2023-12-23 17:19:49 +08:00

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drop table if exists demo_student;
create table if not exists demo_student (
student_id BIGSERIAL,
student_name varchar(30) not null,
student_age integer,
student_hobby varchar(30) not null,
student_sex char not null,
student_status char default '0'::bpchar,
student_birthday timestamp,
constraint "demo_student_pk" primary key (student_id)
comment on table demo_student is '学生信息单表(mb)';
comment on column demo_student.student_id is '编号';
comment on column demo_student.student_name is '学生名称';
comment on column demo_student.student_age is '年龄';
comment on column demo_student.student_hobby is '爱好0代码 1音乐 2电影';
comment on column demo_student.student_sex is '性别1男 2女 3未知';
comment on column demo_student.student_status is '状态0正常 1停用';
comment on column demo_student.student_birthday is '生日';
drop table if exists demo_product;
create table if not exists demo_product (
parent_id bigint NULL DEFAULT 0,
product_name varchar(30) NOT NULL,
order_num INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
status char(1) NULL DEFAULT '0',
constraint "demo_product_pk" PRIMARY KEY (product_id)
comment on table demo_product is '产品树表(mb)';
comment on column demo_product.product_id is '产品id';
comment on column demo_product.parent_id is '父产品id';
comment on column demo_product.product_name is '产品名称';
comment on column demo_product.order_num is '显示顺序';
comment on column demo_product.status is '产品状态0正常 1停用';
drop table if exists demo_customer;
create table if not exists demo_customer (
customer_name varchar(30) not null DEFAULT '',
phonenumber varchar(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
sex char(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
remark varchar(500) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
constraint "demo_customer_pk" PRIMARY KEY (customer_id)
comment on table demo_customer is '客户主表(mb)';
comment on column demo_customer.customer_id is '客户id';
comment on column demo_customer.customer_name is '客户姓名';
comment on column demo_customer.phonenumber is '手机号码';
comment on column is '客户性别';
comment on column demo_customer.birthday is '客户生日';
comment on column demo_customer.remark is '客户描述';
customer_id bigint NOT NULL,
name varchar(30) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
price decimal(6,2) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
"date" timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
"type" char(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
constraint "demo_goods_pk" PRIMARY KEY (goods_id)
comment on table demo_goods is '商品子表(mb)';
comment on column demo_goods.goods_id is '商品id';
comment on column demo_goods.customer_id is '客户id';
comment on column is '商品名称';
comment on column demo_goods.weight is '商品重量';
comment on column demo_goods.price is '商品价格';
comment on column demo_goods."date" is '商品时间';
comment on column demo_goods."type" is '商品种类';
drop table if exists gen_table;
create table if not exists gen_table
table_id bigint,
table_name varchar(200) default ''::varchar,
table_comment varchar(500) default ''::varchar,
sub_table_name varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
sub_table_fk_name varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
class_name varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
tpl_category varchar(200) default 'crud'::varchar,
package_name varchar(100) default null::varchar,
module_name varchar(30) default null::varchar,
business_name varchar(30) default null::varchar,
function_name varchar(50) default null::varchar,
function_author varchar(50) default null::varchar,
gen_type char default '0'::bpchar not null,
gen_path varchar(200) default '/'::varchar,
options varchar(1000) default null::varchar,
create_by bigint,
create_time timestamp,
update_by bigint,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default null::varchar,
constraint gen_table_pk primary key (table_id)
comment on table gen_table is '代码生成业务表';
comment on column gen_table.table_id is '编号';
comment on column gen_table.table_name is '表名称';
comment on column gen_table.table_comment is '表描述';
comment on column gen_table.sub_table_name is '关联子表的表名';
comment on column gen_table.sub_table_fk_name is '子表关联的外键名';
comment on column gen_table.class_name is '实体类名称';
comment on column gen_table.tpl_category is '使用的模板CRUD单表操作 TREE树表操作';
comment on column gen_table.package_name is '生成包路径';
comment on column gen_table.module_name is '生成模块名';
comment on column gen_table.business_name is '生成业务名';
comment on column gen_table.function_name is '生成功能名';
comment on column gen_table.function_author is '生成功能作者';
comment on column gen_table.gen_type is '生成代码方式0zip压缩包 1自定义路径';
comment on column gen_table.gen_path is '生成路径(不填默认项目路径)';
comment on column gen_table.options is '其它生成选项';
comment on column gen_table.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column gen_table.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column gen_table.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column gen_table.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column gen_table.remark is '备注';
(13, 'mf_student', '学生信息单表', NULL, NULL, 'Student', 'crud', '', 'mf', 'student', '学生信息表', '数据小王子', '0', '/', '{"parentMenuId":"2018"}', 1, '2023-11-17 14:12:07', 0, '2023-12-04 15:59:36', 'mybatis-flex版本的学生信息单表演示'),
(15, 'mf_product', '产品树表', '', '', 'MfProduct', 'tree', '', 'mf', 'product', '产品树', '数据小王子', '0', '/', '{"treeCode":"product_id","treeName":"product_name","treeParentCode":"parent_id","parentMenuId":"2018"}', 1, '2023-11-22 22:44:33', 0, '2023-11-23 10:57:43', 'mybatis-flex版本的产品树表演示'),
(16, 'mf_customer', '客户主表', 'mf_goods', 'customer_id', 'Customer', 'sub', '', 'mf', 'customer', '客户主表', '数据小王子', '0', '/', '{"parentMenuId":"2018"}', 1, '2023-12-04 22:19:16', 0, '2023-12-05 09:41:57', 'mybatis-flex格式的主子表测试'),
(17, 'mf_goods', '商品子表', NULL, NULL, 'Goods', 'crud', 'com.ruoyi.demo', 'demo', 'goods', '商品子表', '数据小王子', '0', '/', '{}', 1, '2023-12-04 22:22:22', 0, '2023-12-05 10:50:30', NULL);
drop table if exists gen_table_column;
create table if not exists gen_table_column
column_id bigint,
table_id bigint,
column_name varchar(200) default null::varchar,
column_comment varchar(500) default null::varchar,
column_type varchar(100) default null::varchar,
java_type varchar(500) default null::varchar,
java_field varchar(200) default null::varchar,
is_pk char default null::bpchar,
is_increment char default null::bpchar,
is_required char default null::bpchar,
is_insert char default null::bpchar,
is_edit char default null::bpchar,
is_list char default null::bpchar,
is_query char default null::bpchar,
query_type varchar(200) default 'EQ'::varchar,
html_type varchar(200) default null::varchar,
dict_type varchar(200) default ''::varchar,
sort int4,
create_by bigint,
create_time timestamp,
update_by bigint,
update_time timestamp,
constraint gen_table_column_pk primary key (column_id)
comment on table gen_table_column is '代码生成业务表字段';
comment on column gen_table_column.column_id is '编号';
comment on column gen_table_column.table_id is '归属表编号';
comment on column gen_table_column.column_name is '列名称';
comment on column gen_table_column.column_comment is '列描述';
comment on column gen_table_column.column_type is '列类型';
comment on column gen_table_column.java_type is 'JAVA类型';
comment on column gen_table_column.java_field is 'JAVA字段名';
comment on column gen_table_column.is_pk is '是否主键1是';
comment on column gen_table_column.is_increment is '是否自增1是';
comment on column gen_table_column.is_required is '是否必填1是';
comment on column gen_table_column.is_insert is '是否为插入字段1是';
comment on column gen_table_column.is_edit is '是否编辑字段1是';
comment on column gen_table_column.is_list is '是否列表字段1是';
comment on column gen_table_column.is_query is '是否查询字段1是';
comment on column gen_table_column.query_type is '查询方式(等于、不等于、大于、小于、范围)';
comment on column gen_table_column.html_type is '显示类型(文本框、文本域、下拉框、复选框、单选框、日期控件)';
comment on column gen_table_column.dict_type is '字典类型';
comment on column gen_table_column.sort is '排序';
comment on column gen_table_column.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column gen_table_column.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column gen_table_column.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column gen_table_column.update_time is '更新时间';
INSERT INTO gen_table_column VALUES
(74, 13, 'student_id', '编号', 'bigint', 'Long', 'studentId', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'input', '', 1, 1, '2023-11-17 14:12:07', 0, '2023-12-04 15:59:36'),
(75, 13, 'student_name', '学生名称', 'varchar(30)', 'String', 'studentName', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', 'LIKE', 'input', '', 2, 1, '2023-11-17 14:12:07', 0, '2023-12-04 15:59:36'),
(76, 13, 'student_age', '年龄', 'int', 'Long', 'studentAge', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', 'EQ', 'input', '', 3, 1, '2023-11-17 14:12:07', 0, '2023-12-04 15:59:36'),
(77, 13, 'student_hobby', '爱好0代码 1音乐 2电影', 'varchar(30)', 'String', 'studentHobby', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', 'EQ', 'select', 'sys_student_hobby', 4, 1, '2023-11-17 14:12:07', 0, '2023-12-04 15:59:36'),
(78, 13, 'student_gender', '性别1男 2女 3未知', 'char(1)', 'String', 'studentGender', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', 'EQ', 'radio', 'sys_user_gender', 5, 1, '2023-11-17 14:12:07', 0, '2023-12-04 15:59:36'),
(79, 13, 'student_status', '状态0正常 1停用', 'char(1)', 'String', 'studentStatus', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', 'EQ', 'select', 'sys_student_status', 6, 1, '2023-11-17 14:12:07', 0, '2023-12-04 15:59:36'),
(80, 13, 'student_birthday', '生日', 'datetime', 'Date', 'studentBirthday', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', 'EQ', 'datetime', '', 7, 1, '2023-11-17 14:12:07', 0, '2023-12-04 15:59:36'),
(81, 13, 'create_by', '创建者', 'bigint', 'Long', 'createBy', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'input', '', 8, 0, '2023-11-22 21:03:59', 0, '2023-12-04 15:59:36'),
(82, 13, 'create_time', '创建时间', 'datetime', 'Date', 'createTime', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'datetime', '', 9, 0, '2023-11-22 21:03:59', 0, '2023-12-04 15:59:36'),
(83, 13, 'update_by', '更新者', 'bigint', 'Long', 'updateBy', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'input', '', 10, 0, '2023-11-22 21:03:59', 0, '2023-12-04 15:59:36'),
(84, 13, 'update_time', '更新时间', 'datetime', 'Date', 'updateTime', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'datetime', '', 11, 0, '2023-11-22 21:03:59', 0, '2023-12-04 15:59:36'),
(94, 15, 'product_id', '产品id', 'bigint', 'Long', 'productId', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'input', '', 1, 1, '2023-11-22 22:44:33', 0, '2023-11-23 10:57:43'),
(95, 15, 'parent_id', '父产品id', 'bigint', 'Long', 'parentId', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', 'EQ', 'input', '', 2, 1, '2023-11-22 22:44:33', 0, '2023-11-23 10:57:43'),
(96, 15, 'product_name', '产品名称', 'varchar(30)', 'String', 'productName', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', 'LIKE', 'input', '', 3, 1, '2023-11-22 22:44:33', 0, '2023-11-23 10:57:43'),
(97, 15, 'order_num', '显示顺序', 'int', 'Long', 'orderNum', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', 'EQ', 'input', '', 4, 1, '2023-11-22 22:44:33', 0, '2023-11-23 10:57:43'),
(98, 15, 'status', '产品状态0正常 1停用', 'char(1)', 'String', 'status', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', 'EQ', 'radio', 'sys_student_status', 5, 1, '2023-11-22 22:44:33', 0, '2023-11-23 10:57:43'),
(99, 15, 'create_by', '创建者', 'bigint', 'Long', 'createBy', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'input', '', 6, 1, '2023-11-22 22:44:33', 0, '2023-11-23 10:57:43'),
(100, 15, 'create_time', '创建时间', 'datetime', 'Date', 'createTime', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'datetime', '', 7, 1, '2023-11-22 22:44:33', 0, '2023-11-23 10:57:43'),
