.globalProperties.$tab = tab; + + // 模态框对象 + app.config.globalProperties.$modal = modal; + + // 缓存对象 + app.config.globalProperties.$cache = cache; + + // 下载文件 + app.config.globalProperties.$download = download; + + // 认证对象 + app.config.globalProperties.$auth = auth; + + // 全局方法挂载 + app.config.globalProperties.useDict = useDict; + app.config.globalProperties.getConfigKey = getConfigKey; + app.config.globalProperties.updateConfigByKey = updateConfigByKey; + app.config.globalProperties.download = dl; + app.config.globalProperties.parseTime = parseTime; + app.config.globalProperties.handleTree = handleTree; + app.config.globalProperties.addDateRange = addDateRange; + app.config.globalProperties.selectDictLabel = selectDictLabel; + app.config.globalProperties.selectDictLabels = selectDictLabels; + app.config.globalProperties.animate = animate; +} diff --git a/src/plugins/modal.ts b/src/plugins/modal.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8b0548 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/modal.ts @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +import { MessageBoxData } from 'element-plus'; +import { LoadingInstance } from 'element-plus/es/components/loading/src/loading'; +let loadingInstance: LoadingInstance; +export default { + // 消息提示 + msg(content: any) { + ElMessage.info(content); + }, + // 错误消息 + msgError(content: any) { + ElMessage.error(content); + }, + // 成功消息 + msgSuccess(content: any) { + ElMessage.success(content); + }, + // 警告消息 + msgWarning(content: any) { + ElMessage.warning(content); + }, + // 弹出提示 + alert(content: any) { + ElMessageBox.alert(content, '系统提示'); + }, + // 错误提示 + alertError(content: any) { + ElMessageBox.alert(content, '系统提示', { type: 'error' }); + }, + // 成功提示 + alertSuccess(content: any) { + ElMessageBox.alert(content, '系统提示', { type: 'success' }); + }, + // 警告提示 + alertWarning(content: any) { + ElMessageBox.alert(content, '系统提示', { type: 'warning' }); + }, + // 通知提示 + notify(content: any) { + ElNotification.info(content); + }, + // 错误通知 + notifyError(content: any) { + ElNotification.error(content); + }, + // 成功通知 + notifySuccess(content: any) { + ElNotification.success(content); + }, + // 警告通知 + notifyWarning(content: any) { + ElNotification.warning(content); + }, + // 确认窗体 + confirm(content: any): Promise { + return ElMessageBox.confirm(content, '系统提示', { + confirmButtonText: '确定', + cancelButtonText: '取消', + type: 'warning' + }); + }, + // 提交内容 + prompt(content: any) { + return ElMessageBox.prompt(content, '系统提示', { + confirmButtonText: '确定', + cancelButtonText: '取消', + type: 'warning' + }); + }, + // 打开遮罩层 + loading(content: string) { + loadingInstance = ElLoading.service({ + lock: true, + text: content, + background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)' + }); + }, + // 关闭遮罩层 + closeLoading() { + loadingInstance.close(); + } +}; diff --git a/src/plugins/svgicon.ts b/src/plugins/svgicon.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c68609 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/svgicon.ts @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +import * as ElementPlusIconsVue from '@element-plus/icons-vue'; +import { App } from 'vue'; + +export default { + install: (app: App) => { + for (const [key, component] of Object.entries(ElementPlusIconsVue)) { + app.component(key, component); + } + } +}; diff --git a/src/plugins/tab.ts b/src/plugins/tab.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd240cd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/plugins/tab.ts @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +import router from '@/router'; +import { RouteLocationMatched, RouteLocationNormalized } from 'vue-router'; +import useTagsViewStore from '@/store/modules/tagsView'; + +export default { + /** + * 刷新当前tab页签 + * @param obj 标签对象 + */ + async refreshPage(obj?: RouteLocationNormalized): Promise { + const { path, query, matched } = router.currentRoute.value; + if (obj === undefined) { + matched.forEach((m: RouteLocationMatched) => { + if (m.components && m.components.default && m.components.default.name) { + if (!['Layout', 'ParentView'].includes(m.components.default.name)) { + obj = { + name: m.components.default.name, + path: path, + query: query, + matched: undefined, + fullPath: undefined, + hash: undefined, + params: undefined, + redirectedFrom: undefined, + meta: undefined + }; + } + } + }); + } + let query1: undefined | {} = {}; + let path1: undefined | string = ''; + if (obj) { + query1 = obj.query; + path1 = obj.path; + } + await useTagsViewStore().delCachedView(obj); + await router.replace({ + path: '/redirect' + path1, + query: query1 + }); + }, + // 关闭当前tab页签,打开新页签 + closeOpenPage(obj: RouteLocationNormalized): void { + useTagsViewStore().delView(router.currentRoute.value); + if (obj !== undefined) { + router.push(obj); + } + }, + // 关闭指定tab页签 + async closePage(obj?: RouteLocationNormalized): Promise<{ visitedViews: RouteLocationNormalized[]; cachedViews: string[] } | any> { + if (obj === undefined) { + // prettier-ignore + const { visitedViews } = await useTagsViewStore().delView(router.currentRoute.value) + const latestView = visitedViews.slice(-1)[0]; + if (latestView) { + return router.push(latestView.fullPath); + } + return router.push('/'); + } + return useTagsViewStore().delView(obj); + }, + // 关闭所有tab页签 + closeAllPage() { + return useTagsViewStore().delAllViews(); + }, + // 关闭左侧tab页签 + closeLeftPage(obj?: RouteLocationNormalized) { + return useTagsViewStore().delLeftTags(obj || router.currentRoute.value); + }, + // 关闭右侧tab页签 + closeRightPage(obj?: RouteLocationNormalized) { + return useTagsViewStore().delRightTags(obj || router.currentRoute.value); + }, + // 关闭其他tab页签 + closeOtherPage(obj?: RouteLocationNormalized) { + return useTagsViewStore().delOthersViews(obj || router.currentRoute.value); + }, + /** + * 打开tab页签 + * @param url 路由地址 + * @param title 标题 + * @param query 参数 + */ + openPage(url: string, title?: string, query?: any) { + const obj = { path: url, query: { ...query, title } }; + return router.push(obj); + }, + /** + * 修改tab页签 + * @param obj 标签对象 + */ + updatePage(obj: RouteLocationNormalized) { + return useTagsViewStore().updateVisitedView(obj); + } +}; diff --git a/src/router/index.ts b/src/router/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0792d8e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/router/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +import { createWebHistory, createRouter, RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router'; +/* Layout */ +import Layout from '@/layout/index.vue'; + +/** + * Note: 路由配置项 + * + * hidden: true // 当设置 true 的时候该路由不会再侧边栏出现 如401,login等页面,或者如一些编辑页面/edit/1 + * alwaysShow: true // 当你一个路由下面的 children 声明的路由大于1个时,自动会变成嵌套的模式--如组件页面 + * // 只有一个时,会将那个子路由当做根路由显示在侧边栏--如引导页面 + * // 若你想不管路由下面的 children 声明的个数都显示你的根路由 + * // 你可以设置 alwaysShow: true,这样它就会忽略之前定义的规则,一直显示根路由 + * redirect: noRedirect // 当设置 noRedirect 的时候该路由在面包屑导航中不可被点击 + * name:'router-name' // 设定路由的名字,一定要填写不然使用时会出现各种问题 + * query: '{"id": 1, "name": "ry"}' // 访问路由的默认传递参数 + * roles: ['admin', 'common'] // 访问路由的角色权限 + * permissions: ['a:a:a', 'b:b:b'] // 访问路由的菜单权限 + * meta : { + noCache: true // 如果设置为true,则不会被 缓存(默认 false) + title: 'title' // 设置该路由在侧边栏和面包屑中展示的名字 + icon: 'svg-name' // 设置该路由的图标,对应路径src/assets/icons/svg + breadcrumb: false // 如果设置为false,则不会在breadcrumb面包屑中显示 + activeMenu: '/system/user' // 当路由设置了该属性,则会高亮相对应的侧边栏。 + } + */ + +// 公共路由 +export const constantRoutes: RouteRecordRaw[] = [ + { + path: '/redirect', + component: Layout, + hidden: true, + children: [ + { + path: '/redirect/:path(.*)', + component: () => import('@/views/redirect/index.vue') + } + ] + }, + { + path: '/social-callback', + hidden: true, + component: () => import('@/layout/components/SocialCallback/index.vue') + }, + { + path: '/login', + component: () => import('@/views/login.vue'), + hidden: true + }, + { + path: '/register', + component: () => import('@/views/register.vue'), + hidden: true + }, + { + path: '/:pathMatch(.*)*', + component: () => import('@/views/error/404.vue'), + hidden: true + }, + { + path: '/401', + component: () => import('@/views/error/401.vue'), + hidden: true + }, + { + path: '', + component: Layout, + redirect: '/index', + children: [ + { + path: '/index', + component: () => import('@/views/index.vue'), + name: 'Index', + meta: { title: '首页', icon: 'dashboard', affix: true } + } + ] + }, + { + path: '/user', + component: Layout, + hidden: true, + redirect: 'noredirect', + children: [ + { + path: 'profile', + component: () => import('@/views/system/user/profile/index.vue'), + name: 'Profile', + meta: { title: '个人中心', icon: 'user' } + } + ] + } +]; + +// 动态路由,基于用户权限动态去加载 +export const dynamicRoutes: RouteRecordRaw[] = [ + { + path: '/system/user-auth', + component: Layout, + hidden: true, + permissions: ['system:user:edit'], + children: [ + { + path: 'role/:userId(\\d+)', + component: () => import('@/views/system/user/authRole.vue'), + name: 'AuthRole', + meta: { title: '分配角色', activeMenu: '/system/user', icon: '' } + } + ] + }, + { + path: '/system/role-auth', + component: Layout, + hidden: true, + permissions: ['system:role:edit'], + children: [ + { + path: 'user/:roleId(\\d+)', + component: () => import('@/views/system/role/authUser.vue'), + name: 'AuthUser', + meta: { title: '分配用户', activeMenu: '/system/role', icon: '' } + } + ] + }, + { + path: '/system/dict-data', + component: Layout, + hidden: true, + permissions: ['system:dict:list'], + children: [ + { + path: 'index/:dictId(\\d+)', + component: () => import('@/views/system/dict/data.vue'), + name: 'Data', + meta: { title: '字典数据', activeMenu: '/system/dict', icon: '' } + } + ] + }, + { + path: '/system/oss-config', + component: Layout, + hidden: true, + permissions: ['system:ossConfig:list'], + children: [ + { + path: 'index', + component: () => import('@/views/system/oss/config.vue'), + name: 'OssConfig', + meta: { title: '配置管理', activeMenu: '/system/oss', icon: '' } + } + ] + }, + { + path: '/tool/gen-edit', + component: Layout, + hidden: true, + permissions: ['tool:gen:edit'], + children: [ + { + path: 'index/:tableId(\\d+)', + component: () => import('@/views/tool/gen/editTable.vue'), + name: 'GenEdit', + meta: { title: '修改生成配置', activeMenu: '/tool/gen', icon: '' } + } + ] + } +]; + +/** + * 创建路由 + */ +const router = createRouter({ + history: createWebHistory(import.meta.env.VITE_APP_CONTEXT_PATH), + routes: constantRoutes, + // 刷新时,滚动条位置还原 + scrollBehavior(to, from, savedPosition) { + if (savedPosition) { + return savedPosition; + } else { + return { top: 0 }; + } + } +}); + +export default router; diff --git a/src/settings.ts b/src/settings.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b62c75 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/settings.ts @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +import { LanguageEnum } from '@/enums/LanguageEnum'; + +const setting: DefaultSettings = { + /** + * 网页标题 + */ + title: import.meta.env.VITE_APP_TITLE, + + theme: '#409EFF', + + /** + * 侧边栏主题 深色主题theme-dark,浅色主题theme-light + */ + sideTheme: 'theme-dark', + /** + * 是否系统布局配置 + */ + showSettings: true, + + /** + * 是否显示顶部导航 + */ + topNav: false, + + /** + * 是否显示 tagsView + */ + tagsView: true, + + /** + * 是否固定头部 + */ + fixedHeader: false, + + /** + * 是否显示logo + */ + sidebarLogo: true, + + /** + * 是否显示动态标题 + */ + dynamicTitle: false, + + /** + * @type {string | array} 'production' | ['production', 'development'] + * @description Need show err logs component. + * The default is only used in the production env + * If you want to also use it in dev, you can pass ['production', 'development'] + */ + errorLog: 'production', + + animationEnable: false, + + dark: false, + language: LanguageEnum.zh_CN, + + size: 'default', + + layout: '' +}; +export default setting; diff --git a/src/store/index.ts b/src/store/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..069d54e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/store/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +const store = createPinia(); + +export default store; diff --git a/src/store/modules/app.ts b/src/store/modules/app.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0205fab --- /dev/null +++ b/src/store/modules/app.ts @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +import zhCN from 'element-plus/es/locale/lang/zh-cn'; +import enUS from 'element-plus/es/locale/lang/en'; + +export const useAppStore = defineStore('app', () => { + const sidebarStatus = useStorage('sidebarStatus', '1'); + const sidebar = reactive({ + opened: sidebarStatus.value ? !!+sidebarStatus.value : true, + withoutAnimation: false, + hide: false + }); + const device = ref('desktop'); + const size = useStorage<'large' | 'default' | 'small'>('size', 'default'); + + // 语言 + const language = useStorage('language', 'zh_CN'); + const languageObj: any = { + en_US: enUS, + zh_CN: zhCN + }; + const locale = computed(() => { + return languageObj[language.value]; + }); + + const toggleSideBar = (withoutAnimation: boolean) => { + if (sidebar.hide) { + return false; + } + + sidebar.opened = !sidebar.opened; + sidebar.withoutAnimation = withoutAnimation; + if (sidebar.opened) { + sidebarStatus.value = '1'; + } else { + sidebarStatus.value = '0'; + } + }; + + const closeSideBar = ({ withoutAnimation }: any): void => { + sidebarStatus.value = '0'; + sidebar.opened = false; + sidebar.withoutAnimation = withoutAnimation; + }; + const toggleDevice = (d: string): void => { + device.value = d; + }; + const setSize = (s: 'large' | 'default' | 'small'): void => { + size.value = s; + }; + const toggleSideBarHide = (status: boolean): void => { + sidebar.hide = status; + }; + + const changeLanguage = (val: string): void => { + language.value = val; + }; + + return { + device, + sidebar, + language, + locale, + size, + changeLanguage, + toggleSideBar, + closeSideBar, + toggleDevice, + setSize, + toggleSideBarHide + }; +}); + +export default useAppStore; diff --git a/src/store/modules/dict.ts b/src/store/modules/dict.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f937b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/store/modules/dict.ts @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +export const useDictStore = defineStore('dict', () => { + const dict = ref< + Array<{ + key: string; + value: DictDataOption[]; + }> + >([]); + + /** + * 获取字典 + * @param _key 字典key + */ + const getDict = (_key: string): DictDataOption[] | null => { + if (_key == null && _key == '') { + return null; + } + try { + for (let i = 0; i < dict.value.length; i++) { + if (dict.value[i].key == _key) { + return dict.value[i].value; + } + } + } catch (e) { + return null; + } + return null; + }; + + /** + * 设置字典 + * @param _key 字典key + * @param _value 字典value + */ + const setDict = (_key: string, _value: DictDataOption[]) => { + if (_key !== null && _key !== '') { + dict.value.push({ + key: _key, + value: _value + }); + } + }; + + /** + * 删除字典 + * @param _key + */ + const removeDict = (_key: string): boolean => { + let bln = false; + try { + for (let i = 0; i < dict.value.length; i++) { + if (dict.value[i].key == _key) { + dict.value.splice(i, 1); + return true; + } + } + } catch (e) { + bln = false; + } + return bln; + }; + + /** + * 清空字典 + */ + const cleanDict = (): void => { + dict.value = []; + }; + + return { + dict, + getDict, + setDict, + removeDict, + cleanDict + }; +}); + +export default useDictStore; diff --git a/src/store/modules/notice.ts b/src/store/modules/notice.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de980b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/store/modules/notice.ts @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +import { defineStore } from 'pinia'; + +interface NoticeItem { + title?: string; + read: boolean; + message: any; + time: string; +} + +export const useNoticeStore = defineStore('notice', () => { + const state = reactive({ + notices: [] as NoticeItem[] + }); + + const addNotice = (notice: NoticeItem) => { + state.notices.push(notice); + }; + + const removeNotice = (notice: NoticeItem) => { + state.notices.splice(state.notices.indexOf(notice), 1); + }; + + //实现全部已读 + const readAll = () => { + state.notices.forEach((item: any) => { + item.read = true; + }); + }; + + const clearNotice = () => { + state.notices = []; + }; + return { + state, + addNotice, + removeNotice, + readAll, + clearNotice + }; +}); + +export default useNoticeStore; diff --git a/src/store/modules/permission.ts b/src/store/modules/permission.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf12a73 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/store/modules/permission.ts @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +import { defineStore } from 'pinia'; +import router, { constantRoutes, dynamicRoutes } from '@/router'; +import store from '@/store'; +import { getRouters } from '@/api/menu'; +import auth from '@/plugins/auth'; +import { RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router'; + +import Layout from '@/layout/index.vue'; +import ParentView from '@/components/ParentView/index.vue'; +import InnerLink from '@/layout/components/InnerLink/index.vue'; + +// 匹配views里面所有的.vue文件 +const modules = import.meta.glob('./../../views/**/*.vue'); +export const usePermissionStore = defineStore('permission', () => { + const routes = ref([]); + const addRoutes = ref([]); + const defaultRoutes = ref([]); + const topbarRouters = ref([]); + const sidebarRouters = ref([]); + + const getRoutes = (): RouteRecordRaw[] => { + return routes.value; + }; + const getSidebarRoutes = (): RouteRecordRaw[] => { + return sidebarRouters.value; + }; + const getTopbarRoutes = (): RouteRecordRaw[] => { + return topbarRouters.value; + }; + + const setRoutes = (newRoutes: RouteRecordRaw[]): void => { + addRoutes.value = newRoutes; + routes.value = constantRoutes.concat(newRoutes); + }; + const setDefaultRoutes = (routes: RouteRecordRaw[]): void => { + defaultRoutes.value = constantRoutes.concat(routes); + }; + const setTopbarRoutes = (routes: RouteRecordRaw[]): void => { + topbarRouters.value = routes; + }; + const setSidebarRouters = (routes: RouteRecordRaw[]): void => { + sidebarRouters.value = routes; + }; + const generateRoutes = async (): Promise => { + const res = await getRouters(); + const { data } = res; + const sdata = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); + const rdata = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); + const defaultData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); + const sidebarRoutes = filterAsyncRouter(sdata); + const rewriteRoutes = filterAsyncRouter(rdata, undefined, true); + const defaultRoutes = filterAsyncRouter(defaultData); + const asyncRoutes = filterDynamicRoutes(dynamicRoutes); + asyncRoutes.forEach((route) => { + router.addRoute(route); + }); + setRoutes(rewriteRoutes); + setSidebarRouters(constantRoutes.concat(sidebarRoutes)); + setDefaultRoutes(sidebarRoutes); + setTopbarRoutes(defaultRoutes); + return new Promise((resolve) => resolve(rewriteRoutes)); + }; + + /** + * 遍历后台传来的路由字符串,转换为组件对象 + * @param asyncRouterMap 后台传来的路由字符串 + * @param lastRouter 上一级路由 + * @param type 是否是重写路由 + */ + const filterAsyncRouter = (asyncRouterMap: RouteRecordRaw[], lastRouter?: RouteRecordRaw, type = false): RouteRecordRaw[] => { + return asyncRouterMap.filter((route) => { + if (type && route.children) { + route.children = filterChildren(route.children, undefined); + } + // Layout ParentView 组件特殊处理 + if (route.component?.toString() === 'Layout') { + route.component = Layout; + } else if (route.component?.toString() === 'ParentView') { + route.component = ParentView; + } else if (route.component?.toString() === 'InnerLink') { + route.component = InnerLink; + } else { + route.component = loadView(route.component); + } + if (route.children != null && route.children && route.children.length) { + route.children = filterAsyncRouter(route.children, route, type); + } else { + delete route.children; + delete route.redirect; + } + return true; + }); + }; + const filterChildren = (childrenMap: RouteRecordRaw[], lastRouter?: RouteRecordRaw): RouteRecordRaw[] => { + let children: RouteRecordRaw[] = []; + childrenMap.forEach((el) => { + if (el.children && el.children.length) { + if (el.component?.toString() === 'ParentView' && !lastRouter) { + el.children.forEach((c) => { + c.path = el.path + '/' + c.path; + if (c.children && c.children.length) { + children = children.concat(filterChildren(c.children, c)); + return; + } + children.push(c); + }); + return; + } + } + if (lastRouter) { + el.path = lastRouter.path + '/' + el.path; + if (el.children && el.children.length) { + children = children.concat(filterChildren(el.children, el)); + return; + } + } + children = children.concat(el); + }); + return children; + }; + return { + routes, + topbarRouters, + sidebarRouters, + defaultRoutes, + + getRoutes, + getSidebarRoutes, + getTopbarRoutes, + + setRoutes, + generateRoutes, + setSidebarRouters + }; +}); + +// 动态路由遍历,验证是否具备权限 +export const filterDynamicRoutes = (routes: RouteRecordRaw[]) => { + const res: RouteRecordRaw[] = []; + routes.forEach((route) => { + if (route.permissions) { + if (auth.hasPermiOr(route.permissions)) { + res.push(route); + } + } else if (route.roles) { + if (auth.hasRoleOr(route.roles)) { + res.push(route); + } + } + }); + return res; +}; + +export const loadView = (view: any) => { + let res; + for (const path in modules) { + const dir = path.split('views/')[1].split('.vue')[0]; + if (dir === view) { + res = () => modules[path](); + } + } + return res; +}; + +// 非setup +export const usePermissionStoreHook = () => { + return usePermissionStore(store); +}; + +export default usePermissionStore; diff --git a/src/store/modules/settings.ts b/src/store/modules/settings.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef49b3c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/store/modules/settings.ts @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +import { defineStore } from 'pinia'; +import defaultSettings from '@/settings'; +import { useDynamicTitle } from '@/utils/dynamicTitle'; + +export const useSettingsStore = defineStore('setting', () => { + const storageSetting = useStorage('layout-setting', { + topNav: defaultSettings.topNav, + tagsView: defaultSettings.tagsView, + fixedHeader: defaultSettings.fixedHeader, + sidebarLogo: defaultSettings.sidebarLogo, + dynamicTitle: defaultSettings.dynamicTitle, + sideTheme: defaultSettings.sideTheme, + theme: defaultSettings.theme + }); + const title = ref(defaultSettings.title); + const theme = ref(storageSetting.value.theme); + const sideTheme = ref(storageSetting.value.sideTheme); + const showSettings = ref(defaultSettings.showSettings); + const topNav = ref(storageSetting.value.topNav); + const tagsView = ref(storageSetting.value.tagsView); + const fixedHeader = ref(storageSetting.value.fixedHeader); + const sidebarLogo = ref(storageSetting.value.sidebarLogo); + const dynamicTitle = ref(storageSetting.value.dynamicTitle); + const animationEnable = ref(defaultSettings.animationEnable); + const dark = ref(defaultSettings.dark); + + const setTitle = (value: string) => { + title.value = value; + useDynamicTitle(); + }; + return { + title, + theme, + sideTheme, + showSettings, + topNav, + tagsView, + fixedHeader, + sidebarLogo, + dynamicTitle, + animationEnable, + dark, + setTitle + }; +}); + +export default useSettingsStore; diff --git a/src/store/modules/tagsView.ts b/src/store/modules/tagsView.