(101, 15, 'update_by', '更新者', 'bigint', 'Long', 'updateBy', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'input', '', 8, 1, '2023-11-22 22:44:33', 0, '2023-11-23 10:57:43'),
(102, 15, 'update_time', '更新时间', 'datetime', 'Date', 'updateTime', '0', '0', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'datetime', '', 9, 1, '2023-11-22 22:44:33', 0, '2023-11-23 10:57:43'),
(103, 16, 'customer_id', '客户id', 'bigint', 'Long', 'customerId', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'input', '', 1, 1, '2023-12-04 22:19:16', 0, '2023-12-05 09:41:57'),
(104, 16, 'customer_name', '客户姓名', 'varchar(30)', 'String', 'customerName', '0', '0', NULL, '1', '1', '1', '1', 'LIKE', 'input', '', 2, 1, '2023-12-04 22:19:16', 0, '2023-12-05 09:41:57'),
(105, 16, 'phonenumber', '手机号码', 'varchar(11)', 'String', 'phonenumber', '0', '0', NULL, '1', '1', '1', '1', 'EQ', 'input', '', 3, 1, '2023-12-04 22:19:16', 0, '2023-12-05 09:41:57'),
(106, 16, 'gender', '客户性别', 'varchar(20)', 'String', 'gender', '0', '0', NULL, '1', '1', '1', '1', 'EQ', 'select', 'sys_user_gender', 4, 1, '2023-12-04 22:19:16', 0, '2023-12-05 09:41:57'),
(107, 16, 'birthday', '客户生日', 'datetime', 'Date', 'birthday', '0', '0', NULL, '1', '1', '1', '0', 'EQ', 'datetime', '', 5, 1, '2023-12-04 22:19:16', 0, '2023-12-05 09:41:57'),
(108, 16, 'remark', '客户描述', 'varchar(500)', 'String', 'remark', '0', '0', NULL, '1', '1', '0', NULL, 'EQ', 'textarea', '', 6, 1, '2023-12-04 22:19:16', 0, '2023-12-05 09:41:57'),
(109, 16, 'create_by', '创建者', 'bigint', 'Long', 'createBy', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'input', '', 7, 1, '2023-12-04 22:19:16', 0, '2023-12-05 09:41:57'),
(110, 16, 'create_time', '创建时间', 'datetime', 'Date', 'createTime', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'datetime', '', 8, 1, '2023-12-04 22:19:16', 0, '2023-12-05 09:41:57'),
(111, 16, 'update_by', '更新者', 'bigint', 'Long', 'updateBy', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'input', '', 9, 1, '2023-12-04 22:19:16', 0, '2023-12-05 09:41:57'),
(112, 16, 'update_time', '更新时间', 'datetime', 'Date', 'updateTime', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'datetime', '', 10, 1, '2023-12-04 22:19:16', 0, '2023-12-05 09:41:57'),
(113, 17, 'goods_id', '商品id', 'bigint', 'Long', 'goodsId', '1', '0', NULL, NULL, '1', NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'input', '', 1, 1, '2023-12-04 22:22:22', 0, '2023-12-05 10:50:30'),
(114, 17, 'customer_id', '客户id', 'bigint', 'Long', 'customerId', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', 'EQ', 'input', '', 2, 1, '2023-12-04 22:22:22', 0, '2023-12-05 10:50:30'),
(115, 17, 'name', '商品名称', 'varchar(30)', 'String', 'name', '0', '0', NULL, '1', '1', '1', '1', 'LIKE', 'input', '', 3, 1, '2023-12-04 22:22:22', 0, '2023-12-05 10:50:30'),
(116, 17, 'weight', '商品重量', 'int', 'Long', 'weight', '0', '0', NULL, '1', '1', '1', '1', 'EQ', 'input', '', 4, 1, '2023-12-04 22:22:22', 0, '2023-12-05 10:50:30'),
(117, 17, 'price', '商品价格', 'decimal(6,2)', 'BigDecimal', 'price', '0', '0', NULL, '1', '1', '1', '1', 'EQ', 'input', '', 5, 1, '2023-12-04 22:22:22', 0, '2023-12-05 10:50:30'),
(118, 17, 'date', '商品时间', 'datetime', 'Date', 'date', '0', '0', NULL, '1', '1', '1', '0', 'EQ', 'datetime', '', 6, 1, '2023-12-04 22:22:22', 0, '2023-12-05 10:50:30'),
(119, 17, 'type', '商品种类', 'char(1)', 'String', 'type', '0', '0', NULL, '1', '1', '1', '1', 'EQ', 'select', 'sys_goods_type', 7, 1, '2023-12-04 22:22:22', 0, '2023-12-05 10:50:30'),
(120, 17, 'create_by', '创建者', 'bigint', 'Long', 'createBy', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'input', '', 8, 1, '2023-12-04 22:22:22', 0, '2023-12-05 10:50:30'),
(121, 17, 'create_time', '创建时间', 'datetime', 'Date', 'createTime', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'datetime', '', 9, 1, '2023-12-04 22:22:22', 0, '2023-12-05 10:50:30'),
(122, 17, 'update_by', '更新者', 'bigint', 'Long', 'updateBy', '0', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'input', '', 10, 1, '2023-12-04 22:22:22', 0, '2023-12-05 10:50:30'),
(123, 17, 'update_time', '更新时间', 'datetime', 'Date', 'updateTime', '0', '0', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'EQ', 'datetime', '', 11, 1, '2023-12-04 22:22:22', 0, '2023-12-05 10:50:30');
drop table if exists mf_student;
create table if not exists mf_student (
student_id bigint,
student_name varchar(30) not null,
student_age integer,
student_hobby varchar(30) not null,
student_gender char not null,
student_status char default '0'::bpchar,
student_birthday timestamp,
create_by bigint,
create_time timestamp,
update_by bigint,
update_time timestamp,
constraint "mf_student_pk" primary key (student_id)
comment on table mf_student is '学生信息单表';
comment on column mf_student.student_id is '编号';
comment on column mf_student.student_name is '学生名称';
comment on column mf_student.student_age is '年龄';
comment on column mf_student.student_hobby is '爱好0代码 1音乐 2电影';
comment on column mf_student.student_gender is '性别1男 2女 3未知';
comment on column mf_student.student_status is '状态0正常 1停用';
comment on column mf_student.student_birthday is '生日';
comment on column mf_student.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column mf_student.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column mf_student.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column mf_student.update_time is '更新时间';
drop table if exists mf_product;
create table if not exists mf_product (
product_id bigint NOT NULL,
parent_id bigint NULL DEFAULT 0,
product_name varchar(30) NOT NULL,
order_num INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
status char(1) NULL DEFAULT '0',
constraint "mf_product_pk" PRIMARY KEY (product_id)
comment on table mf_product is '产品树表';
comment on column mf_product.product_id is '产品id';
comment on column mf_product.parent_id is '父产品id';
comment on column mf_product.product_name is '产品名称';
comment on column mf_product.order_num is '显示顺序';
comment on column mf_product.status is '产品状态0正常 1停用';
comment on column mf_product.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column mf_product.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column mf_product.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column mf_product.update_time is '更新时间';
drop table if exists mf_customer;
create table if not exists mf_customer (
customer_id bigint NOT NULL,
customer_name varchar(30) not null DEFAULT '',
phonenumber varchar(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
gender char(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
remark varchar(500) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
constraint "mf_customer_pk" PRIMARY KEY (customer_id)
comment on table mf_customer is '客户主表';
comment on column mf_customer.customer_id is '客户id';
comment on column mf_customer.customer_name is '客户姓名';
comment on column mf_customer.phonenumber is '手机号码';
comment on column mf_customer.gender is '客户性别';
comment on column mf_customer.birthday is '客户生日';
comment on column mf_customer.remark is '客户描述';
comment on column mf_customer.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column mf_customer.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column mf_customer.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column mf_customer.update_time is '更新时间';
goods_id bigint NOT NULL,
customer_id bigint NOT NULL,
name varchar(30) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
price decimal(6,2) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
"date" timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
"type" char(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
constraint "mf_goods_pk" PRIMARY KEY (goods_id)
comment on table mf_goods is '商品子表';
comment on column mf_goods.goods_id is '商品id';
comment on column mf_goods.customer_id is '客户id';
comment on column is '商品名称';
comment on column mf_goods.weight is '商品重量';
comment on column mf_goods.price is '商品价格';
comment on column mf_goods."date" is '商品时间';
comment on column mf_goods."type" is '商品种类';
comment on column mf_goods.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column mf_goods.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column mf_goods.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column mf_goods.update_time is '更新时间';
-- powerjob数据表
drop table if exists pj_app_info;
CREATE TABLE pj_app_info (
id int8 NOT NULL,
app_name varchar(255) NULL,
current_server varchar(255) NULL,
gmt_create timestamp NULL,
gmt_modified timestamp NULL,
"password" varchar(255) NULL,
CONSTRAINT pj_app_info_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT uidx01_app_info UNIQUE (app_name)
INSERT INTO pj_app_info VALUES(1, 'ruoyi-worker', '', '2023-06-13 16:32:59.263', '2023-07-04 17:25:49.798', '123456');
drop table if exists pj_container_info;
CREATE TABLE pj_container_info (
id int8 NOT NULL,
app_id int8 NULL,
container_name varchar(255) NULL,
gmt_create timestamp NULL,
gmt_modified timestamp NULL,
last_deploy_time timestamp NULL,
source_info varchar(255) NULL,
source_type int4 NULL,
status int4 NULL,
"version" varchar(255) NULL,
CONSTRAINT pj_container_info_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE INDEX idx01_container_info ON pj_container_info USING btree (app_id);
drop table if exists pj_instance_info;
CREATE TABLE pj_instance_info (
id int8 NOT NULL,
actual_trigger_time int8 NULL,
app_id int8 NULL,
expected_trigger_time int8 NULL,
finished_time int8 NULL,
gmt_create timestamp NULL,
gmt_modified timestamp NULL,
instance_id int8 NULL,
instance_params oid NULL,
job_id int8 NULL,
job_params oid NULL,
last_report_time int8 NULL,
"result" oid NULL,
running_times int8 NULL,
status int4 NULL,
task_tracker_address varchar(255) NULL,
"type" int4 NULL,
wf_instance_id int8 NULL,
CONSTRAINT pj_instance_info_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE INDEX idx01_instance_info ON pj_instance_info USING btree (job_id, status);
CREATE INDEX idx02_instance_info ON pj_instance_info USING btree (app_id, status);
CREATE INDEX idx03_instance_info ON pj_instance_info USING btree (instance_id, status);
drop table if exists pj_job_info;
CREATE TABLE pj_job_info (
id int8 NOT NULL,
alarm_config varchar(255) NULL,
app_id int8 NULL,
concurrency int4 NULL,
designated_workers varchar(255) NULL,
dispatch_strategy int4 NULL,
execute_type int4 NULL,
extra varchar(255) NULL,
gmt_create timestamp NULL,
gmt_modified timestamp NULL,
instance_retry_num int4 NULL,
instance_time_limit int8 NULL,
job_description varchar(255) NULL,
job_name varchar(255) NULL,
job_params oid NULL,
lifecycle varchar(255) NULL,
log_config varchar(255) NULL,
max_instance_num int4 NULL,
max_worker_count int4 NULL,
min_cpu_cores float8 NOT NULL,
min_disk_space float8 NOT NULL,
min_memory_space float8 NOT NULL,
next_trigger_time int8 NULL,
notify_user_ids varchar(255) NULL,
processor_info varchar(255) NULL,
processor_type int4 NULL,
status int4 NULL,
tag varchar(255) NULL,
task_retry_num int4 NULL,
time_expression varchar(255) NULL,
time_expression_type int4 NULL,
CONSTRAINT pj_job_info_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE INDEX idx01_job_info ON pj_job_info USING btree (app_id, status, time_expression_type, next_trigger_time);
INSERT INTO pj_job_info VALUES(1, '{\"alertThreshold\":0,\"silenceWindowLen\":0,\"statisticWindowLen\":0}', 1, 5, '', 2, 1, NULL, '2023-06-02 15:01:27.717', '2023-07-04 17:22:12.374', 1, 0, '', '单机处理器执行测试', NULL, '{}', '{\"type\":1}', 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, NULL, NULL, 'org.dromara.job.processors.StandaloneProcessorDemo', 1, 2, NULL, 1, '30000', 3);
INSERT INTO pj_job_info VALUES(2, '{\"alertThreshold\":0,\"silenceWindowLen\":0,\"statisticWindowLen\":0}', 1, 5, '', 1, 2, NULL, '2023-06-02 15:04:45.342', '2023-07-04 17:22:12.816', 0, 0, NULL, '广播处理器测试', NULL, '{}', '{\"type\":1}', 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, NULL, NULL, 'org.dromara.job.processors.BroadcastProcessorDemo', 1, 2, NULL, 1, '30000', 3);