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9502eb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/store/modules/tagsView.ts @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ +import { RouteLocationNormalized } from 'vue-router'; + +export const useTagsViewStore = defineStore('tagsView', () => { + const visitedViews = ref([]); + const cachedViews = ref([]); + const iframeViews = ref([]); + + const getVisitedViews = (): RouteLocationNormalized[] => { + return visitedViews.value; + }; + const getIframeViews = (): RouteLocationNormalized[] => { + return iframeViews.value; + }; + const getCachedViews = (): string[] => { + return cachedViews.value; + }; + + const addView = (view: RouteLocationNormalized) => { + addVisitedView(view); + addCachedView(view); + }; + + const addIframeView = (view: RouteLocationNormalized): void => { + if (iframeViews.value.some((v: RouteLocationNormalized) => v.path === view.path)) return; + iframeViews.value.push( + Object.assign({}, view, { + title: view.meta?.title || 'no-name' + }) + ); + }; + const delIframeView = (view: RouteLocationNormalized): Promise => { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + iframeViews.value = iframeViews.value.filter((item: RouteLocationNormalized) => item.path !== view.path); + resolve([...iframeViews.value]); + }); + }; + const addVisitedView = (view: RouteLocationNormalized): void => { + if (visitedViews.value.some((v: RouteLocationNormalized) => v.path === view.path)) return; + visitedViews.value.push( + Object.assign({}, view, { + title: view.meta?.title || 'no-name' + }) + ); + }; + const delView = ( + view: RouteLocationNormalized + ): Promise<{ + visitedViews: RouteLocationNormalized[]; + cachedViews: string[]; + }> => { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + delVisitedView(view); + if (!isDynamicRoute(view)) { + delCachedView(view); + } + resolve({ + visitedViews: [...visitedViews.value], + cachedViews: [...cachedViews.value] + }); + }); + }; + + const delVisitedView = (view: RouteLocationNormalized): Promise => { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + for (const [i, v] of visitedViews.value.entries()) { + if (v.path === view.path) { + visitedViews.value.splice(i, 1); + break; + } + } + resolve([...visitedViews.value]); + }); + }; + const delCachedView = (view?: RouteLocationNormalized): Promise => { + let viewName = ''; + if (view) { + viewName = view.name as string; + } + return new Promise((resolve) => { + const index = cachedViews.value.indexOf(viewName); + index > -1 && cachedViews.value.splice(index, 1); + resolve([...cachedViews.value]); + }); + }; + const delOthersViews = ( + view: RouteLocationNormalized + ): Promise<{ + visitedViews: RouteLocationNormalized[]; + cachedViews: string[]; + }> => { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + delOthersVisitedViews(view); + delOthersCachedViews(view); + resolve({ + visitedViews: [...visitedViews.value], + cachedViews: [...cachedViews.value] + }); + }); + }; + + const delOthersVisitedViews = (view: RouteLocationNormalized): Promise => { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + visitedViews.value = visitedViews.value.filter((v: RouteLocationNormalized) => { + return v.meta?.affix || v.path === view.path; + }); + resolve([...visitedViews.value]); + }); + }; + const delOthersCachedViews = (view: RouteLocationNormalized): Promise => { + const viewName = view.name as string; + return new Promise((resolve) => { + const index = cachedViews.value.indexOf(viewName); + if (index > -1) { + cachedViews.value = cachedViews.value.slice(index, index + 1); + } else { + cachedViews.value = []; + } + resolve([...cachedViews.value]); + }); + }; + + const delAllViews = (): Promise<{ visitedViews: RouteLocationNormalized[]; cachedViews: string[] }> => { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + delAllVisitedViews(); + delAllCachedViews(); + resolve({ + visitedViews: [...visitedViews.value], + cachedViews: [...cachedViews.value] + }); + }); + }; + const delAllVisitedViews = (): Promise => { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + visitedViews.value = visitedViews.value.filter((tag: RouteLocationNormalized) => tag.meta?.affix); + resolve([...visitedViews.value]); + }); + }; + + const delAllCachedViews = (): Promise => { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + cachedViews.value = []; + resolve([...cachedViews.value]); + }); + }; + + const updateVisitedView = (view: RouteLocationNormalized): void => { + for (let v of visitedViews.value) { + if (v.path === view.path) { + v = Object.assign(v, view); + break; + } + } + }; + const delRightTags = (view: RouteLocationNormalized): Promise => { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + const index = visitedViews.value.findIndex((v: RouteLocationNormalized) => v.path === view.path); + if (index === -1) { + return; + } + visitedViews.value = visitedViews.value.filter((item: RouteLocationNormalized, idx: number) => { + if (idx <= index || (item.meta && item.meta.affix)) { + return true; + } + const i = cachedViews.value.indexOf(item.name as string); + if (i > -1) { + cachedViews.value.splice(i, 1); + } + return false; + }); + resolve([...visitedViews.value]); + }); + }; + const delLeftTags = (view: RouteLocationNormalized): Promise => { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + const index = visitedViews.value.findIndex((v: RouteLocationNormalized) => v.path === view.path); + if (index === -1) { + return; + } + visitedViews.value = visitedViews.value.filter((item: RouteLocationNormalized, idx: number) => { + if (idx >= index || (item.meta && item.meta.affix)) { + return true; + } + const i = cachedViews.value.indexOf(item.name as string); + if (i > -1) { + cachedViews.value.splice(i, 1); + } + return false; + }); + resolve([...visitedViews.value]); + }); + }; + + const addCachedView = (view: RouteLocationNormalized): void => { + const viewName = view.name as string; + if (!viewName) return; + if (cachedViews.value.includes(viewName)) return; + if (!view.meta?.noCache) { + cachedViews.value.push(viewName); + } + }; + + const isDynamicRoute = (view: RouteLocationNormalized): boolean => { + // 检查匹配的路由记录中是否有动态段 + return view.matched.some((m) => m.path.includes(':')); + }; + + return { + visitedViews, + cachedViews, + iframeViews, + + getVisitedViews, + getIframeViews, + getCachedViews, + + addVisitedView, + addCachedView, + delVisitedView, + delCachedView, + updateVisitedView, + addView, + delView, + delAllViews, + delAllVisitedViews, + delAllCachedViews, + delOthersViews, + delRightTags, + delLeftTags, + addIframeView, + delIframeView + }; +}); +export default useTagsViewStore; diff --git a/src/store/modules/user.ts b/src/store/modules/user.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4122294 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/store/modules/user.ts @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +import { to } from 'await-to-js'; +import { getToken, removeToken, setToken } from '@/utils/auth'; +import { login as loginApi, logout as logoutApi, getInfo as getUserInfo } from '@/api/login'; +import { LoginData } from '@/api/types'; +import defAva from '@/assets/images/profile.jpg'; +import store from '@/store'; + +export const useUserStore = defineStore('user', () => { + const token = ref(getToken()); + const name = ref(''); + const nickname = ref(''); + const userId = ref(''); + const avatar = ref(''); + const roles = ref>([]); // 用户角色编码集合 → 判断路由权限 + const permissions = ref>([]); // 用户权限编码集合 → 判断按钮权限 + + /** + * 登录 + * @param userInfo + * @returns + */ + const login = async (userInfo: LoginData): Promise => { + const [err, res] = await to(loginApi(userInfo)); + if (res) { + const data = res.data; + setToken(data.access_token); + token.value = data.access_token; + return Promise.resolve(); + } + return Promise.reject(err); + }; + + // 获取用户信息 + const getInfo = async (): Promise => { + const [err, res] = await to(getUserInfo()); + if (res) { + const data = res.data; + const user = data.user; + const profile = user.avatar == '' || user.avatar == null ? defAva : user.avatar; + + if (data.roles && data.roles.length > 0) { + // 验证返回的roles是否是一个非空数组 + roles.value = data.roles; + permissions.value = data.permissions; + } else { + roles.value = ['ROLE_DEFAULT']; + } + name.value = user.userName; + nickname.value = user.nickName; + avatar.value = profile; + userId.value = user.userId; + return Promise.resolve(); + } + return Promise.reject(err); + }; + + // 注销 + const logout = async (): Promise => { + await logoutApi(); + token.value = ''; + roles.value = []; + permissions.value = []; + removeToken(); + }; + + const setAvatar = (value: string) => { + avatar.value = value; + }; + + return { + userId, + token, + nickname, + avatar, + roles, + permissions, + login, + getInfo, + logout, + setAvatar + }; +}); + +export default useUserStore; +// 非setup +export function useUserStoreHook() { + return useUserStore(store); +} diff --git a/src/types/axios.d.ts b/src/types/axios.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f2c6d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/axios.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +export {}; +declare module 'axios' { + interface AxiosResponse { + code: number; + msg: string; + rows: T; + total: number; + } +} diff --git a/src/types/element.d.ts b/src/types/element.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c544e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/element.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +import type * as ep from 'element-plus'; +declare global { + declare type ElTagType = 'success' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'danger' | ''; + declare type ElFormInstance = ep.FormInstance; + declare type ElTableInstance = ep.TableInstance; + declare type ElUploadInstance = ep.UploadInstance; + declare type ElScrollbarInstance = ep.ScrollbarInstance; + declare type ElInputInstance = ep.InputInstance; + declare type ElInputNumberInstance = ep.InputNumberInstance; + declare type ElRadioInstance = ep.RadioInstance; + declare type ElRadioGroupInstance = ep.RadioGroupInstance; + declare type ElRadioButtonInstance = ep.RadioButtonInstance; + declare type ElCheckboxInstance = ep.CheckboxInstance; + declare type ElSwitchInstance = ep.SwitchInstance; + declare type ElCascaderInstance = ep.CascaderInstance; + declare type ElColorPickerInstance = ep.ColorPickerInstance; + declare type ElRateInstance = ep.RateInstance; + declare type ElSliderInstance = ep.SliderInstance; + + declare type ElTreeInstance = InstanceType; + declare type ElTreeSelectInstance = InstanceType; + declare type ElSelectInstance = InstanceType; + declare type ElCardInstance = InstanceType; + declare type ElDialogInstance = InstanceType; + declare type ElCheckboxGroupInstance = InstanceType; + declare type ElDatePickerInstance = InstanceType; + declare type ElTimePickerInstance = InstanceType; + declare type ElTimeSelectInstance = InstanceType; + + declare type TransferKey = ep.TransferKey; + declare type CheckboxValueType = ep.CheckboxValueType; + declare type ElFormRules = ep.FormRules; + declare type DateModelType = ep.DateModelType; + declare type UploadFile = ep.UploadFile; +} diff --git a/src/types/env.d.ts b/src/types/env.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6667d05 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/env.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +declare module '*.vue' { + import { DefineComponent } from 'vue'; + const Component: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any>; + export default Component; +} + +// 环境变量 +interface ImportMetaEnv { + VITE_APP_TITLE: string; + VITE_APP_PORT: number; + VITE_APP_BASE_API: string; + VITE_APP_BASE_URL: string; + VITE_APP_CONTEXT_PATH: string; + VITE_APP_MONITRO_ADMIN: string; + VITE_APP_POWERJOB_ADMIN: string; + VITE_APP_ENV: string; + VITE_APP_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY: string; + VITE_APP_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY: string; + VITE_APP_CLIENT_ID: string; + VITE_APP_WEBSOCKET: string; +} +interface ImportMeta { + readonly env: ImportMetaEnv; + // readonly glob: any; +} diff --git a/src/types/global.d.ts b/src/types/global.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c1cb3b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/global.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +import type { PropType as VuePropType, ComponentInternalInstance as ComponentInstance } from 'vue'; +import { LanguageEnum } from '@/enums/LanguageEnum'; + +declare global { + /** vue Instance */ + declare type ComponentInternalInstance = ComponentInstance; + /**vue */ + declare type PropType = VuePropType; + + /** + * 界面字段隐藏属性 + */ + declare interface FieldOption { + key: number; + label: string; + visible: boolean; + children?: Array; + } + + /** + * 弹窗属性 + */ + declare interface DialogOption { + /** + * 弹窗标题 + */ + title?: string; + /** + * 是否显示 + */ + visible: boolean; + } + + declare interface UploadOption { + /** 设置上传的请求头部 */ + headers: { [key: string]: any }; + + /** 上传的地址 */ + url: string; + } + + /** + * 导入属性 + */ + declare interface ImportOption extends UploadOption { + /** 是否显示弹出层 */ + open: boolean; + /** 弹出层标题 */ + title: string; + /** 是否禁用上传 */ + isUploading: boolean; + + updateSupport: number; + + /** 其他参数 */ + [key: string]: any; + } + /** + * 字典数据 数据配置 + */ + declare interface DictDataOption { + label: string; + value: string; + elTagType?: ElTagType; + elTagClass?: string; + } + + declare interface BaseEntity { + /** 乐观锁 */ + version?: number; + createBy?: any; + createTime?: string; + updateBy?: any; + updateTime?: any; + } + + /** + * 分页数据 + * T : 表单数据 + * D : 查询参数 + */ + declare interface PageData { + form: T; + queryParams: D; + rules: ElFormRules; + } + /** + * 分页查询参数 + */ + declare interface PageQuery { + pageNum: number; + pageSize: number; + } + declare interface LayoutSetting { + /** + * 是否显示顶部导航 + */ + topNav: boolean; + + /** + * 是否显示多标签导航 + */ + tagsView: boolean; + /** + * 是否固定头部 + */ + fixedHeader: boolean; + /** + * 是否显示侧边栏Logo + */ + sidebarLogo: boolean; + /** + * 是否显示动态标题 + */ + dynamicTitle: boolean; + /** + * 侧边栏主题 theme-dark | theme-light + */ + sideTheme: string; + /** + * 主题模式 + */ + theme: string; + } + + declare interface DefaultSettings extends LayoutSetting { + /** + * 网页标题 + */ + title: string; + + /** + * 是否显示系统布局设置 + */ + showSettings: boolean; + + /** + * 导航栏布局 + */ + layout: string; + + /** + * 布局大小 + */ + size: 'large' | 'default' | 'small'; + + /** + * 语言 + */ + language: LanguageEnum; + + /** + * 是否启用动画效果 + */ + animationEnable: boolean; + /** + * 是否启用暗黑模式 + * + * true:暗黑模式 + * false: 明亮模式 + */ + dark: boolean; + + errorLog: string; + } +} +export {}; diff --git a/src/types/module.d.ts b/src/types/module.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..984df9f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/module.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +import modal from '@/plugins/modal'; +import tab from '@/plugins/tab'; +import download from '@/plugins/download'; +import auth from '@/plugins/auth'; +import cache from '@/plugins/cache'; +import animate from '@/animate'; +import { useDict } from '@/utils/dict'; +import { handleTree, addDateRange, selectDictLabel, selectDictLabels, parseTime } from '@/utils/ruoyi'; +import { getConfigKey, updateConfigByKey } from '@/api/system/config'; +import { download as rd } from '@/utils/request'; + +export {}; + +declare module 'vue' { + interface ComponentCustomProperties { + // 全局方法声明 + $modal: typeof modal; + $tab: typeof tab; + $download: typeof download; + $auth: typeof auth; + $cache: typeof cache; + animate: typeof animate; + + useDict: typeof useDict; + addDateRange: typeof addDateRange; + download: typeof rd; + handleTree: typeof handleTree; + getConfigKey: typeof getConfigKey; + updateConfigByKey: typeof updateConfigByKey; + selectDictLabel: typeof selectDictLabel; + selectDictLabels: typeof selectDictLabels; + parseTime: typeof parseTime; + } +} + +declare module 'vform3-builds' { + const content: any; + export = content; +} diff --git a/src/types/router.d.ts b/src/types/router.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11a60a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/types/router.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +import { LocationQuery, type RouteMeta as VRouteMeta } from 'vue-router'; +declare module 'vue-router' { + interface RouteMeta extends VRouteMeta { + link?: string; + title?: string; + affix?: boolean; + noCache?: boolean; + activeMenu?: string; + icon?: string; + breadcrumb?: boolean; + } + + interface _RouteRecordBase { + hidden?: boolean | string | number; + permissions?: string[]; + roles?: string[]; + alwaysShow?: boolean; + query?: string; + parentPath?: string; + } + + interface _RouteLocationBase { + children?: _RouteRecordBase[]; + path?: string; + title?: string; + } + + interface TagView { + fullPath?: string; + name?: string; + path?: string; + title?: string; + meta?: RouteMeta; + query?: LocationQuery; + } +} + +export {}; diff --git a/src/utils/auth.ts b/src/utils/auth.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db50ac9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/auth.ts @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +const TokenKey = 'Admin-Token'; + +const tokenStorage = useStorage(TokenKey, null); + +export const getToken = () => tokenStorage.value; + +export const setToken = (access_token: string) => (tokenStorage.value = access_token); + +export const removeToken = () => (tokenStorage.value = null); diff --git a/src/utils/crypto.ts b/src/utils/crypto.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8217146 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/crypto.ts @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +import CryptoJS from 'crypto-js'; + +/** + * 随机生成32位的字符串 + * @returns {string} + */ +const generateRandomString = () => { + const characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; + let result = ''; + const charactersLength = characters.length; + for (let i = 0; i < 32; i++) { + result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength)); + } + return result; +}; + +/** + * 随机生成aes 密钥 + * @returns {string} + */ +export const generateAesKey = () => { + return CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(generateRandomString()); +}; + +/** + * 加密base64 + * @returns {string} + */ +export const encryptBase64 = (str: CryptoJS.lib.WordArray) => { + return CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(str); +}; + +/** + * 解密base64 + */ +export const decryptBase64 = (str: string) => { + return CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(str); +}; + +/** + * 使用密钥对数据进行加密 + * @param message + * @param aesKey + * @returns {string} + */ +export const encryptWithAes = (message: string, aesKey: CryptoJS.lib.WordArray) => { + const encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(message, aesKey, { + mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB, + padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7 + }); + return encrypted.toString(); +}; + +/** + * 使用密钥对数据进行解密 + * @param message + * @param aesKey + * @returns {string} + */ +export const decryptWithAes = (message: string, aesKey: CryptoJS.lib.WordArray) => { + const decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(message, aesKey, { + mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB, + padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7 + }); + return decrypted.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8); +}; diff --git a/src/utils/dict.ts b/src/utils/dict.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0575072 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/dict.ts @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +import { getDicts } from '@/api/system/dict/data'; +import { useDictStore } from '@/store/modules/dict'; +/** + * 获取字典数据 + */ +export const useDict = (...args: string[]): { [key: string]: DictDataOption[] } => { + const res = ref<{ + [key: string]: DictDataOption[]; + }>({}); + return (() => { + args.forEach(async (dictType) => { + res.value[dictType] = []; + const dicts = useDictStore().getDict(dictType); + if (dicts) { + res.value[dictType] = dicts; + } else { + await getDicts(dictType).then((resp) => { + res.value[dictType] = resp.data.map( + (p): DictDataOption => ({ label: p.dictLabel, value: p.dictValue, elTagType: p.listClass, elTagClass: p.cssClass }) + ); + useDictStore().setDict(dictType, res.value[dictType]); + }); + } + }); + return res.value; + })(); +}; diff --git a/src/utils/dynamicTitle.ts b/src/utils/dynamicTitle.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e23ef8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/dynamicTitle.ts @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +import defaultSettings from '@/settings'; +import { useSettingsStore } from '@/store/modules/settings'; + +/** + * 动态修改标题 + */ +export const useDynamicTitle = () => { + const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); + if (settingsStore.dynamicTitle) { + document.title = settingsStore.title + ' - ' + import.meta.env.VITE_APP_TITLE; + } else { + document.title = defaultSettings.title as string; + } +}; diff --git a/src/utils/errorCode.ts b/src/utils/errorCode.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d85914e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/errorCode.ts @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +export const errorCode: any = { + '401': '认证失败,无法访问系统资源', + '403': '当前操作没有权限', + '404': '访问资源不存在', + default: '系统未知错误,请反馈给管理员' +}; +export default errorCode; diff --git a/src/utils/i18n.ts b/src/utils/i18n.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab77af0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/i18n.ts @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +// translate router.meta.title, be used in breadcrumb sidebar tagsview +import i18n from '@/lang/index'; + +/** + * 获取国际化路由,如果不存在则原生返回 + * @param title 路由名称 + * @returns {string} + */ +export const translateRouteTitle = (title: string): string => { + const hasKey = i18n.global.te('route.' + title); + if (hasKey) { + const translatedTitle = i18n.global.t('route.' + title); + return translatedTitle; + } + return title; +}; diff --git a/src/utils/index.ts b/src/utils/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b0aad5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +import { parseTime } from '@/utils/ruoyi'; + +/** + * 表格时间格式化 + */ +export const formatDate = (cellValue: string) => { + if (cellValue == null || cellValue == '') return ''; + const date = new Date(cellValue); + const year = date.getFullYear(); + const month = date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1; + const day = date.getDate() < 10 ? '0' + date.getDate() : date.getDate(); + const hours = date.getHours() < 10 ? '0' + date.getHours() : date.getHours(); + const minutes = date.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes(); + const seconds = date.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' + date.getSeconds() : date.getSeconds(); + return year + '-' + month + '-' + day + ' ' + hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds; +}; + +/** + * @param {number} time + * @param {string} option + * @returns {string} + */ +export const formatTime = (time: string, option: string) => { + let t: number; + if (('' + time).length === 10) { + t = parseInt(time) * 1000; + } else { + t = +time; + } + const d: any = new Date(t); + const now = Date.now(); + + const diff = (now - d) / 1000; + + if (diff < 30) { + return '刚刚'; + } else if (diff < 3600) { + // less 1 hour + return Math.ceil(diff / 60) + '分钟前'; + } else if (diff < 3600 * 24) { + return Math.ceil(diff / 3600) + '小时前'; + } else if (diff < 3600 * 24 * 2) { + return '1天前'; + } + if (option) { + return parseTime(t, option); + } else { + return d.getMonth() + 1 + '月' + d.getDate() + '日' + d.getHours() + '时' + d.getMinutes() + '分'; + } +}; + +/** + * @param {string} url + * @returns {Object} + */ +export const getQueryObject = (url: string) => { + url = url == null ? window.location.href : url; + const search = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('?') + 1); + const obj: { [key: string]: string } = {}; + const reg = /([^?&=]+)=([^?