INSERT INTO pj_job_info VALUES(3, '{\"alertThreshold\":0,\"silenceWindowLen\":0,\"statisticWindowLen\":0}', 1, 5, '', 1, 4, NULL, '2023-06-02 15:13:23.519', '2023-06-02 16:03:22.421', 0, 0, NULL, 'Map处理器测试', NULL, '{}', '{\"type\":1}', 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, NULL, NULL, 'org.dromara.job.processors.MapProcessorDemo', 1, 2, NULL, 1, '1000', 3);
INSERT INTO pj_job_info VALUES(4, '{\"alertThreshold\":0,\"silenceWindowLen\":0,\"statisticWindowLen\":0}', 1, 5, '', 1, 3, NULL, '2023-06-02 15:45:25.896', '2023-06-02 16:03:23.125', 0, 0, NULL, 'MapReduce处理器测试', NULL, '{}', '{\"type\":1}', 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, NULL, NULL, 'org.dromara.job.processors.MapReduceProcessorDemo', 1, 2, NULL, 1, '1000', 3);
drop table if exists pj_oms_lock;
CREATE TABLE pj_oms_lock (
id int8 NOT NULL,
gmt_create timestamp NULL,
gmt_modified timestamp NULL,
lock_name varchar(255) NULL,
max_lock_time int8 NULL,
ownerip varchar(255) NULL,
CONSTRAINT pj_oms_lock_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT uidx01_oms_lock UNIQUE (lock_name)
drop table if exists pj_server_info;
CREATE TABLE pj_server_info (
id int8 NOT NULL,
gmt_create timestamp NULL,
gmt_modified timestamp NULL,
ip varchar(255) NULL,
CONSTRAINT pj_server_info_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT uidx01_server_info UNIQUE (ip)
CREATE INDEX idx01_server_info ON pj_server_info USING btree (gmt_modified);
drop table if exists pj_user_info;
CREATE TABLE pj_user_info (
id int8 NOT NULL,
email varchar(255) NULL,
extra varchar(255) NULL,
gmt_create timestamp NULL,
gmt_modified timestamp NULL,
"password" varchar(255) NULL,
phone varchar(255) NULL,
username varchar(255) NULL,
web_hook varchar(255) NULL,
CONSTRAINT pj_user_info_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE INDEX uidx01_user_info ON pj_user_info USING btree (username);
CREATE INDEX uidx02_user_info ON pj_user_info USING btree (email);
drop table if exists pj_workflow_info;
CREATE TABLE pj_workflow_info (
id int8 NOT NULL,
app_id int8 NULL,
extra varchar(255) NULL,
gmt_create timestamp NULL,
gmt_modified timestamp NULL,
lifecycle varchar(255) NULL,
max_wf_instance_num int4 NULL,
next_trigger_time int8 NULL,
notify_user_ids varchar(255) NULL,
pedag oid NULL,
status int4 NULL,
time_expression varchar(255) NULL,
time_expression_type int4 NULL,
wf_description varchar(255) NULL,
wf_name varchar(255) NULL,
CONSTRAINT pj_workflow_info_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE INDEX idx01_workflow_info ON pj_workflow_info USING btree (app_id, status, time_expression_type, next_trigger_time);
drop table if exists pj_workflow_instance_info;
CREATE TABLE pj_workflow_instance_info (
id int8 NOT NULL,
actual_trigger_time int8 NULL,
app_id int8 NULL,
dag oid NULL,
expected_trigger_time int8 NULL,
finished_time int8 NULL,
gmt_create timestamp NULL,
gmt_modified timestamp NULL,
parent_wf_instance_id int8 NULL,
"result" oid NULL,
status int4 NULL,
wf_context oid NULL,
wf_init_params oid NULL,
wf_instance_id int8 NULL,
workflow_id int8 NULL,
CONSTRAINT pj_workflow_instance_info_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT uidx01_wf_instance UNIQUE (wf_instance_id)
CREATE INDEX idx01_wf_instance ON pj_workflow_instance_info USING btree (workflow_id, status, app_id, expected_trigger_time);
drop table if exists pj_workflow_node_info;
CREATE TABLE pj_workflow_node_info (
id int8 NOT NULL,
app_id int8 NOT NULL,
"enable" bool NOT NULL,
extra oid NULL,
gmt_create timestamp NOT NULL,
gmt_modified timestamp NOT NULL,
job_id int8 NULL,
node_name varchar(255) NULL,
node_params oid NULL,
skip_when_failed bool NOT NULL,
"type" int4 NULL,
workflow_id int8 NULL,
CONSTRAINT pj_workflow_node_info_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE INDEX idx01_workflow_node_info ON pj_workflow_node_info USING btree (workflow_id, gmt_create);
drop table if exists sys_client;
create table sys_client (
id bigint,
client_id varchar(64) default ''::varchar,
client_key varchar(32) default ''::varchar,
client_secret varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
grant_type varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
device_type varchar(32) default ''::varchar,
active_timeout int4 default 1800,
timeout int4 default 604800,
status char(1) default '0'::bpchar,
del_flag smallint default 0,
create_by bigint,
create_time timestamp,
update_by bigint,
update_time timestamp,
constraint sys_client_pk primary key (id)
comment on table sys_client is '系统授权表';
comment on column is '主建';
comment on column sys_client.client_id is '客户端id';
comment on column sys_client.client_key is '客户端key';
comment on column sys_client.client_secret is '客户端秘钥';
comment on column sys_client.grant_type is '授权类型';
comment on column sys_client.device_type is '设备类型';
comment on column sys_client.active_timeout is 'token活跃超时时间';
comment on column sys_client.timeout is 'token固定超时';
comment on column sys_client.status is '状态0正常 1停用';
comment on column sys_client.del_flag is '删除标志0代表存在 1代表删除';
comment on column sys_client.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_client.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_client.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_client.update_time is '更新时间';
insert into sys_client values (1, 'e5cd7e4891bf95d1d19206ce24a7b32e', 'pc', 'pc123', 'password,social', 'pc', 1800, 604800, 0, 0, 1, now(), 1, now());
insert into sys_client values (2, '428a8310cd442757ae699df5d894f051', 'app', 'app123', 'password,sms,social', 'android', 1800, 604800, 0, 0, 1, now(), 1, now());
drop table if exists sys_config;
create table if not exists sys_config
config_id bigint,
config_name varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
config_key varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
config_value varchar(500) default ''::varchar,
config_type char default 'N'::bpchar,
create_by bigint,
create_time timestamp,
update_by bigint,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default null::varchar,
constraint sys_config_pk primary key (config_id)
comment on table sys_config is '参数配置表';
comment on column sys_config.config_id is '参数主键';
comment on column sys_config.config_name is '参数名称';
comment on column sys_config.config_key is '参数键名';
comment on column sys_config.config_value is '参数键值';
comment on column sys_config.config_type is '系统内置Y是 N否';
comment on column sys_config.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_config.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_config.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_config.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_config.remark is '备注';
insert into sys_config values(1, '主框架页-默认皮肤样式名称', 'sys.index.skinName', 'skin-blue', 'Y', 1, now(), null, null, '蓝色 skin-blue、绿色 skin-green、紫色 skin-purple、红色 skin-red、黄色 skin-yellow' );
insert into sys_config values(2, '用户管理-账号初始密码', 'sys.user.initPassword', '123456', 'Y', 1, now(), null, null, '初始化密码 123456' );
insert into sys_config values(3, '主框架页-侧边栏主题', 'sys.index.sideTheme', 'theme-dark', 'Y', 1, now(), null, null, '深色主题theme-dark浅色主题theme-light' );
insert into sys_config values(5, '账号自助-是否开启用户注册功能', 'sys.account.registerUser', 'false', 'Y', 1, now(), null, null, '是否开启注册用户功能true开启false关闭');
insert into sys_config values(11, 'OSS预览列表资源开关', 'sys.oss.previewListResource', 'true', 'Y', 1, now(), null, null, 'true:开启, false:关闭');
drop table if exists sys_dept;
create table if not exists sys_dept
dept_id bigint,
parent_id bigint default 0,
ancestors varchar(760) default ''::varchar,
dept_name varchar(30) default ''::varchar,
order_num int4 default 0,
leader varchar(20) default ''::varchar,
phone varchar(11) default null::varchar,
email varchar(50) default null::varchar,
status char default '0'::bpchar,
del_flag smallint default 0,
create_by bigint,
create_time timestamp,
update_by bigint,
update_time timestamp,
constraint "sys_dept_pk" primary key (dept_id)
comment on table sys_dept is '部门表';
comment on column sys_dept.dept_id is '部门ID';
comment on column sys_dept.parent_id is '父部门ID';
comment on column sys_dept.ancestors is '祖级列表';
comment on column sys_dept.dept_name is '部门名称';
comment on column sys_dept.order_num is '显示顺序';
comment on column sys_dept.leader is '负责人';
comment on column is '联系电话';
comment on column is '邮箱';
comment on column sys_dept.status is '部门状态0正常 1停用';
comment on column sys_dept.del_flag is '删除标志0代表存在 1代表删除';
comment on column sys_dept.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_dept.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_dept.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_dept.update_time is '更新时间';
(100, 0, '0', '若依科技', 0, '若依', '15888888888', '', '0', 0, 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, '2023-09-25 20:21:11'),
(101, 100, '0,100', '深圳分公司', 1, '若依', '15888888888', '', '0', 0, 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, '2023-09-02 16:19:08'),
(102, 100, '0,100', '长沙分公司', 2, '若依', '15888888888', '', '0', 0, 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL),
(103, 201, '0,100,201', '研发部门', 1, '若依', '15888888888', '', '0', 0, 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, '2023-09-25 20:12:00'),
(104, 101, '0,100,101', '市场部门', 2, '若依', '15888888888', '', '0', 0, 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL),
(105, 101, '0,100,101', '测试部门', 3, '若依', '15888888888', '', '0', 0, 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL),
(106, 101, '0,100,101', '财务部门', 4, '若依', '15888888888', '', '0', 0, 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL),
(107, 101, '0,100,101', '运维部门', 5, '若依', '15888888888', '', '0', 0, 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL),
(108, 201, '0,100,201', '市场部门', 1, '若依', '15888888888', '', '0', 0, 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, '2023-09-25 20:21:11'),
(109, 102, '0,100,102', '财务部门', 2, '若依', '15888888888', '', '0', 0, 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL),
(200, 102, '0,100,102', '行政部', 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', 0, 1, '2023-07-13 15:41:50', 1, NULL),
(201, 100, '0,100', '武汉分公司', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', 0, 1, '2023-09-02 16:19:34', 1, '2023-09-25 20:21:11'),
(202, 108, '0,100,201,108', '市场一部', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', 0, 1, '2023-09-24 20:44:43', 1, '2023-09-25 20:21:11'),
(203, 108, '0,100,201,108', '市场二部', 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', 0, 1, '2023-09-24 20:57:17', 1, '2023-09-25 20:21:11'),
(204, 201, '0,100,201', '技术', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', 1, 1, '2023-09-25 20:22:02', 1, '2023-09-25 20:28:26'),
(205, 204, '0,100,201,204', '技术一部', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', 1, 1, '2023-09-25 20:23:07', 1, '2023-09-25 20:27:13'),
(65929080159150080, 100, '0,100', '山东分公司', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', 0, 1, '2023-10-01 11:19:38', 1, '2023-10-01 11:19:38'),
(65929267321577472, 65929080159150080, '0,100,65929080159150080', '研发部', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', 0, 1, '2023-10-01 11:20:22', 1, '2023-10-01 11:20:22'),
(65929460884512768, 65929080159150080, '0,100,65929080159150080', '售后部', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', 0, 1, '2023-10-01 11:21:08', 1, '2023-10-01 11:21:08');
drop table if exists sys_dict_data;
create table if not exists sys_dict_data
dict_code bigint,
dict_sort int4 default 0,
dict_label varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
dict_value varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
dict_type varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
css_class varchar(100) default null::varchar,
list_class varchar(100) default null::varchar,
is_default char default 'N'::bpchar,
create_by bigint,
create_time timestamp,
update_by bigint,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default null::varchar,