&=]*)/g; + search.replace(reg, (rs, $1, $2) => { + const name = decodeURIComponent($1); + let val = decodeURIComponent($2); + val = String(val); + obj[name] = val; + return rs; + }); + return obj; +}; + +/** + * @param {string} input value + * @returns {number} output value + */ +export const byteLength = (str: string) => { + // returns the byte length of an utf8 string + let s = str.length; + for (let i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + const code = str.charCodeAt(i); + if (code > 0x7f && code <= 0x7ff) s++; + else if (code > 0x7ff && code <= 0xffff) s += 2; + if (code >= 0xdc00 && code <= 0xdfff) i--; + } + return s; +}; + +/** + * @param {Array} actual + * @returns {Array} + */ +export const cleanArray = (actual: Array) => { + const newArray: any[] = []; + for (let i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) { + if (actual[i]) { + newArray.push(actual[i]); + } + } + return newArray; +}; + +/** + * @param {Object} json + * @returns {Array} + */ +export const param = (json: any) => { + if (!json) return ''; + return cleanArray( + Object.keys(json).map((key) => { + if (json[key] === undefined) return ''; + return encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(json[key]); + }) + ).join('&'); +}; + +/** + * @param {string} url + * @returns {Object} + */ +export const param2Obj = (url: string) => { + const search = decodeURIComponent(url.split('?')[1]).replace(/\+/g, ' '); + if (!search) { + return {}; + } + const obj: any = {}; + const searchArr = search.split('&'); + searchArr.forEach((v) => { + const index = v.indexOf('='); + if (index !== -1) { + const name = v.substring(0, index); + const val = v.substring(index + 1, v.length); + obj[name] = val; + } + }); + return obj; +}; + +/** + * @param {string} val + * @returns {string} + */ +export const html2Text = (val: string) => { + const div = document.createElement('div'); + div.innerHTML = val; + return div.textContent || div.innerText; +}; + +/** + * Merges two objects, giving the last one precedence + * @param {Object} target + * @param {(Object|Array)} source + * @returns {Object} + */ +export const objectMerge = (target: any, source: any | any[]) => { + if (typeof target !== 'object') { + target = {}; + } + if (Array.isArray(source)) { + return source.slice(); + } + Object.keys(source).forEach((property) => { + const sourceProperty = source[property]; + if (typeof sourceProperty === 'object') { + target[property] = objectMerge(target[property], sourceProperty); + } else { + target[property] = sourceProperty; + } + }); + return target; +}; + +/** + * @param {HTMLElement} element + * @param {string} className + */ +export const toggleClass = (element: HTMLElement, className: string) => { + if (!element || !className) { + return; + } + let classString = element.className; + const nameIndex = classString.indexOf(className); + if (nameIndex === -1) { + classString += '' + className; + } else { + classString = classString.substring(0, nameIndex) + classString.substring(nameIndex + className.length); + } + element.className = classString; +}; + +/** + * @param {string} type + * @returns {Date} + */ +export const getTime = (type: string) => { + if (type === 'start') { + return new Date().getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 90; + } else { + return new Date(new Date().toDateString()); + } +}; + +/** + * @param {Function} func + * @param {number} wait + * @param {boolean} immediate + * @return {*} + */ +export const debounce = (func: any, wait: number, immediate: boolean) => { + let timeout: any, args: any, context: any, timestamp: any, result: any; + + const later = function () { + // 据上一次触发时间间隔 + const last = +new Date() - timestamp; + + // 上次被包装函数被调用时间间隔 last 小于设定时间间隔 wait + if (last < wait && last > 0) { + timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last); + } else { + timeout = null; + // 如果设定为immediate===true,因为开始边界已经调用过了此处无需调用 + if (!immediate) { + result = func.apply(context, args); + if (!timeout) context = args = null; + } + } + }; + + return (...args: any) => { + context = this; + timestamp = +new Date(); + const callNow = immediate && !timeout; + // 如果延时不存在,重新设定延时 + if (!timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); + if (callNow) { + result = func.apply(context, args); + context = args = null; + } + return result; + }; +}; + +/** + * This is just a simple version of deep copy + * Has a lot of edge cases bug + * If you want to use a perfect deep copy, use lodash's _.cloneDeep + * @param {Object} source + * @returns {Object} + */ +export const deepClone = (source: any) => { + if (!source && typeof source !== 'object') { + throw new Error('error arguments', 'deepClone' as any); + } + const targetObj: any = source.constructor === Array ? [] : {}; + Object.keys(source).forEach((keys) => { + if (source[keys] && typeof source[keys] === 'object') { + targetObj[keys] = deepClone(source[keys]); + } else { + targetObj[keys] = source[keys]; + } + }); + return targetObj; +}; + +/** + * @param {Array} arr + * @returns {Array} + */ +export const uniqueArr = (arr: any) => { + return Array.from(new Set(arr)); +}; + +/** + * @returns {string} + */ +export const createUniqueString = (): string => { + const timestamp = +new Date() + ''; + const num = (1 + Math.random()) * 65536; + const randomNum = parseInt(num + ''); + return (+(randomNum + timestamp)).toString(32); +}; + +/** + * Check if an element has a class + * @param ele + * @param {string} cls + * @returns {boolean} + */ +export const hasClass = (ele: HTMLElement, cls: string): boolean => { + return !!ele.className.match(new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + cls + '(\\s|$)')); +}; + +/** + * Add class to element + * @param ele + * @param {string} cls + */ +export const addClass = (ele: HTMLElement, cls: string) => { + if (!hasClass(ele, cls)) ele.className += ' ' + cls; +}; + +/** + * Remove class from element + * @param ele + * @param {string} cls + */ +export const removeClass = (ele: HTMLElement, cls: string) => { + if (hasClass(ele, cls)) { + const reg = new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + cls + '(\\s|$)'); + ele.className = ele.className.replace(reg, ' '); + } +}; + +/** + * @param {string} path + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export const isExternal = (path: string) => { + return /^(https?:|http?:|mailto:|tel:)/.test(path); +}; diff --git a/src/utils/jsencrypt.ts b/src/utils/jsencrypt.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42de5a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/jsencrypt.ts @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +import JSEncrypt from 'jsencrypt'; +// 密钥对生成 http://web.chacuo.net/netrsakeypair + +const publicKey = import.meta.env.VITE_APP_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY; + +// 前端不建议存放私钥 不建议解密数据 因为都是透明的意义不大 +const privateKey = import.meta.env.VITE_APP_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY; + +// 加密 +export const encrypt = (txt: string) => { + const encryptor = new JSEncrypt(); + encryptor.setPublicKey(publicKey); // 设置公钥 + return encryptor.encrypt(txt); // 对数据进行加密 +}; + +// 解密 +export const decrypt = (txt: string) => { + const encryptor = new JSEncrypt(); + encryptor.setPrivateKey(privateKey); // 设置私钥 + return encryptor.decrypt(txt); // 对数据进行解密 +}; diff --git a/src/utils/permission.ts b/src/utils/permission.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb3838a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/permission.ts @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +import useUserStore from '@/store/modules/user'; + +/** + * 字符权限校验 + * @param {Array} value 校验值 + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export const checkPermi = (value: any) => { + if (value && value instanceof Array && value.length > 0) { + const permissions = useUserStore().permissions; + const permissionDatas = value; + const all_permission = '*:*:*'; + + const hasPermission = permissions.some((permission) => { + return all_permission === permission || permissionDatas.includes(permission); + }); + + if (!hasPermission) { + return false; + } + return true; + } else { + console.error(`need roles! Like checkPermi="['system:user:add','system:user:edit']"`); + return false; + } +}; + +/** + * 角色权限校验 + * @param {Array} value 校验值 + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export const checkRole = (value: any): boolean => { + if (value && value instanceof Array && value.length > 0) { + const roles = useUserStore().roles; + const permissionRoles = value; + const super_admin = 'admin'; + + const hasRole = roles.some((role) => { + return super_admin === role || permissionRoles.includes(role); + }); + + if (!hasRole) { + return false; + } + return true; + } else { + console.error(`need roles! Like checkRole="['admin','editor']"`); + return false; + } +}; diff --git a/src/utils/propTypes.ts b/src/utils/propTypes.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24d861d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/propTypes.ts @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +import { CSSProperties } from 'vue'; +import VueTypes, { createTypes, toValidableType, VueTypeValidableDef, VueTypesInterface } from 'vue-types'; + +type PropTypes = VueTypesInterface & { + readonly style: VueTypeValidableDef; + readonly fieldOption: VueTypeValidableDef>; +}; + +const propTypes = createTypes({ + func: undefined, + bool: undefined, + string: undefined, + number: undefined, + object: undefined, + integer: undefined +}) as PropTypes; + +export default class ProjectTypes extends VueTypes { + static get style() { + return toValidableType('style', { + type: [String, Object], + default: undefined + }); + } +} +export { propTypes }; diff --git a/src/utils/request.ts b/src/utils/request.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3de2076 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/request.ts @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +import axios, { AxiosResponse, InternalAxiosRequestConfig } from 'axios'; +import { useUserStore } from '@/store/modules/user'; +import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth'; +import { tansParams, blobValidate } from '@/utils/ruoyi'; +import cache from '@/plugins/cache'; +import { HttpStatus } from '@/enums/RespEnum'; +import { errorCode } from '@/utils/errorCode'; +import { LoadingInstance } from 'element-plus/es/components/loading/src/loading'; +import FileSaver from 'file-saver'; +import { getLanguage } from '@/lang'; +import { encryptBase64, encryptWithAes, generateAesKey, decryptWithAes, decryptBase64 } from '@/utils/crypto'; +import { encrypt, decrypt } from '@/utils/jsencrypt'; + +const encryptHeader = 'encrypt-key'; +let downloadLoadingInstance: LoadingInstance; +// 是否显示重新登录 +export const isRelogin = { show: false }; +export const globalHeaders = () => { + return { + Authorization: 'Bearer ' + getToken(), + clientid: import.meta.env.VITE_APP_CLIENT_ID + }; +}; + +axios.defaults.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json;charset=utf-8'; +axios.defaults.headers['clientid'] = import.meta.env.VITE_APP_CLIENT_ID; +// 创建 axios 实例 +const service = axios.create({ + baseURL: import.meta.env.VITE_APP_BASE_API, + timeout: 50000 +}); + +// 请求拦截器 +service.interceptors.request.use( + (config: InternalAxiosRequestConfig) => { + // 对应国际化资源文件后缀 + config.headers['Content-Language'] = getLanguage(); + + const isToken = config.headers?.isToken === false; + // 是否需要防止数据重复提交 + const isRepeatSubmit = config.headers?.repeatSubmit === false; + // 是否需要加密 + const isEncrypt = config.headers?.isEncrypt === 'true'; + + if (getToken() && !isToken) { + config.