constraint sys_dict_data_pk primary key (dict_code)
comment on table sys_dict_data is '字典数据表';
comment on column sys_dict_data.dict_code is '字典编码';
comment on column sys_dict_data.dict_sort is '字典排序';
comment on column sys_dict_data.dict_label is '字典标签';
comment on column sys_dict_data.dict_value is '字典键值';
comment on column sys_dict_data.dict_type is '字典类型';
comment on column sys_dict_data.css_class is '样式属性(其他样式扩展)';
comment on column sys_dict_data.list_class is '表格回显样式';
comment on column sys_dict_data.is_default is '是否默认Y是 N否';
comment on column sys_dict_data.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_dict_data.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_dict_data.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_dict_data.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_dict_data.remark is '备注';
INSERT INTO sys_dict_data VALUES
(1, 1, '', '0', 'sys_user_gender', '', '', 'Y', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, '2023-09-20 09:53:27', '性别男'),
(2, 2, '', '1', 'sys_user_gender', '', '', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, '2023-09-20 09:53:27', '性别女'),
(3, 3, '未知', '2', 'sys_user_gender', '', '', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, '2023-09-20 09:53:27', '性别未知'),
(4, 1, '显示', '0', 'sys_show_hide', '', 'primary', 'Y', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '显示菜单'),
(5, 2, '隐藏', '1', 'sys_show_hide', '', 'danger', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '隐藏菜单'),
(6, 1, '正常', '0', 'sys_normal_disable', '', 'primary', 'Y', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '正常状态'),
(7, 2, '停用', '1', 'sys_normal_disable', '', 'danger', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '停用状态'),
(8, 1, '正常', '0', 'sys_job_status', '', 'primary', 'Y', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '正常状态'),
(9, 2, '暂停', '1', 'sys_job_status', '', 'danger', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '停用状态'),
(10, 1, '默认', 'DEFAULT', 'sys_job_group', '', '', 'Y', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '默认分组'),
(11, 2, '系统', 'SYSTEM', 'sys_job_group', '', '', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '系统分组'),
(12, 1, '', 'Y', 'sys_yes_no', '', 'primary', 'Y', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '系统默认是'),
(13, 2, '', 'N', 'sys_yes_no', '', 'danger', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '系统默认否'),
(14, 1, '通知', '1', 'sys_notice_type', '', 'warning', 'Y', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '通知'),
(15, 2, '公告', '2', 'sys_notice_type', '', 'success', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '公告'),
(16, 1, '正常', '0', 'sys_notice_status', '', 'primary', 'Y', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '正常状态'),
(17, 2, '关闭', '1', 'sys_notice_status', '', 'danger', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '关闭状态'),
(18, 99, '其他', '0', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'info', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '其他操作'),
(19, 1, '新增', '1', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'info', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '新增操作'),
(20, 2, '修改', '2', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'info', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '修改操作'),
(21, 3, '删除', '3', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'danger', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '删除操作'),
(22, 4, '授权', '4', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'primary', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '授权操作'),
(23, 5, '导出', '5', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'warning', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '导出操作'),
(24, 6, '导入', '6', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'warning', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '导入操作'),
(25, 7, '强退', '7', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'danger', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '强退操作'),
(26, 8, '生成代码', '8', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'warning', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '生成操作'),
(27, 9, '清空数据', '9', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'danger', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '清空操作'),
(28, 1, '成功', '0', 'sys_common_status', '', 'primary', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '正常状态'),
(29, 2, '失败', '1', 'sys_common_status', '', 'danger', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '停用状态'),
(30, 1, '密码认证', 'password', 'sys_grant_type', 'el-check-tag', 'default', 'N', 1, '2023-10-21 11:10:51', 1, '2023-10-21 11:10:51', '密码认证'),
(31, 2, '短信认证', 'sms', 'sys_grant_type', 'el-check-tag', 'default', 'N', 1, '2023-10-21 11:10:51', 1, '2023-10-21 11:10:51', '短信认证'),
(32, 3, '邮件认证', 'email', 'sys_grant_type', 'el-check-tag', 'default', 'N', 1, '2023-10-21 11:10:51', 1, '2023-10-21 11:10:51', '邮件认证'),
(33, 4, '小程序认证', 'xcx', 'sys_grant_type', 'el-check-tag', 'default', 'N', 1, '2023-10-21 11:10:51', 1, '2023-10-21 11:10:51', '小程序认证'),
(34, 5, '三方登录认证', 'social', 'sys_grant_type', 'el-check-tag', 'default', 'N', 1, '2023-10-21 11:10:51', 1, '2023-10-21 11:10:51', '三方登录认证'),
(35, 1, 'PC', 'pc', 'sys_device_type', '', 'default', 'N', 1, '2023-10-21 11:41:10', 1, '2023-10-21 11:41:10', 'PC'),
(36, 2, '安卓', 'android', 'sys_device_type', '', 'default', 'N', 1, '2023-10-21 11:41:10', 1, '2023-10-21 11:41:10', '安卓'),
(37, 3, 'iOS', 'ios', 'sys_device_type', '', 'default', 'N', 1, '2023-10-21 11:41:10', 1, '2023-10-21 11:41:10', 'iOS'),
(38, 4, '小程序', 'xcx', 'sys_device_type', '', 'default', 'N', 1, '2023-10-21 11:41:10', 1, '2023-10-21 11:41:10', '小程序'),
(100, 0, '正常', '0', 'sys_student_status', NULL, 'primary', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:53:50', 1, '2023-06-03 21:55:24', NULL),
(101, 0, '停用', '1', 'sys_student_status', NULL, 'danger', 'N', 1, '2023-06-03 21:54:11', 1, '2023-06-03 21:55:31', NULL),
(102, 0, '代码', '0', 'sys_student_hobby', NULL, 'primary', 'N', 1, '2023-06-04 16:40:02', 1, NULL, NULL),
(103, 0, '音乐', '1', 'sys_student_hobby', NULL, 'success', 'N', 1, '2023-06-04 16:40:24', 1, NULL, NULL),
(104, 0, '电影', '2', 'sys_student_hobby', NULL, 'warning', 'N', 1, '2023-06-04 16:40:40', 1, '2023-06-04 16:40:49', NULL),
(105, 0, '计算机', '1', 'sys_goods_type', NULL, 'primary', 'N', 1, '2023-06-05 07:23:48', 1, NULL, NULL),
(106, 0, '打印设备', '2', 'sys_goods_type', NULL, 'success', 'N', 1, '2023-06-05 07:24:14', 1, NULL, NULL),
(107, 3, '衣服', '3', 'sys_goods_type', NULL, 'info', 'N', 1, '2023-06-05 07:24:35', 1, NULL, NULL),
(111, 4, '网络设备', '4', 'sys_goods_type', NULL, 'default', NULL, 1, '2023-09-19 17:31:46', 1, '2023-09-19 17:31:46', NULL),
(65923231885905920, 1, '桌面微机', 'PC', 'sys_app_type', NULL, 'default', 'N', 1, '2023-10-01 10:56:23', 1, '2023-10-01 10:56:23', NULL),
(65923379802230784, 2, '平板', 'pad', 'sys_app_type', NULL, 'default', 'N', 1, '2023-10-01 10:56:59', 1, '2023-10-01 10:56:59', NULL),
(65923470604718080, 3, '手机', 'phone', 'sys_app_type', NULL, 'default', 'N', 1, '2023-10-01 10:57:20', 1, '2023-10-01 10:57:20', NULL);
drop table if exists sys_dict_type;
create table if not exists sys_dict_type
dict_id bigint,
dict_name varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
dict_type varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
create_by bigint,
create_time timestamp,
update_by bigint,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default null::varchar,
constraint sys_dict_type_pk primary key (dict_id)
create unique index sys_dict_type_index1 ON sys_dict_type (dict_type);
comment on table sys_dict_type is '字典类型表';
comment on column sys_dict_type.dict_id is '字典主键';
comment on column sys_dict_type.dict_name is '字典名称';
comment on column sys_dict_type.dict_type is '字典类型';
comment on column sys_dict_type.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_dict_type.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_dict_type.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_dict_type.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_dict_type.remark is '备注';
INSERT INTO sys_dict_type VALUES
(1, '用户性别', 'sys_user_gender', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, '2023-09-20 09:53:27', '用户性别列表'),
(2, '菜单状态', 'sys_show_hide', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '菜单状态列表'),
(3, '系统开关', 'sys_normal_disable', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '系统开关列表'),
(4, '任务状态', 'sys_job_status', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '任务状态列表'),
(5, '任务分组', 'sys_job_group', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '任务分组列表'),
(6, '系统是否', 'sys_yes_no', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '系统是否列表'),
(7, '通知类型', 'sys_notice_type', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '通知类型列表'),
(8, '通知状态', 'sys_notice_status', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '通知状态列表'),
(9, '操作类型', 'sys_oper_type', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '操作类型列表'),
(10, '系统状态', 'sys_common_status', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:30', 1, NULL, '登录状态列表'),
(11, '授权类型', 'sys_grant_type', 1, '2023-10-21 11:06:33', 1, '2023-10-21 11:06:33', '认证授权类型'),
(12, '设备类型', 'sys_device_type', 1, '2023-10-21 11:38:41', 1, '2023-10-21 11:38:41', '客户端设备类型'),
(100, '学生状态', 'sys_student_status', 1, '2023-06-03 21:52:47', 1, '2023-06-03 21:53:09', NULL),
(101, '爱好', 'sys_student_hobby', 1, '2023-06-04 16:39:16', 1, NULL, NULL),
(102, '商品种类', 'sys_goods_type', 1, '2023-06-05 07:23:20', 1, NULL, NULL),
(65922863223361536, '系统类型', 'sys_app_type', 1, '2023-10-01 10:54:55', 1, '2023-10-01 10:54:55', '系统类型列表');
drop table if exists sys_logininfor;
create table if not exists sys_logininfor
info_id bigint,
user_name varchar(50) default ''::varchar,
ipaddr varchar(128) default ''::varchar,
login_location varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
browser varchar(50) default ''::varchar,
os varchar(50) default ''::varchar,
status char default '0'::bpchar,
msg varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
login_time timestamp,
constraint sys_logininfor_pk primary key (info_id)
create index idx_sys_logininfor_s ON sys_logininfor (status);
create index idx_sys_logininfor_lt ON sys_logininfor (login_time);
comment on table sys_logininfor is '系统访问记录';
comment on column sys_logininfor.info_id is '访问ID';
comment on column sys_logininfor.user_name is '用户账号';
comment on column sys_logininfor.ipaddr is '登录IP地址';
comment on column sys_logininfor.login_location is '登录地点';
comment on column sys_logininfor.browser is '浏览器类型';
comment on column sys_logininfor.os is '操作系统';
comment on column sys_logininfor.status is '登录状态0成功 1失败';
comment on column sys_logininfor.msg is '提示消息';
comment on column sys_logininfor.login_time is '访问时间';
drop table if exists sys_menu;
create table if not exists sys_menu
menu_id bigint,
menu_name varchar(50) not null,
parent_id bigint default 0,
order_num int4 default 0,
path varchar(200) default ''::varchar,
component varchar(255) default null::varchar,
query_param varchar(255) default null::varchar,
is_frame char default '1'::bpchar,
is_cache char default '0'::bpchar,
menu_type char default ''::bpchar,
visible char default '0'::bpchar,
status char default '0'::bpchar,
perms varchar(100) default null::varchar,
icon varchar(100) default '#'::varchar,
create_by bigint,
create_time timestamp,
update_by bigint,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default ''::varchar,
constraint "sys_menu_pk" primary key (menu_id)
comment on table sys_menu is '菜单权限表';
comment on column sys_menu.menu_id is '菜单ID';
comment on column sys_menu.menu_name is '菜单名称';
comment on column sys_menu.parent_id is '父菜单ID';
comment on column sys_menu.order_num is '显示顺序';
comment on column sys_menu.path is '路由地址';
comment on column sys_menu.component is '组件路径';
comment on column sys_menu.query_param is '路由参数';
comment on column sys_menu.is_frame is '是否为外链0是 1否';