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + getToken(); // 让每个请求携带自定义token 请根据实际情况自行修改 + } + // get请求映射params参数 + if (config.method === 'get' && config.params) { + let url = config.url + '?' + tansParams(config.params); + url = url.slice(0, -1); + config.params = {}; + config.url = url; + } + + if (!isRepeatSubmit && (config.method === 'post' || config.method === 'put')) { + const requestObj = { + url: config.url, + data: typeof config.data === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(config.data) : config.data, + time: new Date().getTime() + }; + const sessionObj = cache.session.getJSON('sessionObj'); + if (sessionObj === undefined || sessionObj === null || sessionObj === '') { + cache.session.setJSON('sessionObj', requestObj); + } else { + const s_url = sessionObj.url; // 请求地址 + const s_data = sessionObj.data; // 请求数据 + const s_time = sessionObj.time; // 请求时间 + const interval = 500; // 间隔时间(ms),小于此时间视为重复提交 + if (s_data === requestObj.data && requestObj.time - s_time < interval && s_url === requestObj.url) { + const message = '数据正在处理,请勿重复提交'; + console.warn(`[${s_url}]: ` + message); + return Promise.reject(new Error(message)); + } else { + cache.session.setJSON('sessionObj', requestObj); + } + } + } + // 当开启参数加密 + if (isEncrypt && (config.method === 'post' || config.method === 'put')) { + // 生成一个 AES 密钥 + const aesKey = generateAesKey(); + config.headers[encryptHeader] = encrypt(encryptBase64(aesKey)); + config.data = typeof config.data === 'object' ? encryptWithAes(JSON.stringify(config.data), aesKey) : encryptWithAes(config.data, aesKey); + } + // FormData数据去请求头Content-Type + if (config.data instanceof FormData) { + delete config.headers['Content-Type']; + } + return config; + }, + (error: any) => { + return Promise.reject(error); + } +); + +// 响应拦截器 +service.interceptors.response.use( + (res: AxiosResponse) => { + // 加密后的 AES 秘钥 + const keyStr = res.headers[encryptHeader]; + // 加密 + if (keyStr != null && keyStr != '') { + const data = res.data; + // 请求体 AES 解密 + const base64Str = decrypt(keyStr); + // base64 解码 得到请求头的 AES 秘钥 + const aesKey = decryptBase64(base64Str.toString()); + // aesKey 解码 data + const decryptData = decryptWithAes(data, aesKey); + // 将结果 (得到的是 JSON 字符串) 转为 JSON + res.data = JSON.parse(decryptData); + } + // 未设置状态码则默认成功状态 + const code = res.data.code || HttpStatus.SUCCESS; + // 获取错误信息 + const msg = errorCode[code] || res.data.msg || errorCode['default']; + // 二进制数据则直接返回 + if (res.request.responseType === 'blob' || res.request.responseType === 'arraybuffer') { + return res.data; + } + if (code === 401) { + // prettier-ignore + if (!isRelogin.show) { + isRelogin.show = true; + ElMessageBox.confirm('登录状态已过期,您可以继续留在该页面,或者重新登录', '系统提示', { + confirmButtonText: '重新登录', + cancelButtonText: '取消', + type: 'warning' + }).then(() => { + isRelogin.show = false; + useUserStore().logout().then(() => { + location.href = import.meta.env.VITE_APP_CONTEXT_PATH + 'index'; + }); + }).catch(() => { + isRelogin.show = false; + }); + } + return Promise.reject('无效的会话,或者会话已过期,请重新登录。'); + } else if (code === HttpStatus.SERVER_ERROR) { + ElMessage({ message: msg, type: 'error' }); + return Promise.reject(new Error(msg)); + } else if (code === HttpStatus.WARN) { + ElMessage({ message: msg, type: 'warning' }); + return Promise.reject(new Error(msg)); + } else if (code !== HttpStatus.SUCCESS) { + ElNotification.error({ title: msg }); + return Promise.reject('error'); + } else { + return Promise.resolve(res.data); + } + }, + (error: any) => { + let { message } = error; + if (message == 'Network Error') { + message = '后端接口连接异常'; + } else if (message.includes('timeout')) { + message = '系统接口请求超时'; + } else if (message.includes('Request failed with status code')) { + message = '系统接口' + message.substr(message.length - 3) + '异常'; + } + ElMessage({ message: message, type: 'error', duration: 5 * 1000 }); + return Promise.reject(error); + } +); +// 通用下载方法 +export function download(url: string, params: any, fileName: string) { + downloadLoadingInstance = ElLoading.service({ text: '正在下载数据,请稍候', background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)' }); + // prettier-ignore + return service.post(url, params, { + transformRequest: [ + (params: any) => { + return tansParams(params); + } + ], + headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, + responseType: 'blob' + }).then(async (resp: any) => { + const isLogin = blobValidate(resp); + if (isLogin) { + const blob = new Blob([resp]); + FileSaver.saveAs(blob, fileName); + } else { + const resText = await resp.data.text(); + const rspObj = JSON.parse(resText); + const errMsg = errorCode[rspObj.code] || rspObj.msg || errorCode['default']; + ElMessage.error(errMsg); + } + downloadLoadingInstance.close(); + }).catch((r: any) => { + console.error(r); + ElMessage.error('下载文件出现错误,请联系管理员!'); + downloadLoadingInstance.close(); + }); +} +// 导出 axios 实例 +export default service; diff --git a/src/utils/ruoyi.ts b/src/utils/ruoyi.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8efd12c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/ruoyi.ts @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +// 日期格式化 +export function parseTime(time: any, pattern?: string) { + if (arguments.length === 0 || !time) { + return null; + } + const format = pattern || '{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}'; + let date; + if (typeof time === 'object') { + date = time; + } else { + if (typeof time === 'string' && /^[0-9]+$/.test(time)) { + time = parseInt(time); + } else if (typeof time === 'string') { + time = time + .replace(new RegExp(/-/gm), '/') + .replace('T', ' ') + .replace(new RegExp(/\.[\d]{3}/gm), ''); + } + if (typeof time === 'number' && time.toString().length === 10) { + time = time * 1000; + } + date = new Date(time); + } + const formatObj: { [key: string]: any } = { + y: date.getFullYear(), + m: date.getMonth() + 1, + d: date.getDate(), + h: date.getHours(), + i: date.getMinutes(), + s: date.getSeconds(), + a: date.getDay() + }; + return format.replace(/{(y|m|d|h|i|s|a)+}/g, (result: string, key: string) => { + let value = formatObj[key]; + // Note: getDay() returns 0 on Sunday + if (key === 'a') { + return ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'][value]; + } + if (result.length > 0 && value < 10) { + value = '0' + value; + } + return value || 0; + }); +} + +/** + * 添加日期范围 + * @param params + * @param dateRange + * @param propName + */ +export const addDateRange = (params: any, dateRange: any[], propName?: string) => { + const search = params; + search.params = typeof search.params === 'object' && search.params !== null && !Array.isArray(search.params) ? search.params : {}; + dateRange = Array.isArray(dateRange) ? dateRange : []; + if (typeof propName === 'undefined') { + search.params['beginTime'] = dateRange[0]; + search.params['endTime'] = dateRange[1]; + } else { + search.params['begin' + propName] = dateRange[0]; + search.params['end' + propName] = dateRange[1]; + } + return search; +}; + +// 回显数据字典 +export const selectDictLabel = (datas: any, value: number | string) => { + if (value === undefined) { + return ''; + } + const actions: Array = []; + Object.keys(datas).some((key) => { + if (datas[key].value == '' + value) { + actions.push(datas[key].label); + return true; + } + }); + if (actions.length === 0) { + actions.push(value); + } + return actions.join(''); +}; + +// 回显数据字典(字符串数组) +export const selectDictLabels = (datas: any, value: any, separator: any) => { + if (value === undefined || value.length === 0) { + return ''; + } + if (Array.isArray(value)) { + value = value.join(','); + } + const actions: any[] = []; + const currentSeparator = undefined === separator ? ',' : separator; + const temp = value.split(currentSeparator); + Object.keys(value.split(currentSeparator)).some((val) => { + let match = false; + Object.keys(datas).some((key) => { + if (datas[key].value == '' + temp[val]) { + actions.push(datas[key].label + currentSeparator); + match = true; + } + }); + if (!match) { + actions.push(temp[val] + currentSeparator); + } + }); + return actions.join('').substring(0, actions.join('').length - 1); +}; + +// 字符串格式化(%s ) +export function sprintf(str: string) { + if (arguments.length !== 0) { + let flag = true, + i = 1; + str = str.replace(/%s/g, function () { + const arg = arguments[i++]; + if (typeof arg === 'undefined') { + flag = false; + return ''; + } + return arg; + }); + return flag ? str : ''; + } +} + +// 转换字符串,undefined,null等转化为"" +export const parseStrEmpty = (str: any) => { + if (!str || str == 'undefined' || str == 'null') { + return ''; + } + return str; +}; + +// 数据合并 +export const mergeRecursive = (source: any, target: any) => { + for (const p in target) { + try { + if (target[p].constructor == Object) { + source[p] = mergeRecursive(source[p], target[p]); + } else { + source[p] = target[p]; + } + } catch (e) { + source[p] = target[p]; + } + } + return source; +}; + +/** + * 构造树型结构数据 + * @param {*} data 数据源 + * @param {*} id id字段 默认 'id' + * @param {*} parentId 父节点字段 默认 'parentId' + * @param {*} children 孩子节点字段 默认 'children' + */ +export const handleTree = (data: any[], id?: string, parentId?: string, children?: string): T[] => { + const config: { + id: string; + parentId: string; + childrenList: string; + } = { + id: id || 'id', + parentId: parentId || 'parentId', + childrenList: children || 'children' + }; + + const childrenListMap: any = {}; + const nodeIds: any = {}; + const tree: T[] = []; + + for (const d of data) { + const parentId = d[config.parentId]; + if (childrenListMap[parentId] == null) { + childrenListMap[parentId] = []; + } + nodeIds[d[config.id]] = d; + childrenListMap[parentId].push(d); + } + + for (const d of data) { + const parentId = d[config.parentId]; + if (nodeIds[parentId] == null) { + tree.push(d); + } + } + const adaptToChildrenList = (o: any) => { + if (childrenListMap[o[config.id]] !== null) { + o[config.childrenList] = childrenListMap[o[config.id]]; + } + if (o[config.childrenList]) { + for (const c of o[config.childrenList]) { + adaptToChildrenList(c); + } + } + }; + + for (const t of tree) { + adaptToChildrenList(t); + } + + return tree; +}; + +/** + * 参数处理 + * @param {*} params 参数 + */ +export const tansParams = (params: any) => { + let result = ''; + for (const propName of Object.keys(params)) { + const value = params[propName]; + const part = encodeURIComponent(propName) + '='; + if (value !== null && value !== '' && typeof value !== 'undefined') { + if (typeof value === 'object') { + for (const key of Object.keys(value)) { + if (value[key] !== null && value[key] !== '' && typeof value[key] !== 'undefined') { + const params = propName + '[' + key + ']'; + const subPart = encodeURIComponent(params) + '='; + result += subPart + encodeURIComponent(value[key]) + '&'; + } + } + } else { + result += part + encodeURIComponent(value) + '&'; + } + } + } + return result; +}; + +// 返回项目路径 +export const getNormalPath = (p: string): string => { + if (p.length === 0 || !p || p === 'undefined') { + return p; + } + const res = p.replace('//', '/'); + if (res[res.length - 1] === '/') { + return res.slice(0, res.length - 1); + } + return res; +}; + +// 验证是否为blob格式 +export const blobValidate = (data: any) => { + return data.type !== 'application/json'; +}; + +export default { + handleTree +}; diff --git a/src/utils/scroll-to.ts b/src/utils/scroll-to.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c2fa379 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/scroll-to.ts @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +const easeInOutQuad = (t: number, b: number, c: number, d: number) => { + t /= d / 2; + if (t < 1) { + return (c / 2) * t * t + b; + } + t--; + return (-c / 2) * (t * (t - 2) - 1) + b; +}; + +// requestAnimationFrame for Smart Animating http://goo.gl/sx5sts +const requestAnimFrame = (function () { + return ( + window.requestAnimationFrame || + (window as any).webkitRequestAnimationFrame || + (window as any).mozRequestAnimationFrame || + function (callback) { + window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); + } + ); +})(); + +/** + * Because it's so fucking difficult to detect the scrolling element, just move them all + * @param {number} amount + */ +const move = (amount: number) => { + document.documentElement.scrollTop = amount; + (document.body.parentNode as HTMLElement).scrollTop = amount; + document.body.scrollTop = amount; +}; + +const position = () => { + return document.documentElement.scrollTop || (document.body.parentNode as HTMLElement).scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; +}; + +/** + * @param {number} to + * @param {number} duration + * @param {Function} callback + */ +export const scrollTo = (to: number, duration: number, callback?: any) => { + const start = position(); + const change = to - start; + const increment = 20; + let currentTime = 0; + duration = typeof duration === 'undefined' ? 