comment on column sys_menu.is_cache is '是否缓存0缓存 1不缓存';
comment on column sys_menu.menu_type is '菜单类型M目录 C菜单 F按钮';
comment on column sys_menu.visible is '显示状态0显示 1隐藏';
comment on column sys_menu.status is '菜单状态0正常 1停用';
comment on column sys_menu.perms is '权限标识';
comment on column sys_menu.icon is '菜单图标';
comment on column sys_menu.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_menu.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_menu.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_menu.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_menu.remark is '备注';
(1, '系统管理', 0, 1, 'system', NULL, '', 1, 0, 'M', '0', '0', '', 'system', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '系统管理目录'),
(2, '系统监控', 0, 2, 'monitor', NULL, '', 1, 0, 'M', '0', '0', '', 'monitor', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '系统监控目录'),
(3, '系统工具', 0, 3, 'tool', NULL, '', 1, 0, 'M', '0', '0', '', 'tool', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '系统工具目录'),
(4, '若依官网', 0, 4, '', NULL, '', 0, 0, 'M', '0', '0', '', 'guide', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '若依官网地址'),
(100, '用户管理', 1, 1, 'user', 'system/user/index', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'system:user:list', 'user', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '用户管理菜单'),
(101, '角色管理', 1, 2, 'role', 'system/role/index', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'system:role:list', 'peoples', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '角色管理菜单'),
(102, '菜单管理', 1, 3, 'menu', 'system/menu/index', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'system:menu:list', 'tree-table', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '菜单管理菜单'),
(103, '部门管理', 1, 4, 'dept', 'system/dept/index', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'system:dept:list', 'tree', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '部门管理菜单'),
(104, '岗位管理', 1, 5, 'post', 'system/post/index', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'system:post:list', 'post', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '岗位管理菜单'),
(105, '字典管理', 1, 6, 'dict', 'system/dict/index', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'system:dict:list', 'dict', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '字典管理菜单'),
(106, '参数设置', 1, 7, 'config', 'system/config/index', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'system:config:list', 'edit', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '参数设置菜单'),
(107, '通知公告', 1, 8, 'notice', 'system/notice/index', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'system:notice:list', 'message', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '通知公告菜单'),
(108, '日志管理', 1, 9, 'log', '', '', 1, 0, 'M', '0', '0', '', 'log', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '日志管理菜单'),
(109, '在线用户', 2, 1, 'online', 'monitor/online/index', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'monitor:online:list', 'online', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '在线用户菜单'),
(110, '任务调度', 2, 2, 'powerjob', 'monitor/powerjob/index', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'monitor:powerjob:list', 'job', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '定时任务菜单'),
(112, '服务监控', 2, 4, 'admin', 'monitor/admin/index', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'monitor:admin:list', 'server', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '服务监控菜单'),
(113, '缓存监控', 2, 5, 'cache', 'monitor/cache/index', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'monitor:cache:list', 'redis', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '缓存监控菜单'),
(115, '表单构建', 3, 1, 'build', 'tool/build/index', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'tool:build:list', 'build', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '表单构建菜单'),
(116, '代码生成', 3, 2, 'gen', 'tool/gen/index', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'tool:gen:list', 'code', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '代码生成菜单'),
(117, '系统接口', 3, 3, 'http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html', '', '', 0, 0, 'M', '0', '0', 'tool:swagger:list', 'swagger', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, '2023-07-28 21:09:07', '系统接口菜单'),
(118, '文件管理', 1, 10, 'oss', 'system/oss/index', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'system:oss:list', 'upload', 1, '2023-12-03 08:46:11', 1, '2023-12-03 08:46:11', '文件管理菜单'),
(500, '操作日志', 108, 1, 'operlog', 'monitor/operlog/index', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'monitor:operlog:list', 'form', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, '操作日志菜单'),
(501, '登录日志', 108, 2, 'logininfor', 'monitor/logininfor/index', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'monitor:logininfor:list', 'logininfor', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, '登录日志菜单'),
(1000, '用户查询', 100, 1, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:user:query', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1001, '用户新增', 100, 2, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:user:add', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1002, '用户修改', 100, 3, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:user:edit', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1003, '用户删除', 100, 4, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:user:remove', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1004, '用户导出', 100, 5, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:user:export', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1005, '用户导入', 100, 6, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:user:import', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1006, '重置密码', 100, 7, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:user:resetPwd', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1007, '角色查询', 101, 1, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:role:query', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1008, '角色新增', 101, 2, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:role:add', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1009, '角色修改', 101, 3, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:role:edit', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1010, '角色删除', 101, 4, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:role:remove', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1011, '角色导出', 101, 5, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:role:export', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1012, '菜单查询', 102, 1, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:menu:query', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1013, '菜单新增', 102, 2, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:menu:add', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1014, '菜单修改', 102, 3, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:menu:edit', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1015, '菜单删除', 102, 4, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:menu:remove', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1016, '部门查询', 103, 1, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dept:query', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1017, '部门新增', 103, 2, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dept:add', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1018, '部门修改', 103, 3, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dept:edit', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1019, '部门删除', 103, 4, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dept:remove', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1020, '岗位查询', 104, 1, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:post:query', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1021, '岗位新增', 104, 2, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:post:add', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1022, '岗位修改', 104, 3, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:post:edit', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1023, '岗位删除', 104, 4, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:post:remove', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1024, '岗位导出', 104, 5, '', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:post:export', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1025, '字典查询', 105, 1, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dict:query', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1026, '字典新增', 105, 2, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dict:add', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1027, '字典修改', 105, 3, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dict:edit', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1028, '字典删除', 105, 4, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dict:remove', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1029, '字典导出', 105, 5, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:dict:export', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1030, '参数查询', 106, 1, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:config:query', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1031, '参数新增', 106, 2, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:config:add', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1032, '参数修改', 106, 3, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:config:edit', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1033, '参数删除', 106, 4, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:config:remove', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1034, '参数导出', 106, 5, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:config:export', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1035, '公告查询', 107, 1, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:notice:query', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1036, '公告新增', 107, 2, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:notice:add', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1037, '公告修改', 107, 3, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:notice:edit', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1038, '公告删除', 107, 4, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'system:notice:remove', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1039, '操作查询', 500, 1, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:operlog:query', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1040, '操作删除', 500, 2, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:operlog:remove', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1041, '日志导出', 500, 3, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:operlog:export', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1042, '登录查询', 501, 1, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:logininfor:query', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1043, '登录删除', 501, 2, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:logininfor:remove', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1044, '日志导出', 501, 3, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:logininfor:export', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1045, '账户解锁', 501, 4, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:logininfor:unlock', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1046, '在线查询', 109, 1, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:online:query', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1047, '批量强退', 109, 2, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:online:batchLogout', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1048, '单条强退', 109, 3, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:online:forceLogout', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1049, '任务查询', 110, 1, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:job:query', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1050, '任务新增', 110, 2, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:job:add', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1051, '任务修改', 110, 3, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:job:edit', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1052, '任务删除', 110, 4, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:job:remove', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1053, '状态修改', 110, 5, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:job:changeStatus', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1054, '任务导出', 110, 6, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:job:export', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1055, '生成查询', 116, 1, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'tool:gen:query', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1056, '生成修改', 116, 2, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'tool:gen:edit', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1057, '生成删除', 116, 3, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'tool:gen:remove', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1058, '导入代码', 116, 4, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'tool:gen:import', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1059, '预览代码', 116, 5, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'tool:gen:preview', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(1060, '生成代码', 116, 6, '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'tool:gen:code', '#', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:29', 1, NULL, ''),