500 : duration; + const animateScroll = function () { + // increment the time + currentTime += increment; + // find the value with the quadratic in-out easing function + const val = easeInOutQuad(currentTime, start, change, duration); + // move the document.body + move(val); + // do the animation unless its over + if (currentTime < duration) { + requestAnimFrame(animateScroll); + } else { + if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') { + // the animation is done so lets callback + callback(); + } + } + }; + animateScroll(); +}; diff --git a/src/utils/theme.ts b/src/utils/theme.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3936248 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/theme.ts @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +// 处理主题样式 +export const handleThemeStyle = (theme: string) => { + document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--el-color-primary', theme); + for (let i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { + document.documentElement.style.setProperty(`--el-color-primary-light-${i}`, `${getLightColor(theme, i / 10)}`); + } + for (let i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { + document.documentElement.style.setProperty(`--el-color-primary-dark-${i}`, `${getDarkColor(theme, i / 10)}`); + } +}; + +// hex颜色转rgb颜色 +export const hexToRgb = (str: string): string[] => { + str = str.replace('#', ''); + const hexs = str.match(/../g); + for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { + if (hexs) { + hexs[i] = String(parseInt(hexs[i], 16)); + } + } + return hexs ? hexs : []; +}; + +// rgb颜色转Hex颜色 +export const rgbToHex = (r: string, g: string, b: string) => { + const hexs = [Number(r).toString(16), Number(g).toString(16), Number(b).toString(16)]; + for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { + if (hexs[i].length == 1) { + hexs[i] = `0${hexs[i]}`; + } + } + return `#${hexs.join('')}`; +}; + +// 变浅颜色值 +export const getLightColor = (color: string, level: number) => { + const rgb = hexToRgb(color); + for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { + const s = (255 - Number(rgb[i])) * level + Number(rgb[i]); + rgb[i] = String(Math.floor(s)); + } + return rgbToHex(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); +}; + +// 变深颜色值 +export const getDarkColor = (color: string, level: number) => { + const rgb = hexToRgb(color); + for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { + rgb[i] = String(Math.floor(Number(rgb[i]) * (1 - level))); + } + return rgbToHex(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); +}; diff --git a/src/utils/validate.ts b/src/utils/validate.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d57894 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/validate.ts @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +/** + * 判断url是否是http或https + * @returns {Boolean} + * @param url + */ +export const isHttp = (url: string): boolean => { + return url.indexOf('http://') !== -1 || url.indexOf('https://') !== -1; +}; + +/** + * 判断path是否为外链 + * @param {string} path + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export const isExternal = (path: string) => { + return /^(https?:|mailto:|tel:)/.test(path); +}; + +/** + * @param {string} str + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export const validUsername = (str: string) => { + const valid_map = ['admin', 'editor']; + return valid_map.indexOf(str.trim()) >= 0; +}; + +/** + * @param {string} url + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export const validURL = (url: string) => { + const reg = + /^(https?|ftp):\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+(:[a-zA-Z0-9.&%$-]+)*@)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]?)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9]?[0-9])){3}|([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.)*[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.(com|edu|gov|int|mil|net|org|biz|arpa|info|name|pro|aero|coop|museum|[a-zA-Z]{2}))(:[0-9]+)*(\/($|[a-zA-Z0-9.,?'\\+&%$#=~_-]+))*$/; + return reg.test(url); +}; + +/** + * @param {string} str + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export const validLowerCase = (str: string) => { + const reg = /^[a-z]+$/; + return reg.test(str); +}; + +/** + * @param {string} str + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export const validUpperCase = (str: string) => { + const reg = /^[A-Z]+$/; + return reg.test(str); +}; + +/** + * @param {string} str + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export const validAlphabets = (str: string) => { + const reg = /^[A-Za-z]+$/; + return reg.test(str); +}; + +/** + * @param {string} email + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export const validEmail = (email: string) => { + const reg = + /^(([^<>()\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; + return reg.test(email); +}; + +/** + * @param {string} str + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export const isString = (str: any) => { + return typeof str === 'string' || str instanceof String; +}; + +/** + * @param {Array} arg + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +export const isArray = (arg: string | string[]) => { + if (typeof Array.isArray === 'undefined') { + return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object Array]'; + } + return Array.isArray(arg); +}; diff --git a/src/utils/websocket.ts b/src/utils/websocket.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3abf3d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/utils/websocket.ts @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +/** + * @module initWebSocket 初始化 + * @module websocketonopen 连接成功 + * @module websocketonerror 连接失败 + * @module websocketclose 断开连接 + * @module resetHeart 重置心跳 + * @module sendSocketHeart 心跳发送 + * @module reconnect 重连 + * @module sendMsg 发送数据 + * @module websocketonmessage 接收数据 + * @module test 测试收到消息传递 + * @description socket 通信 + * @param {any} url socket地址 + * @param {any} websocket websocket 实例 + * @param {any} heartTime 心跳定时器实例 + * @param {number} socketHeart 心跳次数 + * @param {number} HeartTimeOut 心跳超时时间 + * @param {number} socketError 错误次数 + */ + +import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth'; +import { ElNotification } from 'element-plus'; +import useNoticeStore from '@/store/modules/notice'; + +let socketUrl: any = ''; // socket地址 +let websocket: any = null; // websocket 实例 +let heartTime: any = null; // 心跳定时器实例 +let socketHeart = 0 as number; // 心跳次数 +const HeartTimeOut = 10000; // 心跳超时时间 10000 = 10s +let socketError = 0 as number; // 错误次数 + +// 初始化socket +export const initWebSocket = (url: any) => { + if (import.meta.env.VITE_APP_WEBSOCKET === 'false') { + return; + } + socketUrl = url; + // 初始化 websocket + websocket = new WebSocket(url + '?Authorization=Bearer ' + getToken() + '&clientid=' + import.meta.env.VITE_APP_CLIENT_ID); + websocketonopen(); + websocketonmessage(); + websocketonerror(); + websocketclose(); + sendSocketHeart(); + return websocket; +}; + +// socket 连接成功 +export const websocketonopen = () => { + websocket.onopen = function () { + //console.log('连接 websocket 成功'); + resetHeart(); + }; +}; + +// socket 连接失败 +export const websocketonerror = () => { + websocket.onerror = function (e: any) { + //console.log('连接 websocket 失败', e); + }; +}; + +// socket 断开链接 +export const websocketclose = () => { + websocket.onclose = function (e: any) { + //console.log('断开连接', e); + }; +}; + +// socket 重置心跳 +export const resetHeart = () => { + socketHeart = 0; + socketError = 0; + clearInterval(heartTime); + sendSocketHeart(); +}; + +// socket心跳发送 +export const sendSocketHeart = () => { + heartTime = setInterval(() => { + // 如果连接正常则发送心跳 + if (websocket.readyState == 1) { + // if (socketHeart <= 30) { + websocket.send( + JSON.stringify({ + type: 'ping' + }) + ); + socketHeart = socketHeart + 1; + } else { + // 重连 + reconnect(); + } + }, HeartTimeOut); +}; + +// socket重连 +export const reconnect = () => { + if (socketError <= 2) { + clearInterval(heartTime); + initWebSocket(socketUrl); + socketError = socketError + 1; + // eslint-disable-next-line prettier/prettier + //console.log('socket重连', socketError); + } else { + // eslint-disable-next-line prettier/prettier + //console.log('重试次数已用完'); + clearInterval(heartTime); + } +}; + +// socket 发送数据 +export const sendMsg = (data: any) => { + websocket.send(data); +}; + +// socket 接收数据 +export const websocketonmessage = () => { + websocket.onmessage = function (e: any) { + if (e.data.indexOf('heartbeat') > 0) { + resetHeart(); + } + if (e.data.indexOf('ping') > 0) { + return; + } + useNoticeStore().addNotice({ + message: e.data, + read: false, + time: new Date().toLocaleString() + }); + ElNotification({ + title: '消息', + message: e.data, + type: 'success', + duration: 3000 + }); + return e.data; + }; +}; diff --git a/src/views/demo/demo/index.vue b/src/views/demo/demo/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1430a54 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/demo/demo/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/demo/tree/index.vue b/src/views/demo/tree/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5dfda6c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/demo/tree/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/error/401.vue b/src/views/error/401.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..968550c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/error/401.vue @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/src/views/error/404.vue b/src/views/error/404.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9a9ea3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/error/404.vue @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ + + + + + diff --git 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b/src/views/system/user/profile/userInfo.vue @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/tool/build/index.vue b/src/views/tool/build/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef0c079 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/tool/build/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + diff --git a/src/views/tool/gen/basicInfoForm.vue b/src/views/tool/gen/basicInfoForm.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5412088 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/tool/gen/basicInfoForm.vue @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/tool/gen/editTable.vue b/src/views/tool/gen/editTable.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2175a9c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/tool/gen/editTable.vue @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/tool/gen/genInfoForm.vue b/src/views/tool/gen/genInfoForm.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8d7e13 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/tool/gen/genInfoForm.vue @@ -0,0 +1,295 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/tool/gen/importTable.vue b/src/views/tool/gen/importTable.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8bf7c8e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/tool/gen/importTable.vue @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ + + + diff --git a/src/views/tool/gen/index.vue b/src/views/tool/gen/index.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac2cded --- /dev/null +++ b/src/views/tool/gen/index.vue @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ + + + diff --git a/tsconfig.json b/tsconfig.