(2018, '演示模块', 0, 99, 'demo', NULL, NULL, 1, 0, 'M', '0', '0', '', 'people', 1, '2023-07-04 11:08:44', 1, '2023-09-02 20:09:55', ''),
(2050, '学生信息单表(mb)', 2018, 1, 'student', 'demo/student/index', NULL, 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'demo:student:list', 'component', 1, '2023-07-09 12:17:40', 1, '2023-11-17 09:21:30', '学生信息单表(mb)菜单'),
(2051, '学生信息单表(mb)查询', 2050, 1, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'demo:student:query', '#', 1, '2023-07-09 12:17:40', 1, NULL, ''),
(2052, '学生信息单表(mb)新增', 2050, 2, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'demo:student:add', '#', 1, '2023-07-09 12:17:40', 1, NULL, ''),
(2053, '学生信息单表(mb)修改', 2050, 3, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'demo:student:edit', '#', 1, '2023-07-09 12:17:40', 1, NULL, ''),
(2054, '学生信息单表(mb)删除', 2050, 4, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'demo:student:remove', '#', 1, '2023-07-09 12:17:40', 1, NULL, ''),
(2055, '学生信息单表(mb)导出', 2050, 5, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'demo:student:export', '#', 1, '2023-07-09 12:17:40', 1, NULL, ''),
(2056, '产品树表mb', 2018, 2, 'product', 'demo/product/index', NULL, 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'demo:product:list', '#', 1, '2023-07-09 20:59:25', 1, NULL, '产品树表mb菜单'),
(2057, '产品树表mb查询', 2056, 1, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'demo:product:query', '#', 1, '2023-07-09 20:59:25', 1, NULL, ''),
(2058, '产品树表mb新增', 2056, 2, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'demo:product:add', '#', 1, '2023-07-09 20:59:25', 1, NULL, ''),
(2059, '产品树表mb修改', 2056, 3, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'demo:product:edit', '#', 1, '2023-07-09 20:59:25', 1, NULL, ''),
(2060, '产品树表mb删除', 2056, 4, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'demo:product:remove', '#', 1, '2023-07-09 20:59:25', 1, NULL, ''),
(2061, '产品树表mb导出', 2056, 5, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'demo:product:export', '#', 1, '2023-07-09 20:59:25', 1, NULL, ''),
(2062, '客户主表(mb)', 2018, 3, 'customer', 'demo/customer/index', NULL, 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'demo:customer:list', '#', 1, '2023-07-11 16:06:23', 1, NULL, '客户主表(mb)菜单'),
(2063, '客户主表(mb)查询', 2062, 1, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'demo:customer:query', '#', 1, '2023-07-11 16:06:23', 1, NULL, ''),
(2064, '客户主表(mb)新增', 2062, 2, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'demo:customer:add', '#', 1, '2023-07-11 16:06:23', 1, NULL, ''),
(2065, '客户主表(mb)修改', 2062, 3, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'demo:customer:edit', '#', 1, '2023-07-11 16:06:23', 1, NULL, ''),
(2066, '客户主表(mb)删除', 2062, 4, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'demo:customer:remove', '#', 1, '2023-07-11 16:06:23', 1, NULL, ''),
(2067, '客户主表(mb)导出', 2062, 5, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'demo:customer:export', '#', 1, '2023-07-11 16:06:23', 1, NULL, ''),
(2071, '学生信息表', 2018, 4, 'mfstudent', 'mf/student/index', NULL, 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'mf:student:list', '#', 1, '2023-11-22 17:30:46', 1, '2023-12-07 14:35:16', '学生信息表菜单'),
(2072, '学生信息表查询', 2071, 1, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'mf:student:query', '#', 1, '2023-11-22 17:30:46', 1, NULL, ''),
(2073, '学生信息表新增', 2071, 2, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'mf:student:add', '#', 1, '2023-11-22 17:30:46', 1, NULL, ''),
(2074, '学生信息表修改', 2071, 3, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'mf:student:edit', '#', 1, '2023-11-22 17:30:46', 1, NULL, ''),
(2075, '学生信息表删除', 2071, 4, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'mf:student:remove', '#', 1, '2023-11-22 17:30:46', 1, NULL, ''),
(2076, '学生信息表导出', 2071, 5, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'mf:student:export', '#', 1, '2023-11-22 17:30:46', 1, NULL, ''),
(2077, '产品树表', 2018, 5, 'mfproduct', 'mf/product/index', NULL, 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'mf:product:list', '#', 1, '2023-11-23 10:53:54', 1, '2023-12-07 14:35:12', '产品树菜单'),
(2078, '产品树查询', 2077, 1, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'mf:product:query', '#', 1, '2023-11-23 10:53:54', 1, NULL, ''),
(2079, '产品树新增', 2077, 2, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'mf:product:add', '#', 1, '2023-11-23 10:53:54', 1, NULL, ''),
(2080, '产品树修改', 2077, 3, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'mf:product:edit', '#', 1, '2023-11-23 10:53:54', 1, NULL, ''),
(2081, '产品树删除', 2077, 4, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'mf:product:remove', '#', 1, '2023-11-23 10:53:54', 1, NULL, ''),
(2082, '产品树导出', 2077, 5, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'mf:product:export', '#', 1, '2023-11-23 10:53:54', 1, NULL, ''),
(2023121511351900, '客户主表', 2018, 6, 'mfcustomer', 'mf/customer/index', NULL, 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'mf:customer:list', '#', 1, '2023-12-15 11:36:19', 1, NULL, '客户主表菜单'),
(2023121511351901, '客户主表查询', 2023121511351900, 1, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'mf:customer:query', '#', 1, '2023-12-15 11:36:19', 1, NULL, ''),
(2023121511351902, '客户主表新增', 2023121511351900, 2, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'mf:customer:add', '#', 1, '2023-12-15 11:36:19', 1, NULL, ''),
(2023121511351903, '客户主表修改', 2023121511351900, 3, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'mf:customer:edit', '#', 1, '2023-12-15 11:36:19', 1, NULL, ''),
(2023121511351904, '客户主表删除', 2023121511351900, 4, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'mf:customer:remove', '#', 1, '2023-12-15 11:36:19', 1, NULL, ''),
(2023121511351905, '客户主表导出', 2023121511351900, 5, '#', '', NULL, 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'mf:customer:export', '#', 1, '2023-12-15 11:36:19', 1, NULL, '');
drop table if exists sys_notice;
create table if not exists sys_notice
notice_id bigint,
notice_title varchar(50) not null,
notice_type char not null,
notice_content text,
status char default '0'::bpchar,
create_by bigint,
create_time timestamp,
update_by bigint,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(255) default null::varchar,
constraint sys_notice_pk primary key (notice_id)
comment on table sys_notice is '通知公告表';
comment on column sys_notice.notice_id is '公告ID';
comment on column sys_notice.notice_title is '公告标题';
comment on column sys_notice.notice_type is '公告类型1通知 2公告';
comment on column sys_notice.notice_content is '公告内容';
comment on column sys_notice.status is '公告状态0正常 1关闭';
comment on column sys_notice.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_notice.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_notice.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_notice.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_notice.remark is '备注';
drop table if exists sys_oper_log;
create table if not exists sys_oper_log
oper_id bigint,
title varchar(50) default ''::varchar,
business_type int4 default 0,
method varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
request_method varchar(10) default ''::varchar,
operator_type int4 default 0,
oper_name varchar(50) default ''::varchar,
dept_name varchar(50) default ''::varchar,
oper_url varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
oper_ip varchar(128) default ''::varchar,
oper_location varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
oper_param varchar(2000) default ''::varchar,
json_result varchar(2000) default ''::varchar,
status int4 default 0,
error_msg varchar(2000) default ''::varchar,
oper_time timestamp,
cost_time bigint default 0,
constraint sys_oper_log_pk primary key (oper_id)
create index idx_sys_oper_log_bt ON sys_oper_log (business_type);
create index idx_sys_oper_log_s ON sys_oper_log (status);
create index idx_sys_oper_log_ot ON sys_oper_log (oper_time);
comment on table sys_oper_log is '操作日志记录';
comment on column sys_oper_log.oper_id is '日志主键';
comment on column sys_oper_log.title is '模块标题';
comment on column sys_oper_log.business_type is '业务类型0其它 1新增 2修改 3删除';
comment on column sys_oper_log.method is '方法名称';
comment on column sys_oper_log.request_method is '请求方式';
comment on column sys_oper_log.operator_type is '操作类别0其它 1后台用户 2手机端用户';
comment on column sys_oper_log.oper_name is '操作人员';
comment on column sys_oper_log.dept_name is '部门名称';
comment on column sys_oper_log.oper_url is '请求URL';
comment on column sys_oper_log.oper_ip is '主机地址';
comment on column sys_oper_log.oper_location is '操作地点';
comment on column sys_oper_log.oper_param is '请求参数';
comment on column sys_oper_log.json_result is '返回参数';
comment on column sys_oper_log.status is '操作状态0正常 1异常';
comment on column sys_oper_log.error_msg is '错误消息';
comment on column sys_oper_log.oper_time is '操作时间';
comment on column sys_oper_log.cost_time is '消耗时间';
drop table if exists sys_oss;
create table if not exists sys_oss
oss_id bigint,
file_name varchar(255) default ''::varchar not null,
original_name varchar(255) default ''::varchar not null,
file_suffix varchar(10) default ''::varchar not null,
url varchar(500) default ''::varchar not null,
service varchar(20) default 'minio'::varchar,
create_by bigint,
create_time timestamp,
update_by bigint,
update_time timestamp,
constraint sys_oss_pk primary key (oss_id)
comment on table sys_oss is 'OSS对象存储表';
comment on column sys_oss.oss_id is '对象存储主键';
comment on column sys_oss.file_name is '文件名';
comment on column sys_oss.original_name is '原名';
comment on column sys_oss.file_suffix is '文件后缀名';
comment on column sys_oss.url is 'URL地址';
comment on column sys_oss.service is '服务商';
comment on column sys_oss.create_by is '上传人';
comment on column sys_oss.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_oss.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_oss.update_time is '更新时间';
drop table if exists sys_oss_config;
create table if not exists sys_oss_config
oss_config_id bigint,
config_key varchar(20) default ''::varchar not null,
access_key varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
secret_key varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
bucket_name varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
prefix varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
endpoint varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
domain varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
is_https char default 'N'::bpchar,
region varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
access_policy char(1) default '1'::bpchar not null,
status char default '1'::bpchar,
ext1 varchar(255) default ''::varchar,
create_by bigint,
create_time timestamp,
update_by bigint,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default ''::varchar,
constraint sys_oss_config_pk primary key (oss_config_id)
comment on table sys_oss_config is '对象存储配置表';
comment on column sys_oss_config.oss_config_id is '主建';
comment on column sys_oss_config.config_key is '配置key';
comment on column sys_oss_config.access_key is 'accessKey';
comment on column sys_oss_config.secret_key is '秘钥';
comment on column sys_oss_config.bucket_name is '桶名称';
comment on column sys_oss_config.prefix is '前缀';
comment on column sys_oss_config.endpoint is '访问站点';
comment on column sys_oss_config.domain is '自定义域名';
comment on column sys_oss_config.is_https is '是否httpsY=是,N=否)';
comment on column sys_oss_config.region is '';
comment on column sys_oss_config.access_policy is '桶权限类型(0=private 1=public 2=custom)';
comment on column sys_oss_config.status is '是否默认0=是,1=否)';
comment on column sys_oss_config.ext1 is '扩展字段';
comment on column sys_oss_config.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_oss_config.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_oss_config.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_oss_config.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_oss_config.remark is '备注';
INSERT INTO sys_oss_config VALUES
(1, 'minio', 'ruoyi-flex', 'ruoyi-flex@369', 'ruoyi-flex', '', '', '', 'N', '', '1', '0', '', 1, '2023-11-30 11:54:13', 1, '2023-12-03 09:07:42', NULL),
(2, 'qiniu', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'ruoyi-flex', '', '', '', 'N', '', '1', '1', '', 1, '2023-11-30 11:54:13', 1, '2023-12-01 14:25:43', NULL),
(3, 'aliyun', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'ruoyi-flex', '', '', '', 'N', '', '1', '1', '', 1, '2023-11-30 11:54:13', 1, '2023-12-01 14:25:48', NULL),
(4, 'qcloud', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'ruoyi-flex', '', '', '', 'N', '', '1', '1', '', 1, '2023-11-30 11:54:13', 1, '2023-12-01 14:26:02', NULL);
drop table if exists sys_post;
create table if not exists sys_post
post_id bigint,
post_code varchar(64) not null,
post_name varchar(50) not null,
post_sort int4 not null,
status char not null,
create_by bigint,
create_time timestamp,
update_by bigint,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default null::varchar,
constraint "sys_post_pk" primary key (post_id)
comment on table sys_post is '岗位信息表';
comment on column sys_post.post_id is '岗位ID';
comment on column sys_post.post_code is '岗位编码';
comment on column sys_post.post_name is '岗位名称';
comment on column sys_post.post_sort is '显示顺序';
comment on column sys_post.status is '状态0正常 1停用';
comment on column sys_post.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_post.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_post.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_post.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_post.remark is '备注';
(1, 'ceo', '董事长', 1, '0', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, '2023-09-02 15:43:55', ''),
(2, 'se', '项目经理', 2, '0', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, ''),
(3, 'hr', '人力资源', 3, '0', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, ''),
(4, 'users', '普通员工', 4, '0', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, '2023-07-13 21:30:24', ''),
(5, 'deptLeader', '部门管理岗', 5, '0', 1, '2023-10-01 10:33:39', 1, '2023-10-01 10:33:39', '部门负责人岗位');
drop table if exists sys_role;
create table if not exists sys_role
role_id bigint,
role_name varchar(30) not null,
role_key varchar(100) not null,
role_sort int4 not null,
data_scope char default '1'::bpchar,
menu_check_strictly bool default true,
dept_check_strictly bool default true,
status char not null,
del_flag smallint default 0,
create_by bigint,
create_time timestamp,
update_by bigint,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default null::varchar,
constraint "sys_role_pk" primary key (role_id)
comment on table sys_role is '角色信息表';
comment on column sys_role.role_id is '角色ID';
comment on column sys_role.role_name is '角色名称';
comment on column sys_role.role_key is '角色权限字符串';
comment on column sys_role.role_sort is '显示顺序';
comment on column sys_role.data_scope is '数据范围1全部数据权限 2自定数据权限 3本部门数据权限 4本部门及以下数据权限';
comment on column sys_role.menu_check_strictly is '菜单树选择项是否关联显示';
comment on column sys_role.dept_check_strictly is '部门树选择项是否关联显示';
comment on column sys_role.status is '角色状态0正常 1停用';
comment on column sys_role.del_flag is '删除标志0代表存在 1代表删除';
comment on column sys_role.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_role.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_role.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_role.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_role.remark is '备注';
(1, '超级管理员角色', 'admin', 1, '1', '1', '1', '0', 0, 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, NULL, '超级管理员'),
(2, '普通角色', 'common', 2, '2', '1', '1', '0', 0, 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 2, '2023-12-14 21:23:08', '普通角色'),
(101, '测试角色名称', 'test', 9, '3', '1', '1', '0', 0, 1, '2023-09-03 11:12:24', 1, '2023-12-14 16:41:05', '备注'),
(107, '本部门及以下角色', 'deptAdmin', 10, '4', '1', '1', '0', 0, 1, '2023-09-30 10:31:25', 1, '2023-11-21 16:08:09', '部门备注'),
(15649521177000164, '本部门角色', 'OnlyDept', 13, '3', '1', '1', '0', 0, 1, '2023-09-30 16:06:21', 1, '2023-11-21 09:17:59', '本部门可见'),
(65643961968087040, '本人角色', 'OnlyMe', 14, '5', '1', '1', '0', 0, 1, '2023-09-30 16:26:40', 1, '2023-10-27 20:08:29', NULL),
(65652406490345472, '自定义角色', 'customRole', 20, '2', '1', '1', '0', 0, 1, '2023-09-30 17:00:13', 1, '2023-11-21 15:41:54', '自定义');
drop table if exists sys_role_dept;
create table if not exists sys_role_dept
role_id bigint not null,
dept_id bigint not null,
constraint sys_role_dept_pk primary key (role_id, dept_id)
comment on table sys_role_dept is '角色和部门关联表';
comment on column sys_role_dept.role_id is '角色ID';
comment on column sys_role_dept.dept_id is '部门ID';
INSERT INTO sys_role_dept VALUES
(2, 100),
(2, 101),
(2, 105),
(65652406490345472, 100),
(65652406490345472, 103),
(65652406490345472, 108),
(65652406490345472, 201),
(65652406490345472, 202),
(65652406490345472, 203);
drop table if exists sys_role_menu;
create table if not exists sys_role_menu
role_id bigint not null,
menu_id bigint not null,
constraint sys_role_menu_pk primary key (role_id, menu_id)
comment on table sys_role_menu is '角色和菜单关联表';
comment on column sys_role_menu.role_id is '角色ID';
comment on column sys_role_menu.menu_id is '菜单ID';
INSERT INTO sys_role_menu VALUES
(2, 1),
(2, 100),
(2, 101),
(2, 102),
(2, 103),
(2, 104),
(2, 105),
(2, 106),
(2, 107),
(2, 108),
(2, 118),
(2, 500),
(2, 501),
(2, 1000),
(2, 1001),
(2, 1002),
(2, 1003),
(2, 1004),
(2, 1005),
(2, 1006),
(2, 1007),
(2, 1008),
(2, 1009),
(2, 1010),
(2, 1011),
(2, 1012),
(2, 1013),
(2, 1014),
(2, 1015),
(2, 1016),
(2, 1017),
(2, 1018),
(2, 1019),
(2, 1020),
(2, 1021),
(2, 1022),
(2, 1023),
(2, 1024),
(2, 1025),
(2, 1026),
(2, 1027),
(2, 1028),
(2, 1029),
(2, 1030),
(2, 1031),
(2, 1032),
(2, 1033),
(2, 1034),
(2, 1035),
(2, 1036),
(2, 1037),
(2, 1038),
(2, 1039),
(2, 1040),
(2, 1041),
(2, 1042),
(2, 1043),
(2, 1044),
(2, 1045),
(2, 2018),
(2, 2050),
(2, 2051),
(2, 2052),
(2, 2053),
(2, 2054),
(2, 2055),
(2, 2056),
(2, 2057),
(2, 2058),
(2, 2059),
(2, 2060),
(2, 2061),
(2, 2062),
(2, 2063),
(2, 2064),
(2, 2065),
(2, 2066),
(2, 2067),
(2, 2071),
(2, 2072),
(2, 2073),
(2, 2074),
(2, 2075),
(2, 2076),
(2, 2077),
(2, 2078),
(2, 2079),
(2, 2080),
(2, 2081),
(2, 2082),
(2, 2085),
(2, 2086),
(2, 2087),
(2, 2088),
(2, 2089),
(2, 2090),
(101, 4),
(107, 1),
(107, 3),
(107, 100),
(107, 101),
(107, 102),
(107, 103),
(107, 104),
(107, 105),
(107, 106),
(107, 107),
(107, 108),
(107, 115),
(107, 116),
(107, 117),
(107, 500),
(107, 501),
(107, 1000),
(107, 1001),
(107, 1002),
(107, 1003),
(107, 1004),
(107, 1005),
(107, 1006),
(107, 1007),
(107, 1008),
(107, 1009),
(107, 1010),
(107, 1011),
(107, 1012),
(107, 1013),
(107, 1014),
(107, 1015),
(107, 1016),
(107, 1017),
(107, 1018),
(107, 1019),
(107, 1020),
(107, 1021),
(107, 1022),
(107, 1023),
(107, 1024),
(107, 1025),
(107, 1026),
(107, 1027),
(107, 1028),
(107, 1029),
(107, 1030),
(107, 1031),
(107, 1032),
(107, 1033),
(107, 1034),
(107, 1035),
(107, 1036),
(107, 1037),
(107, 1038),
(107, 1039),
(107, 1040),
(107, 1041),
(107, 1042),
(107, 1043),
(107, 1044),
(107, 1045),
(107, 1055),
(107, 1056),
(107, 1057),
(107, 1058),
(107, 1059),
(107, 1060),
(107, 2018),
(107, 2050),
(107, 2051),
(107, 2052),
(107, 2053),
(107, 2054),
(107, 2055),
(107, 2056),
(107, 2057),
(107, 2058),
(107, 2059),
(107, 2060),
(107, 2061),
(107, 2062),
(107, 2063),
(107, 2064),
(107, 2065),
(107, 2066),
(107, 2067),
(15649521177000164, 1),
(15649521177000164, 2),
(15649521177000164, 3),
(15649521177000164, 4),
(15649521177000164, 100),
(15649521177000164, 101),
(15649521177000164, 102),
(15649521177000164, 103),
(15649521177000164, 104),
(15649521177000164, 105),
(15649521177000164, 106),
(15649521177000164, 107),
(15649521177000164, 108),
(15649521177000164, 109),
(15649521177000164, 110),
(15649521177000164, 112),
(15649521177000164, 113),
(15649521177000164, 115),
(15649521177000164, 116),
(15649521177000164, 117),
(15649521177000164, 500),
(15649521177000164, 501),
(15649521177000164, 1000),
(15649521177000164, 1001),
(15649521177000164, 1002),
(15649521177000164, 1003),
(15649521177000164, 1004),
(15649521177000164, 1005),
(15649521177000164, 1006),
(15649521177000164, 1007),
(15649521177000164, 1008),
(15649521177000164, 1009),
(15649521177000164, 1010),
(15649521177000164, 1011),
(15649521177000164, 1012),
(15649521177000164, 1013),
(15649521177000164, 1014),
(15649521177000164, 1015),
(15649521177000164, 1016),
(15649521177000164, 1017),
(15649521177000164, 1018),
(15649521177000164, 1019),
(15649521177000164, 1020),
(15649521177000164, 1021),
(15649521177000164, 1022),
(15649521177000164, 1023),
(15649521177000164, 1024),
(15649521177000164, 1025),
(15649521177000164, 1026),
(15649521177000164, 1027),
(15649521177000164, 1028),
(15649521177000164, 1029),
(15649521177000164, 1030),
(15649521177000164, 1031),
(15649521177000164, 1032),
(15649521177000164, 1033),
(15649521177000164, 1034),
(15649521177000164, 1035),
(15649521177000164, 1036),
(15649521177000164, 1037),
(15649521177000164, 1038),
(15649521177000164, 1039),
(15649521177000164, 1040),
(15649521177000164, 1041),
(15649521177000164, 1042),
(15649521177000164, 1043),
(15649521177000164, 1044),
(15649521177000164, 1045),
(15649521177000164, 1046),
(15649521177000164, 1047),
(15649521177000164, 1048),
(15649521177000164, 1049),
(15649521177000164, 1050),
(15649521177000164, 1051),
(15649521177000164, 1052),
(15649521177000164, 1053),
(15649521177000164, 1054),
(15649521177000164, 1055),
(15649521177000164, 1056),
(15649521177000164, 1057),
(15649521177000164, 1058),
(15649521177000164, 1059),
(15649521177000164, 1060),
(15649521177000164, 2018),
(15649521177000164, 2050),
(15649521177000164, 2051),
(15649521177000164, 2052),
(15649521177000164, 2053),
(15649521177000164, 2054),
(15649521177000164, 2055),
(15649521177000164, 2056),
(15649521177000164, 2057),
(15649521177000164, 2058),
(15649521177000164, 2059),
(15649521177000164, 2060),
(15649521177000164, 2061),
(15649521177000164, 2062),
(15649521177000164, 2063),
(15649521177000164, 2064),
(15649521177000164, 2065),
(15649521177000164, 2066),
(15649521177000164, 2067),
(65643961968087040, 1),
(65643961968087040, 100),
(65643961968087040, 101),
(65643961968087040, 102),
(65643961968087040, 103),
(65643961968087040, 104),
(65643961968087040, 105),
(65643961968087040, 106),
(65643961968087040, 107),
(65643961968087040, 108),