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4bf3ac --- /dev/null +++ b/tsconfig.json @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +{ + "compilerOptions": { + "target": "esnext", + "module": "esnext", +// "useDefineForClassFields": true, + "moduleResolution": "bundler", + "strict": true, + "jsx": "preserve", + "strictNullChecks": false, + "sourceMap": true, + "resolveJsonModule": true, + "esModuleInterop": true, + "strictFunctionTypes": false, + "lib": ["esnext", "dom"], + "noImplicitAny": false, + "baseUrl": ".", + "allowJs": true, + "experimentalDecorators": true, + "paths": { + "@/*": ["src/*"] + }, + "compilerOptions": { + "types": ["element-plus/global"] + }, + "types": ["vite/client"], + "skipLibCheck": true, + "removeComments": true, + // 允许默认导入 + "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, + "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true + }, + "include": ["src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.vue", "src/types/**/*.d.ts", "vite.config.ts"], + "exclude": ["node_modules", "dist", "**/*.js", "**/*.md", "src/**/*.md"] +} diff --git a/uno.config.ts b/uno.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c60a22 --- /dev/null +++ b/uno.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +import { + defineConfig, + presetAttributify, + presetIcons, + presetTypography, + presetUno, + presetWebFonts, + transformerDirectives, + transformerVariantGroup +} from 'unocss'; + +export default defineConfig({ + shortcuts: { + 'panel-title': + 'pb-[5px] font-sans leading-[1.1] font-medium text-base text-[#6379bb] border-b border-b-solid border-[var(--el-border-color-light)] mb-5 mt-0' + }, + theme: { + colors: { + primary: 'var(--el-color-primary)', + primary_dark: 'var(--el-color-primary-light-5)' + } + }, + presets: [ + presetUno(), + presetAttributify(), + presetIcons(), + presetTypography(), + presetWebFonts({ + fonts: {} + }) + ], + transformers: [transformerDirectives(), transformerVariantGroup()] +}); diff --git a/vite.config.ts b/vite.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01da668 --- /dev/null +++ b/vite.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +import { UserConfig, ConfigEnv, loadEnv, defineConfig } from 'vite'; + +import createPlugins from './vite/plugins'; + +import path from 'path'; +export default defineConfig(({ mode, command }: ConfigEnv): UserConfig => { + const env = loadEnv(mode, process.cwd()); + return { + // 部署生产环境和开发环境下的URL。 + // 默认情况下,vite 会假设你的应用是被部署在一个域名的根路径上 + // 例如 https://www.ruoyi.vip/。如果应用被部署在一个子路径上,你就需要用这个选项指定这个子路径。例如,如果你的应用被部署在 https://www.ruoyi.vip/admin/,则设置 baseUrl 为 /admin/。 + base: env.VITE_APP_CONTEXT_PATH, + resolve: { + alias: { + '~': path.resolve(__dirname, './'), + '@': path.resolve(__dirname, './src') + }, + extensions: ['.mjs', '.js', '.ts', '.jsx', '.tsx', '.json', '.vue'] + }, + // https://cn.vitejs.dev/config/#resolve-extensions + plugins: createPlugins(env, command === 'build'), + server: { + host: '', + port: Number(env.VITE_APP_PORT), + open: true, + proxy: { + [env.VITE_APP_BASE_API]: { + target: 'http://localhost:8080', + changeOrigin: true, + ws: true, + rewrite: (path) => path.replace(new RegExp('^' + env.VITE_APP_BASE_API), '') + } + } + }, + css: { + preprocessorOptions: { + scss: { + javascriptEnabled: true + } + }, + postcss: { + plugins: [ + { + postcssPlugin: 'internal:charset-removal', + AtRule: { + charset: (atRule) => { + if (atRule.name === 'charset') { + atRule.remove(); + } + } + } + } + ] + } + }, + // 预编译 + optimizeDeps: { + include: [ + 'vue', + 'vue-router', + 'pinia', + 'axios', + '@vueuse/core', + 'path-to-regexp', + 'echarts', + 'vue-i18n', + '@vueup/vue-quill', + + 'element-plus/es/components/form/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/form-item/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/button/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/input/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/input-number/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/switch/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/upload/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/menu/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/col/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/icon/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/row/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/tag/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/dialog/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/loading/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/radio/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/radio-group/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/popover/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/scrollbar/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/tooltip/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/dropdown/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/dropdown-menu/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/dropdown-item/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/sub-menu/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/menu-item/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/divider/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/card/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/link/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/breadcrumb/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/breadcrumb-item/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/table/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/tree-select/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/table-column/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/select/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/option/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/pagination/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/tree/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/alert/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/checkbox/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/date-picker/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/transfer/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/tabs/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/image/style/css', + 'element-plus/es/components/tab-pane/style/css' + ] + } + }; +}); diff --git a/vite/plugins/auto-import.ts b/vite/plugins/auto-import.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..072ef61 --- /dev/null +++ b/vite/plugins/auto-import.ts @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +import AutoImport from 'unplugin-auto-import/vite'; +import { ElementPlusResolver } from 'unplugin-vue-components/resolvers'; +import IconsResolver from 'unplugin-icons/resolver'; + +export default (path: any) => { + return AutoImport({ + // 自动导入 Vue 相关函数 + imports: ['vue', 'vue-router', '@vueuse/core', 'pinia'], + eslintrc: { + enabled: false, + filepath: './.eslintrc-auto-import.json', + globalsPropValue: true + }, + resolvers: [ + // 自动导入 Element Plus 相关函数ElMessage, ElMessageBox... (带样式) + ElementPlusResolver(), + IconsResolver({ + prefix: 'Icon' + }) + ], + vueTemplate: true, // 是否在 vue 模板中自动导入 + dts: path.resolve(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../src'), 'types', 'auto-imports.d.ts') + }); +}; diff --git a/vite/plugins/components.ts b/vite/plugins/components.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..336f5cf --- /dev/null +++ b/vite/plugins/components.ts @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +import Components from 'unplugin-vue-components/vite'; +import { ElementPlusResolver } from 'unplugin-vue-components/resolvers'; +import IconsResolver from 'unplugin-icons/resolver'; + +export default (path: any) => { + return Components({ + resolvers: [ + // 自动导入 Element Plus 组件 + ElementPlusResolver(), + // 自动注册图标组件 + IconsResolver({ + enabledCollections: ['ep'] + }) + ], + dts: path.resolve(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../src'), 'types', 'components.d.ts') + }); +}; diff --git a/vite/plugins/compression.ts b/vite/plugins/compression.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa8c779 --- /dev/null +++ b/vite/plugins/compression.ts @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +import compression from 'vite-plugin-compression'; + +export default (env: any) => { + const { VITE_BUILD_COMPRESS } = env; + const plugin: any[] = []; + if (VITE_BUILD_COMPRESS) { + const compressList = VITE_BUILD_COMPRESS.split(','); + if (compressList.includes('gzip')) { + // http://doc.ruoyi.vip/ruoyi-vue/other/faq.html#使用gzip解压缩静态文件 + plugin.push( + compression({ + ext: '.gz', + deleteOriginFile: false + }) + ); + } + if (compressList.includes('brotli')) { + plugin.push( + compression({ + ext: '.br', + algorithm: 'brotliCompress', + deleteOriginFile: false + }) + ); + } + } + return plugin; +}; diff --git a/vite/plugins/i18n.ts b/vite/plugins/i18n.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8777d1a --- /dev/null +++ b/vite/plugins/i18n.ts @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +import VueI18nPlugin from '@intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n/vite'; +export default (path: any) => { + return VueI18nPlugin({ + include: [path.resolve(__dirname, '../../src/lang/**.json')] + }); +}; diff --git a/vite/plugins/icons.ts b/vite/plugins/icons.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..883f230 --- /dev/null +++ b/vite/plugins/icons.ts @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +import Icons from 'unplugin-icons/vite'; + +export default () => { + return Icons({ + // 自动安装图标库 + autoInstall: true + }); +}; diff --git a/vite/plugins/index.ts b/vite/plugins/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ec5b8d --- /dev/null +++ b/vite/plugins/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'; +import createUnoCss from './unocss'; +import createAutoImport from './auto-import'; +import createComponents from './components'; +import createIcons from './icons'; +import createSvgIconsPlugin from './svg-icon'; +import createCompression from './compression'; +import createSetupExtend from './setup-extend'; +import createI18n from './i18n'; +import path from 'path'; + +export default (viteEnv: any, isBuild = false): [] => { + const vitePlugins: any = []; + vitePlugins.push(vue()); + vitePlugins.push(createUnoCss()); + vitePlugins.push(createAutoImport(path)); + vitePlugins.push(createComponents(path)); + vitePlugins.push(createCompression(viteEnv)); + vitePlugins.push(createIcons()); + vitePlugins.push(createSvgIconsPlugin(path, isBuild)); + vitePlugins.push(createSetupExtend()); + vitePlugins.push(createI18n(path)); + return vitePlugins; +}; diff --git a/vite/plugins/setup-extend.ts b/vite/plugins/setup-extend.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed3423f --- /dev/null +++ b/vite/plugins/setup-extend.ts @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +import setupExtend from 'unplugin-vue-setup-extend-plus/vite'; + +export default () => { + return setupExtend({}); +}; diff --git a/vite/plugins/svg-icon.ts b/vite/plugins/svg-icon.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70296da --- /dev/null +++ b/vite/plugins/svg-icon.ts @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +import { createSvgIconsPlugin } from 'vite-plugin-svg-icons'; +export default (path: any, isBuild: boolean) => { + return createSvgIconsPlugin({ + // 指定需要缓存的图标文件夹 + iconDirs: [path.resolve(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../src'), 'assets/icons/svg')], + // 指定symbolId格式 + symbolId: 'icon-[dir]-[name]', + svgoOptions: isBuild + }); +}; diff --git a/vite/plugins/unocss.ts b/vite/plugins/unocss.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08e186b --- /dev/null +++ b/vite/plugins/unocss.ts @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +import UnoCss from 'unocss/vite'; + +export default () => { + return UnoCss({ + hmrTopLevelAwait: false // unocss默认是true,低版本浏览器是不支持的,启动后会报错 + }); +};