(65643961968087040, 500),
(65643961968087040, 501),
(65643961968087040, 1000),
(65643961968087040, 1001),
(65643961968087040, 1002),
(65643961968087040, 1003),
(65643961968087040, 1004),
(65643961968087040, 1005),
(65643961968087040, 1006),
(65643961968087040, 1007),
(65643961968087040, 1008),
(65643961968087040, 1009),
(65643961968087040, 1010),
(65643961968087040, 1011),
(65643961968087040, 1012),
(65643961968087040, 1013),
(65643961968087040, 1014),
(65643961968087040, 1015),
(65643961968087040, 1016),
(65643961968087040, 1017),
(65643961968087040, 1018),
(65643961968087040, 1019),
(65643961968087040, 1020),
(65643961968087040, 1021),
(65643961968087040, 1022),
(65643961968087040, 1023),
(65643961968087040, 1024),
(65643961968087040, 1025),
(65643961968087040, 1026),
(65643961968087040, 1027),
(65643961968087040, 1028),
(65643961968087040, 1029),
(65643961968087040, 1030),
(65643961968087040, 1031),
(65643961968087040, 1032),
(65643961968087040, 1033),
(65643961968087040, 1034),
(65643961968087040, 1035),
(65643961968087040, 1036),
(65643961968087040, 1037),
(65643961968087040, 1038),
(65643961968087040, 1039),
(65643961968087040, 1040),
(65643961968087040, 1041),
(65643961968087040, 1042),
(65643961968087040, 1043),
(65643961968087040, 1044),
(65643961968087040, 1045),
(65643961968087040, 2018),
(65643961968087040, 2050),
(65643961968087040, 2051),
(65643961968087040, 2052),
(65643961968087040, 2053),
(65643961968087040, 2054),
(65643961968087040, 2055),
(65643961968087040, 2056),
(65643961968087040, 2057),
(65643961968087040, 2058),
(65643961968087040, 2059),
(65643961968087040, 2060),
(65643961968087040, 2061),
(65643961968087040, 2062),
(65643961968087040, 2063),
(65643961968087040, 2064),
(65643961968087040, 2065),
(65643961968087040, 2066),
(65643961968087040, 2067),
(65652406490345472, 1),
(65652406490345472, 2),
(65652406490345472, 3),
(65652406490345472, 4),
(65652406490345472, 100),
(65652406490345472, 101),
(65652406490345472, 102),
(65652406490345472, 103),
(65652406490345472, 104),
(65652406490345472, 105),
(65652406490345472, 106),
(65652406490345472, 107),
(65652406490345472, 108),
(65652406490345472, 109),
(65652406490345472, 110),
(65652406490345472, 112),
(65652406490345472, 113),
(65652406490345472, 115),
(65652406490345472, 116),
(65652406490345472, 117),
(65652406490345472, 500),
(65652406490345472, 501),
(65652406490345472, 1000),
(65652406490345472, 1001),
(65652406490345472, 1002),
(65652406490345472, 1003),
(65652406490345472, 1004),
(65652406490345472, 1005),
(65652406490345472, 1006),
(65652406490345472, 1007),
(65652406490345472, 1008),
(65652406490345472, 1009),
(65652406490345472, 1010),
(65652406490345472, 1011),
(65652406490345472, 1012),
(65652406490345472, 1013),
(65652406490345472, 1014),
(65652406490345472, 1015),
(65652406490345472, 1016),
(65652406490345472, 1017),
(65652406490345472, 1018),
(65652406490345472, 1019),
(65652406490345472, 1020),
(65652406490345472, 1021),
(65652406490345472, 1022),
(65652406490345472, 1023),
(65652406490345472, 1024),
(65652406490345472, 1025),
(65652406490345472, 1026),
(65652406490345472, 1027),
(65652406490345472, 1028),
(65652406490345472, 1029),
(65652406490345472, 1030),
(65652406490345472, 1031),
(65652406490345472, 1032),
(65652406490345472, 1033),
(65652406490345472, 1034),
(65652406490345472, 1035),
(65652406490345472, 1036),
(65652406490345472, 1037),
(65652406490345472, 1038),
(65652406490345472, 1039),
(65652406490345472, 1040),
(65652406490345472, 1041),
(65652406490345472, 1042),
(65652406490345472, 1043),
(65652406490345472, 1044),
(65652406490345472, 1045),
(65652406490345472, 1046),
(65652406490345472, 1047),
(65652406490345472, 1048),
(65652406490345472, 1049),
(65652406490345472, 1050),
(65652406490345472, 1051),
(65652406490345472, 1052),
(65652406490345472, 1053),
(65652406490345472, 1054),
(65652406490345472, 1055),
(65652406490345472, 1056),
(65652406490345472, 1057),
(65652406490345472, 1058),
(65652406490345472, 1059),
(65652406490345472, 1060),
(65652406490345472, 2018),
(65652406490345472, 2050),
(65652406490345472, 2051),
(65652406490345472, 2052),
(65652406490345472, 2053),
(65652406490345472, 2054),
(65652406490345472, 2055),
(65652406490345472, 2056),
(65652406490345472, 2057),
(65652406490345472, 2058),
(65652406490345472, 2059),
(65652406490345472, 2060),
(65652406490345472, 2061),
(65652406490345472, 2062),
(65652406490345472, 2063),
(65652406490345472, 2064),
(65652406490345472, 2065),
(65652406490345472, 2066),
(65652406490345472, 2067);
drop table if exists sys_tenant;
create table if not exists sys_tenant
id bigint,
tenant_id bigint,
contact_user_name varchar(20) default null::varchar,
contact_phone varchar(20) default null::varchar,
company_name varchar(50) default null::varchar,
license_number varchar(30) default null::varchar,
address varchar(200) default null::varchar,
intro varchar(200) default null::varchar,
domain varchar(200) default null::varchar,
remark varchar(200) default null::varchar,
package_id bigint,
expire_time timestamp,
account_count int4 default -1,
status char default '0'::bpchar,
del_flag smallint default 0,
create_by bigint,
create_time timestamp,
update_by bigint,
update_time timestamp,
constraint "pk_sys_tenant" primary key (id)
comment on table sys_tenant is '租户表';
comment on column sys_tenant.tenant_id is '租户编号';
comment on column sys_tenant.contact_phone is '联系电话';
comment on column sys_tenant.company_name is '企业名称';
comment on column sys_tenant.company_name is '联系人';
comment on column sys_tenant.license_number is '统一社会信用代码';
comment on column sys_tenant.address is '地址';
comment on column sys_tenant.intro is '企业简介';
comment on column sys_tenant.domain is '域名';
comment on column sys_tenant.remark is '备注';
comment on column sys_tenant.package_id is '租户套餐编号';
comment on column sys_tenant.expire_time is '过期时间';
comment on column sys_tenant.account_count is '用户数量(-1不限制';
comment on column sys_tenant.status is '租户状态0正常 1停用';
comment on column sys_tenant.del_flag is '删除标志0代表存在 1代表删除';
comment on column sys_tenant.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_tenant.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_tenant.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_tenant.update_time is '更新时间';
insert into sys_tenant values
(1, 1, '租户管理组', '18888888888', 'XXX有限公司', NULL, NULL, 'RuoYi-Flex多租户通用后台管理管理系统', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, -1, '0', 0, 1, '2023-08-13 08:08:08', NULL, NULL);
drop table if exists sys_user;
create table if not exists sys_user
user_id bigint,
tenant_id bigint,
dept_id bigint,
user_name varchar(30) not null,
nick_name varchar(30) not null,
user_type varchar(10) default 'sys_user'::varchar,
email varchar(50) default ''::varchar,
phonenumber varchar(11) default ''::varchar,
gender char default '0'::bpchar,
avatar bigint,
password varchar(100) default ''::varchar,
status char default '0'::bpchar,
del_flag smallint default 0,
login_ip varchar(128) default ''::varchar,
login_date timestamp,
create_by bigint,
create_time timestamp,
update_by bigint,
update_time timestamp,
remark varchar(500) default null::varchar,
constraint "sys_user_pk" primary key (user_id)
comment on table sys_user is '用户信息表';
comment on column sys_user.user_id is '用户ID';
comment on column sys_user.tenant_id is '租户编号';
comment on column sys_user.dept_id is '部门ID';
comment on column sys_user.user_name is '用户账号';
comment on column sys_user.nick_name is '用户昵称';
comment on column sys_user.user_type is '用户类型sys_user系统用户';
comment on column is '用户邮箱';
comment on column sys_user.phonenumber is '手机号码';
comment on column sys_user.gender is '用户性别0男 1女 2未知';
comment on column sys_user.avatar is '头像地址';
comment on column sys_user.password is '密码';
comment on column sys_user.status is '帐号状态0正常 1停用';
comment on column sys_user.del_flag is '删除标志0代表存在 1代表删除';
comment on column sys_user.login_ip is '最后登陆IP';
comment on column sys_user.login_date is '最后登陆时间';
comment on column sys_user.create_by is '创建者';
comment on column sys_user.create_time is '创建时间';
comment on column sys_user.update_by is '更新者';
comment on column sys_user.update_time is '更新时间';
comment on column sys_user.remark is '备注';
(1, 1, 103, 'admin', '若依', 'sys_user', '', '15888888888', '1', NULL, '$2a$10$7JB720yubVSZvUI0rEqK/.VqGOZTH.ulu33dHOiBE8ByOhJIrdAu2', '0', 0, '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', '2023-12-18 10:57:01', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 1, '2023-12-18 10:57:01', '管理员'),
(2, 1, 65929080159150080, 'ry', 'ruoyi-flex', 'sys_user', '', '15666666666', '1', NULL, '$2a$10$LM1zq1y9I7QhvnMOK5NPuOkyr9r7fo8IGm2MGfeD5KKdQAOLcRmEe', '0', 0, '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1', '2023-12-14 21:22:18', 1, '2023-06-03 21:32:28', 2, '2023-12-14 21:22:18', '测试员'),
(100, 1, 102, 'flex', 'flex昵称', 'sys_user', '', '18808928888', '0', NULL, '$2a$10$jbN5LcYAQQ2E8g8MT.w7cu1YFNwKa/Nf4.A373DUc9fyRHLl9zwWO', '0', 0, '', '2023-11-15 16:42:43', 1, '2023-07-06 16:49:17', 100, '2023-11-15 16:45:08', NULL),
(101, 0, 100, 'vue3', 'vue3用户名', 'sys_user', '', '', '0', NULL, '$2a$10$MEjgdOQgvs7obwu6yoVnLO/K3wGPMlV3CAQMxVIpqwebFZat22NUW', '1', 0, '', NULL, 1, '2023-09-12 11:53:15', 1, '2023-10-16 17:15:32', 'vue3新增测试用户'),
(71449897878007808, 0, 65929080159150080, 'java', 'java', 'sys_user', '', '18966666666', '0', NULL, '$2a$10$fPvJrZBCZojxIauT/VERm.gX6jGVLfJLkKo5j5DGJstT6dO/AX4Dm', '0', 0, '', '2023-11-21 19:28:48', 1, '2023-10-16 16:57:23', 71449897878007808, '2023-11-21 19:28:48', 'java用户'),
(71454850805735424, 0, 65929460884512768, 'java2', 'java2', 'sys_user', '', '18855556963', '1', NULL, '$2a$10$m2g/pdS9ciOBYfVAEH6FoOsC2.Ls7b86oQ/TM/4WowwvGGE1aSRLS', '0', 1, '', NULL, 1, '2023-10-16 17:17:04', 1, '2023-10-16 17:19:24', NULL),
(71500938010955776, 0, 65929267321577472, 'javaTest', 'java测试', 'sys_user', '', '13366666666', '0', NULL, '', '0', 0, '', '2023-10-19 20:49:24', 1, '2023-10-16 20:20:12', 71449897878007808, '2023-11-21 09:35:54', NULL),
(75077525943939072, 0, 65929460884512768, 'li', 'li', 'sys_user', '', '13666666666', '0', NULL, '', '0', 0, '', NULL, 1, '2023-10-26 17:12:17', 1, '2023-11-21 16:07:15', NULL),
(75081100715675648, 0, 203, 'vue3-li', 'vue3-li', 'sys_user', '', '13566666666', '1', NULL, '', '0', 0, '', '2023-10-27 22:33:10', 1, '2023-10-26 17:26:29', 71449897878007808, '2023-11-21 16:26:17', NULL);
drop table if exists sys_user_post;
create table if not exists sys_user_post
user_id bigint not null,
post_id bigint not null,
constraint sys_user_post_pk primary key (user_id, post_id)
comment on table sys_user_post is '用户与岗位关联表';
comment on column sys_user_post.user_id is '用户ID';
comment on column sys_user_post.post_id is '岗位ID';
INSERT INTO sys_user_post VALUES
(1, 1),
(2, 2),
(100, 4),
(100, 65917508166729728),
(101, 3),
(101, 4),
(71449897878007808, 4),
(71449897878007808, 65917508166729728),
(75081100715675648, 4);
drop table if exists sys_user_role;
create table if not exists sys_user_role
user_id bigint not null,
role_id bigint not null,
constraint sys_user_role_pk primary key (user_id, role_id)
comment on table sys_user_role is '用户和角色关联表';
comment on column sys_user_role.user_id is '用户ID';
comment on column sys_user_role.role_id is '角色ID';
INSERT INTO sys_user_role VALUES
(1, 1),
(2, 2),
(2, 101),
(100, 101),
(100, 107),
(100, 15649521177000164),
(101, 2),
(101, 101),
(65714406834679808, 65714406834679809),
(65714406838874112, 65714406838874113),
(71449897878007808, 107),
(71449897878007808, 15649521177000164),
(71449897878007808, 65652406490345472),
(71500938010955776, 2),
(75077525943939072, 2),
(75081100715675648, 65643961968087040);
-- 字符串自动转时间 避免框架时间查询报错问题
create or replace function cast_varchar_to_timestamp(varchar) returns timestamptz as $$
select to_timestamp($1, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss');
$$ language sql strict ;
create cast (varchar as timestamptz) with function cast_varchar_to_timestamp as IMPLICIT;